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<br /> ':,,: � D��D OY TRi18T '�
<br /> �`� Thla Oeed of T:vat �ade Chie 28tb �ay oP June, 199�, by:
<br /> a'K1'
<br />'`,_ TRUeTORe� 6ebor�af� JeAane 8aroggfn• a sinqio pszaon �
<br /> /Y� /►DDR888: 310 Ea►st 6!h 8tieet . � �
<br /> � 8bP8f2CS�RYs City o! Orand falanfli A Municipal Corporation �, '
<br /> � ��
<br /> ADDREBe: . 100 Bast let 8lrcet, Orand ielana, HB �
<br /> TtivB�EE: C�4y Attosney ot the C1C� oE tisand Ieland .
<br /> 110DRR88= 100 East iat 8tseet, 3rand talend, N8 �. � ��
<br /> eor valuable conside=etion, '�snatos l:revocabiy qtante conveyes, anE �em�gna �
<br /> to Tiuetee, YN TRUBT, NITN BOMER OS 81►LE, �or the benofi� and �ie�usity o� .
<br /> b4ne!laiary, undes an0 aub�ee! to the zlghte ter.e►s and aonAiClarA of trile Deed . �
<br /> Y
<br /> ' � � u f low n deacribed s
<br /> eal so
<br /> ect iocaked in Hl1LL COUHT ,
<br /> of Tr o! th ol 1 Y
<br /> , a g D D
<br /> �ti NEHR118KAt . �
<br /> j; H
<br /> Lot 6+ aioak �; Originai Tovn, arand ieland, Hull county, xebsaek� • ,
<br /> �y� ;�:�,�;s �`
<br /> - � "'� (HerefnaEEer aalled the Pre�iaee) �
<br />'" � •. ,i�;t:,r r taqethes rith ail buildinge end i�npsove�eata nov or hereafte�t eracte8 upon the
<br /> �•, ' � ,_.f.,1 .�?�;�;
<br /> �,•,�{.� ....���r.,, premiae�j all centa, protllo, royAitiea, incone and other bene�Eitn Gesive� froa
<br /> ' i+�'��'�- '•-'%'' -; , the Qreateee;•ail eaeementsF liceneea, riqhta oE vay nov oz heseaEler eaCxving
<br /> �'-�'i'; to the premieeaj and eny and ail ava:de made toz the Baking by ewinent dmn�in, '
<br /> �� � �` �,`"'�'' •�,`�4�'�°r' lncludiag praeeede oi any agseement ende !n lieu thereof= an8,
<br /> ..4., ur,�,.i�`a(i:�:��.`�i.'t�:4;•
<br /> ,�1 t A.� . ��•. r
<br /> ' t�`��r irr��:>7::r'Y:?, 1►Il are aolleatively called the securlty.
<br /> ±�.• ;•, .,n..,.. .
<br /> .._'��::^f;,•:_.�.r -
<br /> -i'r ,';•,�c'�',.• °" FOR THB PUA9088 OS 8$CUR2NOi
<br /> ` � �'���''. ������"`' � ta1 The pmyment ot !he debt to the Henelicia=y evidenced by Che Truator•s note
<br /> ���• �'•.•�-���� of lhfa ea�e Eete fn the psinaiple eum of Tventv ',�louaend ppQ No/100 Dollere.
<br />- .'r•�`_r ,. °," •� .. ,(�2o.000i. rlth no inte=est, and upon the terea provldeE in the Notee and any
<br />- ��c.trv�: ,•+�:�,s� and ali renevale, modificatlons and extensione oE the Notesf
<br /> � .I�c;��,xc�••. �-• (b) Tho patEoxmance of= eaah ag:eeaent betveen the Tcuetoz and 8aneficiazy=
<br /> '1 ,4^;.,� , � the eovenante oE the Tsuatos in this Deed of Truet=
<br /> +.,..•�µ��'�. (a) The payrnent of eny aun os sume ritA interest thereon vAieh may later eriae
<br /> "�''�'S%�'"���•• '�� ' uedec the le:Ae oL thia DeeG a! Truet or may be a8vanced to bo eeaured by thla --
<br /> `x-'�°i��`"���` ' �' Deed of Trust. 8uture aAvanceeenta aay a�t exceed a eum eQual to th:ee tiaee
<br /> � !'i"'�'""'ys"" �7; . the orlginal prineipel emount oi the above-ceeited notee. __
<br /> . .n�Mw" �. . -�N.
