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<br /> �. �.. I4��IGNMI�N'Y A�L��E�AND REMTS ��,� �.U55�� -;,��;:,����:_°,�_, .
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<br /> . V�7 ,. ' .. .r ='=°��`t,f•.�.v..�-
<br /> _ r . �. ' THt9 ASSIQNMENT,made this 27th _dey of aune 19 9.�-�-� u „`'"_ -- —
<br /> dt�`t��,-,
<br /> ,� ��:w?.:.e�--- —
<br /> '�- � . . by Norman F. sahleichardt and L�onald E. Schlefahar8t �aah an unflivided one-lu�lf interest ��-�__--_—�°=��-
<br /> � >, ' �=�=T;;�
<br /> •,� 68 A1 "`�.!''e z'��...'�:'��v.��._
<br /> •` . � residing at or having an otNce at— 3b�6 E�st sto�v � Crand isign�. - -- ;.._.::e��-=—�
<br /> '�•: - .. . .� --• 'k`�.�'„���- Z,.,.n._,.
<br /> '.: :�IG' 'J��.�.....
<br /> FirsTter Bank,Natianal Association,Omaha,Nabraska having ' �� � ��"��%��r.
<br /> (hereln ceilc-x!"Assf9no�"I.to „ . �,.: .�°:c�n�;-��;�;.:;;: .
<br /> . � �. fts principal ofHce at Omaha,Nebraalca(he�ein cailed Aasige�ea 7, - .. y....� ,
<br /> . WITNESSETH: ' .
<br /> /1 FOR VALUE RECEIVED.Asslgnor heteby graMs.hansfers and assigns to the Assignee all of the�igM.tltle and � , "r:,r;�i�;���.,;'��
<br /> in2areslofAsslgnorinandtoanyendallteasesandothertenanclesnoworhereattsrmadeonorwithrespscttotherea�estata ,.. r , •...�,;,..'. . "
<br /> ,. �,. , . .
<br /> �; . ';.};r.;•_•.
<br /> • tocated in _ �- ,,�;:�.4',�::;•',
<br /> ' xaii coua�v Neh�aaka artd more parHcutarly dc�cribed ';;,,.,;.����.:;,
<br /> inScheduleAhe�eot,whfahrealestateshaUbereferredioherelnafteres"Premises",inciudin ,but�olltmitedto4hatCeKein ,::h�:=�f,,�,:;,',:�,
<br /> g ;•liiir.�`��ku;�:_s�,��;
<br /> Le�asaorthosecertatnl.eases,withmodi�aaUons.ffany,describedlnScheduleBhereof.coveringthePremtae�tog�therwtth ., ;.�,,�,.
<br /> : -- (t�any and efl extensicna o�renewals thorcof,(2)any antl al!gueranteea ot the Lesee's obllgeUons under any thereof and �'�,.::fV Y,;�:
<br /> un�er any and ali extenslons or renewals of any thereof,and(S)alt renls,issues,proflts,revenues,d9posit8,eameat money ���F�...�•��:,
<br /> , pa ym�n�5 righis and boneflta now or hereaiter arising from suah lease and tenancies or for the use and occupanal►ot the ; �� •;.
<br /> � P�em3�,�nfl eny and aQ extenaiona end tenewals thereot Said leases and tenancles or other use ot ttre Premfses together ++ ' '`� '�;
<br /> withan�r a�o�la1lgua►antee.s,modifications.extensionaend renewalsthereotshali be sometimes hereinafter retemed to asthe
<br /> }
<br /> .,Leaso'or.,,��.,� . . " ..��`"�.
<br /> and descri �on "��`" -
<br /> ONE Paymer�t and performance of�ach end every debt,Iiabiiity and obligadon of every� P .^r,�' • •,�
<br /> which Assfgnpr may now o�anytlme hereafter owe to Assfgnee.inaluding,but not(im(ted to,the ind rteas of Ass�9nor . .
<br /> secured by�that certaln mortgage or deed o!truat made by the/lssognor to the Assignea dsted 6-1��18�.`�--. •`�:•��. •
<br /> andracardedortoberecordedatorprfortothe�ecvr�IngofthisAsstg�ment,oranyothermoRgageordeedoihuathereafter . . �;
<br /> coveringthevrrroteoranypartofthePrem�ses,(whethersuchdeb;ttabifit�r,orobiigation�owe�usia�ie�c��� , ,,.
<br /> Incurred arad whether it is or may be diroct or indirect,due o�to become due,absolute or coMingen�primary or secandanr. y,
<br /> liquid�ted �r unliquidated.or joint, sevarei,or joint artd severai,ait such debts, IiablliUes and ohtigationa b�ing here[n ; �:
<br /> • cotlectiv�11v velerred to somedmes as the"Obligatlons'�;and • �'���� �,;
<br /> _,;'"!
