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<br /> 1. t�euranae.
<br /> — 1.1 Traetar ehali kcap tho eeaurYty lnaureA againpts t11 loea by pes�le
<br /> aovesed by etienEesd Eire pollay wl�h etandar� ex�endea aove:age endozse�ent, !n '
<br /> ; � aa•e�ount eQual Co 100t of the fuli reploae�ent value ot �he eeourity vlhhout � .
<br /> F deduoCloo for dOQPOC1AtiOh� (81 liabtllty lnaucance for the beneEit oE Ehe
<br /> 4� Hene!lciary and Trustee to pxoti�cE tha Heneficlasy and Tsaatee lso�n eny and ali
<br /> claiss oE pessonal in9nsy or property damaqe arie�ng lco�n or out oE the
<br /> '" pxewlaee� and (31 other inaurmnce nornal and cuato�aty !or ownese and a! si�llas —
<br /> propecty. Hutthec, eeneflciary may require any othe: saaaonable lneurAnae Eo
<br /> , paotect tihe eecarity. 7111 insuranae ahall be paid ior by the Truatos, sAail be
<br /> ,.. ln �on�+ and by aoapeny approvesd by bha eeneficiaty, shall ioaure tbe Bene- �
<br /> '•• tlsffasy� Truetee end Trustot ae thelr inte:ests appenr, aed ahell psovlde the t � -
<br /> J the lheatAace coapany ahail notify Ehe Bonelicla:y !n vriting ut leaet 30 daye
<br /> belose. spy canceliatlon o= termination baaomea etEective ea �o the BennLiciary.
<br /> ,.��,'+: . 1.4 Trnatos ahall pxovide the BeneEiciary prooE of Ehe lnaurance zequlred by
<br /> � �K��• thio Agree�ent a! leaet 15 daya befose advanc�Qent oP Punda un�er !he rtotee.
<br /> ��;,•:;,y•r;'��r„ TtqdtO! shali provide of renewai poliale� at leaet 15 aays before expiration oE '
<br /> r +�•v:�� -� any policy.. I! �Ae Ttuetoc faile to ptovide inaurance, Ehe Benefic�azy asy
<br /> '� � deciare the lonn and oaed o! Truat !h de�aul�, eeneficiary �ney purahaoe eualt . —
<br /> '�•'s�� inat�=ence �a nnaeaaar to :o�ect tha $eauti� The coet oE the lnearanae eo
<br /> .i,..._.:_„. ..r. Y 0 ri
<br /> ,,r.�,�rk�,,;_�;;,�y.� puxchaeed vlth �ntece�t ahall be deve�ed sn advanceMent to protect the aeausity, �
<br /> ,��.,�,,�f;��,�v��w S. Taxes, Asaeee�eeEa� and ahasgee. ""
<br /> ,�: ••�.., 8.1 7ruatar ehali pay all taxee, 1lsaeesm,ents, 1lene, and othe: chargea —
<br /> -: �'� including utility chA:gea rhich may afiect the security ae they u:e due and �'�_
<br /> ,�,.� '•+• beloze they ase deli�quent. UQon cequee�, Txuetos shall shov Beneticiaty ptoo4 --_
<br /> .is'Mlt'":'.•r:Y`1j
<br /> ..� . . of pap�onb. �zu[ftot ehall pay all tastea an8 Aasessnenta Whiah may be levied �;__
<br /> � � upori eoneficiary'a inEeseat hesein or upon this Oeed of Truat vithout tegaYE to c��:
<br /> ;:Y,:";r'�� . any lev !n eflect or that rnay be enacted lapoaing pay�en� of the vhole or any --
<br /> ' .. pact oE thetafore upon the eeneficiary.
<br /> �- 6. Condea�rtation. Conde�enatlon under tl�ie Oeed of Truat ahall lnclude any �
<br /> � � da�a e oc takin b an '�•
<br /> g g y y governnental authority and any tcansfer by private aale ��-
<br /> �•.�� ' in lleu tha=eoE. On condemnation, the eennficiary may declare the entite
<br /> „ indebtednees secured by the Daed ot Trust due and payabie. The Ttuator aeaigne
<br /> a�l slgh�s to.conpeneafion oc selie! !o: condemnatlon ot the Beneiictar , vho ''
<br /> .,..
<br /> r.ap procas� f�r �ust cc�parssatian 3n ths na�►s ot tt�a fiFUatbt vt Bane�ic acy. "'"
<br /> � The ptoaeede zecover hereundex £irst apply to the expensea o£ euch recovery T%a:
<br /> ' . inaluding atEorney Eees, then at the option of �he 8eneiiclasy, to restocation �'
<br /> of tho aecurily or payment o! the Sndebt�dnesa aecured by this Deed of Trqsl,
<br /> � . the�f bo the Tsuator. The Tcustoc agrees to make futthec assignments as .
<br /> �� neaeaeexy to give tihie provision efEect. ��
<br /> . . ?. Additional Liena and Protectlon of 8ecurity and 8ut�rogatlon.
