.:�. .r. . ...<< . i ra�� ;iti('�l1YN,p.:�FtY :�r: �tiµ:���9' •�i ' - � _.
<br /> . . �4 .. . . . ..
<br /> _o�: . � _ _. _.- ..
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<br /> _ �q,�» 10�51L4 .
<br /> T(3p sF'I'fiF3lt WI�°H alf iho irnpravcmenta now nr herenfter erecteA on tho pro�eny.and�aU oa�mcnts,pppurtcnancea,
<br /> �nd fi�tuna now ar ldereafstr a pnrt of�he pmpeny. All replacements a�id addidnns sl�all also Ge eovered by thie Securtty
<br /> In�trumen� All of 1he fongofn�ie refened to in this Securlty Ina�tument as tl�o"Property."
<br /> BORROWBR COVENAI3TS that Boirower is tnwfully seised of tho estato hereby conveycd and hea the dght to grrnt
<br /> and con.vey the PmportY and that Ihe Pcopc�ty is naencumbered.e�cept for encumbrmcea uf reco:d. Bartower warrants anA
<br /> _� � wllt defend gcneraUy the dtte to the Pi+op�ty against all claims and demands.eubject to any encumbnrtces of rxord.
<br /> — THIS SECURITY INS7RUMBNf combiaes uniform covenenta for rusdonal uso und non-uniform covaiaute witf� `
<br /> limitod variatiaas by jurlsdtcdon to constiitute a uniform securicy insuument wvering real property.
<br /> �NlErpgN[CpVBNANTS. Bonower and Lender covcnent and agree ag foUowa:
<br /> 1. Pxqment oi Prindpel�nd Interesk�p�yment and I.nte Clutges. HnmQwer ahall promptly pay when due thc
<br /> princlpal of and intenst on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaya�at and law churges due under tt��Note.
<br /> y �1�tnds tor'll�ts aad It►stsra�e. Subject ta applIcable law or w a wrIttea waiver by�.ender.�orrower shall pay to
<br /> - Lemler on the day montlily payments ere due under tha Note,until the Nota is paid ln fuU.a eum("Funds")for. (a)yearly __
<br /> taxes and assessments which may s+uain priority over thls Securtty Inat�urnent as a Uen on the Pi+operty;(b)Year1Y leasehotd
<br /> ' re.:�l� , payraents or ground rents on the Prope�.y�if enY: (c) Yeatiy hazard or property inaumnce pnemiu�ns; (d) Yearly floal
<br /> insurauce premiums.if any� (e)yeai'ly mort�oge inaurduce premiuma. if aay;aad(fl any suins payabla by 8arrower to
<br /> _�rei: ' '•� ' �.ender.In accaidence wlth the pr�vaslons of pamgraph�;in Heu of the.payment af mortgaga insurnnaC�prerniw�ns. ,These
<br /> -- �n.,,,�;;�„g�=',��iw;; .� items are called"Escrow Itema." I�der may.ac any ti�ue.coUect aud hald Funds id aa nmaunt�nat,to�xt;eed the maximum
<br /> - - °-�---�_=��� ' amount a lender for a fe8esally re.lat,ed rnoliga8e loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real
<br /> - — Estate 3eWement�mcedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.G§2601 er seq.("RESPA").ualess another
<br /> ";� - - - - - luw thai applies W the F�nds aets a lesscr smount If so.Leuder rnay.at eny ttme,collect end hold Pur►ds 1n an arttount not w .
<br />- exceed the lesser amoun� Lender may esdmutc the sunount of Funds du. on che basi of curr�•nt duta and reasonable
<br />> estlmates of eapenditures of fhture Escrow Items or otherwise in accorde�sce wtth appllcnblc�aw.
<br /> The Fuads shall be held in An irotitudon whose deposits arc inaured by a fedQmt ogcncy. instrumentality.or cntiry
<br /> - ---- (includiag Lender,if Lender ia Ruch a�n insdtution)or in uny Federal Home Loan Bnnk. I.ender xhall apply the Fun�a to puy
<br /> thc Escrow Items. l.endor mny not chnrge Barrower far haiding urtd upplyiog tho FundA,unnuully nnuly�ing thc�wcraw
<br /> nccount,or verifying tho �scrow Itatns. unlesa Lender payx sutrawer intcrest on tho F1�ncis und upplicable luw pcm�ttx
<br /> _ _ — Lender to make such a churge. Huwerer.I.ender muy rcquiro se�rrower to puy u ane•dmo chur�o fur un indcpendent�eul
<br /> cstato tux mport[ng Rcrvicc u�ed by l.cndcr in ccmne�:don witb�hia lnru�.unlexa upplicablo luw provtds�athcrwixc. Unicati an
<br /> ugrcement ia mado or upplicabla law�cquires intcrcat a�be puld,l.cndcr whcdl nat bc rcyufred ta p;►y Bnrtnwcr uny intemst ar
<br />� eumin}�s on tho FLnds. Bonower unc!l.endcr muy ugrec in wrfting,howcvcr,that intcrest shull bc pnfd on tho Fundg. I.cnder
<br /> shnll give to Borrower,without churga,un unnuai uccounting af the FundA.ahowing crcdits aad debitx to the Funds and the
<br />- - - p��fnr whf�h�h dobit to ttn+s l�Und�aaa made. The Fi�nda urc pledged ag uddidonal sccudry far all sums securcd by
<br /> this Secudry Instrument.
