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<br /> - �__ � perlods that Lender requ[res. Tlte lnsurancc c�rier pmviding ti�e in�urcmce sfiatt be chosen by�or�ov�er�ubject to Lander =-
<br /> , s�sroval whtch shall not be unrcasanubly wfthheid. If Boirower fnila to mnintafn covaruge described above,Lendsr may,ris
<br /> I,.ender�opdan,oMain coverage ta ncouat Lendcr.�righta in the Property in accocdctnce wtth p•rraf�raPh�• —
<br /> AU insumnco policies und r+err�v�els ehall be accep�ble to Le�cr and shat!include a standsrd mortgage cisuso. Leitder
<br /> Ahall hsve the t�ght co hold the pollci�es�nd cenewals. 1f I.er►der cequires,Bonower shall promptty givo t�l.ender up receipts
<br /> ' af pnid p►r.miums und renewal rtottces. In tt►e event of[oss,Bo+�mwer shal!glve prompt nodco ro tho insurauce caa[er and
<br /> --- _ _ [.cnder. Lcader taay malce pmoF oP losv iPnot made pr�mpdy by Hamuwer.
<br />_--�- - ----- - Unlags l,ender and Bormwet cxhe�wfse agree in writing,Insurence proceed.g shalt be applied to iestoration ur repulr oi '-"
<br /> thc Property dama�ed.!f the restorndon or repair is economicaUy feasibie und Lenderk security is not Iessened. If the
<br /> i+e.gtornflon or repair is not economically feasiblo or Lender's secunty wuuld be lessene�,the i�nsurance proceeds shall be
<br /> npplied to the sums secut�ed by thia Secudty Insmiment. whethsr or not then due,with any excess paia tc Bosower. If
<br /> - Borrower abnndons tha Froperty,or does aot enawer within 30 days a notice fnum Lender that the insuranca canIer has
<br /> offered w settle n cinim,then Lender�aay coUect the insurar►ce procseds. L.ender may use the pmceeds to repair or reswre -
<br /> - - - d�e pr-opeRy ar to pay sums secure�by tE�is Secudty Instn�ment,whether or not then dne. The 30�day period wiU begin when __
<br /> - — tho nodce ia given. licadon of rocceds to dncI al shall not extend or
<br /> - -- Unless Lender nnd Borrower oB�r•wise asree in wrlUng,nr►Y aPP P p p __
<br /> - • poFtpone tho due dute of thc monthly Payments refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> = under parngraph 21 the Prope�j��ui3iHon shal B ass oeLendertto the extent of the sums cec re by this Secoriry
<br /> from damnge to the Pcoperty p ' P
<br />:_:.
<br /> In�stnuttent immediately prior to thenc�aaisidon.
<br />' 6. Occupa�ecy, PreservatEvn, Matutenence and Protection of the Property; Borsari�t's I,oan Applicatlon;
<br /> ___ _ _ _
<br /> l.easeholds. Borrower shnit occupy,establish.nnd use the Property us Bott+ov�er�s prins:lpal tasicic�Sce within sixty days r •-
<br /> �� the execution of this Secudty inst�um2nt and shnll continue to accupy the Property+�s BptTaW+et�s Prtncipai t'esddence for at �,___v,
<br /> least one year ufter the dntc of octupancy, unless Lendcr otherwise agc+ees in writiAg, which consent shall not be �y,-y,
<br /> uam,usonably wIthhetd or unless exteuaasting circumsuinces exist which ure beyond Borrower!�cbntroL Borrower shall nat ��..�,
<br />` -- - — de,yp+oy�damage or impalr the Propecty, allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on ths Prape�ty. Borrower ahall - -
<br /> �_ be in default if any forfeitun acdon or proceedin$,whether civil or crSminal,is begun that in Lenderts�ood faith judgment __
<br /> — couid cesult in forfeiture of the Property ar otheewise materially impalr the lien created by thjs 5ec:udry Instrument or _
<br /> Lender�security interest Honower may cure such a defuult und relnstate,as providecl in paraS�aPh I8.by causing the actton ���
<br /> or ptoceeding to be dlsmissed with n n�ling thut,in Lender�s good faith determination.precludes forfeiture of the Barrower's
<br /> interest in the Property or other mauecial impairment of the lien created by this Secarity Insmiment or Lender's security �6.
