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<br /> • �� ccndetnrta�tnn ar nther taktng oF c�y purt uf tho{+roperiy,ar for cc��veyance in Heu of candemnttt[o�i,arc li�r�itiy ussi�ncd n�ul =
<br /> sh�ll be paid to 4ender.
<br /> In the cvent of a totat taking af the Property, tho prOCC��9 flNNII b0 P�IICd�O lI1C 6UI17!BtCUfC1I �� 1hI�SCCUfI[�f
<br /> lnstrument.whether or not then dua,with any cxc�sy paid ta 8omower. in Ihe evcnt of a ptrtta{tuk[ng of the Pruperty in
<br /> - which the hir maricet v�luo ng the Property lmmedlatelY before tho t�icing iR equal to or gK�ar ttan the amount of tho sums
<br /> �seuied by tbis Scxuriry[nsuument immed�etely beforo the wking,unles9 Hcxmwer and I.ender ahcrwi.re agrre in wdNng.
<br /> _�--- ,-.-- ---- the sumR aecurc�!by tt�ts Security lastx�����iu sh�ll tsa rcduccd by ths nmm,ni of thc nroceeda mWtfntr markct alu�af the '
<br /> f�ctian: (a)thc tatal amount of tta sums Recured[mmediutely before the t;dcing.dlvided by(b) (he
<br /> Property [mmxdiauly before the tn�irg. Any balence Fhull be puid ro Horcower. [n the event of u partial takin of ihe
<br /> propetty in whlch the fair market value of the Property[mmediately bcfore the tuking is less thon the s►maunt of�o sume
<br />- secured immediately befon the taking.untess Bo�rower ond L.endcr otherwise ngee in writing ot unlesa apQliotble law
<br /> 3 othenvlse provtdes.the pmceeds shull be Applicd to the Rums secured by this Security Inswment whether or not tha sums c►ro
<br /> then due.
<br /> - !f tlte Praperty is abandoned 6y 8orrower,or if.aftcr notice by Lender w Soirower thut�tce condemnor offers to make
<br /> _ un uward or settte a claim for damuges.Borrower ft�ils to respnnd to Lender wtthfn 30 days ufter the date the notica oi�coythc
<br /> - Lender is uuthorized to callect nad appljr the proceeds,a1 it�option.either to restoratian or repair of the Property
<br /> !'-�� sums aecured by thIs�Securlty Insuument,whether ar aot then due.
<br /> "� Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise agree in wrldng,any npplicudon of pmceeds t�pdnclPal shall not extc�nd or
<br /> '{•' postpone the due dute of the monthly paym�nts refem�!to in paragruphs I and 2 or chnnge the umount af such paymenta.
<br />:�S,y Ii. Borrower Not Released; F1�rbear+nce By l.ender Not a Wi�iver. Extension of the cime far payment or
<br /> a�: madification of amoztir,ation of thc sums secured by this Securlty insuument gmnted by Lender to any successor in intcrest
<br /> of Homower shall not opemte to release ttte Iisbility of the original Borrower ur Hoicower� successors in iater�s�Leader � -
<br /> - shall not be required m c�mmence proceedings against any successor in inurest or refus�to eztend dme for paymer+t or
<br /> '� otherwise modlfy anortizauon of the sums secured by this Secnriey Insm�ment by reason of any demand mnde by tha oripnal
<br /> Borrower or Bornower's successors in interes� Any forbearunce by I.ender in exerclsing any right or remedy sh�ll not be a _
<br /> waiver of or prEClude the exercise of any right or mmedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and AsslBns Bound;Jolnt and Severa!Ltability;Casignera. 'Che covenanu and a�meements of this _
<br /> I� tv� Security Inshument shal!bind uad benefit the successors and asslgns of Lender and Borrower.subject w the provisions of
<br /> � � paragraph 17. Bomower�s covenants and a�reements ahall be joint and several. Any Bomower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Inswment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuument only to mortgage,grant and convey thuc
<br /> Bornuwer's interect in the Property urtder the terms of this Security Insm�ment; (b)ts not personr�Uy obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> X
<br /> secured by this Security InsaumenG end(c)agoeas thut Lender and any other Borrower may egree to extend,madify.forbear
<br /> n
<br />- or make any accommodudons with negard to the teans of this Security Instrument or the Note without thnt Borrower�a __
<br />_.::
<br /> -. - - . cass�si.
