, .. , ��.�,•,�y�k:it4�'i[ .. , e °���.3�y - ' ' .
<br /> .
<br /> . . .� ` .
<br /> - ..n '.�` ) � _- .p. � _ .._ .- -_•_.
<br /> . i. � '}�1��',-e�,• �. . ....._..��. """_ _... _..
<br /> i • _
<br /> .♦ . � . .._.�_. : " - __- _—__— — _.—__. :'"__"_ .__ .___— . _. _.. . ..—.
<br /> ._.._..�- � _ .
<br />—_.• �+� • .. . . �_. .
<br /> — ' .i�__... ' ; '-— __—. — ----—
<br /> _. __ _ _.. . ......... ... .... ____ _._ .. ._.. � "� ..__-�V��.YC "v.. .._..:. .. ..__ _
<br /> - - — - �t.s�!!{:«��}wur�s_meuc�o��muirance eoYetat�is aot avai�abl�t Borrower shsUpay to Lend�r each atanth a sum equal to - -
<br /> one-twe4fth oP thc yean'1y rnoitg�go in!u�ance pr�mium being paid by Horc�awer when d�e ur�u�+�::�.:..,,,�e�:-�Qr�-is- .
<br /> he in eftest.I.CIIfICT W�II�coept,use arx!�etef�n thesa paymems t►s a loss reserve In Iteu of mortgage fnsucance. Lo.ss reserve
<br />- �-.:_�-��-_ --. paymcnts may na ton�er bs required, at the opilon af Ixnder.if mortgage insurnncc coverage(ia the amount nnd for the pedod
<br /> ^ that i.ender requires) pravided by nn insurcr approved by Lcader ugain l�ecumes Avaltable and is obtained. Surmwer shal!pay —_
<br /> ttte premiums required to mninwim m�rtgage iagumnce in effect,or to provide a loss resen+e.untU the reyuircment for ntortguge
<br /> insurance tnda ln accordancc wtth any writun agreement between flurrower and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> - — ° � 9.lmpeclMn.I.cr►�ler or its agcnt may muke rensoneble enaies upon nnd inspectiona of the Pmperty L,�mder shall give
<br /> - - - Borrowes tx�tico at tlie time of or pdor to un iagpectlon specifying reusonablt cause for the inspection.
<br /> - 10. CondemntNon.The prace�ds af any uward or clnim for damages, direct or cansequential, in connection wlth unY
<br /> _l_ coAdrmn;+tinn or other takin�of Any purt of the Property.or for comeyance!n Iteu af rnndemnntIon.are hereby�ssignod nnd c_
<br /> shalt be paid to Lendtr.
<br /> _: [n the event of a totut taking of the Property.the proceeds shall be applial to the sutns aecured by th3s Sa:urity Insttument.
<br /> whether or not then due. with uny excess paid ta Borrower. In the event of a partiel teldng of the Property in whlch the fair
<br /> cnurket velua af the Praperty lmmediately 6efure the tnktng is e�qual to or gr+eater tha�►the amoum of 1he sums secured by thia
<br /> Securlty Instniment immediately befare the talcIng.uniess Borrower and Lender otlierwfse agree in writing,the suma secured by
<br /> _.,; thlA Secudty Instrument ahali be roduced by �►e amount of the proceeds multiptled by the following fcaction: (a) the total
<br /> - apnnuat of the sumg 5ecurad immedIately bnfore the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property imraediately
<br /> before the taking. Any balanee shall be paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partiai taking of the Prupeety in whicb thc fair �--� �
<br /> J market value of the!'ropetry immedjately before tha taking is less than the amouat af the sums secured immediately before the
<br /> taking, unless Borrower and Lertder othenvise agtee in wridng or unless applicable law otherwlss provides,the procceds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by thfs Security Inst�ument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> ,t�, + If the Praperty is abandoned by Bormwer.or if, after nodce by Lender to Bornower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages. Harrower fails to respond to I.endcr within 30 days after the date the notice is given. _
<br /> t j,� � Lender Is authotized to collect end apply tbo pmc�ds.at its option,either to restoration or tepair of the Property ac ta the sums
<br /> <.��.��„- . secured by this Secarity Insttuiaent,�vhether or not then due. G_
<br /> ���..�r;j, • Unless I.ender and Borrawer otherwise agree in writing, eny application of pmceeds to principal �hatt mc+Z extend or �..
