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<br /> 3. H�erd or t�eoperty inwr�nse, Borrower ohAll kecp the impro�roments now c�iEting or IteratRer crected on thc
<br /> :��„���� Pmperty insurcd against lnss by flrc,hnzard�inatudcd witt�in thc term "extonded covemgc" and c►ny athcr hazards,includi��g
<br /> _._ _________ flaxls or flcmding,for which l.endcr r�quircm imutcancc.Tl�is insuranco sitall bc ntuinti�ine�l in ti�c i�mou��tts nrxi for thc{�crlcxl�
<br /> that I.c�►der reAuims.'I'he insurnn�r carrler prc�vlstin�the insurance Ai►all hp chu!;cn by B�rruwer subject ta l.cnder'A npprovnl
<br /> which ahuQ�wt 'sio unrcusnnubly wIthltcld. IP&�rrowcr faUy to maln!ain covorc�go dc�.ctibcsf auavc, [.cndcr i��ay. ill IRMIL'i'e
<br /> optian.obtain coveruge ta prutcc:t Lcndce's rtBhtx in tha N�uperry in nccordnneo wlth puragr�ph 7.
<br /> AU �nsurunce p��iicies uixl rcnewuls Khnll bC ucccptnble w L,ender und'Fhnll include u�+tiuxi��rd mnrtnugu rlatiwe. l.etxScr
<br /> _ -___ __--__—, Khnll lii�vc�Ihe fi�ht to hold thc�x�licicv and�uo�valK. IP l,endcr reyuires. Bormwer Ehall prumptly pivc tu l.c►utcr all rcccipis of �_
<br /> patd pmmiums nnd cenewul ttatice,r. In the evcttt:nE los9,Boaawer shatl giva prompt notice to thc inhur�mrc curdcr Ai�d I.c�uicr.
<br /> L,endcr mey makc proof af loss if not mudc pr�mptly by Bonower.
<br /> =� — Unicsa L.endcr and Bnrrower athenvise ugree in w�iting.insumnce proreodfi shull bc uppllcd to restara�lon ar rcpalr uf the
<br /> --- -- Property ciamuged,if the restoration or reps�ir in economicalty feusiblo und Lander'a security is not Iessened.iP the resto��tion or
<br />— -- = rep�ir is not oconomIcally feaslble or i.cnder s�sacurity would be lessened,tha insurance prooeeda ehnll be r�ppllod to ehe sumi
<br /> - secu�ed by this Scxwity Instrument, whetiter or not t{ten due. with any oxcess puid to Bnrrower. If Barrower abandons the __
<br /> Property� or da:s not answer within 3Q duys u.nceace from Lender that tha inaurance esurier hag offered to�ettle a claim,then _
<br /> - — Lender may callect the insuraitce praceeds..Lender mny use the proceedR to rep�ir or resiore the Property or tu pay sums
<br />;�, secured by thts S�curtty Instrument.whethev or aot then due.The 30�dny periad wlll begin when the nodcc is siven.
<br /> Unless Lender unQ Borrower otherwiec ag�ee in wcidag. uny upplioAtion af p��s to principsil shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrapha L and 2 or chnngc the umount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by L.ender.Borrower's right ta any Insurance policies und proceeds resulting from
<br />- dt�sage to the Pcoperry prtor to the acqui�itian ehall puss to Lendtr to tha extant af the sums setured by tf�is Securiry IrtstruRSent �
<br /> Immedintely prior to the acquisttian.
<br /> G. Oocupancy,Freservatton,Mafutrrnnase amd ProtecNon of the I'roperty;Borro�cer's Loan A�plicatfon;Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower shall ocrupy,est�blish.and uKe the Property as Borrower's pr�ncipai nesIdence within sixty days after the excxutIon oF
<br /> this Securlty Insctument and shNt continua to occupy the Property as Borrower's pdncipal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the dute of oc�.�upancy. unless Lend�tr otl�erwtse agrees in wr[ting, which con�ent shel! not be unre,asonably withheld,or untess
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist whicG are beyond Borro;ver's contml. Bomower shall not desuoy, d�unage or impair the
<br /> Property. ullow the Property to deteeiorat�t, or commit wASte on the Propa�ty. Borrower shall be in defuult if uny forfeitum
<br /> action or proce�cling,whether civil ar criminal,Is be�un that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeitw�e of the
<br />° Property or otherwise mat�rially impatr dia lien created by this Security Insttantent or Lender's securfry interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such u default and reinstat¢.as provide�d in paragraph 18.by causing the nction ar procceding ta be diamissed witb a iuling
<br /> ..--- - ihai. ia l.cr�dcr'�gacd t'�ith dctcr.r:in«L'.cs. grxlndcN forfcitura af ihc 8usrou:ar's inicr�t ia thc Prapsrt�;or os�c mzteri�!
