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<br /> condemn�tin��ur othcr tnkin�uf nny Fnn of 1ht F'roperiy,ar fnx convcynnce in Ileu a�candemnetiar�.Mrc lxceb�?aqsign�d rx�d •�
<br /> - shall be paid to l..ender. �
<br /> In � event af a(ptal teking af the ProExny, thc proceeda sbali ix appite�l ts� th�humy dewixA by this Src:urity
<br /> In3trmmnt.whtther ar nat thcn dun,with any exc�esy p�id to�ort�o�ier. In thc event of A purtW Wcing of the Property in
<br /> whi�h ttte feir mwket va{ue of the Praperty inunediutely bCfone the taking ia etjaul to or gi+eatea than ihe emount of tha nw�p►"
<br /> Roeurr.d by this 5ecurity tn�tn4txnt immediately b�foro the tdcing.unksa Rorruwer and Lender otllerw:se agroe in w�itin�,
<br /> tho rcums securcd by chis Secur�ty In9trument Rhall be reducod by the amount of tho pmceedA mul�iplied by tl�e fopowing
<br /> ---- _ - fe��ction: (K)t{w lutul�iwuui uf u�:Huti��a r,e:cuc..d i►�3�icdiaYCiy b:forc thc talcin�,divtd.d by(6)th*Sni�m�rkr.t vrel��r.0.4�it�
<br /> � l�roperty Immcdiatrly lx�fore the taking. Any balance sh�ll be pald to Soncswer. In the event of�patisl t�iting af tta
<br /> - — Praperty in whicl►the fair mm9cet valuo af tha Property immcdiauty 6cfore the taking is less than the amount of the,sums
<br /> becured immediately tsefare the Wking.unlsss Bor�owcr nhd Lcttder otl�envise agne in wridng or urtic�s rspplicable law
<br /> otherwise provldes,the procecds shall ba npplied ta the sums secured by this Securiry Insuument whethor or not tha sums are
<br /> ---•"c then due.
<br /> - - If the Property is ubnrtdaned by Bomower, or If,nfter notica by Lender to Bonowor that the candamnor affers to make
<br /> -- — nn aw+ud ar settle a cluim fur�SUnages,Barrower fuiis to respond ta Lcndtr within 30 duys atZer dis dstc tko notice is giv�n,
<br /> - Lender is authorized tu coUoct and app{y the procceds,at its apqan.either to restornticm br rep�lr af tha Propetty or to the
<br /> �' sums r,xcured by tbis Sec�ty Instivment,whethcr or not then duo.
<br /> ,�� Unlesa L.creder and Bom�wer otharwise agree ln wdting.nny upplicution of proceeds to principa.!shall not extead or
<br /> postpone the due dat�e of tha monthly payments ceferred ro In paragrapha 1 and 2 or changc thc amaunt aF such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrowtr Not Rekased; Forbeara�acc By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenstnn of tha time for payment or
<br /> modlfication of amortlzstion of the sums scxured by this SecurIty Instiument grnnted by i.ender to any successor In interest
<br /> � of 8orrower shali not operate t�release the lia6iliry af the origins�l Borrower or Bormwer� saccessors in interes�Lender
<br /> � shali not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in Interest ar�fuse to extend tlme for payment or .
