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<br /> �7.Trpaefer ot the Property or o Beneflcis�l U►texegt In liarruwer.If all or any part of chc Properiy or any interest in Ix
<br /> ia sold or transfcrred(or if u beneficial jnterest in Borrower fa soid or trnttsfern;d�tnd Borrower is not a natural pccson)wtthout
<br /> - .�,—�.�,�T-- l.end�r'S prior written canscnt. I.ender mny. at its option. require immcdiutc payment in ful! af ull sums s�cured by thi�
<br />-��=�=""°"'� Securjty Instrument.Qiowever,this aption shall»ot be exerciscd by l.ender if exercise is pruhibitcd by fcdcrul lauv ns of thc dat� _--_..
<br />--- — — of this Sccurlty Instrument.
<br /> - - If Lender�xercfses this aption,Lender shull givc Borroaer notice of ucceleration.The natice shall provlde a perlod of not
<br /> __ - -- less than 30 days from the dute the natice is delivered ar mailed within which a4rrawer must pay Wl sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrurt�ent.If Bormwer fails ta ppy thr,se sums prior to the expiratian of this periad,Lendet muy invokc any remedfcz
<br /> permitted by thls Security Instrument withaut further notice or demund an Botrower.
<br /> - _ --------; 18. Borrower'g RiRht to Reinstate. If Borrawer meets certuin cunditions, Borrower shnll have the dght to have
<br /> enfon:ement of this Secudty Instrument discontinued At nny time prior to the earlier of: (n) 5 daye(or�uch�dier �eriud as
<br /> , upplicable lnw muy specify for reinstatement)before snle of the Property pursuant to any power oY sale contnlned in this
<br /> Secudty Instrumenr or(b)entry of a ju,dgment enforcing this Secudty Instrument.Those conditions erc that Bomower:(u)pnys
<br />. L.ender atl sums which then would be dae under this Seruriry Instrument and the Note a.ti if na ucceleration had occurred;(b)
<br /> �,` cures any defuult of any other covenan�w or agreements:(c)pflys ell expenses incurred in enfarcing tt�is Security Instrument.
<br /> ;; inctadin�, but not limited to,reasonable uttome�s'fees;und(d)takes such ucttan ns Lender may masanably require to assure
<br />-•' that the lien of thls Secudty Instrument. [.ender s rights in the Propeny and Borrower's obligation to pay the su�ts s�ured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall wntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securlty Instcument and Ihe ��
<br /> �'� obligadons secu[ed hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurrai. However.this right to teinstate shalt
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chat�e of I.oan Servicer. Tbe Note or a partiul Interest in the Note (together with this Secudry
<br /> Inswment)may be sold ane or marc times withaut prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"Lnen Servicer")that coltacts monthly payments due under the Note and this Securlty Instrument. There also may be one
<br /> �`'�' or more changes of the I.oan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> given�vritxen notice of the change in nccordance with paragrnph 14 above and applicable law.The nodce wiU state the name and `
<br /> uddress af the new Loan Servicer and the addre;s to which payments shauld be mude.The notice will nlso contain xny other __
<br /> . infom�ation rec{uirai by applicable law.
<br /> " '��••� 20. Hezardous Snbstattees. Borrower shall not cause or permit the prc�sence, use, disposal, stora�e. or release of any
<br /> , �•.;� .,.,, ;. .;:
<br /> Haznrdaus Substances on ar in the Property. Borrawer shall not do, nor allow unyone else to do. anything affecting the �=•-
<br /> .. Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> '' ' '•`' �� stornge on die Pmperty of small quantities of Ha�urdous Substances that are �enerally recognized to be appropriate tu normal �:-
<br /> , �,,.:?` residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ;'��� � Bortower shnll promptly give Lender wntten notice of any investigation,claim, demund, lawsuit or other action by any �?'.�
<br /> � ;� �� � � • governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Haznrdous Substance or Environmental I.aw �",-�=
<br /> �;i���;�;�'�:1:�� of which Borrower has actu�l knowled�e.If Horrower icarns,or is notified by uny governmentnl or regulatory authority. that �=�
<br /> � �'�"'���'�•��;�:"" ;, any removal or ather mmediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borro�ver shall promptly take .;`
<br /> �, r._ ,.. ������remediai actions in accordance with Environmenta!Law.
