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H A^. • <br /> . , ,.:� .. �:a ,� i0�59�! • - --- <br /> F , .. • � ___ eap",.rrcw�.�__—_ <br /> _ � � s..�.��..z_7. �. j� <br /> �' � ' 4 '��.ti. -:���R�Il`�f: <br /> - • ' � � ���:`��S��l�nor he�eby covenants and warranW to the Assignee thet (a) Assignor ha8 not executed any prior - � - <br /> - ' •� asslgn�nont ot the l,eaee or of Ita Nght,t(Qe and intoreat thorotn or tho rentals to aacrue thorouflder.(b)Aeslgnor has not " <br /> • � partormed any aot or executed any instrument which might prevent the Assignee trom opereUn�under eny attfie tetma end � �� _ <br /> condfUona�hereof,orwhlchwould IlmlttheAssigneeln auchoperation;(c)Asaignorhaenotacaepted rentuRder ths Leaaetor <br /> �� � arry riod aubaequentto tha cuRent period for which rent haa aiready becoma due and payabto;(d)thare le na default now <br /> ` �� exi ingundertheLease,and(e Asaignorhasnatexecutedorgrantedanymodtflcallonoramendtnentwhatevarotthelsase ., <br /> . elth�r oraliy or in w�iting excep�as set torth in Schedule B,and that the Lease is in full force artd e�tect . _ <br /> �• .�� , B. IT 18 MUTUALLY At3REED WITH RESPECT TO FJ1CH LEA3E THAT: • ' <br /> . �, ,� . .. � <br /> ' 1. Assigneeherebygranta pern►isslontoAesignortocopectupon�butnotp�lortoaccrual.aD�ents„issuea.deposita . <br /> and proflbhomthesaidPnmisesand to retain,anduseanyenjoythesama.butreservasMe rightto revoke suchpermiaston " <br /> � atanytlme,witho� noticeinwriUng toAssignorbycerdfiedmafisenttotheaddresshereinafterpresaribedtor <br /> � sending rtoUcea In any even�such permission to Aasignor ehail be automaUcatiy renoked upon defauit,by Assignor in the "„ � <br /> � paymer�tolanyof the Obflgations secured herebyorin the performance of any obNgation,covenan� sald <br /> , . �� mortgage or deed of trus�in the Lease or in any of the ObligaUons socured hereby,or in any securing document g(ven in � , <br /> j connecKion therewith,(ai)oi which wftl be refenod to herein as" the event that the Assignee ahouid revoke such <br /> permfsslon orafterthexcur�enceofa DefaulttheAsslgnee,mayat itaopilon,afterno�flcadon toAssig�or,byce�iffed mail,to <br /> the address hereinaRerprescribed tor sending notices,df�ect any or all of tfie tenants of the P�emisea to pay to Asstgnee.ib , . <br /> : agenta or its attome�,such renta issues, proflb, revenues,deposits,rights and beneftb as may now be due or shail <br /> hereinafterbecomedue andAasigneemaycolleatthesame.TheafBdavitorwrittenstatementofanofficer,agento�attomey .. <br /> � ofAssigneesta�ngthatt�erehasbeenaDefaultshallconsdtuteconalusNreevidencethereof.anda� nytertanttoothorpersons � „ <br /> i�authorized and dlreoted W fely thereon.The Asstgnor fuRher egrees,that 4n the event the�em�ission to use end retain 4he , �'.� <br /> rente,income,issues.depositsand proflts,ahould be terminatedor upon the oacurance ofa Defauit,to immediate�y turn over � ,�:;���, <br /> .. ' � ,, toAssigneeatthetlmeandinthemannerr�uestedbyAssignee,allseauritydepositsorothermontesdeposltedbyLessees ����`�, '� �" � � " <br /> � of the Prem�ses in gccordance with the prov siona of the Leases. �``�'i.'"1,�, '` . <br /> .:;;�. , . , <br /> �,:;_ <br /> . . 2 Notwithslsnding the provlsiona of peragraph 1 hareinabove. upon or at any time aiter a Default,as defined ' � .. . � <br /> hereinabove,theAssignse,atitaopUon,maydeclareall0bligationssacuredNerebyimmediatetydueandpayable,andmay,at �,;�;t� . <br /> '""' its opUon,without notice.and it any such Obligatfons be seaured by deed cf trust irrespeative ot whether a declarallon of •1 i:' •. . ; <br /> ,, � � . detault under said deed of trust hes been deiivered to Trustee thereunder,exercise sil rights and remediea cor�ined in said � . , <br /> rtio Rgapeor d e e d o f t r u s t a n d w i t h o u t r e g a�d f o r t h e a d e q u a a y o t s s c u r i ry f o r t h e O b l i g a d o n s h e r e b y a e c u re d,e f t h e r i n p e r s o n -�= <br /> � '� or by egent with or wlthout bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver to be appointed by a court.enter upon,take � ����' �. <br /> ;;.. ,, ian of,manage and opetate said Premises or any pa�t thereof.make,entorce,modity,and acxept the aurrender oi r: ��;��,;;�>?�, <br /> � ses,obtainartdevicttenanls.flxormodityrenta.anddoanyactswhiehtheAs3lgneedeemspropertoprotectthesecu►iry '' 1;:.. <br />_ _---`.