<br /> y:�'��.�•._ postpone the due date of the monthly payments refeired ta in graphs 1 and 2 or change the entoua4 c+f�uch payments. _ �
<br /> ' ' ' ' 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By Lender ot a V6�eiv�er.��xtension of the dme fo'r�ayment or modification `r
<br /> -"';«����;�� af�ortizutlou of the sums sec�.•r�.�l by thts Securtty insnument granted����ender to any�uccessor�s interest of Harrower shall �}�h
<br /> - lease t h e l i a b i i a�r c�f t h e o ri i n al B o r r o w e r.�r S o r r o w e r's s u c c x�s s or�ic�antemst.L.ender shstll not�P tequlmd to ����`:i;;:
<br /> `: '' . no3 qgerate to re � �,.
<br /> � '':'��� '� ''j� e4 mm�nce procee�a�s against daiy successor la interest ar xefuse to ext�nd dme foi A�•anent or uthanvise modii'y aimorti7ation
<br /> P 6;;:
<br /> ��"�`''{'r���;�s''''.'�`'' of ahe sums socured by this Secudty Instn�anent by reason of any dsmRnd made by the arigirjaL Aorro�ex ar Borrower's � ,,.:;
<br /> ��r fi�-::`��.". . rc��.%<.-
<br /> ::��.,. + �, ,,, ..,� � yu�,aSprs in ineerest.Any forbearance by Lcnder in exercisin�any rlgme or remedy shall not be A w�ivur off ar preclude the ��.,`.
<br /> �'�:�� �� ex¢rcisr af any right ar remedy. `
<br /> ��2�7 :"•�s�j �•`,�� ;��r � �2. Succ�ssois and Assigas Bound;Jo�n! and Several Liablli Co-si neis. The covenara3.s ancb reernents of this 'r<��:
<br /> 9n �3'i S � r•��
<br /> �:t .;,;�a.. •:: • :.�r� .
<br /> ,�•4�r� ; � S�urity Insm�ment shall bind and benefit the successars and acsigns of Lender and Borrower. subject so t6e psovisions of �+� ..
<br /> f �k'��;;t� � �E��s.i � paragraph 17. Borrower's oovenants and agrex�tn�nis a'��ll be joint and several. Ar�y Borrower who co-signs this Secudty 1� ,
<br /> ��',1(�� r �,>�„ • l�iru�eni bui�s :�t ix�xste!hc *lc�w:;a�9s re-S�oning thic Security ln.�trument only io mort$aRe.8rant and vonvey tha� vr 4�
<br /> �,�.:• •,�•-�,t,��,r.• .rr�°r�: Borrower's inteaest ie�thc Property under the te[�ss af this Securiry Instrument;(b)is aat perso�aally obligated to pay the swn.c .,,� :
<br /> '.f:;::s ,.,��il,;�:ff5°'� '•�`�' � secunod by this Securit� iactrument: �nd(c)arre�es that Lendet and any�aiher Horrower may agre°to eutend.tatadifp.forbear cn :���:_,:
<br /> `��'�" '�'`+;�`�'���<<: ' majce any a000mmodaUons with�egsird to the temu of this S�curity Instrument or the Note w�thout that Borrower a.ccrosent. ;n�;
<br /> •..,.,t.,...., rd
<br /> . 13.Loan Cha�es.If the loan secured by this Security Instcument ls subject to a!aw which sets maximu� lonn charges. `,',"
<br /> ' and that law ia finally intetp�ete�so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connzction with the ���:�;
<br /> re
<br /> . loan exceed the permitted Itmi�s.then: (a)any such loan charge shr�ll b� reduced by the umount necessa�to reduce the charge
<br /> �,��F; ,� to the permjtted limit:and(b)any sums ulc+eady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted linuts will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender muy choose to make this refund by ceducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> "'' � '"� payment tu Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated es a partial prepayment without any
<br /> "'`w'".'` ', � " � prep�yment charge under the Note.
<br /> =` �� 14.Notloes.Any notice to Borrower pravided for in this Security Instrument tihull be given by dclivering it or by mnilia�
<br /> -`�� it by first class mail unless appiicable law requtms use af unother methcxi.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address T. .'
<br /> � w1Y! .h n n..
<br /> "'�'«'��*� •' or uny other address Borroaer designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> �'�''''••"':-•' •`..` Lender's address stated herein ar uny other uddress I.ender designatcs by nutice to Borrower.Any notice provIded for in this .
<br /> •'"�.`w'--.�` �`:c'. ' °�
<br /> Sec�r�ry Instrument shall be deemod to have bcen given to Botrowcr or Lender when given as provided in thi.�parabraph.
