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<br /> -_ -- S. N�rd ur Propee�ty Insurance. @omnwer sh�ll keep the improvementa aow existipg�or he��`r�erecT�d�on the
<br /> ��`�w� Prqperty i�zsumG ugainst lusa b�y fire,hazurds included within the tsrm "extended covernge"�nd uny othcr hazard.y.lncluding
<br /> --�"�"�"~'°� flocxls ar flnodiFig.for which Lender requir�es insurnncu.This insurnnce shull be maintnined in the umounta and for the periods
<br /> - — thut l.ender requires. The insurancc«�rrier pmviding the insurnnce shall be choYen by Barrower subject to[.cnder's appmvul
<br /> ��� which shall nat be unreusonu�ly withheid. If Born,wer fails to muint�in covem�e described ubove. LeRder muy, at Lendxr's
<br /> optian.obtc►in cavemge to pratect[.ender's r�ghts in the Property ln accordahce with paragruph 7.
<br /> All insumnce policIes artd renewc�ls sh�ll be acceptable to l.ender and ghall include a sttuidurd martgege cluuse. Lender
<br /> _ -- ---� shall huve the dght to hold the poficies nnd renewale. If i.ender re�uires.Barrower shaU prc�mpdy give to Lender all receipts of -
<br /> � puid prcrniums and renewal notices. In the event of loss.Borrower ahull give prompt notice to the insurnnce rnrricr and I.ender.
<br /> ' Lender may make prooi of loss if not mstde pmmpily by Borrower.
<br /> '•:'�� Unless I.ender nnd Borrower oiherwise agree in wrldng.insurnnce praoeeda shall be applied to restoradon or nepair af the
<br /> • Property dcunaged.if the restorntton or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is nat lesscned.If the restoratIon or
<br /> :�;�' repair js not oconomically feusible�r I.ender's securiry would be lesscned,the lnsurunce procceds shall be applied to the sucas c
<br />'s�; sacured by this Security Insmiment, whether or not then duo, �vith any excess paid to Barcower. If Borrower abandons itce
<br /> �f;•: Property.or does rtot answer wIthin 30 days a nouce from I.ender that the insur.�nce carrier has offercd to settle a clnim,then
<br /> / � Lenda� may m���ct tha in5urnnce proceeds. Lender may use the pnoceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by thls Secwity Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod will begin when the not�ce ie given. �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in wdting, any application of pmceeds to priacipal shall rtat ext�nd or
<br /> postpone the due dute of the monthly payments ref�rred to in para�raphs 1 and 2 or chaage the amount of che payments. If --
<br /> under p�aragraph 21 the Property i�acquired by Lender.Borrower's r�ght to eny insurancc po!lcles and pra�eeds resulting from .-
<br /> damage to the Propetty prtor to the acyuisldon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this SecurIty Instnunent =_-
<br /> immediatety pdor to the acqujsition. =
<br /> .TI,..;'.,'�� ,-•� —
<br /> r�•� -�• 6.Oocupancy.Preservatton,Mpintenatnce aud Protectinn of tde Pmoperty;Bormwer's Loan Appftcution;I.easeholds. �:�
<br /> � , Barrower shall occupy.establish.and use the Propeny as Borrower's principal resldence wIthin slxty days nfter the execution of -
<br /> r-:• ;.. , '"��;. "�.. tbjs Security Insuument and st►all continue to occupy the Praperty as Borrower's pr�ncipal residence tbr at least one year after j��,
<br /> '�y%'"`�•'+k�.- dle dflle of oCCU unless L.ender otherwjse a in wrltin .which consent shall not be unn�.sonabl withheld.or unless
<br /> . ��t�.'n f... .z,, ;. P�Y• Srees g un y �
<br /> ,�� ,.,�::, .;,,�. extenuating circunnstances exist whIch are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> �" . ' Pro allow the Property to deteriornte, ar commit waste on the Property. Horrower shall be in default if any forfeiture .�
<br /> �''
<br /> ��'.��� . , . �.