<br /> . ., .;^,;:.> ° ,
<br /> T1N0: Pertomtance and discharge of each and every obilgation, cnvenant and agreement of Asstgnor 'er��':
<br /> contained herein or in any suCh mortgage of deed ottrust or any note or bond securod thereby.or in any obllgaUon or any � .�..;��•.;,y�'
<br /> � securing dvcument given U connectlon with any ot the ObligaUons secured hereby. �<:�:`{�°,;+1
<br /> . �:r::`:�`. ..�
<br /> . � ' LEA3E „ , ` ,, r;-
<br /> .�� �i
<br /> �`r';` ' .� ,
<br /> 1. To taithfully abida by.pertorm and dlscharge each and every obitgarion,covenant and agreement ot tha L,ease r ,��':
<br /> s �`�'� bylessaRobepeAormsd�tog(vepromptnoticeWtheAsslgneeofanynoticeofdefaultonthepartofAssignorwitt�nespAOtro . ,;
<br /> ���?�_��� the4�aasaceceivediromLessaeorguarantos.togetherwithanaccurateandcompletecopy afarrysuchnoUce;atthesolecost i � ,
<br /> � ae�d expense of Assignor.to enbrce or secu�e the performance ot each and every oblfgatlon,covenant,condiUon and I ,
<br /> � � � � agreementoftheLeaseby theLesseetobepertormed;nottomodiyorinanywayafterthetsrmaoftheLease:nottoterminate ;
<br /> ihe term of the Lease ar�d not to accept a surrendar ot the rents thereunder or to waive,excuse,condone or in any manner � �
<br /> refease o►discharge the Lessoe thereunder from the obligatlons.covenanta,cortditions and agreements by the Lessee to be , �
<br /> � perform�d.including the obltgaQ�on to pay the rentat calied tor thereunder in the manner and at the place and Ume specifled � _
<br /> . thereSn;en�t Assfgnor does by these presents expreasly reiease.retinquish artd sunender uMo the Assigrtee atl AssI9nor's f
<br /> rfght powerandautho�IrytomodiyarinanywayalterthetermsorprovisionaottheLease.vrtoterminatethetermoraccepta I..
<br /> �� ; surrer�dor thereof,and any attempt on the pan ot the Assignor to exercfse any such rlght without the written authority and ,
<br /> conserN of the Assl9nee thereto bein9 first had and obt&ined shail constitute a Detautt ot the terms hereof.as defined �
<br /> hereira�ftor.entlbing ti�e Assignee to deciare ati sums secured hereby immediatety due and payable. �
<br /> 2 At Assignor's sole cost and expense to appear in and defend a�y action or proceeding artsing under.growing :, �
<br /> out of or in any manner connected with the Lease or the obligadons,dudes or IiabillNes of Lessor,Lessee or guarantor ;
<br /> � f thereunder.and to pay all costa and expens8s of the Assignee,including attomey's tees in a reasonable sum,in any such �
<br /> actlo�or proceeding in which the A9signee may appear.
<br /> 3. TIs3t should Assignor tail to make any payment or to do any act as hereia�provtded,then the Assignee,but �
<br /> wfthout obfigatbn so to do and wiY��ut noUce to or demand on Rssignor.and wNhout releasing Aasigrtor trom any ob4}gatlon f �
<br /> i .
<br /> ' hereot.may make or do the same in suah manner and to such extent as the Asstgnee may dsem necessary to protea4 the .
<br /> secu�iry hereof including apectflaalty wfthout 11mi4lng its e�eral powere,the►tght to appear U an�delend arry aotlon or �
<br /> prcc�eding purportingtoaffecttt�esecurityhereotortherig�tsorpowersoftheAssignee.andalsothe�g9�tbutnottheduryto ' �
<br /> ; � � pertorm and discharge each and every obliga�on,covenant and agreement of Leasot in the Lease contained; and in
<br /> exerctsing�ny such poweB to pay rt�cessary costs and expenses,emptoy counsel and imcur and pay reasonabte attorne�s
<br /> .___
<br /> : .cvw -
<br /> �
<br /> 1 � �
<br /> � , 4. Topay immedfatelyupondemandallsumsexpendedbytheAssigneeundertheauthoHryhereof,togetherwith
<br /> interest thereon at the higheat rate set torth in any oi the Obligadons secured hereby,artd the same shall be added to the
<br /> �# Ob1lgaUons and shati be sscured hereby and by the said mortgage or deed of trust
<br /> 5. ThatAssignorwilloottrensferorconveytotheLesseethefeetitietothedemisedPremises,oranypartthe►eof.
<br /> i, - untesstheLesse�assumesinwritingartdagreestopaythedebtsecuredherebyMaccordancewithtfieterms,covenantsand
<br /> condirions of the satd note or bond secured by said mortgage or deed of hust
<br /> � -
<br /> . ,Ip.
<br /> � �.r.am �ieti ?�
<br /> � . , �
<br /> 9 ' __
<br />