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<br /> 7tX31:THFR W17'H uil thc impsavemcnts now oc hercaftec crecud on tlie Qro�rertyw and all eoscmc�nts,ngpurtcnan.ccs,
<br /> - and fixturc�c rww or herc�fter a ptut of tho property. All neplacamenta cu�d addldony sha11 also be covcrW by thia Socudty
<br /> Inxtwmtnt. All of the fi,�segaing is n[tmKl to In thls Serurity lnswment as the"Praperty."
<br /> BORROWER WWEMANTS that 8onower is fluwfully scised of thc estate he�by wnveysd and has tho dght to grar►t
<br /> and convey the Prn�etcy uid th�t the Praxcty ia unencun�beted.except fa encumbrateces of rocord. Horrowef wananta�od
<br /> , �_--_—_=s wilt defend gencr�l�y thc dtte to the PropenY a8oinst u!1 claims und demands.subject ta s�ny encumbrancea of recocd.
<br /> � THIS SECUIdCfY INSIRUMENT combines uniform covenante for nationai use�nd non•uniform covenante with �
<br /> ![mited vnrladan�by�urisdictian to consdtuu a uniform security insdument covedng reul properiy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVfiNANTS. Botrower anci I.ett�ier coveaant and ag�+ee as followa:
<br /> 1� pf�yet�t ot prindpi ud Interat�Prep�yment am!Late Ch�r�. Bomovrcr shall prumptly pay whcn due the
<br />-_ princlpal of artd intemt on the debt evidenced by the Note rmd any prepayment uad iate churges dua under ihe Nou.
<br /> 2. Ftinds for 7iucee a�l Iawmner. Subjxt to applia►Isle law or to n wcitten wa[ver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to
<br />-- �- lxnder on the day manthiy paymenm sue dt�e uackr tlie Note.uattl the Note is paid la full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)Year1Y —
<br /> taues nnd ass�essments which may attaia priorlty over this Secuxiry Insnuuxnt es a llen on the Pmpeny:(b)Yeurly leasehold _
<br /> - paymentx or gmund reats on the Properiy.if nay: (c)Yearly hazitrd or pmperty Insuraace premiums: (d) Ywrly tlood
<br /> "i:� iasurance preuuums.if nay: (o) Year1Y mortgage insuractce pnemlums. if any:and(� any swns payab�e by Hormwer to
<br /> ?�� I.eu4er,in accurdance�rid►the provisions of parngraph 8.in lieu of thepaymeat of martgage insuranoe premiums. These
<br /> - ttems ure callai"Esccow Items." Lender may,ut any time.collect and hold Funds iu an amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> ' omount a lender for u federaUy nelated tnoitgage loaa tt�ay require for Bonowet's e�cnow accovnt under the federal Real
<br /> F.siato Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 us amended from dme to time.12 U.S.C.$2GOl et seq.("RESPA").unless enatlier _
<br /> '', law thut appUes to the FSutds sets a lesser a�nounG If so.Lender may.at any time.collect and hold Fwtds ia nn amouat not W
<br />-- exca�the lesser ttmovnt. Lender may estimate the nmount of Funds due oa the basis of cument data and teasonxble
<br /> estimates of eapradiwres of futute Essmw[tems or othenvise�t accordance wlth appUcable law.
<br /> The Rutds shaII be held in an institudon whose deposiu are insured by u federni agency.insuumeatnUty,or enHry
<br />° (includtng L.ender.if Lender is such an Institution)or in any�ederal Home Gonn Bunk. Lend�er shall appIy the Funds tc�pay
<br /> the Escrow Ite�s. Lender mny not charge Borrower for holdiug aad applytng the Ftmds,auaually analyzing t6�e escrow
<br />� account,or ver�ing the Escrow Items.ualess L.ender pays Bocrower interest on the Fiuids aad applicable law permits
<br /> l.ender W mnke such a charge. How�ever.i.ender may re.�uire Boirnwer to pay a ane-time charge for an iadependent mal
<br /> eswte tax reportiag secvlce used by I,ender in connecdon with this loan.unitss applIcable!aw prov(des otheiwise. Unless at�
<br /> ngrecment is made or sipplIcable law requi�es Interest to be paid.I.eader shaU aot be tequired to pay Borrower any inte[est or
<br /> eaumings on the Funds. Bomower aad i.ender may agee in writjng.however,that interest shall be patd oa We Fwtds. l.ender
<br />- shall give to Bomawer.aithaut char�e.en anaual accounting of tt►c f�ads,skowing credits and debits to the Flueds and tl►e
<br />___ —
<br /> _ . pu�jwse€vr a+tuch�acts dcts'st tu ihe�usd:�a:mecl�. '!h�R�rls a�plt�lg�!s ac�l�!+�1�curiry f�r a1t cums cernrrd by
<br /> Utia Secunty Insuumeni.
