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<br /> -- periods that l.ender rc;quite9. Tho ineurance cArrfer{�ravlding 1ho in�urnnee�hall tw chi►srti Uy Il�nr�►a�cr nnh,�ct�u I:cnck:rb --
<br /> - uPPtovul which chall nat be unscas�mabfy withltcld. if Uorro�vcr tidly to utalulnln cov�i,��;c Q,�ad�IL:�iI atH��i�,l.s'rulc:r��tuy,al - -
<br />--_----- _�---= y l.endesk optlon.nl�tafn caveragc tn pratect i.endirk rlghtw!n�hc Prulxriy In ie�eord:�ncc wlth pai��µ�,qd�7.
<br /> Ali insurance policies end renowals xh�ll bo uc:ce�ablc tu L.cndcr�ixt nhxti Inclu�kj n�txnd�►rd uu►riyugn cluu�e. I.t�mkr
<br /> , _ _._ � sha11 havo the right to hold thtl paltcies and renawnlx, f l.�nder reyuinee,Horn►wer r�hutl pn�n�wly glvu�n I.cmkr xll recclpt+
<br /> of paid prcmtuma und rcnowul naticcs, In tho evcni of'loss,t�urrc�wcr nhnll�fvu p��unipt m►Uce tu ibU(p�tudricu cu1�kP uIN1
<br /> i.cnder. d,.ender may m�ke proat of losa!P nnt mNdo rmnnptly hy E3nrmwer.
<br /> —__-_ - -J Unless Leader and Bonuwcr uthcrwiRC ugreo in wridng�insurnn�:u pr�xcrEty ntn�ll Iw��fq�Ur�l In rc�tan��llorn ar rrp;jir of � -
<br />- the Property demeged.it the roatnratian��r r�pu�r iN ecanumtrully 1'ciitilbte�ar�d tAn+kr� M�uNly I4 n+�! I�ryc��'sl. IY tiw
<br />-- cestora8on or rcpaic ie not csonomlrally f�asi�lo ar l.cndrr�ncrurl�y wnul�t ho Irr�circd. ilw !n►uaukn �n�xerdv Hit►+11 f+o
<br /> _- - Applied to tho suma secureA by UtIR Sseuriry Inxtiumcnt.wbether��r nn1 �hen duc,wlth imy rxcu�r palcl w liu�ruwur. If
<br /> Borrower ubnndani�the Property.or duca not nnswer within 30 ddyH ii mnicc Gum l.��Ktcr Uuu�I�e luvu��ncu c��rtict I�u�
<br /> --- offcred tn setdo a claim.then Lcndcr muy coUect thr inaunu�ce R�xccd�, l.endc�•mny uwo thu �r�n:c��dr Iu tc r.dr ur�ckturo
<br /> — tl�e Property or to pny sum»Rccured by thia Sccurlty Inhtrument,whether ur not then di►u. 'IY►o 31�•�Iny prrl+Kl w�ll tMryln wl�r.��
<br />:� � the rtottce is given.
<br /> -- - -
<br /> - - Uniess Lender t�td Bora+owrr olherwiso ugreo in w�Iting.any nppllcudun o1'prtKCCdti�u��tiucl��nl�hidl nut uNtrnd ar �
<br /> postpone the due dute of tho monthly puymentx rcfcrred ta in pnmgrripha 1 nttd 1,ar chnnge Iha nnin�im��f'tl�c��u�n►riuv. It
<br />__- -__ under pcwgra�h 21 the PropeA� i4 nequlmd by I.ender. pnrrowerk�jRht tu nny insunmce�aeliclev �6nd ��ak•e�e�v r��auhind
<br /> - - -° - - from damage to the Property pnar ta tho aequlaition whull paxa to l,.ender tt�the extcnt aY the huut�tircmrd hy Ihiv.yecinily
<br /> _ Inswment immedlutely prlor to the ncyaixition.
<br /> — - 6. Gkcuprncy, Preservatlon� Malntenance and Pwtcetiun ot tho Pruperly� �torn�wer•n lawn Applkrllutitt
<br /> ..:��.�� Lepaeholda Botrower shnll occupy.eatnbiiyh,and use the Frapcny ur�porruwerk princi{�ul rcyldci�ce wtihhi nlRly duyN id�idr
<br /> �-- `=--- the executlan of this Securlty Instrr�mrnt and�hall contieee to�cupy tl�e Praperty t4K Hs�rnTr�er�,prl�►elp:�l nxi:tc�sr�fitir nt .
<br /> __ least one xear ufter the dnte of occupuncy. unlr�s [.ender otherwise ugmen in wriNng, �vidcb conunt Hh�dl not ho —
<br /> mu�easonubly withheld,or unles.g extenunting circumxti+ncew exist whtch ure beyurtd S�umwrrk cimtruL iforn�wer ehull nol
<br /> _ desscoy.demnge or impa�r thc Property,alluw the P�aperty to detedorutc,ar cnmmh w�ihto un Uev I�riryxrty. Nnrrnwcr Hh►dl �
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture acUon or proceeding,whcther civE!ar criminul,ix Negun thnt in 1.4ndcrk g�Nxl li�ith jtttf�{ntent
<br /> ---__ = could result in forfefture of tha Property or atherwlsc muteriuily impair the tlen rreiited by �his ticcutity Inrltununl or
<br />: _ Lenderh security interest. Borrower may cure such a dcfault and reinstute,as providcd in pnengruph 1 M.hy ciiuxing tltc«cH�m
<br /> = or proceedtng to be dlamIssed witlt a ruling that.in Lcndcrk goai falth detcrminutiun,prccludcx fiirfcitute uP ihc Ilurniwcrk
<br /> _ — Interest In the Property or other material impairment uf the tien creuted by this Serurity h�ntrument or l.endert, hccurity
<br /> interesG Borrower shull also be In default if Borrowcr.during the luun uppliciitiun pnxex�,guve mntcrlully li�lxc ur
<br /> --- -- Inaccurate infom�utIon or stntementx to l.ender(or fuiled to provlde Lender with uny miuer{ui inforn�ntfc�n)in r�mtmcUon wNh
<br />�.;,:��s�+�w the lnan evidenced by the Note. induding, but not limited to, re�resentutions concemfng Burmwcrb �Krui'�utcy ��f ihe =_
<br />`��"""::�;p„�„�..� Property us a prIncipalresidence. IP this Secudty insuument is on a e�.tichold.Borrower e;hc�ll cnmply wUh all�hr pruvlsiom
<br /> ��- — of the teasp. If BorrowCr acquires tce utic to�he i�ropeny.the icasehoid and thc fcc titic shaii not mcrgc unirss i.enAct nK�:cy
<br /> �%���r`,��� to the merger In wrIting.
<br /> g°'��'�''-'�;�� 7. ProtectEon of I.ertder's RlghtR in thN P�operty. If Borrowcr fails to perForm �he auvennnt.r nnJ ngrcenunte
<br />,��•Y `�"v contatned in this Securfty Ir�suument.or there is a tegul procceding thnt muy significunUy u{'te�K l.cnderk rlghty in Ihc
<br /> ^-���� Propeety(�uch aa u proceeding in bunkruptcy.probate.for condemnadon or forFotturo or•to unton:e luwg ar rcguluN�m!►1,thrn
<br /> �atr ..,, AGh':a —
<br /> ���`�:��t' I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of dhe Pragurty und I.cndcrl�rights in the{����xny. �-.
<br />�_'�'"_ - i.ender�s actlons mny include paying any sums secured by n lien which hus priorlty uvar thi�Secudty In.r•tn�ment,uppeiuing °
<br />-- �'°, —
<br />