- '��- --__-_= hsrsaf�a�daithsr�ri:hossYlthaultskingpossssslonotlhs!'rsmisss.lnlbo�ns�me.suslQrsx�fhemis$cQllscten�r�ive �-��,;��.t';,<�,� `�� � ` _ <br /> � � " • ailrenis,isauesand roflts,Inaiuding thosepastdueandun afd,an a t thesame,lesacostandexpensesofo raUonand '"`"�F�" •' �� <br /> P P Y PPY Pe �,�s ,;:� . <br /> collectlon,inciuding,but�ot Umited to,payments for wages and payroll texea,compensation of managing a�ent and other ����:'�''�•��'��""'��`�•�• <br /> � � mane ement costs and expanses, real estate texes and assassments water.sewer, g ` . ''��'`'`�'�`'' <br /> g , and simitar charges, nsuranae and � , , •���:::,.! <br /> ' ��"t;��;;,�1 <br /> • worker'acompensallonp�emiums,ground�ents,customary real estate commission,and reasonabte attorney sfeesandcourt <br /> � costs,upon any Obligado�saecured hereby,and in such orderastheAsslgnee may determine.The entering uponand taking '''��>'•' � .. ,�:,,:; � <br /> possession ot the Premises,the cotiectton of such renta issues and protits a�d the applicadon thereof as atoresald.shall not �';"���;',. y;`�r; <br /> cureorwaiveanydetaultorwahre,modHy,oraNectnoticeofdetauftundersaidmortgageordeedoftrustori�validateany act � .: .�!!'� <br /> ; � done pursuanitosuahnatice.AasfgnorherebyreleasesanyandaliclatmswhichithasormighthaveagainstAsaigneeadsing , <br /> . out of auch collection,management operation and maintenance,excepting the Iiabiifry of Assignee to account tor amounta � �'�°�� �. <br /> _.� collected artd expended by It , ',','"���,� . <br />_. ' . � <br /> ' 3. The Assignee shall not be obligated to perform or discharge,nor does it hereby undertake tope rtorm or ;�:,�..; , ` ` ,` <br /> discharge,any obtlgatlon.dutyor Nabiiity under the Leaso,or under or by reason otihls Assignment Assignor shall and does � , <br /> herebyagreetoindemnifytheAssigneeagafnstandholditharmtessfromanyandalillabillty.iossordamagewhichitmayor f ' • ' <br /> mtght incur urtder the Lease or under or by reason of th(s Assignment and of end iram any and atl claims and demand � ` � <br /> whateoeverwhlch meybe asserted againet it by reason of any aileged obligatlon o�underieking on iffipaRto perform or(n the � � :�,;;�.. <br /> ' discharge of any of theterma,covenanta,or agreemer»s contained in the Lease;should the Aasignee incur any such iiabilfty, <br /> loss or damage under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment or in the detense against any such ciaims or �� <br /> demands,the amount thereo}.inciuding casb,expenses and reasonabte attom 's tees.Mgether with interest Mereon at the (.�� ,�' , ' . <br /> ' highost rate se!foRh in any of the Obligatlons secured hereby.eha!{be secured�ereby and by the said mortgage or deed oi � <br /> � truat,andAssignorshallreimbursetheAsaigneethereforimmediatelyupondemand,anduponthefailureofAasignorsotodc ! ' ' <br /> � _ ' the Asslgrtee may deciare ail Obligatlons secured hereby immediatety due and payable. � •• . <br /> ,' <br /> C. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: t .� <br /> ,:.:�; <br /> 1. Un411the0bligationasecuredt►erebyshallhavebeenpaidinfull,P,a�tignorcovenanlsandagreestokeepleased <br /> � ,. • at a good and sufficfent rentat ths P�emises and upon demand to transterand assign to the Assigrtee any and all subs8quent ' <br /> ' ,F Leases upon all or any part of such Premises upon the same or substantlatly the same terms and conditlons as are herein , <br /> ' contafned,artd to make,execute.and deliver 4o the Assignee,upon demand.any and ell instruments that may be necessary or <br /> • . desirable therefo�,but the terms and provisions of this Asslgnment shall appty to any such subsequent Lease or Leases �� <br /> . whether or not so asstgned and trans�'erred. '; � <br /> .�� . <br /> 2 Assignor shall,upon request ot Assignee,furnish it a compiete Iist as of the date of the request of all Leases and � <br /> � . other tenancies otthe Premises in such reasonable detaf!as may be requested by Assignee.Further,H requested,Assignor ' <br /> � . shatl deliver to Asaignee executod or certiNed coples of ail Leases and other written agreements,correspnndence,and � <br /> memoranda between Aasignmrand Lesseesand othe�tenantssetting forth thecoM►actual arrangements bet�veen them.Such . <br /> �� �. requesis may be made at any reasonable time. <br /> -, .. ..�-'-" '-�-"-�'-"----en_� ._�__n_�._�..�_n�---'- -�_u__.�_.._�u-'- '- <br /> J. If1CilltlYftllVll.`fitltlr C��7C{itlt{iLGOOQ7. 4ItYQ1�7N�NYtQ4ItQIVtV�OtlatitiVttlt�ltlit�,ttt(GVttllftlVliflB(IyfilAf1f18��L�1@ �� <br /> ,; ; generet assignment oi rer�ts and leasss provfded tor herein. <br /> --. . ' -------�t <br /> � P � 4. Upon the payment in fuil of sil Obligationa secured hereby. as evidenced by the recobing or 81ing of an <br /> ,� j* .. instrument oi sa�stactlon or full release of said mortgage or deed of truat,uniess there shall have been recorded another <br /> 3' moRgegeordeed of trust infavorof theAsafgnee covering the wholeor any paR of the ieased Premisea,this Aasignmentshalt <br /> , become nuil and void and of no effect <br /> ; �i . <br /> . #`-� .. � CC 670 6/88 21 <br /> . '�1. .. . � � - <br /> t ` <br /> �� <br /> � <br />