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� , • , . , .. : <br /> �. . .. ,�. �aL�� .. '�,: -- . <br /> ...� . - , _. _� <br /> .- .. , ;.z�y _ . . . <br /> r� ., _------ <br /> , ��:::i _ b�__� <br /> — ---.—__ <br /> ___ __ <br /> - _ - -- — __ _ _ _ __ .� <br /> _ . . - . . . . i,. <br /> . .g�• �.��s�.� <br /> ��`��"'�"`� periods tfitat i.end�er reqn�Irs. '[7ee insurance canfer Fravidtng tho irtsur,latco shall bc chnsen by Bozrativer Rutl(:c2�q i,cstder� -- <br /> upprova{whtcfi xAall nat be unre�.Sanably withheld. U 19arrower fall�to mninlain cover�go dcscribed ubAV3.l.estil�:r may,at <br /> ; l.enderi�o�xion,obtnin covemge to protect Lendu's dghta En ihe Property in accordaace wlth paragmph 7. <br /> All insurance palictea and renewalA shall ba ncceptabie to l.ender end shall tncludo u standard mo+tgago c�qtECd• I.ender <br /> � aha�t have tho dght to hold tho pottctes snd renewula. If Lender nquires,Barrower shaU pmmptly giva ta l.en�lcQ fi11 ra..�ipis <br /> , oP paid pnmiums and rrnewal notlas. In the event of 1oss,Borrower shall give pmmpt notioe to tho insuraaoo ca�tfer and <br /> -�——_--�: l.ender. I,.en�ler may mnke pr«,f nf Msa if not mede promptty by Borrower. <br /> Unlesa Lender and Hozrower othenvlsa agree ln writing,insurance proceeds shall be appfIed to restamtipn�or,F��ir of ` <br /> ' the Pra�erty damaged, if the reswration or repair la economtenlly feas{ble and Lender�s securi�yr is nat,lossen�.� �I�the <br /> ; restaraban ar npuir is not ecoaomically fetassible or Lenderg security would be lessened,the inswanoe pr�eom�s�shali be <br /> applled to the sums secured by this Security Instrumem, whether or nat then due. witb any excess paid ta.Bnrmwer. If <br /> =;;'i ! Bomnwer abandona the Praperty„tar does not answer within 30 days a nottce from Leci:1'�.a' thut the insum�oe.c�rl�r hss <br /> - -�---j offered ta settle a claim,then Lc�Ader may coltect the insurance proceeds. Lendet may ii.�a Gt�e pmceeds ta rap �tn�[astore <br />==-N` -��, thc l�roperty or w pay sums senured by this Seciuity lastnuneai,whether or not then due. 'T3x�30-duy pesiod w�b��in when �� <br /> -.,:�i'��t --I the noUce is given <br />�. c�� UNess Lender aad Bor►q�v�r atherwise Agree in writing, nny npplication of proceeds to prineipal shall nat�o�tdnd or <br /> �.:' postpone the due date of the m�a^,hly payments refemed to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of.tha pmy.m�nts. If <br /> under paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by l..ender,Bartower`s d�ht to any insurnnse poUcies and pmceed��asuldng <br /> _ from damage to the Property prior to the ucqu3sition shaU pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secumd by this�Secudty <br /> �� lnstrument lmmediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> �, 6. Occupstmy. Preservadon, Maintenance und Protectlon ot the Property: Eorrowe�'R I.oan,.A�ppitae4loni <br /> I.e�eholda. Borrower shnll accupy�CAIAII��RI1.and use tho Property s+g 13orcowor n prii�cipal residencc wlthtn sixty days c+fler - - <br /> the exccutfan of thta Sccu��ity Inxtrument and:;holl continuo tu nccupy tho Pruperty ux Barta�ver4 pdnclpul robidenco for ut <br /> IcuNt ano yeur aRer the date af occupuncy. unleas l.ender otherwir;e agreae in writing. which consant�Fhall nut be <br /> wircuKan►�bly withhetd.��r unless extenunting circumstunces exixt which are Ixsyund li�rc��wer4 contml. Hc►rtvnver shull not <br /> destmy,dnmugo�r Impui�thc Pro�rty,ullaw the Fmpeny ro aieteriarato,ar ccm�mit w�xte on tho Pmpcny. ���rmwcr rhull <br /> ho in default it uny forfeiture uctiun or proc��eding,whc�hcr civil ar criminul,iK Ixgun thut in Lender�good fnith Judgment <br /> rould rcxult in forfeiture af the Propeny ar ��therwlxe muteriully impair th�s Uen created by this Secudty� lnstntment or <br /> L.cnderk r,ccurity intcregl. Horrower may cure�urh u default and reinstate,aq pmvided in parc��rnph 18,by causing thc wctian <br /> ur ptocecding to be dismiased with a rullns thut,in Lender!�good fuith�ecludes forfaitures of the 8�rtowerk <br /> interest in the Property or other matedai impuimnent af ttie lten created by this Security lnsuument or Lenderk.