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<br /> . ptriosis tAa4 O.t�tdet r¢quInes. 72�e insuraace currtex pmviding tRe insurnnc�Ehul1 bc cho3!'n�y Bn��� s���o Lcndcri�
<br />- ���^��� agprov�.z1 whi�:h shaU nat Gc unre:zsuaably evithheld. Df F�urro�vcr fails tu malntai�coviceage describe[i rtbove.L,en�er m1y.ai
<br />— - __ _ l.enderla optian,obtain covemge ta protect Lcndsrk rights M tE�c Property ir,accbrda.�cA with pruagraph.7.
<br /> � All iasur�ce policies and renewats shal!be acceptabl�to Lender and shalt inrnlude a standard mvrtgago clause. l.end�r
<br /> — nhsp havo thc right w hald eho policies and anewe4�. If�.endor cequIm4.Ho�r�+vec shall pramptty give to Lcnder all rtteipts
<br /> of g:id prcmtnms and renetilnl nwfces. �In th�event of loss,Bo�sowet shall give prampt notFce to ttte insurance ctur(er and
<br /> L,endrr. Lender e�y maka pmof of lo�s If cat rr�ade�rompttY b}�tiarower.
<br /> Unless L.endor and Boirower otherwise agne in wrlting,insur,�nce proceeds shnli be apptie�to restorutIon or repu�r of
<br /> � - .— ---—' the Praperty damaged. if the rostotation qr re�air is a�nomicallr fcasihle rdnd Leitdee's rfeecur[ty ia not lessened. J�Q�i
<br /> rrscoratim or apair is not ecoaomlcnlly feaslbk or Lender�securlty would be tesserxd.the insuranco proceeds shall be
<br /> c�ppliod to the sums secured by Ws S�eurIry insmunenG whether or not then due,with nny exces.s paid to Borrower, i�
<br /> - Boimwet abandons the 1Propeny.or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insurnnce catrIer has
<br />___ — offerul w settlo a ciaim.then Lender may coltect the insurcnce proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to repair or rr.store
<br />--- t�he Property ar to pay sums secured by this Securiry Insttumen�whether or not then due. The 30duy period wfil6egin when
<br /> � �c^� the notico is given.
<br /> _ Unkss Lender and Hoirower othcrwise agree in writing,any applicadon of p�uceeds to principat shuU rtot extertd or
<br /> posipone th¢due date oE the munthly paymec�ts refernd to tn parngraphs 1 and 2 or change ttie amount of the payments. If
<br />= under paregraph 21 the Prop�rty is acquired by l.ender, Borrower�s ri�ht w any ins�uance poltcies arid procecds res�citing
<br /> = fmm damage to We Property prior to the acquisldon shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secumd by this Security
<br /> Instrument immediately priox to the acquisitioa.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservmtion, MWnten�nce and Protectlon oi the Froperty; Borrowee's l�oan Applicatton;
<br /> Le$Se6okl�. Bamnwer shaU occupy.establish,and use th�Property as Rorrower5�principal residence wit�in sixty days after
<br /> tl�e executlon of tt�is Secutity lnsttumeat tutd aha(1 contirt>>s r.v occupy the Pmperty ax Borrower�s principal residence for at �
<br /> [ea�t one year after the date o8 occupancy. wiless l.c�tdra othenvise agrees in wripng. which consent shall aot be
<br /> unt�easonably withheld.or unless,uetenuating eircumsrances exIse wh�ch aa�a beyond B'orcvwer's control. Borrower sh�ill rtot
<br /> de�v^c,damage v,r impair the Pt+�e�ty.allow Eace Property to dereriorate.ar commit waste on the P�pecty. Hornower shall —
<br /> _ _ be tp�afsult if�,y forfeitute action or proco¢cl�ag.whether civil or criminal. is Iyegan that in Lender�s good faith judgment
<br /> cote�9 uesult in 4'ocfeiture of the Property or otlmrwise matedally impalr the lien created by this Security Instcument or
<br /> l,�etprS seci�rity tnte�s� Bomnwer may cure such a defuult�and ceinstate.as prav ided in parngraph l8.by causln�the action
<br /> �r bxinaeedIng w be dismissed with a ruling tha�.in I.enderis�ood fnith detertninatIon.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's
<br />;, inteiest ip the Property or other material impaument of�i� llen created by this Sec�ity Insuument or Lender�secutlty
<br /> interes� Boirower shall ulso be in default if 8orcower. during the loan applicatian process. gave mnterially false or
<br /> inaccurnu infortnatlon or stat�ments to l.ender(or failed to provIde L.ender wtth�y material infor�rmtion)in connection with
<br />. the toun evtdenced by the Note. including,but not Wnited to. representations conceming Borrow+er's occupancy of the
<br /> Property as a principal residence. If this Security Insmiment is on a leasehold.Horrower shall comply wlth al!the provisIons
<br /> - - „ •° - of iix tease. N Sum►�1er mx(uurs icr iitle i�iiie PrOpdRy.tha iza�hvld an�tt.e fee ritta sha!!not m�rg�s�l��Lcrtdcr a�
<br /> to tt�e merger in writing.