<br /> �� 13. T.oan Char�es. If the loan secw+�d by thIs Securiry Insuument is subject to a taw wfiich se�s ma�cimum tu�ss3 °
<br /> charges,und that law�s finally interpneted so that the interest or ott�er lo3n charges collected or to be collected in connectlon
<br /> with the loan exceed the pernilttEd limits,then: (a)uny such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neces.cnry to reduce
<br /> ttre charge to the pe�mitted IimI�and(b)any sums alrendy collected from Borrawor which exceeded permitted limits wiU be
<br /> �, �, refi�nded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by redacing the pdncipal owed�ander the Note or by mnkin�a __
<br /> - •�' direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction wi11 be treated As a partial prepayment without uny _
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. �
<br />- 14. Notices. Any norice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shsitl be given by delivering it or by R.
<br />- mailing it by first c4ass mail unless appl�cable law requires use of another method.'I7te notice shall be directed to tha Property �a
<br /> � Add�ess or s{ny other address Borrower designates by nodce to I.ender. Any nouce to Lender shall be given by first clase �'.
<br /> n
<br /> mail to Lender�s uddress stated hetein or any other address Lender designutes by nodrx to Barrower. My noflce provided for
<br />'a; �n this Securlry Inswment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrowar or Lender when given as pmvided ln this
<br /> a :
<br /> -- P�S�Ph• ::
<br /> IlS. Governin�Law; Severabitity. 'lt�is Security Inswment shull be govamed by federal I�w and the luw of the �;_
<br /> . jwrlsdicdon in which the Property is located. Tn the event that any provision or clauKe of this Securlry Insuument or the Note ,
<br /> canflicts wtth applicable igw.such conflict shalt not affect other proviaions of this Security Instrument or the Note which c.an ,�_.`
<br /> ,, be given effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Security Inswment and the Note are _
<br /> t� de�lared to be severable. �`'
<br /> � _�.'��:��. ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrumenc. �,
<br /> '�:�}3:� ' 17. 7lransfer ot the Property or u Be��efiztnt Interest in Borrower. If ait or any pan of the Property or uny interest in .._
<br /> �'�-y���� I
<br /> �s��°� � it is sold or dansfe�red(or If a beneficIal interest in 8orrower is sold ar uansferred and Borrower is nat u natural person) �_:
<br /> ` � '� � without Lender�s prior written consent,Lendcr may,at its option.require immediate payment 3n full of all sums secured by M
<br /> �:.
<br /> - .. .�;,�� � this gecurityr Inshvment. However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exertise is prohibited by federa!law as oF r..
<br /> � ,3.� the date of this Securiry Tnsm�men� {-
<br /> �•`�x�'�'�: If Lender exercise�this opdon,Lender shnll give Borrower notIce of acceleradon. The naice shull provtde n period of j;.:
<br /> . ,, ;�.s,�,, '-
<br /> � ;;�;:::... not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mvled wlthin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> •`��-• Security Insuument. If�orrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiratlon of this period.Lender may invoke uny �'
<br /> . ;?4=;;., •
<br /> remedies pem►itted by this Securiry Insuument without furtl�er notIce or demnnd on Bonower. �::`
<br /> �K,,��'°''' 1& Borrower's Rigttt to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certuin condltions. Borrower shcJl have the right to huve ,�'
<br /> ...,,�5�c'�:.
<br /> a.;;.,,:,. enforcement of this Security Insuument discontinued nt any time prior to the eurlier of: (a)5 dAys(or such other periad aa F;:
<br /> ' ''��"�'•;�" ' • ging(e Family»Fannk MaelFYeddEe Mac UNIFORM lNSTRUMENT••Unifo[m Covenanu 9/90 (pdR�4��PtiPAR�s� �
<br /> , ,���v"."•. i
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