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<br /> . A lINQML�D T 08 nEEU OF `TRUBT
<br /> _iw - �:�� • S�RItAW�R READ TaTS HEFOItE SIGNIN�e ,_ _
<br /> T
<br /> 7•
<br /> , Borroxer, whether nna or �ore, anderstsnc�e tha� the daouirnent _
<br /> '?.,. � tfiat the sorraaor is about to exeaute i� d Deed of Trust and not
<br /> � -�, � �;;���•'- � a mortgage and thati the poWer of e�le provided for in the Deed o�
<br /> � w��Yk�:�.`:,� Trust providea substantially diffareat rights and obligations to _
<br /> +�' � ' � ' tihe 8orro�er than a mortgage in the event of a cleFau�.t ox br�aah
<br /> ���''�:�."'.���` of obli ation uudez the Deed of Trnst, includinq, but not li�ai.�ed
<br /> .�1. ,,;4::.f.�: . . ;w� 9
<br /> �� ;�,�; �;�� ., ,�.�,:,;.,� to, tlae LQnder'a riqht to have the Proper�y eold by the Traste@
<br /> ��-�^,�;:, �' '� withcsut any �adicial proceeding. Borrower repreeeats and
<br /> ���+ ° � �� �.•.�' warrante that th3s ackaamle8qement aas �a�reau�ed by it before the
<br /> >;�':5"'� ��"K�`:. exeaution of the Deed o� Truet.
<br /> ,
<br /> �:,: � . .. _ �.�.. � ��'�-t��,,.,�-� �-- .
<br /> . ug . aer. X. ,
<br /> , �, .. �� � u .
<br /> �BO=IdXeP�
<br /> : • = DEED OF TRIJST .- ,•
<br /> � =ntendittg to create a Construation Seau�ity Interest in
<br /> accordanae with the Nebraska Conatructfon Lien Act, this DEED OF
<br /> , � TRtTST is raade as of the 24th day of June , 19 94 , �y��nd
<br /> . .::�;., amonq the Trustor, Hu h M. Miner, Jr. aad u y . ner, xusb�'a, C� 08@
<br /> ' a.°;: `� . mailinq addrese is 27 West Holcomb Street Grand Island. NE 6880
<br />- -�� (herein *Porrc+wer", wlhet er one� or mcsre , i:he Truetec3,
<br /> , . Axend R. Baack , Attornc3y at Law, whose mail�ng
<br /> a ress s P. 0. Hox 790. Grsn ieiand, NE 68802 (here3n
<br /> - `� °Trustee") , and the Honef c ary, T� OVERLAND NATIOI�TAL BANK OF
<br /> !. ' '-,�. „ GRAND iSi,AND, whoae tttail.ing addresa is 304 Wes� Thi�B S��eet. —
<br /> � , P. O. Box 1688, Grand Island, Nebraeka 68802-1688 (herein ____
<br /> ' ' °Lettd@r�� • .—�-
<br /> „ .. FOIIi VALUABLE CON3iDERATiON, iacludinq the indebtedness �
<br /> ' identified herein and trust hereia created for the pnrpose of —
<br /> . mak3nq improvements to the real estate hereinafter desaribed, tt�e :�
<br /> . y-_
<br /> � � •�• � - receip� o£ which is hereby acknowledqed, Horrower hereby - _
<br /> , �� irrevocably grants, transfera, conveys and assigns to Truatee, IN .��:`
<br /> , TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefi� and security of ;
<br /> .. __ Lender, under and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter �°
<br /> _ _ . ' set �orth, the real property, described as follows:
<br /> . Lot Nine (9), Block Oae (1), Poaderosa Lake Estates
<br /> J•i .. Subdiviaion. ia the city of Grand Is aa . Hall County� •:,. ,
<br /> �� �. Nebraska �'����'.
<br /> - ,, , I
<br /> ; . .
<br /> -. s f I
<br /> �
<br /> , Together w3th all build3ngs, improvements, fixtures, �
<br /> � �, • streets, alleys, passagewaye, easements, riqhts, privileq�s and �
<br /> , , � appurtenancea located thereon or in anywise pertaini nq thereto, �
<br /> and the rents, issues and profits, reversions and remainders
<br /> _ - thereof. and such peraonal property that is attached to the � �
<br /> ` ;. � . 3�mprovements so as to constitute a �ixture, includinq, but not
<br /> 1 �� ].3mited to, heating and caoling equipmentt and toqether with the
<br /> , 1 u � homestead or marital interesto, if any, whi�h interests are �
<br /> hereby released and waiveds all of which, includinq replacements
<br /> and additioas thereto, ie hereby declared to be a part of the
<br /> �I � real estate secured by the lien of this Deed of Trust and all of
<br /> � the foregoing being referred to herefn as the "Property".
<br />_,�.
<br />_ ' �
<br /> .,
<br /> ' � . „ -1- �
<br /> , „ ,
<br /> �
<br /> , ,_.. . ... �-- --------- ------�--._.. ... ..--- -- - - - --�-----,_.....,.�. ....._._.., -
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