<br /> �r��., �. . �'G Nlttl'ClSGT K'N!! BKCURITY 4Y THIB D88D 08 TRUBT� TRUBTOit HERSBY COVEN11NT8 BND ---
<br /> a^'_ _ ...
<br /> `;:v��,:� •. '' 110RSB8 ]18 FQ LONBs
<br /> -�� • " 1. Obliga�lon. Truator ehall profptly pay vhea Gue the principal of t3�e _._
<br /> � .�__ ,,. . . lnOebLedneaa eviEenced by the Notee, and ail other charqae and feee Qrovided So
<br /> \ "� the Notea oz secured by Lhis Deed o! Truat, anA the principal o£ and lntereet on '-��
<br /> \- �` any future advenaea eecu=ed by thie Deed of Truat not to exceed thcee tlmea the �.'*v._
<br />-� :::;..�:. .. ', osiqinal prinaipel amount of the above-reaited notee. �-��
<br /> �"�, -. 2. Narrartty oE Tit1e. °
<br /> " . ' 2.1 Tsustos !s Iawfally seized an8 poaeeasnd of qood and lndegeaaible title
<br /> • , en8 eetate 4o the property hereby convoyed an8 haa the right to grant an8 convey
<br /> . • the property. � "
<br /> �` • ' � 2.Y The psopezty Se iree and ciear o£ all 1Sena and encunbsancee exoept
<br /> �.
<br /> �*. • ., EOi NONE
<br />_ � � 3. ltaintenance of the 8ecurlLy. �
<br />: 3.1 Tsuetos aha11 keep the eecurity 1.n qood cond!lion and repaisj shail not
<br /> coesft or eu!!er vaatej ehall not do or aliov anything tn be done vhich vill �
<br /> fncrease the siek o! fire or other casualty Eo tho premiaea or dieninieh the
<br /> � :, •, velue ot the eecurity exeept reaaonable veec and tearj and, ehall not alter the
<br /> - , deaiqn or at=uckusal chn:ter of aay Duilding or edd any building vithin the
<br /> ' ' �, eecurity vlthout the v=ltten consent o! the BeneIIlaiary. .'.�
<br /> ' .,�� ir,�';�,;�;y��;'�ti.;�� 3.2 i! the aecurity or any pesE theseoi Sa datnageC by fire os othes ceuse • �
<br /> .�,.:�s::,"•;e;•.�• ...,. inaluding conaeanatSon. Tsuatoc ahall qive inmediate wsitten noeice of Ehe event `�+�^
<br /> • - • , '� to the 8enei'!clasy. Truetor ahell uee any proceeda of compeneatlon for the
<br /> •• � ;� dem�ge� f=otn the lneurance, condeQnation ava:d oY othervise to reslose or
<br /> ;'S, . � .�� . . 'r ceplace tfie proaeeda to the Heneficiery at tAe option o! the eenefieiary. If
<br /> �� semaininghproDertY�inia maanor�aatlefr�ctory ofhthe Beneflciaryp$ir, ot alees the
<br />__ 3.3 The 9eneficiaty or !t'e cepredenEative ia heseby authozizea to maRe os
<br /> � cauae to bo made reasonable enCtiee upon ana lnapeetions of tha y:emigee.
<br /> � 3.1 The Truatee ehall ptomptly comply vith all preoen! and fulure iavs,
<br /> o=6irtanco8, sulee en8 sogulationa o! any governeental authority affecting tRe
<br /> prenieea or any part the=eol. Thie eheli apply to any construction uport tihe
<br /> . preelsea as vell aa tha operatfon ot any buaineee upon the promisee.
<br /> � 't.�..
<br /> .:;,;+ ,
<br /> . s .. ..y�I.
<br /> `' Y. .
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