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<br /> �7.Tnmfer ot the Propert�+a'a B�ne�ldtl Iutereat In llarrairt,h if�+�lUcir nny�xrt oP thc Pnnperty or ony interc�t i�it
<br /> is soid c�r trans�'ened(ur if n herxClciul�ntcrest in L`arcaw�er iw soS�l ar p°;�t1�Parrc�i Wr�113arruuer is ncyt a�u�wraJ�err�m)withe�t
<br /> - _�---�� I.eudcA's prtor ��r[ttca� cunsc►tt. t,cndcr may. at ite o�,SfoaL ��csi,i9ra Uim�::iits�t�� payiiscut !n fuU af nll c,u�uv nc.,ur��+f hy thiy
<br /> Securttq Instrun�cnt.Hoa�r.vcr. thly ayni�+n ehidl noi tw dxcrciyccl t�y lxm9rr IKuxar�iNC i�protilbltcd by fc�lcral lnw a+c►f thc detc
<br /> of this Sccudty lnstruntent.
<br /> If Ixnder exercixcs this optian,l�:.i�der shxll glvo Horrower neitina nft�r.anit�r�dan.'fho notise�;tull Qrovide a perlod of not
<br /> lcss than �0 duys from tho dutc thu natica iN dciivercil or mailect�a�lthin�etii�ll�.��►rrnwcr murt pny nll 6Ui119 l+QCUfCII Ay 1hI8
<br /> Serudty Instrun�ertt.[f Bor,�ower faib ta pay Ihcsc Fums prior ta ttya oxp�ralian.n��thia pertod,l.ender n�y invoke�ny rcmedle�
<br /> ptmnittai by tl�is Sccurity Instrument wltl�out funher�x�tice ar ctemaixlr�7►A�ttra�t�xr.
<br /> 3--- — --� 18. Borrower's IiiRht ta ttNnctate. If t3�orrower n�cis certair az►n�liinns, liarmwer ehait hevc ti�c rlg}ii tu Lare �__
<br /> enforecmrnt of this Security�Inxtnimene di�aontfnued ut any titn� prlm tn tha�arller of: (a)S days(ur sucN other period�,s
<br /> npplic�able luw may specify far reinsuttament)before salm of th� Prn�t y,}�airtcuant tn uny power of�a[e oontainal in thfR
<br /> Securiry Instrument;or(b)entry of aJudgment enfarcing this Security rnstnm�n��Thuse candition.g are that Ebmower:(e)pays
<br /> `�°' Lender ull�sutns which tfien•would be due under this Sacurtty Instmn�nt nn�•tha Note ag if no nccelerntion had occumed: (b)
<br /> cures nny defuult af any ather ravenunts or ngre�menu;(c) ps�ys alUexpII�os.insurred in cnfareing this Security I�istrumant.
<br /> — includ[ng,but rtot limited to,r�easonnble attorneys'foas;nnd(d)tnka��9iatf�aoiirtn as Lender msy reasonably rcquire to assuro
<br /> - th�t the lien of this Sexudty Instrument. Lender's rights in th�Rmpenyan�l:ansrmver's abfigation to pay the sums sccucai by
<br /> thls Secudty Instntmeat sha11 oontinue dnchanged, Upon roihsu+teamrtt.l�y 8ornower. this Security Insttument and tho
<br /> ,� -- obliguttons securWd hereby ehall nemaIn fully effoctive as if r�ao�olam2iun,tind��cumed. However.this dght to ainstate shall
<br /> `��'.� not upply in the case of acccleration under parngruph 17.
<br />:°�4, 19. Sale o!Note;�t�ange of Loan Servtcet. The Note aa a•}�stttiat lnterest in the Note(togethcr with this Secudty
<br /> [nsuument)may be sold one or morc Nmes wlthout pti�r.nvtit+a ta�BatrowBr.A ss�le may result in n change In the ent�ty(Icnown
<br />,f� as the"Lvan Servicer")that collects monthly payments di�umd�r.tt�c Nato and thia Securiry InstNment. 'Ihere Wso may 6e ane
<br />- or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to 3 saE�of.nha��trlo.If there la a chanse of tha Laan Servicer,Borrower wlll be _
<br /> ' given written notioe of the chan�e in accordarzoe with pamgrc�+4�lA nbave and upplicable law.The nottce will stnte the name and
<br />= address af the new Loan Servlcer and the addtess to w�i�ch paymenis shoald be made. The notice wlq also wntain nny other
<br /> information required by applicabla law.