<br /> �� ' . 7.1 Beeeficiary in sole diBCretion may make any peyment, expend os advance
<br /> - eny tunds !t deees neaeeeaty to protect the �acuritiy of thia Deed of Truet.
<br /> _ . OucA pay►�ent, expenditu=os or advancemenbs v itb shall become aecured heceby.
<br /> 9.Z Benelieiacy ie sub=ogeted to the clal�ns and llens of all pacties vbose
<br /> • aleise enE lieng are diecharqed or paid vith the p=oceeds of the lndebtednese
<br />°� .. eeeured heseby. The Beneficiary !e further subrogated to tt�e T=uator Eor ali
<br /> • ,. lneu:anee procee8a, claime, or da�neqes tio the secusity.
<br /> E. Oeleult, Ree�ediee, Jlccelasatiion, 8ale .
<br /> � � • e.l I! the TcuaEor doea nots t!) perEora any of the covenente of the Deed o4
<br /> �. " Teuel� ot (2? if the BeneEiclary hae to expe nd aums to protect the aecurity,
<br /> , . thsn Tsuetor hae b=eached his agreeasnt, is !n default and the BoneElciary nay
<br /> , dealete default gnd may dealarc all sums eacured hexeby immedlaL•ely due and
<br /> :�. payable end auch surae i�eAediately become due and payable without presentment, ;
<br /> de�end, proEest, or notice, of any kind exce pt �s may be provi8ed in the Dee� of ,
<br /> _ -• • ?rue! Note bnd may invoke the poves ot oale ane/or any other zeme8les permitted
<br />- �, by applicable Iaw including the right to for ealoae this Deee o£ Trust !n the
<br /> .�. • ,;,�`?'�' , �ennei pcovlded by lav for the foreclosuro of mortgeges on teai estate. C
<br /> • • �eneticinry ehall be entitled to colleCt a11� roaeonabie costa and exportses I
<br /> , f.';`" lneuccea in pqsaui�g euch ree�ediea includinq, but noti limited to, reasoneble
<br /> � •� atto:ney'e leea.
<br /> �'at�� A. I! tiAe povet of sale !e iavoked, the Trr.etee ahell procee� to aell tho "
<br /> �;. . -• proneCEy eoaPbying viEh the Nebraaka Tsast Deeda J►ct in regard to notice, Eime�
<br /> - � ana �ennat o! eale. �e Truetee may dell the psope:ty in one or more parcels
<br /> ! � enA ln eneh order aa the Trus�ee �ney dee�gnate, at public auction to the hlgheet
<br /> blaelelt� pusahaee prlce payable in caeh os as othervlse suit•eble tio the TrusEee
<br /> ', eC �he ti�a ot selo. The Trustee ene y poatpv ne the sale Prom tlme to time. The
<br /> _ • ' Teuastee �ha�l exeeutie end deliver to the pur chaser a Truetee's deed conveyfng
<br /> ' ;`� Ehe ptopetty aold, but vlLhouL any covenr�nt ox varranty, express or implied.
<br /> ° � � . " Th� =enitele !n the deed o£ any maltvrs or f acta ehall be conclusive proof of
<br /> - �. th� EruthE��lnese Ehezeot. 1►ny peraon, including vithout limitiatlo», Betteficiary I '
<br /> . at T�u�tae� �ay purehase et the eeie.
<br /> ' B. Mh�n Tsaetee ee�1e puiauaot to the pove:s herein, Trnsbee shall appiy the I
<br /> . piocaede o! the eale Eo tAe payment o£ the coate ond expensees of exerciaing the
<br /> poaret ot eale ond oE Che sale, lncluding, viChout iimitation, tho payment of tho f
<br /> � Tcuete�'� Iea� incusted. Tsuatee�a fees hereunder ahall be deamed reauanable lE �
<br /> the�/ ere Clt� 9ceaEer of eiEiter the actaal coets incurred by tho Trustee's or
<br />_ _� � r,l„� o! the bnlenee ot the origiaal emount sacured he=obv. nitez thp nev�o�F �� �_. -
<br /> _-- � cne Tsu�ces�e ieee, it the eaie is by a Trus tee� or the proper court androthec �
<br /> �R ��' � „ eoeta o! loxeuloeure and sele pursuant to �udicial toreciosuxe, the proceeds of ! .
<br /> the eale ehsll be ap�lied !n the order otated belov to the payment ol:tl) � ,
<br /> AEt�rney�e teen and aomta of colieation� t7) Cost ot any evfdence of titie I
<br /> ' procuted ln aaeneatlon vlth auch sale an6 any tevenue or tiax requlred to be ,
<br /> pab�f� tJl I111 obligetlona eecured by thia De ed of Tsust, (4y mhe remain8er, !f ;
<br /> � any, to the pocaon legall� entitled thereto. �
<br /> � , �
<br /> . � . .`` �
<br /> c. ,
<br /> � �,
<br /> , ,�
<br /> I;.
<br /> ,. �� --- _ _ �
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