<br /> If the Funds hold by L.ender exxed the amounts permitted to be held by applicablo law. Lender ehull sccount to
<br /> Bomnwer for the excess FUads In accordance wlth the requtrements of applicabla luw. If the nmount of the Fhnds hold by
<br /> o wer in writin ead.ln
<br /> B rro ,
<br /> L,ender at any time ia not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lender may so notify B _
<br /> such case Bomower shall pay to I.�nder the amount necessary to make up the deficlency. Borrower shall make up rhe -_
<br /> '`� deficiency in ao more than twaWe u�onrhly payments,at Lender's sole dIscredon. F�-`
<br /> �- �• Upon payment In full of all surns secured by this Securlty Inswmeat,T.eader shall promptly refund to Borrower any s,:.�
<br /> Fands held by Leader. If. undsr paragcaph 21.I.ender shaA acquire or seA the Property.L.ender.prior to the ecquislUon or
<br /> � � ?� sal@ af the property,shall apply any Plinds hold by L.ender at the dme of acqulsition or sale as a credit agaIast tha sums
<br /> n �i'_ Y
<br />. secured by this Seeurlty lnstru m e nt �•�=:
<br /> •`� �,` 3. Applleadon of Piayaaents. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, ull paymenu received by Lender under :;..:�,.
<br /> _ paragraplis 1 and 2 shalt bs appUed fust.to any prepayment charges due under the Nota;second.to amounts payable under "�n�;
<br />�-� paragraph 2:tWrd,to interest due;faunh,to principal due;and lagt,to any late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> Y�.:t�,. 4, Cf�arges; Lieas. BorrawershaU pay rsll taxes.asseasments.charges. fines and impositions amibutable to the '�r'��
<br /> • f,, Pcoperty whlch may attain priorlty over thts Securlty Instrument,and leasehold payments or gronnd rents.if any. Bo�rower �'�'�
<br /> � shaU pay these obllgatlone in thc csaanner provided in pazagraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Borrower shall pay them on • ��.•
<br /> t3me direcdy to tha person owed paymi,mt. Boirower shall prompdy fwnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under `_
<br /> this paragrap6, If Borcuwer makea these payments dlrectly.Borrower shell promptly furnish to I.ender receipts evideacing -��.
<br /> ,,,,-,�; � tha payments. �
<br /> �;r,��;+�;�;� Borrower shall pmmpdy diealtarge any lten which has priorlry over this Securiry Insaument unless Bomower:(a)a�r�ees � _.
<br /> "";"' {a�� to the a mont of the obli anon secured ii e lien in a manner acce tabie to Lender,(b)contests in good feith the ;'.
<br /> �°���'` � P Y 8 Y Sh P . .���
<br /> ::.u',^.;
<br /> '' 3� rk fIen by,or defends againat enforcement of the tten fn,legal proceedings which in the L,cnder's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ;��._ enforcement of the Ilen:or(c)secuces from the holder of the lien an c+greement sAtisfucrory to L,ender subordinating the llen
<br /> "'"° to this Security Insuument If Lenderdetermittes that nny pert of the Propeny is subject to a lien whlch may attain priuriry .
<br /> .. ,�.,•: -
<br /> • .:„`' '�� over this Securtty Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a nottce ideatifytng the lien. Borrower shall satiafy the lien or take
<br /> . •_.r�.;,
<br /> --::'�;��,., one or more of tha actions set forth above within 1Q days of the giving of noHce. .
<br /> g� Ha�d or property Insuraace. Borrower shell keep thc improvements now existin�or hereafter erected on the
<br /> • �:'':�_:�: property insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended coveruge"und any other hazards,including
<br /> , ��ti��K.� floods or tlooding,for which Ixndc3t requires insw�ance. 17i1s insurance shall be maiatained in the amounu and for the
<br /> :;�'=�'";%���:
<br />_ �ts;.i�^Ya:4::, Form 3020 9/90 fPoB�'2 ojb page.r)
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