<br /> � atherwise modify asnortizatlon of the sums securcd by this Security Insuument by ressoa of cu►y demand made by the origin�l
<br /> I Borrower or Borrower's successars in interest Any fodseivance by Lender In exercising any r�gbt nr remedy shell not ba a '
<br /> wuiver of or preclude the excrcise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> i 1Z. Suocessars and Assigns Bound;Juint and Several I,lability;Castgnera 'R�e covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Securlty lnsnument shal!bind and benefit the successors and assi�,ms of Lender and Burrower.subject to the provtstons of
<br /> � ; garagrnph 17. Borrower�s covenans sind agreemenu shalt be joint and several.Any Borrower who co�signs this Security
<br /> InsWment but does not execute the Note: (a)is casigntng this Security Instrument on[y W mort�ase,grant�ud rnnvey that •
<br /> : IIomowark intecest in the PropeRy under the terma of this Security lnstcument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay tlte sums •
<br /> i secured by this Seciuity Insuumenk und(c)agnees thut Lendcr s�nnd uny other Borrower mny apeP to eatend,modify.forbear
<br /> � or make uny accommodations with regard to �l►e terms of tbis Security Insuument ar the Note wlthout that Borrawer's
<br /> �� ; consen�
<br /> - ^~� !3. I.QSU �l:argfs. If t!� IQat� se��red !+y this SP�nr�ty inFtrument i�subJect to n law which sets maxiatum loan
<br /> �, , charges.and that luw is finally interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges collected or to be collected in connoction �
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limiu,then: (n)any such loan charge shail be reduced by the a�noant aeoessary to n�ua
<br /> .' yti�� , � the charge to the pemniued timt�and(b)nny wms�l�+eady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted Gmita wiA be
<br /> ;� ^, ;,,' • refttrtded to Botmwer. Lender mqy chaose to make this refund by reducing the principa!owcd under the Note�by m�king u
<br /> ,,;{,t;�.�:�i':
<br /> _.�;�, �F�a.�=-, , di�ct payment to Borrower. If u refurtd reduces principat.the reduction wiU be arated ns u partial pnpayment wpitinwt any ,
<br /> 4 "����•*«<;�••• •• prepuyment charge under tha Note. '
<br /> �,�.. �,,. .
<br /> :, , � �;� �''� 14. Not[cea My notice to Borrower provIded for in thls Security Instrument shall be given by delivering tt or by `
<br />°�;;, ����..r���. mailing it by first class mail un[ess applicable Inw requires use of azeother methad.l7ie nodce shall ba directed to the P�olxrty
<br /> > r'�: . • , . ; Addrosa or nny other address Borrower desi�nates by notice to Wnder. Any notice to Lender shatl be given by first class
<br /> � '�� maid to Lertder�addiess stated herein or any ather address l.ender designAtes by notice to Bomower. My nodce provlded for _
<br /> � �j�. . . ��;t����_. I in this Security Inswment shall be deemed to have been given to Botrower or Lender wD�en given as prov4led in this
<br /> . � P�S�P
<br /> � ,��,«: 15. Governing Law; Severability. 'iliis Securlry Inswment shall be govemed by federal law an d t he!aw o f t h e
<br /> jurlsdiction in which the Property is Iocuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inslrument or the Notc
<br /> l �,;� ' conflicts with applicable Iaw,such conflict shall not affect other provisions af this Securiry Insmiment or the Note whIch can � ..
<br /> � ���„� -��•� be�iven effert withont the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provlstons of this Securlty Instrument and the Note are
<br /> :�'�: -�.{}-���',�.�.°<�• declared to be severable.
<br /> '`��' -t�{'" ' � • 16. Borrm�orer's Copy. Bor�ower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of thia Secureqy InsmimenG
<br /> �«��Y "", 17. 1lrans�er of the I'roperty or a BeneRdal Intcrest in Borrower. If alt or any part of the Property or uay interest in _
<br /> • '. :,.• .. .
<br />_ � ���'r''� it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficIal intenest in Bomower is sold or transferned and Borrower is not a natural person) __
<br /> �*'�;�•� without Lertder's prior written consent.Lender may,at Its optlon,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by ---
<br /> •n''�• this Security Insttument. However,this option shsill not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibite8 by federal law as of �=�
<br /> . 'I , • � - �
<br /> %�� ~ the date of this Security Instrument. `'�_`'
<br /> � If Lender eaercises thls optiun,Lendrr shall give Borrower notice of accelerntion. The nouce shall provide a period of �
<br /> � "�� not less than 30 days from the dute the nouce is delivened or mailed within which Boirower must pny nll sums secured by this
<br /> ` "� Security Inatrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirntion of this period. Lender may invoke mny
<br /> ��i::.- ._ � I .
<br /> � . � � remodies petmitted by this Security Instrument without further nodce or demand on Bonower. �
<br /> i 18. Borrower's Right Co Reiastete. If Barrower meets certain conditions. Bo�rower shall have the cight to have
<br /> , enfor�ement of this Security Ins3rument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier af: (a)5 days(or such other period us
<br /> � Singk Famfly••Fhnnic MndFYeddle Mac UNIFORM 1lVS7'RUMBNT�Unifom�Covennnb 9l40 (page 4 ojb paResl
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