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<br /> .. . ._ __- .___ _ .._ __'__. .. ._ _ __ -. __.__._���f. -�.�'_.._._�_
<br /> • '1 � ���M � '
<br /> _ ' -"'_-"_'_""""'_,."___�— '__ ._._... _..._.-,. �....'__' __'_-. - � _
<br />- .. ._. . ..__ .._... . .._ .. ._ . .._.. _'_ awYMa1L--_"..___-_,_._.- _
<br /> - .. � �� � Gw�r��cv . ' -
<br /> UP� �� �PA�yma+t oP tt�e pxlce bici� Trurta s6�ii ckliv�r to tl�e putrh�er TnMtee'e deec�couraytpt il�e _..
<br /> Pn��rty. Ti�r rrxital�t��et�e Trustee'e deed shAN !x primu iacle�vidence AY the trutth Ut thc etMn�nla r�eadc thtrein.
<br /> 'lrttstec�stwll�pp1,y thn praca�c�Y the sate M t�u�ualo+,vliiR����rs(u)E�►all ci�sts att�i ex�w�isc.9 oC exea�:IsS�ig the�►wex nt
<br /> r�le,pitd the�wle,itxludl�Rhe pry�i�ent ot tha Tru.stee'e[eey uctuAlly Incnrred,�►t W excced `�
<br /> ot tAe prtucip�i�mount ot the note at t�ee tlme ot the declaraUun a!defauii, �nt!reasont�ble ettorneyo'reex�,+Pexmitted
<br /> by law;(D)to wli sume sec�red by thls Secuirtt}�InRtrumenti and(c)pny excr+9 to the pereon ar peraorav�kptally entitk�l to
<br /> It.
<br /> 22. �tecpnvey�nce. U�n p�yment of all sun�s socure� by thtR Secu��ty Iustrutnent, Lender shail reques�t Trus►ee to
<br />' f�CtNiYL'Y UiC Pf'('r�tL`i't�t itii(I tililil{ aan.:��lii• ttils Securlry InJttum�nt und ttH rt�tcw �v�dencin�debt Fcy:urc�d by this Security .__
<br /> lnatrument to Tnistoe.Ttustec shall recunvey the Property without wurranty and wtthout clu►rge to the perron ar persons Itgal(p
<br /> entided ta it.SuCh persan or persons shall pay any recordation wstK.
<br /> �3. 8ubetttnte T�tee. Lcnder. at its optton. rnnny from dmc to timu rcmovc Trustee and nppo�nt a saccessor t�stee to
<br /> any Tfustee appnintod h=rcundor by an instrumcnt recorded,in the county ln which thi�Security Insuument is rea�rded.Without
<br /> conveyance of ttte Property,the suar.ssor trustee shati succecd to all the dtie,pawer ancl dutIes conferred upon'Trustee herein
<br /> anc!by appifcable law.
<br /> 24.Requc$t fur Notkes.Bortnwer rcqucsts thut rnpies of die natices of ttafnuft�nd �+te he sent to 8orrowet's nddress
<br /> which!s tha Property Address.
<br /> 25.R[ders to thl�Security Instrument. If ona or inorc ridere are executcd by Honower und recarded tog�ther with this
<br /> Securtry Instrument,tha covenunts un►i ngreements uf each such rider shall bs incorporat�d iato and Eitull amend nnd suppletneat
<br /> the cavenants and agrcemenu of this Security InsirurRent ns if the dder(s)wem a pnrt of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> [Chxk appliceblo box(ea)1
<br /> Adj��stable R�te Rider Condominlum Rider 1-4 Fomity Rtder
<br /> Graduated Payment Rider Planned Unit Development Rider Biweekiy Puyment Rider
<br /> Bulloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider Second Hama RIder
<br /> []V.A.Rider Other(s)[specifyj
<br /> BY SICiNIN(3 BELOW. Borrower accepts und ugrees to the terms and covenunts contained in this Security insuument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and reconied with it. .
<br /> Wimesses: ,
<br /> . .���.��1n � 1.��a,�.tr '�,,..t��Q�"�cs��
<br /> pEBORRAH JErKNNE SCROtitilN ����
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> -BOrrower
<br /> (Seul) (Seal)
<br /> •Hor�owcr -Borrower -
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County ss:HALL
<br /> The foregoing inswment was acknowtodged befare me thts 29TH daY of JUNE 199 4 . =
<br /> Lt
<br /> Wimess my hand and notarial seal at in eai Counry.the date ttfaresatd. __
<br /> My CommissIon Eapires: ���'`� ' .
<br /> �������� Notary Public
<br /> �11�1�E�11�1,1991 -
<br /> �
<br /> ���
<br /> 4�.:
<br /> P�,e,�e Fortn 9028 8/80 =
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