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<br /> paymeixs mry no io�be r�quimd.t�i�optIon af I.ader. if�murt�e 3nounu�ct aovuago(ir�tt�c sa�ouot and fur t�t peeioQ
<br /> th�t l�eader roquires)prnvlrled by�n insurer spprovcd by l�eiukr agalll I10C(1111tS AYailablc and is c►M�lne�d.Hcxrc�wcr s1WE �v
<br /> � w""—�" d�e premiwna requinod to n�airasai�nwr�gage i«sorAnce in r�ftc��,or to prc�v[tk�lose reurve.untfl thr,rcguircrr�enc fur i�w�t�age
<br /> irtsurance�nd�►in ae�'�trd+�nce with eny writtea agrame�t betwr,en f3otrov►rcr a�d I.ender or app!(cable lew.
<br /> � 9.IntApttiato L�ender or Its aQcnt cru�y m�kc reax►n�ble entdes uppn and)mpoctions of�t�e Pc�apeny. i enckt�iuill give
<br /> � Batraw��,tMWirx ae thc timc o}'or prIor to an inspCCtiqn epa3lying�ra�onabfe caosc for thc f.nspxtior,.
<br /> IO��;S�dan+n�lieit, The proceods of any aw�or cldm far du�es. dirat or coisseque�t�tl,in sannectlaa vCN► amy
<br />- „-_-__ condenumtion or other tuking af mt.y Patt of tfia Pmpsrty.or ilu canveyenec in lieu of condemnadau.arc hczeby usslg,nat atri •-
<br /> sfu�ll be pxid ta[.endec. .
<br /> , In thc event oP a total taking of the Prope�ty�the proaads ishxll be�pplled to tbe sums socured by this S�ciuIty insluument.
<br /> whetfier or not then due, +�vith nny oxcess patd tu 13ornnwer. ialhe event of a patt3a!ta{cjng of 1he PropeAy in whkh the fi�r
<br /> � martcct vnlue of the.Aroperty i►ninediAtely before the taking is cqual to or gt+eater than the amount of the wm.v saured by thia
<br /> S�ccurity Insscument immed�ately befo�the t�Icing.,unless Bormw�r und I�ender otherw3so agree in wrlting.tRic sums recurod by '
<br /> _,� , this S�xu�ity Inst�vrnent shall be reducod by.tha una�wat of the proceeds multipliad by the follawing fraci�on: (� the tWal
<br /> amount of the sums socund immodIate�y befom,uia tt+k(ng,divided by (b)tha fair market value af the Property inut�edlately
<br /> befone the tsktng. Any bateace sdall be psiid to�ortqwcr. In�tht event of a pania! takI�of the Propeny in whkh the fair
<br /> rnnrk�ea vnjue of the Property isnmediately before thc taldng is less tltaa thc s�nounl of the swms secttred immedlately bcfore the
<br /> taking.wxless Bormwer and L.ender othenvjse agn;e in wrldng or unl�s opplicablo law othenvisa pmvidts, the pmoeeda shall
<br /> be appliod to the sums secured by this 5ecur[ty insmuaeat wbether or not the auau nro then due.
<br /> If thc Pmperty�is ebandoned by Bamnwcr.or if.after noifa by Lender to 8orrowcr that tho coidemnor offers to m�lce a�i
<br /> - - - - srr�rd or seule n claim for dar�,rca, Borrower faits to resgand to t,eridcr withtn 30 days aftcr th:,datc.th:.nat�cc�s g�ven.
<br /> ' Lender is suthorizesl to collect and.apply the pnoc�eds.at ets optton,either to restoranan ar repair of ttn Propetty or to tha swna
<br /> I secured by this SPCUrity Insttumez►T,whether or not then due.
<br />- �• Untess C.ender.and BorroNer otttenvise ugree in writing, any appliauion of pme�eds to princip:il sh�ll rtot extend or
<br /> postpone the due dmeo of the montftly paymenss referred to in paragraphs 1 atd 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> - 11.Bomuwer Not Reteased;Forbearaa��e By Lend�n Not a WWver.Extenalan of the tjme for payment ar modificutlon
<br /> of amortlzatIon of tha sums secu►�ti.by this Securlty Insuumxat granted by Lender to���suxessor In iaterat of Borrower shall
<br /> rtot operate to rele�.se the tiubllity pf the or�ginal Bornower or Borrower's successors ia.iaterest. L.ender shall not be mqulre.d to
<br /> �' coromence proceedinge against atty successor ininterest or refiuc to extend t�me for payment or olh�rwise modify nmortiratIon
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrumant by reason of any demand made by the original Hozrower or Borrower's
<br /> successsus in interest.Any forbearance by Lender jn exercising eny ri�ht or nemody sl��1!not be a wt►iver of or preclude the
<br />-�:v r:�---
<br /> ��� e.srmfx of sa�r rIp,ttt ur�;.
<br /> 12. Sua�escors end Assigns Hound�Ja1nt and Several Liablltty; Co-signers. The covenants and agre�ments of thts
<br /> __ SecurIty Inswmeat shail bind and benef�t the successors and assfgns of 1.ender and Borrower.subject w the pmvjsions of
<br /> _ i patagraph I7. Horeoever's covenanu and agreements shall E�e joint and�several. My Borrower who co-signs thls Securiry
<br /> -- - ia�.cuument but do$s nat execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Se�curity Instrument only to mottgc►ge, g�arnt nred rnnvey that
<br /> Borrower'S interest in the Properiy.under the temGS of this Securiry Insmiment:(b)is not personully obtigated t�pay tfie sums
<br /> secured by this SecurIry Insuumem;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree ro extend,modify,forbwu or
<br /> make any aocommadadons with tega�d to the terms of th3s Security instrument or the Note without that @orrower's consent.
<br /> 13.i.a�au Charges. If the loan secured by this Securlry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan churges.
<br /> and that!aw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be colttxted in oonnection with the
<br />_ loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan cherge shull be�educed by the amount necessary w reduce the charge
<br /> to the permittecllimlt;end(b)ctny sums already collected from Bomower which exceedad pem�itted limits wiQ be refw�ded to
<br /> Bomower. [.ender may rhaoss to meke th(s refund by reducjng the prtncipal owed under the Note or by making a dl�+ect
<br /> payment to Borrowec. IP a refund reduces princ�pal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment witho�t any
<br />- prepayment chacge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shsill be siven by delivering it ar by mailing
<br /> r� it by fint class mail unless applicable law requires use of anoYher method.'[he notioe shalt be directed to the Propeaay Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notIce to L,ertder. Any noiioe to [.ertder shall be�iven by fitst class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herein ar any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any nouce provided for in this
<br />- Securiry Instn�ment shall be deemed to have been�iven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in tbis para�aph.
<br /> �-��'`�� 1S.Goveming Law; SeverablUty. This Secudty Inst�ument sh�ll be govemed by federa! law and the law of the
<br /> k urisdiction in which the Pm �s locnted. In the event that an
<br /> J perty ' y provision or clause of this Secucity Instnament ar the Note
<br /> oonflicts with applicable laiv,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instniment or the Note which can be �
<br /> '" �iven effect without the mnflicting provision. To this end the provisiona of this Secarity Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> � to 6e severable.
<br />' l6.Bornower's Copy.Botrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrumcnt.
<br /> ,
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