Laserfiche WebLink,r< ' : �..�,n r:.: . • •s; • _,� . .. :t;• �- <br /> --' _ <br /> . ,. <br /> . � <br /> ,.�. <br /> -�. . ' , .. _ .� _.. <br /> +r ' - �..���r,wv�,:• - -` - �—` _ . .... _.. __. _ . .. _... <br /> .. • :,��•� _. - <br /> . _ __-_. .._._ .. -^C[F."L:. 3�C_ <br /> .__.,_.� ,_ _ . . . _ .. .... .. <br /> _ __.._ __,.________.__ ._ . _.. ... 'P,f�-1P.-. . <br /> S. Hwrd or Pm exp p r <br /> _ pertY Imnr�nc�. �nrrower Rhail k the im rovcment�naw existl�ol'hcc�lt��E�d'�dn the . <br /> __=-.,���� FrAnerty i�tiurecl c�galnst lose; by f,re. tiaznrds inrtuded wUhln Ihs eent� "Cxtendcd coverago"«�xl any other ha�nrd�,inciudinp� <br /> fl�wiA ur ftczocting,for which I.�nder requires insurancs�. Th1s insurance shai!ba muintAined ln tho amnnntF unel f��e thr periods <br /> thut t,ender requires.The insurance canier praviding the Insurance ehall D�chusen by&�rrower subjat tu I.ender'e�pproval <br /> wi�fch shsll not be unreASOnably wlthheld. If iiesrrower feifa to maintain coverege describexi sbave. L.ender nuy. rt l.ender'H <br /> uption,obwin covtrugc tu pratxt Lcncicr's rigl►te in thc Pro�rty i��uccardanca v�ith parxgratph 7. <br /> Al!insurarn:e palicicw und renawat9 ahail tse acckptable to I.ender and ehuli include a atanderd martg�ge clause. Len�ier <br /> . ___- _�____-� shr�N hnve the ri�ht to hold rhe�x.Nclr.a nnd renr,w�ls.If t xndPr req�dres,Dnrrnwer��hntl pr�imptly givo to LerHler ell recefpts of . <br /> paid premiums and renewol natices.In the evant af luss.8orrawer shsii give prampt natice to the lasurance,carrior�nd I.ender. <br /> l.endcr may a�uke praof of los9 iP not mude promptly by Borrawer. <br />=_- — Unlcss Lender and 9arrowcr othenvis�ugree in writing. insurance proceals shall bc opplied co restoration or npair of tha <br /> - Praperty damaged.lP tt�e restomttan or r�pnlr is cconomic�lly feasiblc and Lendcr's sccurity is nat lessened.if the c+aitoratian ar <br />----__ — rcpuir is not ecanomically feasibte or Lendcr's sccurity would 6c lcssened.tho insurunce procexda Rhull be upplied to tha surn� <br /> .- _ ___ -- �ecural by this Sccudty Instrument, whcthcr or nat then due,with any exce,4a pnid ta Borrower. If Borrower ubandons the <br /> -- Property,ur does not answer withJn 30 duya u nai�ce fmm Lender thnt the insurance currier hu�offered to settle a claim.then <br />_�- l.ender mAy callect the insurat►ae proce�ds. l.ender may usa the proceeda to repuir,,ar,resrore the Propeny or ta,pay..sums <br /> �;:_ scrun;d by this 5ecudry Tnsmimant,whether or rtot then dua.The 30day per�od will Degin when the notice is given,,, <br /> �=�`' Unless L.ender and Aorrower othenvise agrce in writing,pny appllattion of praceals ta prtncipal shull not extend or <br />�;�� postpone the,duu the monthly naymenta refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of the paymenta. If <br /> ,rR; � un�er paroIIt�ph 2t th0 Property is acqulred by L.ender. Borrower's dght to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> durna};e W tf�Pto�riy prlor W titc iu:yulaltlon sh�il pass W(.eudcr to tlze extent of the sums secure�l by thia Secudt'}+instcument -- <br />_- immediately prior to the acquisition. ' <br /> = � 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property;Borrower's Loan Appltcation; I.easehotds. <br /> Borrower shall occupy.estahlish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the exerut(on of <br /> '�� this Sccudry Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Ptoperry as Bonower's prtncipal cesldence for at least ons year aRer <br /> :.