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<br /> !7.Te�+dce o4 tYre Pr+Mxxty ar�t 6enefic�l Iata�est in BornnYer.If ali or�y��art of tho Prc►paty ar xny intrmt in tt
<br /> is�old or transfcr�rcl(or �f a txrteHcI�l intetest in L3orrowcr iN s►ild ar tsansfemcd und Barrow�cr is not u c►gu�rsl pcaeat�a withcrut �
<br /> • l.c�xler'a pr�ar writtcn coits.�nt, I.�r�der may, ut its nptiun. rasuirc iuiutcdi�tto payr�tcnt in fi�l1 of aif Fumv eciurcd hy �his
<br /> Security Itist�urnent. Ho�;rever,this uptiar►shatl not be ezercised hy L�ndcr iP eaercice is prot+{Dided by federat Inw a�x of Il�e�iate
<br /> af thls Socuriry Iustrument. -
<br /> !f I.ender exerclses thls option.I.ender sh;til give Ei�rmwer nutica of s►ccelerutton.7'he t�atice shall provide a perlix4 af tmt
<br /> - Icss thw� 30 d�yE Prom tix date the notice is delivcrcd �r at.aflal within which Bornawer must pay all sum� secnrod by ehis
<br /> Saudty Instcument. ff Bamawer fails ta pay thesc svms prior tu the expitsition oP thts pedod,Lender may invake Any trmedlea
<br /> _ �,.,�,_________ permitted hy thia Securlty lnstn�ment withcsut further notic�or demand an Rar�orvcr.
<br /> �- ' 18, iTomuwer'a itl�ht to K�i�wtate. tf 8orrowcr tnects eGrtnirt corniitions, &iom�wer sl►ui! kave tiir rigkt tu iiave
<br /> enforcement of thts Secadty Instnimrnt discontinuod at eny time prior to thc earlie�of: (a)S drys (or such att�er pedad as
<br /> applicable luw rrwy apecify for reinstatememl befon sele uf tt�c Prapeity pursusm co Any power of Eale rnntained in chis
<br /> _ Saxucity Insuumxnt;or(i►)entry oF a Judgment enforring this Secudty dnstntment.11►ose onnditions ure tha!Barrower: (a)�ays
<br /> --- L.ender all sums which then woutd 6e due under this Securtry instnament und the Noto ns iP na ncceleratlon had�occuned: (by
<br /> cures ru�y default of eny other cavenants or ugreements;(c)pays nl!expens�Incurred in enfaning thls 5ecurlty Instlumea�t.
<br /> including.but not limited to.re�sanabls attomeys' feps:nnd(d)takes such uction as Lender may reasonably raquire to ossum
<br /> �— - -- that the lien of this Sccwiry Instnameat.[.ender's rigitts in the Pioperty and Hoirower s obtigation to pay tl►o suttu securai by -
<br /> this Secur�ry instrwnent shall rnndnue unchangal. Upon reinstcitemeAt by Borrower. this Sacurity Iasuvment and tha
<br />;: obligations securvd hereby sh�ll remain fuQy effcxtive as if ao accelemt�on had aa�ned.However.thia right to r+elnstate shall
<br />"L not epply in the case of aaelemdon under parogmph 17.
<br /> ��- 14. 5ale o!Note; Chat�e of Loan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in the Nate(together with this Scrurity
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or morc t�mes wlthout prior notice ta Bam�wer.A sals may resutt in a change in tha emity(knawn
<br />- ns the "Loan Senricer')th3t coltects momhly payments due under the Note and this SecurIty Instrument.There also may be one
<br />-�! or more ch.v�es of the Laan Servicer urmelatod to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servieer.Bornower will be
<br /> --
<br />-- �iven written r�odce of ttiechange in cocordance with paragraph 14 ubove und applicable law.The nottc�e will state the a:une and
<br /> addrcss of the new Loan Senricer and the addn�s to which paymenu should ba made. The notice will also contain any oiher
<br /> Infom�alian required by applicable law.
<br /> Z0. Ii�rdous SnG�tances. Bornower shutl not cause or peRnit the presenae. use,dtsposal.stam�e.ar release of any
<br /> Harandous Substancxs on or ln the Property. Barrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to da, anything affecting the
<br /> Property thut is in violation of any Environmental Law. 'IYie preradin�two senteno�s shall natapply to the presence.use.or
<br />.