<br /> If the Funds held by i.ender exceed the amoun�s �emutt�d to be held by applica6le law.Lender shall aoconnt to
<br /> ���'� Bomower for the excess Funds in accordance wlth the requicements of upplica6le Iaw, lf the amount of the Fuuds�eld by
<br /> Lender at any tLae is not sufftcient to pay tde Esc�sow Itemg when due.I.ender may so noufy Bomower in writing.aad.in
<br /> such case Bormwer shall pay to [.endet th�amount t�ecessary to make up the deficIency. Borro�ver shall make up the
<br /> - dafcclenry in no more ttu�n twelve montlily payments.at[.ender's sole discreaton.
<br /> Upon payment ln full of aU su►ns secured by this Security Iasuumen�I.ender shaU promptly refund w Bormwer eny
<br /> Funds held by I,ender. If,under pa�agraph 21.I.ender shull ucquire or seU the Property,Lender.pr�or to the acquisition or —
<br />- � • sale of the Propeity,st�all apply any Fvnds held by [.ertder at the tfine of acqu[sition or cale as a credit against Wa sua�s _—
<br /> secu�ed by tlris Secutity Insuumen� _
<br /> 3. Appl[cation of Pgyments. Unless applicabk law provides otherwis�. ali payments received by Leader under _.
<br />°~ parugraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Srs�to any ptepayment charges due under the Note;secoad to a�nounts payable nnder = _-
<br /> —r .;�1�� g�aagraph 2;third.to intecest due;fourth,tn pdncipal due:and last,to any late charges due un+ier the Note. _�
<br />- ;� 4. Ct�rges;LEens. Bono�vcr s h a l l pay a ll texes,assessmen t s.c h�►r�es. f iaes a n d i m p o s i t l o n s a tt r i b u t�U l e a o t h e F-:-;;-
<br /> 1Pp�operty whlch may attaia priority over Uris Securlty Instaument,and leasehold payments or ground reats.�f any. ldvmower �__.-
<br /> .�'•� sdall pay these nbligations in the manner pmrided in yaragmph 2,or if not paid in thnt manner.Boirower shal{pay them on
<br /> �_,''
<br /> ;;;, � time dIrectly to the person owed payment Bomuwer shall promptly fumish to i.ender all norices of�mounts to 6e paid under d•�
<br />-�` � t�is paragraph. If Bmiower makes these payments diracaly,Borrower shaU pmmpdy fumish to Lea�d�r recelpu cvidencing �:=
<br /> `,�J: ¢4�a payments. ��
<br /> }r.f "i�.
<br /> � i'('a�1. :
<br /> ���F Homower shaU pr�omptly discharge any lIen which hz�s priority over this Securiry Insavment unless Bormwer.(a)agrees ���-_
<br /> in ovriting to the payment of the obligation sacuaed by the �iea in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests[n goad faith the '_-
<br /> - tien by,or defends agaiasc eafonement of�m liea in.legal procee�ings which in the Lender's opinion opeiate to prevent the -
<br /> R enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures frorm t,`�e holder of the lien an agc�eement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien r
<br /> � ° �,�_ to tbis Socurity InsttumenG If Lender detem�ines dt�at any part of the Pmpe.ty is subject to a lien which may attain priority �-_
<br /> �. �r�:� �� ��•= over this Security Instrument,�eader may give 13oROwer a nutice identifying the lien. 8oirower shall sat'ssfy the lien or take ; .ti_
<br /> .u�'i.`•''• H' .
<br /> rsc� one or mo�of the actioas set forth abov�within 10 daya crof the givtag of notice. ,��:
<br /> ;'f,, 5. B�utrd or P[operty Iesucance. Botrower shall keep t�e improvements now exisdng or hereafter e�cted on the •
<br /> -----°L:.:;. Property insut�ed age[nst loss by fire,hnzntds included within the term"eatended rnverage"and any other hazards.including .
<br /> �� � � tloods or floodin�.for whic6 L.ender c�quires insw�+nce. This insurauce sh�ll be maintained in thc amounts and for the =
<br /> T��r�
<br /> �"r,_�;F.p.':: ry .�•,
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