{ the date o6 occupuncy, unless Lender otherwiso ngrecs in wdting, which oonsent shall not be unreasflnably withheld,or unless <br /> • extenuating clrcumstanoes e�cist which are beyond Barrower's control. Bonrower sball not destroy. damage or lmpaIr the <br /> • Property.allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit wacte on the Proper'1y. Borrower shal! be in default if any fotfeIture <br /> action or proce�ding.whether civil or cr� begun that In L.ender's goaf faith judgnient could tesult in forfeitnm of the <br /> � Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or[.ender's security interest.Borrower raay <br />- cure such a default and provided in paragraph I8. by causin$the action or proceedin�to be dismissed with a rul{ng <br /> ` - • ., , t�at. sa�r's gaod.faSth deterniinat€ori. pr�iudes i6iF2IILii2 8f I�i� �8il8W�C�5 Iii28T25i �ti t�t8 Fii3�ia'jt Gt�z�ter mai�cIa! . <br /> •� im�uirnrent of the lien created by this Secu�Ity Instrument or►der's security tnterest. Borrower shull aLso be •in default if <br /> , Borrower.dwin�the loan application process.guve muterially fWse or inuccurate informutlon or statements to L'ender(or failed <br /> to provide Lender with any mstterial infarmation)i�►connection with the loan evidenced by the N�te, including.but not Iimite�i <br />= ta� representations coneeming Barrower's occupancy of the Pr�perty as a principal residence.If tbis Security Instrument is on a <br /> �;��;,. , leASehold, Bonower shall campiy with all the provisions of the lease. If Bonnwer acquires fee tide co the Ptoperty. the <br /> ''``r"''°` le�►schold and thB fea title shall not marge unless L.ender a�raes io the mer�er in writing. <br /> � :>.:'�•, .; <br /> 7.Protectian of Lender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fnils to perform the cavena��ts and a�ements contatned in <br /> this 5ecurity Instmment, or there is a le6al procceding that may significantly uffect Lender's rights in the Property(such s�s u <br /> pmceedin�in banlcrupuy,probate,for condemnation or fodeiture or to enforce Iaws or re�ulations).then Lender may do end <br /> ��. �f} pay for whntever Is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and Lender's righGg in the Property. L.ender's actlons may <br />-. n, inrlude pnying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in court. paying <br /> ' reasonable attorneys'feas and entedn�on the Property to make repairs. Althou�h L.endcr muy take actton under this paragraph <br />:.. •� •{r�.n ' 7, L.ender does not have to do so. <br /> � �,�,.:�;�,t.; Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shall become additionul debt of Borrawer secured by this <br /> '� 4_;;;�..� ;`,`"L� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender a�ree to othcr terms of puyment.these amounts shull bear interest ftom the <br /> , �:'�i;`�i..:`�'"'���- date af disbnrsement at the Note rate and shall be ablc, with interest, u n notice from I.ender to Borrower uestin <br /> ,���:,.F1,.�. 1,�,_: � r�y � � g <br /> �":�!`�.�. :� paymerit. <br /> :� _;�`�' �';; _� 8.Mortgage Insurance. [f I.ender required mon�a�e insurunce as u condition of makins the loan secured by this Security __ <br /> . •:,�r..,, •. Instrurnent, Borrower shall pay the premiums mquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any m,�son. the <br /> ' u„ a . <br /> �:. • mangage insurnnce coverage required by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> � ��34r�' ���� obtuin covera�e substantiaily equivalent to the mort�uge insurance previously in a wst substantirilly equivalent to the R <br /> 1f�{:i.,,...... ; . <br /> �.:,}•r;�;<<.�" • cost to Homower of the inortgage insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mort�age insurer approved by Lender. If -_ <br /> . �''"�''`�.�°'�' �' substantiully equivalent martgage insurance coverage is not uvailable,Sorrower shall pay ro Lender each month a sum equnl to - <br /> ��"`• �. one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coveruge�upsed or ceased ta - <br /> `�-�•-'"���� �� - be ln effect. Lender witl accept,use and retsiin these paymenta�.s a loss mserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve =- <br /> 4t�,�;�.l�t.. ' :°' <br /> I v:,�.-..�..�.� . L:.:. <br /> ` s,;�;'i ' . . Form 3028 8190 r. <br />.._ � i:,�: � „ Pago 3of 6 -. <br /> �� �' . . <br /> �,i��`•~�-� <br />� ._ .r.... . . - ' . ....... .,. . . � . :� ..., r... � r�rw . ..+. , ' <br />- � ., _ � , .. .. ., . , , _ . .y. _,._.���ti5.. ..- . . . - <br /> �{ , . , . . . . . , . <br /> '- --- --- --- -'._.. ------ --- --_ --- --- ----- -- --- -- — - -- _ <br />