<br /> . �:= �, ° � -
<br /> -- '� ; � A�c:°ed in this paragsaph 24. "He2fl�n�c Ci�hctanrec"nre thnce�ub�tances defined tu toxic or hazardous substancecby _•-
<br /> '��;�' Environmenwi i.aw and the following substancc.s: gasoline, kerosene, nther flammnble or toxic petroleurn producu. tox[c
<br /> .�. �;. .; . .
<br /> ,�tk'.�_�:-... �' pesttcides and herbicidex,volutile solvents,materiuls containing asbestos ar formaldehyde, and radioactive materials.As used in ,�;
<br /> ��,��;.�;�:;�•-���.'. • this paragraph 20, "Environmental Luw" means federal laws and taws af the jurisdiction where the Property is locuted thnt •.��;
<br /> '�"-�� , . relnte to health.safety or environmenwl protection. �-
<br /> .t,����, � :: - �
<br /> ,�.cxr�, . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and C.ender funher cavenant and agree us follows: `r-s'
<br /> •.�,. • • 21.AcceleratEon;Remedles. I.ender shutl give notice to Borrower pr�or to acceleratton following Borrower's brench
<br /> '�G'�`'- " ' ; of any covenant or agreement [n this Secur6ty Instrument (but not prior to acceleratton under paragraph 17 enless ,
<br /> ' � t.�.,�.,a•},�• n •
<br /> � �''`'"`` � applicable Iaw provides other�vise).The notice shull specify: (a)the default; (b) the actton required to cure the default;
<br /> ''�'`'`"""" "'"T�-t' (c)a date, rtot less than 30 days from the date the notice is�iven to Borrower.by whtch the dei'ault must 6e cured;und ,
<br /> "`°�:`�`"'` ,'.,�'';`,`. (d)that taflure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration uf the sums ��
<br /> a��:�„� ,., .,... , .
<br /> .,���_,, ; ; secui ed by this Security Instrument and ssile of the Property. The not[ce shall further inform Borrower of the�ight to
<br /> . ,,�v,. ... reinstate after acceleradon and the right to bring a court actton to assert the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> '���� defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. It the default is not cured on ur before the date specified in the noitce, ,
<br /> '��'" Lender,at itx optton.may requim itnmed(nte payment in fulf af all sums secured by this Security Instnament wtEhout
<br /> '0�'"�,"`. . .=-� ' further demund and may iavoke the power of sale and auy other remedi�pertnitted by applicable law.Lender shall be �'�
<br /> '`�°P"��"'�'�'� "�"''�� endtLed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuinq the remedies provided in this para�caph 21,includln6,but not limlted
<br /> ;,'s:���±`'%�.'� _'. � to.reasonabie nttorneys'fecs and eosts of title evidence.
<br /> � ;=u•�-��• If thepower of sale is invoked, Tnutee shall record a notice ot defuult in euch county ln which any part of the
<br /> �'� Property is locuted and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner pr�cribed by applicable Iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> .;....'•�.
<br /> ' the other persons prescr[bed by applicuble luw_After the time reyuired by applicable la�v,Trustee shall give public notice
<br /> ` +J"' . of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribe�i by applicable law.Trustee,without demand an Borro�rer, shall sell
<br /> "'��� ' •• the Property at pnblic auction to the highest bidder ut the ttme and place and under the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> �' � ; . . satc in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee detcrmines.TrusteP may postpone sate of all or any parcel of the
<br /> .. ':. • : Prnperty by public unnouncement at the time and place of any previously scl�eduled sale. I.ender or its desi�nee moy
<br /> y . ," purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> �`:.` ��
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