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<br /> 'T'0(3BTHER WITii ull the improvemeats now or hereafter er�cted an the propecty.nnd ali cnscmcnt�,appurttnnnc�e.r,
<br /> And fiatures now or liereafter a part of the property. All rcptacements And udciirions si�all also b�c�vercd by Ihlx�iu:urlty
<br /> Instrumcn� All of the fare�oing is refesred to ia thie Security Insdumeat as tha"PropLrty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAIV'CS thut Boaower ia lawfol�y seised of We estste hereby conveycd and hax tho rlght to grant
<br /> and convey the Property and that tha Property is uneacumbered.except for enewnbmnces of record. I3o�vuwer watruntx und
<br /> wlU defend geuerally the dtle ro the Prnperty a�aiast all claima und demands.subject w any encumbro.ncex of rcr�rd.
<br /> 'fHIS SECURIT'� 1NSTRUMENT combines unifonn covenants for national use and non•unifurm cavenante wlth
<br /> liraited variationa by jwrlsddcdan to wisstituta a wuform security instrument cov�rin�nenl hmperty. .
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender covenant aad agree as followa: A „yhon duo tlto
<br /> 1. Fiwyment oi Prtndpsl and Interest;Prepayment and Late Ch�ea.Borrow�r shall pmmptly p y
<br /> princi al of and iaterest oa the debt evfldenced by thC Nota and aay pnepaymeAt and late churges dua under tite Nata.
<br /> � T�bnds[or lhaes and LRVUrance. Subject to applicablo law or to a written woiver by I.ender.Horrowex shull pay ta
<br /> L.endQr.nn the day manthly payments are due uadcr tha Nota.untiI tbe Nate is paid 1a full,a s�m("Funds")for.(a)yetuly !
<br /> texes an�assessments which maY a�P�o�ty over tl�is Secudty Iustnunent c+s a lie������ro�( y��ly�load ---
<br /> payments or gtound rents on the Prop�rty, if anyt (c)yesriy hazar�d or property '
<br /> iRSUfUUCB J1t(ftq{l1T�18�if any: (e) YearlY martgage insuranca premiums.If any:end (�any sums payable by Borrowesr to
<br /> Lender,ut accotdauce with the p:avisions of paragraph$.in lieu of the payment of mortgage lnsurance premiums. Thcso
<br /> iteras are celled"Escraw Items.° Lanaer maY+at anY tim@•calleat and i�old Funds W an emaunt not to exceed the maximum
<br /> r�mount a lender for a federally ralated mortgage loan may myuire far Horrowar� escrow accow�t under the federal [tenl
<br /> E.state Settlement Procedums Act of 1974 as amended from dune to time,l2 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"7.unless another
<br /> low that applies to the�nds sets a tesser amounG If so,l.onder may,at any tlme,colle�t and hold PUnds in aa smount not ta
<br /> exceed the Icssar suawfit. Lender may estimate the amoimt of Funds due on the basis of current data and mssisonoble `
<br /> ostimates of exp�ndihu�s af future Escrow Items or ot�erwise in accordance witt�applicable law.
<br /> '!he Punds ahall be hatd in un lasdtudon whose deposits are iasured by a federal a�ency. instrumentaliry, or endty
<br /> (including Lender,if T.ender!s such an iasatution)or in any Fedaral Home Loan Bank L.ender ehall appiy the Fluids to pay _
<br /> the Escmw Items. I.ender mey not charge Bomower for holding and applyfng the PUnds,annually anAlyzing the escrow
<br /> uccoun� or ve�ifying�the Fscrow Items, unless Lender pays Horrower interest on the Fands end appllcable law permits
<br /> I.cnder to maka such a chorge. Howevar.Lender mayrequire Barrower w pay a one•tjme charge for nn independent rcat
<br /> catato tnx repnrting service used by I.ender ln connection with tAis loan,unlesa appiicable!aw provides otherwise. Unleas nn
<br /> agrecment ls.made or applicabie law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Sorrower any interest or
<br /> euminga on the Funda. Aormwer aad Lendar may agree In wndng.however.that interest shull 6e paid on the Funds. l.ender
<br /> shall give w Bormwer.wlthout charge,un annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for wblch each debit to the FLnds was made. 'fhe Fuads ate pledsed as addiHonal socudty for alt sums secured by
<br /> thie Securlry Instn►mer�i.