<br /> –
<br /> ; , ,� � impairment of the lian created by thix Securiry I�strument ur I.ender's r,e�.-udry interest. Bono�ver sha1S�nlso be in defuutt if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan applicauon prncess,gr�ve materially fatse or inacccuate informstion or statem�et�v to Lcnder(or fniled
<br /> to provide Lender with eny material lnformedaa) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,lncfuding.but not limited
<br /> •�ti'•• to,representations conrxming Bunawer's occupancy of the Property as u princlpal residenre. If this Securiry lnstrument is on a
<br />_ +t�t;y. • ��hold. Borruwer shult comply with all the pmvisions of the lease. If BoiTOwer acquires fee utle to the Progerty, the =_
<br /> leasehold and the fee titte shull nat mergs unlass Lender agrees to the mergor in writing.
<br /> 7.Protectton ot L�nder's Rights in ttte Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agrcements contain�in —_
<br /> this 5ecurity Instntment.ar ther¢is u inga! proceeding that may significnntly uffect Lender's ri�hts in the Property(such as a �
<br /> pmceeding in bankruptcy,probatu, for condemnation or forfeiture or tu enforce luws or regulatious), then Lender may da and °`_
<br /> ��
<br />_`' pay for whatever Is ne�xssAry to protoct the vulue of the Properry and Londor's rights in the Property. L,ender's acaions may �;_,
<br />. �'�' include paying an;� suma sccured by a lien whirh has priurity over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in court. paying °"��'
<br /> reasonable attorneys'faes and entoring on the Property to make repairs. Althau�h Lender muy take Aclaon under this pamgraph �•�
<br /> `� 7,Lender dces nat hnve to do so. �:_
<br /> F`� -t� �_^;: Any nmounu d�sbursed by I..endcr under this paragruph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrowcr secur�d by this �``'�
<br /> ,,.,.
<br /> s:;; i � '• �.:.
<br /> ;,..� , Secudty Instrumant.Unlass Bormwer end Lcnder ngree ta other temts of payment,these amounts shnll bear inter�T from the
<br /> 'r Y�; ,�.� date of disbursement at the Nota rate and shall be payabla. with imarost, upc�n notice from Lender w Borcower requesting ��
<br /> ,:'' ' ,� payment. �'
<br /> _ _ �`� t__�� 8.Mortgage Inst�rat�ce.It Lettdar required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security t
<br />--���Y��'�=�" Insuument.Borrower shall�pay tha peemiums required to maintain the mnrtgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br />� a�"• mort e insurance cove a ui�d b Lender la ses or ceases to be in effect. Bormwer shnll fl the remiums uired to
<br /> . •.-.:�,L�., �a8 ►�+8 �9 Y P P Y P *�I
<br /> }z�-.i•. abtain coverege subata�itiully equivulent to the mortgage insurance proviously in effect, at a cost subAtantiaily vquivalent to the
<br /> , P�i cust to Borrower of the mongaga insurance previously in effect, from :ui alternate mort�age insurer approved by Lender. If '
<br /> . �'f'n.. ' substantially equivalent mortgago insurance cnvera�e is not available.Bnrnower shuil pay to Lender rach month a sum equW to � ..
<br /> �� �`" ��� one-tweltith of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borno�ver when the insurunce cuvera�te Inpsed or cea.�ed to
<br /> ' k;.•�..
<br /> +=•��"�:- .: �-�• be in effect.Lender wilt accept, use and retain these payments s�.s a loss m�erve in 1[eu of monga�e insurance. Loss reserve „
<br /> 'F.;;• ;.
<br /> ��6��-•��� Form 3028 8/90
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