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<br /> nQplicable lww may spe�ify for rcinstasenr_�n)befare�ule of ttse Prr�perty pu�xusnt_to w�y power af e�lb wnt�inod in thQ�
<br /> ° Sect�rlty Instrurr►cnt�or(b}enuy of n judgmci►t enfurcl��g thla SecurIty InstiusicnG `1IIUSfl CaI1�I1IQ111!i QF�that f�orratiwe�: (u)
<br /> pays I.vndes all sume which then would ba dun under this Security Ittsi�un�eni und the TVnto es if no accr.icnrtian h►uJ
<br /> occurred;(b?c�u+es any default of any olhtr cavenanta nr a�teemente;(c)pays all cxpenacs incutred in tnCc�in�thl�Secur3ry
<br /> Instrument, including,but not limiteA tof reasoaable attnmey�+'fecs;und(d)takes such�cdon u l.en�r may rewonab�y
<br /> requiro to ossuro that ttia lten of this Secur[ry tnsaumcnt,Lendtr's ri�hta in the Property�nd aamwer'�ublitufw►tA pay the
<br /> eums secured by tbis 3eaurlty Ia�nvmknt shui continus w�chu��ed. [lport•rei�uotatement by Bomc�vzr� this Security
<br /> - �--- - - - - Ln�tin!ntent Pnd t�r,ohli�yations s�curcd istnby�h�)1 remnin fid�y effective a91f no accelerutlmf hsd occtimed. �fowevcr,th{s
<br /> - ----------� rlgt►t to reinstate shall not apply in the caso af acceleradon under paragraph 17. r_
<br /> l.q B�ie ot IVotez Chan�e of Loan Servker. The Note or a partial iattrest in tho Noro(to eth�r with thle Security
<br /> ___ Tnsuumei►t) me�y 6e sold ane or more times without priar notice to Borrowar. A tu+le may result�a a change In tht eneity
<br /> _ _ (Icnawn as the"Loan St:�vice�")that cofle.cte monthDy payments due under the Nou and thi9 Securlty Instrumen� Then ul�►
<br /> muy be one ot morc changea of the l.van Servicxr utuelated to�sale of the Nate. If there is a chango aY the Loan ServIcer.
<br /> Horrower wiU De given written noHce of the changa in uccordance wlth paragruph 14 above and applicable law. 'fhe aotIoe
<br />- - witl state Uce nnme and address of the new Loaa Servlcer nad the nddrrss�to which payments ehould be made. Tho nWlw will
<br />—" - tilso contain eny other information required by npplicable law.
<br /> '- 20. Ha7aMous Sobetances. Bonower shall not causa or permtt the p�snnce.use.d�apoqal.storage�or nlease of any
<br /> �s, Htu.nrdous Substances on or in the Prope�ty. 8orcower shall aot do.aor nllo�v anyone elso to do,anythiag affxdng tIn
<br /> . Froperty that ia in violut3on of Aay Bnvkonmenuil Law. The pnxedInv awo sent�ces shall nat apply to thc presence.uso.or.
<br /> staraga on the Pmperty of small quantides of Haza�dous Substancea that are generally r�cognizc�w be uppropnate to na�nnaJ
<br />�_:;�� resideaHal uses and w muiatenareca of the Property.
<br /> -_,;c Sotrower sball promptly give Lender wr[ttea notice of aay inves8gatlon.claim.dernar�d,lawsuit or other acdon 6y uny
<br /> govemmental or reg�ilatory agency or private pazty involviag tho Property a�ut auy Hazaxdous Su6stance or�viramncmal
<br /> ° Law of which Bomowet has actual kaowledge. If Borrower leama, or is �fied by any govemmental w tiegulntory
<br /> uutbority,tdat any removal or other remediation of any Haz.ondous$ubstance affecting the Pmperty ia aecessary.Bomowe�
<br /> ' shall promptly take pll ttecessary remedlal actions ia accordance wIth Eavlmnmenwl Law.