<br /> If t1�e irunds hel�•by Lendcr exceed che umuu�i� Eiar�aitiet3 to bc h�id by agplicable lasti.LQnder shA11 nccount to .
<br /> qarrower for the ezcess Funds in accoidance wlth the reyuirements ofapplicable law. If the runount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lcndcr ut uny Wne is not s�ff►cient co pay the Sscrow�t�ms when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.aad�n _
<br /> Kuch casfl Borrower shall pay to Lender the amouat n��easary io make up 3he deficiency. Borrower shaU make up�he —
<br /> deficicncy in no more than twelve monthly payments,nt�.ender's sale cliscret�on.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thas Securlty Insirument.L�nder shalI prompdy refund to Borcower any
<br /> !'unds held by I.ender. if:under paragraph 21,Len�ar ahuU ucyuire or s811 th�Property.L.ender.pdor w the ncquisidon or �
<br /> r�ale�f tho i'ropa�ty.sl�ell apply any F1�nds held by.11,ender nt the dme of ncyuisition ar sale as a credit against tho snma
<br /> seaurad by this Secunty InstrumenG �
<br /> 3� AppUcation ot Ppyinenta. Unless appllcuble law pro'videa otheiwis�,all payments received by Lender under _
<br /> pamgtupha 1 ana 2 shall be eppHed first,to aay prepaymant charges due imder the Note;secoad.to amounts paynble under
<br /> pumgrupl�2:thlM.to interest due:fowth,w principal due;and las�to any late charges due under the Note. �`
<br /> 4. Chatgtsi Lfens. Borrower shall pay sll texes.pssessments, charges, Hnes and impoaidons atulbutable to the �.
<br /> Praperty which mey attein p�lority over this Secutiry Insuvment�end leasehold payments ar ground renu,if eny. Borrower =,�,_
<br /> ehnll puy theso obligations in the manner provided 1n paiagraph 2.or if not paid in that maaner,Boaower shall pay them on �;v
<br /> timo ditiectly to the person owed paymenG Bom�wer shall promptly furnish w I.ender aU notices of amounts to be psud under ��,w
<br /> th1A pamgmph. If Hormwer mukes thesa payments directly,Borrower shull promptIy fumish to Lender�ceipts evidencing �_-_-.
<br /> !ho paymcnte. _�==
<br /> Barrawer ahal!pmmptly dischazSe any lien which hes priority ovet this SecurIty Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br />- in wddng to!he paytnent of the obligation secured by the lien an a manner accepteble to Lender,(b)contests in good falth the �:w�-
<br /> lien by�ar defenda agwiast enforcement of tite lien in.legal.proceedings which In the Lender's opinion operate to pnevent the
<br /> onfarcorrtent of the Ilen;or(c)secums from cl�e holder of the lien aa agreement sadsfactory to L,ender subordinadng the Uen -
<br /> w this Sccurity Inatiuumea� If Lender determines that any p�ut of the Property is subject to a lien whlch muy attain priodty =
<br /> na
<br /> ovcr thtx 8crurity Jnatrument,I.ender may give Borrower n nodce identifying the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take
<br /> �no ur more uf tho octiona set forth abave rritbin 10 daya of tbe�ving of nodce. i=-
<br /> S. Ha�M or Propeety Inswn�r�r. Borr�wer shall keep the improvcrneats now existing or her�eafter erected vn the `_�:''
<br /> pn�periy fnaured against loss by t3re.hazarQe included wlthin the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,Includ[n� .
<br /> t�cxxls nr tlaoding,for whlch I.,ender requi�es insurance. This insuxanoe shall be maintalned in the aaaounts and for the ���-�•
<br /> f:.
<br /> porm 3028 9/90 (pa8e 2 oJb pages) r
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