�ecurity - <br /> inrei�es� Borrower shull also be in defuult if Bonnwer.dudng th� loan npplication process. guve matarinlly fnlse or <br /> - inaccurate infonnation or�tatements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with any mater�al informatlon)in smnnectian with <br />�= •. _, the loa�� evidenced by the Note. includin�, but not limited to, repmsentntIons conceming Borrowerk occupuncy of the <br /> " � Property as a principnl residence. If this Securiry Inatrument ia on a leasehold,Borrower shali comply with att tha�provisions ` <br /> of the lease. If Borrower ncquires feE titte to the Property,thc leusehold und the fee titte shall not merge unless Lender abmes <br /> to the merger in writing. <br /> 7. ProtectEon ot I.ender's Rig6ts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfoan the cavenants and agrccrnents <br /> conteitted in this Security Insuument,or there is a legal proceeding thut muy significantly affect Lender's rights in the _ <br /> _ Property(such es a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce luws or ragufazions).then _—�__ <br /> . Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the v�ue of thc Properry and Lender's rights in tha Prope�ty. �=� <br /> Lender�s acttons may include paying any sums secured by u lien whteh hns priority over this Securiry lnsuument.nppezuing "''°' <br /> ��:_. <br />� in court.puying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender mAy tnke action F`.��� <br /> ` und�er this pursgraph 7.L.ender dces not have to do so. �:'��''� <br /> •: Any amounts diabursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bormwer s�cured by this •?,:;,�;; <br /> :;�' k; Securlty Instrument Unless Batrower and L,ender agree to other te�ms of puyment.these amounts shall btar interest from the 'y�;s. <br /> �`, �;'+�t' date of dtsbu�sement at the Note rate.and shull be pnyable,with interest,upon notice from Lender ta Borro�ver requesting i4!�;.. <br /> '�• � �� pnyment. a��" <br /> r . ,..;.; <br /> 8. Morigage Insurance. If Lender required mort�age insurance as u condition of making the laan r;ecuied by this :,�;5;, <br /> �„ SeCUdry InstrumenG Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mauntain the mortguge insurance in effact. If.far any +`'E�?^: <br /> reason. the mortgage insurnnre covernge required by Lender Inpses or censes to be �n effect. Bomowor shull p1y the <br /> - ' pmmiums re�uired to obtain coverngc substantially equivalent to the mortgnge insurance previausly in effect, ut a cost ��;;:: <br /> : =,,,;;�.�' °' subsuutt[ally equivalent to the cast to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an ultamate mortga�e "��''�� <br /> '� �.. • <br /> "'``"'°""`^`� lnsurer a roved b Lender. If substandall ivalent mort u c insurance coversi e is not availabla.Borrower shu!!pay to ,:::�; <br /> .. _ �;�.��;,:: PP Y Y�� � � � G ;• . . <br /> t•t���a�a� Lender each month a sum equul to one-twelfth of the yenrly mortguge insurance premiu�being puid by Borrower when the �;,,;;.. <br /> �, ° ��':� , insurance covers�ge lapsed orceused to be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retain these paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu �;;.�5 <br />__` r,�: '�:�,� � of mort�uge insurance. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be the option of Lender, if mort�age insurunce ,�:�s�. <br />_.���: ,'���;Y. ! coverage(tn the amaunt and for ihe period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer upproved by Lender nguin beccmes :;•,;,,; <br /> �c`�.��',-:,� avatlable and is obtained.Horrower shall pay the pmmiums required to maintuin mortgage insurunoe in eff�ct.or to provide a .�,,ti� <br /> logs reserve,un61 the requi�ement for mortgagc insurunce ends in uccordence with uny written Agreement between Borrowcr <br /> � :�'���'' ond Lender or epplicablo law. <br /> -f�`'.;�° <br /> „ �.•r; ,:i:.; � 9. Inspea4lon. Lender or Its ugent muy make rcasonable envies upon and inspections of the Pcoperty. Lender shaU <br /> .•-`�7°"';�•"'•'� give Bormwer notice at the time of or prior ro an inspection specifying reasonuble causc far the inspectian. � <br /> . ..,�.i,...�;-�: . . :. <br /> ;;;;�•;+*.'�^,�� 10. Coademnation. '1'tte proceeds of nny uward or cluim for dnmuges,direct or consequential,in cannection with uny r•,i�' <br /> '..,,..: • • �`�c <br /> _ {��r�°�. ?'�'�� Singie Faunfly••Mannie MaelFYeddte Ma UNIFORM INSTRUMENf-•Unitomn Covenunw 9(9U I�rxP.���Ih J'aRes► '' <br /> '_f'�! ��=l: <br /> : ,y}.w;.,;,;,�;�� 4ttut iNta Btnlnn�s Palm0.in0.� <br /> to o�a�r cun•i�xoosaacoa3 o Nex eia�atatst <br />= v;_.�. ,�. <br />-Y.. .��`',j�F°y�•+ . . , . ._. . . • �"�+ . ... . _ . , ., .. . ..�.�...;.r-'+%a.Y.:e��'. .... ,- .. <br /> - . '�....,. . .. <br /> .. <br /> . „- <br /> __ . . �. - . �> <br /> .. . ..., . .. <br /> . .- . . <br /> . ., . .. <br /> .. <br /> , : . ... <br /> _�a"." r[�?� �L_—_.--._—_—_ _—_— _�---- — �-�.. __-_______—.____ _— ___ <br />. `�`.' ��lF•��ha..R�., -—_—:t __--.- -.__.___ _ ___- ___ —. _—__ . .._- . ____'__ _i____ —�r- _-- _ .'--_—._____ ... __'_.'___._--_.____".._ _ .. '____'.- <br /> ... 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