<br /> . As�sed ia t6is paragraph?A."Haz�udous Substances"are those substances defined as toxte or ha�.ordous substances by
<br /> �:���;, F�vironmental L.aw and tf�e following substances: gasoliae,keroseae.other flammuble or tonic petroleum pralucts,toxlc
<br /> ��� pesdcides and h��fiictdes, volatlle solvents. rnaterials contaiaiag asbestos or furmaldehyde.and radloucdve mnterials. As
<br /> used in tbis paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meaas faleral laws suid laws of the jurlsdIcdon where tfie FropeBy�S located
<br /> that relace to health,safety ar envlronmeawl protection.
<br /> . ���` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Homower aad I,eader further covenant and agc�ee es followe:
<br /> - 21. Acalerahton; Remedtes. Leuder sbs�l! give aotloe to Borrower pator to acaleratton follnwtag Bonmvex�
<br /> - breach oi anp�covenant or agreement in thfs Secnr[ty Tnstnvm�nt(but Qot prlor to acoeleratbn undtr parograpt�Y9
<br /> �- - -- _,:,.�- . nnlesv applicable l�w.provides othertivfse). The aottce sI�all sD�1Py: (o)tDs detuult.(b)We acUon rea►uircd to cut+e t�e
<br /> ;t�; detault;(c)a date, anQ�CSS than 30 daya itom the dAte t6e notice is given to Borrower,by w6ich tl�e defaait mu�t be "
<br /> �o: i
<br /> cured;�nd(d)tLs►t 1a'lltunx to cure the def�ult on or 6etore We date specitied in the not[ce may n�Wt in ecceleratlon af
<br /> the sams secnred by Wis&cudty Ltstn�meat and ssle oi t6E Property. The notice shaU further i�orm Boreoxes of
<br /> • ,?�;,;. . the right to retnstaQe after acceleration aad the rtgl►t to bring a eonrt acttoa w�ert the mon�cxi.stena of a defaes�!or
<br /> ' any othe�ddense of Borrower W aoceleratton and sele. Ie We defaWt is not cu�+ed on or 6efure the date apeditcd tn
<br /> ':' the nWlce,Leader at fts option may requtre im�nedlaste(�aymer�k In fYaU of al!sums secured by fhL4 3ecurlty Instrament
<br /> - w[thont ttuther demand end may invoke the po�ver of sale and any ot6er reraedtes permtttcd by applk�ble!�►w
<br /> . I.euder shall be entitled W�ollect all expetase,� incurepd in ponsWng the remed�es provtdai in t61s par�ageaph 21,
<br /> - �,, •.� including,but not limited to.reasoieable attorneys'fees and oosS�oi t[tle evtdence.
<br /> V the power otsale fs Invoked,'Ilrustee shall n�oord a aatloe of default in eacb county in wWch eny part ot tR�e
<br />°: Property ts tocated aad ehall waU oopies oi�uch not[ce W We meaner presedbed by applicable law to Bonower and 4m
<br /> � the other persons prescetbed by appliceble taw Atter tt�e time reqW�+�d by applicable law,ltustee sl�R give pu�lie
<br /> � '�'��n. Dotice oi sale to the pessmns end in the m�naer prescdbed by applica6le law. 'ltostc�w[thout dems�n�l on Borrower,
<br />- `"'�:i"� shall sell tke Property�t publlc auctton to the 6lghest 6idder at t6e time snd place and uuder the ter�as desl�ted In -
<br /> r.. . � the notice of sale in ocee or morP pacr�els and In any order'1lrustce determines. 'lirustc�may postpone sale of all or mx�y
<br /> ° :•'�;�;�. parcel ot the Praperiy by publlc an�ncement at We Wne a��lace of any prevtously sc�edWed sala I cnder os d�s
<br /> designee n�xy pnm.t�pse the Property at any sa9e.
<br /> �x
<br />- :sa�:.•�r. Upon e+eceipt of puyment oi the prlce bfd, Trustee shall deIIver w the purchaser 7Yvstee's tl�d eonveytng the
<br /> `x ,;�:�''`��::.��i,�.���' Property. Tde recitals In the'lt ustee's deed shall be prima facte evtdence of t6e trut6 of the stateme�ts made theretn.
<br /> '''°��°"': 'It�stee shall apply the proceeds of We sale W the following order: (a)to all costs and expeases of exercisdng the power
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