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<br /> 2Shie O�ed o� Truet ehe�ii eeauxe:
<br /> ��) The pay�n�nt aP the pxfnoipai sum aad interest
<br /> avidenced by gorrower's Conrtruo�ion� I.in� of Cradit
<br /> m -�„^_��_, Draw Note dated Q,June 24 , 19 94 , ha�ving n
<br /> - maturity date of Januar �d 199=.�i �g o�ic�3Y►al
<br /> �, prineipni aeaounti o nro Huadred 31xt -pouY Thoueand Doilare �
<br /> �. 4�Zb4.0AO.00 ), and any an e m aat one, exteneiona
<br /> �� and r""-"enewals there�of or thereto and any and a�ll fature
<br /> ' advances aad readvanaes hereunder purauaat ta one or
<br />- ° more promissory notea os credit agreements Iherein
<br /> aalled "Note")t �
<br /> �:%r�
<br /> ' (b) The payment of other anms advanced by Lender !
<br />�� � to protect the security of the Notes _
<br /> � (c) The perforraanae of all aonenan�� and aqree-
<br /> � .;�
<br /> ments of 8orrower aet forth hereinj and
<br /> � w _ , �', �d) ALl indebtedriess aad abligatione of Harrower
<br /> to Lender whetiher direct, indirect, absolute or con-
<br /> , � �����'���� tingent and whether arising by aote, qaaranty, over- ---
<br /> "�Y`f`� draft or athexwise adveuaced for the purpose of making -
<br /> S.4' .'4��. ... �Yl �_
<br /> ,�����.�`jrt.:-•r:�;;s. improvett�eats to the real �stat� hereinabove describeri.
<br /> ��:�u,,;:_.,; ;.;,,.: The Note, aad any and all other doauments that secure �,_
<br /> °,,J�,F , � t;: the Not.� or otherwise executed in conneation Lherewith, ,�,�,,,,
<br /> •t}f t�j�"�r ` ,�' including, without limitat�on, quarantees� seaurity =-_-
<br /> •s:,, .
<br />- � ��:��;,„ ' � aqreeinents and �ssignffienta of. leases and reatso ahall �"'�
<br /> ,. " �. .� ,
<br /> . ` "tat�`�_�." � _ be referred to herein as the "Loan Instruments." �-:
<br /> ax;�;An .-. - �. ° , °
<br /> .�.�.;tii;;, ; ., �� Borrower, to proteat the secur3ty of this Deed of Txuat, _,_.�.�
<br /> . �:�•, covenants and agrees with Lender as follows: F;��.�_:�:
<br /> ':e,.,..�.
<br /> . � .-..1'�.f: � [����_�_,.:.:
<br /> . �'�;s�t�;:� , 1. Pa ent of Princi al and Intereat. Borrower shall �
<br /> � ' " � promptly pay when due e pr nc pal af and interest on, and any � LL_��
<br /> :.:;s�,�.�;��;����.
<br /> � � • � •� :��.�r; fees or c h a r q e s p r o v i d e d i n, t h e N o t e o r i n t h i s D e e d of Trust.
<br /> " ,� °`•' 2. Title. Bcrroarer is the owner of the Pxoperty and �:'���` �
<br /> u� ., • .,r ''�'�;•
<br /> _i „ , has the right and authority to convey the Property. � �yti�t,�
<br /> ,r. -
<br /> • ; � • :�.�.{, 3. Taxes Assessments. Except when they are con-
<br /> . � tested in good a t , to pay w en due all taxes, gpeeial assess- ;�;'��;;,,
<br /> � � '- "'� ments and all other charges against the Property and, upon >��:�.�-
<br /> . 11 ' _ �t�•'d..
<br /> � � written demand by Leader, to pay to Lender auch aznount as raay be �.�,�
<br />` ��-�� � �:;-; aufficient to enab2e the Lender to pay such taxes, assessments or
<br /> . �;��' other charges as they become du�. .
<br /> ,.�.
<br /> '� Y� ,. .' .. :>:,;
<br /> .:�� 4. Insuraaae. At the begituzing of constrsiation or :,,,E,;
<br /> : �.• . N;�«w _ renovation of u 1 ng, to keep the Property insured against �,�;
<br /> � � --�«:; damage by f3re, hazarda included within �he term "all risk �"
<br /> � �' 7'` � � co�eraqe°, and such other hazards as Lender may require, in
<br />_i ;,�:V��:;,, ° , � � amounte and with companfes acc�ptabls to Lender, including a ,
<br /> �.�' standard mortgagee clause with loss payable to the Lender. In ;::�•�
<br /> �4 �� " - caee of loss under such pol3.cies, the Lender is authorized to '����`
<br /> /,. , � adjust, collect and cvmpromise all claims thereunder and shall
<br /> � „ ��;. . �`•'-� hav� the option of applying a1I or part of the in8u�xance proceeds
<br /> '� , (i) to any in8ebtedness secured hereby and in such order as
<br /> -- . �• LenSer may determ3ne, (ii) to the Borrower to be used for t he !::..
<br /> �' repair or restoration of the Property or �iii) for any othes I'�
<br />-� � �'�'�1�,�>1 pu�pose or object eatisfactory to Lender without affectiag the ' �;
<br /> � � � liem of this Deed of Trust for th� full amounti secured hereby I
<br /> s, begore such payiaent ever took plaa�. Any applicat3on of proceeda
<br /> . to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date o£ any i
<br />-_-} � � -- payments under the Note, os cure any derauic "tnereunder or ner@- F===
<br /> . 1 ,�f . unaes.
<br />- „ � ° „ 5. Maintenance Re airs and Com liance with Laws. ! '
<br /> y Horrower shall eop e roper y n go con t on an repa rj i
<br /> `� � shall promptly repa3r or replace any improvement which may be �
<br />-,� �� � damaged or deatroyedt shall not commf.t or permit any waete or '
<br /> _" . �' deterioration of the Propertyt shall not ren►ove, demolish or
<br /> =j• ' aubs�antially alter any of the improvements on the Propertyj ` „
<br /> � ;;� shall not commit, suffer or permit any act to be done in er upon ;
<br />�" , r • I
<br /> ,. . ., �
<br /> - -2-
<br /> .
<br /> , •
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