<br /> - storage on the Pmperty of small quantides of Ha�rdous Substances lhat are generally reoognized to be appropristte to normal
<br /> resldentiul uses end to mainten�nce of the Pro
<br /> PertY•
<br /> Borrower shall promptly gtve Ixnder written notice of eny invest3gadon.claim. demand. lawraiit or other ttction by any
<br />_ govemmental or regulaio�y agency or privute party imolving the Propeny and any HAwrdous Substance ar Environmentel Luw -
<br /> of which Barrower has actual knowlodge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by ua�y governmental or re�utatary authoriry, that
<br /> any removal or other rernediation of a.y Hazzardous Substance affecttn$the Property is neaessary,Barrower shall prompdy take _
<br /> _ _- - . all neressary cemediul actions tn accorda�►ce with Environmental Iaw.
<br />` As used in this pamgraph 20. 'Hazsudous Snbstances" are those substances defined es toxic or hazarcious substano�s by =
<br /> Envit+c�nmental Law and the followin� substnnces: gasoline, keros�ne, other flammable or toxic peiroleum Qroducts, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials rontaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenals.As used in _
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurasdiction Where the Praperty 1s located that _
<br /> - ,, , relate to health.safety or environmenuil prote�ion. �_
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNAI�iTS.Borrower and Lender further rnvenant su►d agree ag folloAe+s: -
<br /> 21.Aaoeferatton; Remedies.Ler�der shall glve aotice to Bon+ower prtor to aooeteraUon[ollowing Borrow�'s breach '-
<br /> of any rnvenant or a�rcetnent tn this Security InstRUnent (bu� not prior to aooeleration undcr paragrdph 17 unless �`=°-
<br />` appltcable I�w p�+uv�des ocAierwise).The aot�ce shail specit�s (o) the default; (b)the edion requtred to cure the defaWt; r='��`
<br /> (c)a cWte,nos less than 30 days tti+om tf�e date the nutice is given to Borrowea.by which the default must be cured; and `'��-'"
<br />� (d)thut fatlu�e to cut+e the default on or before the date specified in the naUce may result tn aoceleration of the svms E'"`
<br /> �, se�v��by this Security Iastrument and sele of the Pruperty.The nottce shall furt6er infortn Borrower of the riglaR¢a► -___
<br /> reta�atc uRer aoccleratton aad the el�ht to bring a court adlom to assert the non�acistence of a detault or any ot��r .--=
<br /> deten9e of Bormwer to aooeleration and sale. If the default ts aot cured on or before the date specitied in the notice, �f6,"�
<br /> Lender,at its option, may eequire immediate payment in full of ali sums secured by thfs Security Inctnu�eent �rithout
<br /> - further demand and may invoke the power of snte and any other rrmedles permitted by nppticable law. i.e�eder shall t►e �al:
<br /> endtl�d to collect all expen.5es incurred in pursuing the remedies pmvided in this puragcaph 21,inctad3a�,but noi limtted =_ --
<br />_ . � ;,, to.reasonabte ettorneys'fees end costs of tiUe evidenoe. K"
<br /> � `�� It the�wer of sale is(nvoked.Tnutee simU reaord a no2dce ot default in euch mumtv in wtn9cfi eny part of the �''
<br /> . ',�.; �"F,�
<br /> . ,��+� Property is �cated end shall mail copies ot such noftce in the manner pz+escribed by app9�ca$le lsiu�II��orrnwer and to _
<br /> the other persons prescribed by appl�cable law.Atter the Ume requtred by appl3rable Iaw,Tn�stee sh�➢1 give public notice
<br /> - of sale to the persons and in the maiuter prescribed by appitcable Iaw.Tnisi�ee.aithout demnnd on Bmrrower.shnll seU '�
<br />,;�, . � �;°'';� the Property at public�udion to the htghest bidder at the ttme and pluce and under the terms designuted in the notice of ��;K�:
<br /> -�.��i�'�}, sale in one or more parcefs and in any order Tntstee determin�.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any pa�.ml of the
<br />�". . t'�'•� P�+operty by publfc announoemeut ut the time nnd place of any prev(ously scheduled sale.I.ender or its deslgner may .�'
<br /> '- '+��,:�w-.. p�u+ch�se the pro�rty at any sale.
<br /> �-�-`4. •
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