<br /> 20. HerArdovs Subslunces. Borcower shall nat coasse ar permit the ptesence. use.disposal. storage.or release af any
<br /> H�ardous Substanoes on ar in the Property. Sorras��r shall not do. �or ullaw unyot�e else to do. anything nffixtlag We
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environ�,entaA L�tw.1'he preceding iwo sentences shull not apply to the presertce,use. or
<br /> ` stornge on the Property of small qusin6ties of Haacatdovs Substances that are genernlly reco�nized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> residentlal uses and to maintenance of 1he Pra�eisy.
<br /> Borrower shal!promptly give Lertder writ�an notice af any invostigstion,claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by t�ny
<br />- govemmental ar c�gulatory agency or privata�riy mvoiving the Property and any Horardous Substanoe or Envle�onenental Law
<br />= of which Borrower has actual knowledge.!f�orrower leams,or is nottBed by any govemmental or regulatory authoriry. that
<br /> any removal or other�+emediation of angr Haasrdous Substance affecting the Property is ne�essary.Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> > - -- �!!nc,rpc�ry rnrr�r�iial actfonv in accord�aco a�ath Environmental Law.
<br />.;,,,,�; As used in thfs paiagraph Z0, 'Hazu&�ws Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardons substa�ces by =
<br /> . Bnvirnnmental Law and the followist� s�stanees: gasoline, ker+osene, other flammable or toxic petroleum pmducts. toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos nr formaldeh�rde.and radioactive rnatenials. As ased in
<br /> this para�ph 20. "Snvironmental Lavy+" means federal laws and la�vs of the jurisdictlon whem the Prope�ty is ixnted that
<br />�° relate to heatth.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> b
<br /> NON-UNiFORM COVEI�IANTS. Borrower and L.ender further cavenant stnd agree As follo�vs:
<br /> , � ll. Aoceferallon;RemedlQS.I.an�hv s'hall give noticP to Borrower prlor to aoceleradon fmAlowing Rorrawer's breuch
<br /> _ of any cuvenAnt or ng�+eement in Nr��udty Instrusnent (but aot prtor to acceleration�der paregraph 17 u�fe�s
<br /> ' ,�,; appltcable Iaw provides ot6erwise).'Y'he na►tice shall specifyt (a)the defsult; (b)!he actlo�re�uired to wre the default;
<br /> (c)a date,rtot les,s than 30 dta�ys tmim 1hR date zhe notice is�iven to Bon+ower,by which the dPfault mus3�be cured;and —°
<br />-•j; (d) that faSlure to ivrn the defau[t om or before the date specified in the notice may result in aoceleration of the sums __
<br /> secut�ed by this Secudty Instruiu¢nt ar.�sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower�f the right to _
<br /> ��; tetn�tate aRer aocelerntion aad the rign+t to brtng a coart actian to assert the non�existertce of a detault or any other
<br />•,�� defease ot Borrower to acceierntiom and sale. it!the deteult is noi wred on or before the��te specitTed 4n We natke, —'"'
<br /> ��. 1.ender, at its optton,may req�tire ImmedIste payment in full of al!sums secured by this 5ecnrity In�trvment without �'��"
<br /> �� ' further demand 9nd ma invotcie the wer ot sale and any other remedles �'`
<br />_ y po permitted by appltcable In�v.Elender shall be
<br />� :�. � �t�tled W collect all expenses irtcurr¢d im pu�uing the remedies provided in this�ragraph 21,includtng,but aoi l[mited �°
<br /> � t_� to,reasonable attorrteys' tees autd costs mE tlGle evidence. --
<br /> `��' `1`'� I f t h epo w e r o t s e l e f q t n v o k e d, 7 v u a t q e s h a U re c u r d a n o t t e e of d e f ault in e ach mun t g�in �vhich an y p a r t of the
<br /> ,�; .., ...... ��_
<br />`'''�' -��'��'��=�'� '� Property is l�ted and shnli matl cogies ad s�ch rtottce in the manner pnscribecl by epplicable law to Borrower nn d to ���_`
<br /> ;. �••:.:;�.. .. - -
<br /> :�'-• the oiher person4 prescribed by applicable law. AQer the time required by applicable law.Tn�stee shull�lve publtc rtotice E,;,;:;:._
<br />"'� �°''?��'`�' of safe to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable la��•.Trustee, without demand on Borrow�er,sha{I sell " �
<br /> ` y ;,='5E=.:�.�:: the Property ut pubiic aucNon to the highest bidder at the time and plsce and under the terms desiqnated fn the notice of �
<br /> � �-':�'n '•:' sale fn one or more parcels and ia any order Trustee determines.Tn�stee may postpone sale ot all or any pnrcel of the �i�.
<br /> '' "����•� Pro b abltc anrtoartcement at the time and IIIce of an reviousl scheduled sale.Gender or Its desi�ee�uy �j`'•
<br /> �: ..: P�Y Y P P Y P Y )i
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