<br /> � ' ' "" IS.Governtpg Lciwi ��ebility. This Security instrument shssll be governed by fedeml law and the law of the
<br /> , � � �� jurlsdictlon in which the Property is locatod. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the Note ,
<br /> . �.::��'�� • � conflicts w[th applicable law,such contlict shali nat affect other provisions of this Security Insuumtnt or the Note which can be
<br /> ':;',,... � given eft'ect without the conflicting pmvision.To this end the provisions of thls Srcurity Insuument and the Note are declsu+ed
<br /> . to be severable. ,
<br /> '?„ ,. 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confocmed copy of the Note and of thic Security Instrument.
<br /> �� 17.1Yansfer ot the Pi+nperty or a Beneftdal inte�est in Borrower.If a1l or any part of thc Property or any interest M it
<br /> � " is sold nr transfecred(or if a beneficial interest in Bortower is sold or transferne�and Borrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> �,�'� """ `�� � I.ender's prior written oonsent. Lender may. at its option, require immediate payment in ful! of all sums secured by this
<br /> :•i: '., ' � Security Insuument. However, this option shall not be exercised by I.ender if ezercise is prohibited by foderal law as of the date
<br /> ,;�:A-• ,., - � ! of this Securiry instcument.
<br /> . � If[,ender exercises this option.I.ender shull give Borrower notice of acoeleration.The notice shall provide a per�od of nut
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ull sums secuted by this
<br /> ' Sea�riry Instmment.If Borrower fnils to pay these sums prior to the expir.uion of this period.Lender may invoke any remedip
<br /> ���' permitted by this Security Instrument wethout further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> '� ' ��`+�' 18. Borrower's Right to Rei�utate. if Borrower meets certain condttions. Borrawer shatl have the right to have
<br /> � �'� • � `'''� enforcement of this Security Insauaunt discontinued at any time prior tn the earlier of: (a)S days (or such other period us
<br /> ���' applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale containod in this ,
<br /> , � Sawrity Instnime�►t;or(b)entry of a jud�rtent enfoning this Sauriry Tnstrument.Those�bnditions are that Bonower:(u)pays
<br /> , Lender all sums which then would be due under this Secudty Instnunent and the Nlote as if no aceeterauon had occurred: (b) +.,.
<br />'" �.�' '� .,, cures any default of eny other rnven�nts or agreements;(c)pays a{I expenses incurred in enforcing this Security instrument.
<br /> including.but not limited to,c+easonable anorneys' fces;and (d)takes such action as Lender may rqsonably rcquire to assum
<br /> 'S thut the lien of this Security Insmiment.Lender's rights in the Property and Boirower's obligation to pay the sums securcd by
<br /> _,� this Seruriry Instntment shall enntinue unchangeci. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower. this Securiry Instrument and thc
<br /> _�__.:__�.a.........r.� u... �1.:0..oMt tn minctata chall
<br /> _ obli�aUOtis SeCtlfeu i1ce+�y snati mmain iuiiy�u�ziivc:u�i i�v�,uo..»�....,...,........................ »......D�.... ._.._...._ _.�. l-
<br /> ` � not apply in the pse of accelerabon under paragrnph 17.
<br /> ,- ,,,�;� 19. 5ale of Note�C6anse o!Loan Servioer.1'he Note or a partial interest in the Note (together �vith this Security f
<br /> . ° ':�;;�;, Iasuument)mtiy be sold one or mo:•z rienes without prior notiee to Borrower. A sale may rcsult on a change in the entity(kno•�vn �
<br /> m
<br /> .. as the"I.oan Servl�r')that coltocts�rtomhly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Insuc�ent.Thei�also may be otte
<br /> '�. aa anoce changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a ssle uf the Note.If them is a change of the L.oan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> gitien written nodce of the change in accocdanoe with paragrapfi 14 above and epplicable luw.The notice will staze the name:u�d �
<br /> • " address of the ne�v Loan Servioer and the address to which payments should be mude. The notice wifl also wntain any other �"��,:�
<br /> r °
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> �. 2p. Harardons Suh�tanaxs. Borrower shall noi rnuse vr permes che presence, use, disposzS, storuge, or re�ease of any �
<br /> ""--- Haraidous Substastoes on or in the F�operty. Borrower sh�ll not 8��, nnr aDow anyone elce to da. anything affecting the �
<br /> ' :4�', �.." Froperty that is in vialation of any Emironmental Iuw.The precedin�two sentences shali not apply to the pres�nce, use,or �
<br /> • . ,�''•: ..:y�r storage on the Property of small quantities of Hawrdoas Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> = �•�•.a„ residential uses nnd to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> -.a
<br /> , P�,�,�oy a Form 3028 9I30
<br /> . .
<br />