<br /> .�,:._.
<br /> - x���`''=�: ��'`�"�' aMion or�proce�ing.whether clvil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment couid result in forfeitune of the ���::
<br /> • Property or othcn�vise matedally Impelr the llen created by this Security Instrument or L,ender's securiry intec�est.Borrower may �}
<br /> _ '�� �; � ; cut+e such u defnult and reinstate.as rovidect in raera h IR,M caucin �IIP$CtIO114T �in to be siismis�d with a nlll ,"�ri`
<br /> ` P Pa P Y 8 F ---- g �
<br /> "'�"s�"5"�"�"�"'�' that.in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Prop�iiy or other matertal �;"�'
<br /> ,.'.�,,'.,. :•. . <.,; �.-1.
<br /> •. �.���:,-.,+,• impairment of the lien created by this Security instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower shall also be in defauIt if
<br /> . ,!'�i.,...;_ ,. . � .
<br /> ,-.�:;•a�, ;..,-. .: Bonower,durtng the Ioan applit�Lion process,gave materially false or inaccurate inforniauon or stutements to Lender(or failed -`�
<br /> •;�,,; .. ;.,..:•.
<br /> :•;;k
<br /> ,�i�..�sr.,.,,r��:-; to pmvide Lender with any material information)In connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. including.but not limited -
<br /> _ `�',if'-''�h�;�' � to. representaHons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> -� `'�� ��`��� leasehold, Borrower shsell aomply with ull the provislons of the lesise. if Bonrawer ucquires fee tide to the Property. the
<br /> �� •1%lU,�r•�..:v�... '�' C S .
<br /> ��+��+�;rr:;'� •.!�- leasehold aad the fee titic shall not mer�e nnless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. "
<br />_ � -��?'�"^'"�:';:+'°'��"•� 7, PraLecNon of Lender's Rights in the Property.If Bonower fails to perform the covenants artd agreements cont�nined in
<br />- !',{'°' � this Secudty Instniment. or there Is n legal proceedIng that may stgnificantly uffect I.ender's rishts in the Property (such as a
<br />_ ,°;::� �•' �
<br /> t • ' ':'�:;y�. ��;• procceding in banktuptcy, probate. for condemnatlon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reg�lations). then Lender may do aad
<br /> � ��;r:,,,; pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. @xnder's acdons may �
<br /> . n, a�+�xa�x� iaclude paying any sums secur�ad by a lien whioh has priority over this Security Instrument, uppe.aring in court, payjns
<br />- " '��'?�""�x', reasonable attorneys'fees and enter�ng on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> '°'y"�';'"�"i�:`'"'�Y'."': 7,L,er►sler does not have to do so. �
<br />- �""�'.�?"' ��'�"'� My auwunts disburse� by L,ender under this paragraph 7 shal! become additional debt of Borrower secured by thls
<br /> �� -��';�':`��'��.. �;;.�. Secudry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shull 6�ear interest from the
<br />_' ` „���.;.. ,,: . date of dfsbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestIng � �
<br />;;���+ `� payment.
<br />-='�' '�::,':�i°.r�.:'` 8. Mortgage Insnrance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Secur�ty
<br /> r`:•�� . Instnunent. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mort�age insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the
<br />; < ���'„ „ mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the pmmiums required to
<br /> ��`*.:''l.:x obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effect,at a mst substantially equivalent to the
<br /> r � cost w Borrower of the moKgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mort�age insurer approved by I.ender. If
<br /> I, -::,�;.,;;' ..,: substantiully equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avaitable. Borrower shall pay to I.ender each rnonth a sum equal to
<br /> 'i�-:.T%•_��` one-twelfth of the yearly mort�age insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurnnce coverage lapsed o�ceased to
<br />-. ,. , �n .• be in effect. I.ender will acoept.use and retain t�ese payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss mserve
<br /> y h� � � Form 3028 9l90
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