<br /> interesG Borrower shall also be in�£efault if Homnwer. during the loan applicarion process, gave materially fiilse oT
<br /> � inaccurate informatfon or statements to I.ender(or failed to provIde Lender with any materi�l informaaon)in connectIon with
<br /> �� �-- she Icinn r:�tdenced bv the Note. includin�. but not limited to, representatians concemins Borrower�accupancy of the
<br /> .•� property as o prLtcipa��sidence. If Hus Securiry Instrument is on a ieasehoid.Borcuwe�;haii comply witts�t!sl�e proYisiotss ___
<br /> of the leasa. If Borrower acqu�res fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender ugrees
<br /> to the mergeT in wridng.
<br /> ;1:. 7, Probectton ot Lender'R Rd�Dals 1n the Prnperty. !f Borrower fails to perForm the covensnts und agreements _
<br /> ��` contat�ted in this Security Instrumen� or there is u legal praceeding that may significundy afFect Lender�s rights in the ___
<br /> ;,,,�,,,. �i• �' Ptoperty(such as a proceeding in banlcniptcy.p�+obAte.for condemnnt�on or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatlons).then =__
<br /> , �t.;:^.' • � L.ender may do und pay for whutever is neceswuy to protect the value of the Properey and Lenders righu in tlie Property. '�
<br /> _j;, • �v;,r!r.� . Lender's acdons muy include paying any sums secured by a tien which hns priority over this Securlty Instrument,appennng !�:
<br /> �.• � in court.payin�masonable attomeys'fees nnd entering on the Prope�ry to make repairs. Althou�h Lender moy take acaon �.`_
<br /> � �. � under thi�s parugraph 7,Lender does not huve to do so. ' �
<br /> � ;.,� � Any amounts dlsbur.zed by Lender under thix psuu�ruph 7 shall become additionat debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> �� � Securi Insuument. Unless Borrower and Lender ngee to other terms of payment,these amount+stw(1 benr interest from the
<br /> �, � »,� . date of disbursement nt the Note rote cutd shull be payable,with interest,upon notice from L.ender to Bomower requesting '
<br /> ut ,..
<br /> paymenG '�
<br /> �.,;�'�"• S. Motrtgt�ge Insurance. If Lender required mortguge insursince as a wndition of making the loun xecured by this �q ,
<br /> ';' Securiry Instrumen�Borrower slxnli pay the premiums mquired to maintain the mortgnse insurance in effect. If.for uny
<br /> r..
<br /> mason. the mortgnge insurunce coverage required by Lender Inpses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the �`
<br /> �� � �••' y_'
<br />;',�xL,fr ;,,_.�.�;, , premiums required to obtaln coverege substant�ally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost .;�;,;
<br /> `: k::;: ��,,f i,;''� substantially equivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgoge insunuice previously in effect.from un altemute mortgnge
<br />`'`����� r �J,;��; . insurer approved by Lender. If substnntially equivalent mortgage insurance caverage is not available,Borrower shall puy to ,r�.;�>
<br /> ,:,;
<br />,���� «�y;�. :. :;.� Lxnder�ach month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance pnmium being paid by Borrower when the ,,�•
<br /> •'••' ''�'••�� - :' inaurane¢covecase lapsed or teased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu �=
<br /> ` ,,,., c�'�;i� �. '- , of mortga�e ir�surance. LoaK reserve payments may no longer be requn�ed.at the opaon of Lender,if mortgage insurance �,'9,
<br /> • <•° vy:��;:;;. .,;, covetage(in the amounc and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender uguin becomes
<br /> �':`,�.at;�,t.,.'; nvallable and i�obtnined.)Borcower shall pay the premiums requiced to msiinntnin mortgage Insurance in effect,or to provlde a '.i
<br /> �F`•'�"���•,.•; loss teserve,undl the i+equirement for mortgnge insucance ends in ac:cordance with any written agceement between Barrower
<br /> ��"`����"' and Lcnder or uppiicablo luw.
<br /> .,�����- � i
<br /> ..'����� � '3'," '`• 9. Inspectton. Lender or its a�ent may makc reusonuble entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shull
<br /> '�i+k`"�'�;''"' � ' � give Horrower notice at die dme of or prior to an inspection specifyin�rensonnble cnuse for thc inspection.
<br /> ���•,..���''�'�'�"��;� � 10. Condemnatlan. 'Ihe proceeds of any awurd or claim far damuSes.direct or consequentiul,in connection with any :
<br /> '�,.^,:�i,,, �
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