<br /> ,� 7. PrQttcti�r� ot I.ender's Rights La E��re Property. If Bomower.Faits to perform the covea�nu and agrecments
<br /> contained in th�is�:curity Insuumen� ot d�ere is a legal proceedIng d�may signit3candy offect l�ender's ri�ltts in the
<br /> Property(suc�as a proc�ding in bankcuptcy,peobate.for coademnatioa ar forfeItun or to enforce lavus�r regulAHona).then
<br /> l.ender may da�nd pay for whatever is rtecessury to protoct che value o�the Ptope»y and Lender� r3ghc5 In tha Atopecty.
<br /> _ Lender�acticv�s may include paying any sums secured by a Cien which has priority over thts Security l�sirumen�ap�aring =
<br /> vi
<br /> in court,paying re�sonable uttomeys'fePS ua� entering on the Property m make repairs.Althuugh Le�der may take action
<br />- under lhis paragruph 7.Lender does not have tfl do so. —_.
<br /> My asttounts disbursed by L,ender unu�ar this parap,�aph 7 shall become addidonal debt of Borrower secuned by this a!�;•:�:
<br />- Security Inswment Unless Barrower and Lender agee to other terms of payment.these nmounts shnll bear interest from the u��-
<br /> - dute of disbwsement ut the Note rnte and shall be payable,with interes� upon noGce fivm Lender tu Bomower requesting �"
<br /> payment �
<br /> = 8. Mortg�ge Insurance. IIE[.ender required mortgage insurunce as a condidon of making the loan secured by this �--�
<br /> - Security Instrument,Horrower shaU pay Ne premiums required to maintain the moctgu�e insur.►nce in effec� If.for uny �'"�
<br />- nea.son, the mortgage insurnrtce coverage required by I.ender lnpses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the �= '�
<br />,,•� premiums requic+ed to obtuin coverage substandally equivalent to the matgage insurance previousty in effect, ut a cost ��':
<br /> snb�cmntia(ly equivalent to the cvst tv Bormwer of the rttorrgage insurance previously in effec4 fmm an ultemate mortgoge —__
<br /> insurer approved by[.ender. [f substandatly equivalent ma�age insunuice coverage is nut availa6le.Borrower shsll pay to �.=-
<br /> `'� Lender each month u sum equut to one-twelfth of the yesuly mortgage inseuance premlum bein�paid by Borrower when the ����
<br /> __ insucance mverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wil!accept,use and retain these payments as n toss mserve in liett �'`�
<br />- --- of mortgage insumnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required at�tee option of Lender. ff mortgage insurs3nce �-;.`��:
<br />� coverage(in the umount nnd for the Reriad that Lender requues)provided by an insurer upproved by Lender uguin becomes
<br /> ' I '� available and is obtaIned.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mainutin maR�age insurnnce in effect.or to provide ct �., .
<br /> � toss reserve.until the t+equirement fur mortgage insurnnce ends in�cordance with any written ugneement between Borrower �
<br /> ._�� and Lender or applicuble law. �
<br /> 9. Inspectton. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries u�on end inspections of the Property. Lender shnll ��
<br /> giye Boaower rtotice nt the time of or prior to un inspection specifying r�asonable cause for the tnspection. �> �
<br /> 10.Condemnatton. Tlie procec�s of any awnrd or claim for dameges,direct or consequential.in connection with any '•�b
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