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.�. , , <br /> :.� • . . _::-,_� <br /> . _ „ i , . . --. - - -- <br /> '��t__ __ - _ -- _ _ <br /> . . <br /> � ��'"" ���� <br /> . - - - _ Y <br /> ----_ � <br /> „ ' ni.g�n o! na� mare tha�� t'ive ec��re �'eet �idvertiaing �he property <br /> �or aale or r�nt�, ax .siqn� us�e(� by a bu�f lder to adv�rtise th� <br /> ' pxopa�ty atxsinq the aanet�ruction an�l �sa�lea peria�, or e�ic�ns uee� . <br /> �------�-------� r, by khe developrr to advertise the �ubaiiviaion. `- ' <br /> �61 No rrorn out or diecerded autam,abiles, machin�ry� or <br /> parta tharet�! ahaii be stoxed on any �ot in �he addttian and no <br /> ' por�ion th�zeof shall be used for automobilfss, junk pilea oac th�e <br /> et�xaqe o£ any kiafl of junk or waete material. <br /> (7f Cer�siri easen�ents are eetabliehed for irtstallation and <br /> maintanance� of u�il3.tie�, such eaeements baing clear2y marked on <br /> tihe racor�efl plat of eaid aul�divieion. Service ].inee for indi- <br />�� v�3.dua1 residenaea for all publ#.c utility aer�rices which are <br /> available tq a lot fraQa aa underqround sourCe ahall be kept <br /> -� � u�nderground. In Che event sati�fa�tory teL�vi�ion reaeptior► is <br /> available from an unclerground lead, exposed ae�rials shal.l e�a� be <br /> ueed. <br /> (8) A1Z public eidewalks shall be curb sidewalkst and the <br /> acceptanae of a deed of conveyance by any purchasas or purchasera <br /> of any lot os Iats eha11 be and asnaunt to and be construed as � <br /> - aonsent thQxeto, aad approval of such curb sidewalks. <br />_ (9) All aonstruc�ion and bufldinq shall be so perfonaed <br />- that it will comply with requirementie of the buildinq codes and <br />�:__ _ _— ordiaances af the City of Grand Isiand, Nebraska. <br /> (10) : These reatrictive conenants, restrictione and condi- <br /> - tiona are to rua �ith the land and shall be binding on all <br /> gersons and all parties claiming owaership of said lata, until � � <br /> January 1, x004, a� which time said reetriative covenants, � v_, <br /> 1 be automaticall extended for <br /> 8 conditions shal y _ , <br /> reatrictions an �- �- <br /> �� suaeessive pariods of ten (30) years, unless chaaged or ffiodifie� =_'=��� <br /> `` by a vo�e of a ma jority of the then o�ners of the lots in said <br /> Subd�visfon. "°` <br /> 4.,�: <br /> (11) If any owr►er of any lot, or their heirs or aseigns, - <br /> shall violate any of the restrictive covena�nts, restr�ictions and --`=� <br /> conditfons herein set forth, it shall be lawful for any other �'���: <br /> -- -- person or gersona owninq any real estate in said addition to �=��= <br /> rosecute such rvaeedin s at law or in e it a ain�t the erson ""�- <br /> - = P P g 4u Y g P 4�� <br /> or persens violating or attemptinq to violate any such covenasits, �� <br /> .�_,,,_ <br /> rt,r-. <br /> etcc., and to prev�nt him from so dofng or to recover damages for ��,�,_ <br /> ;, such violations. `�==� <br /> ��:- <br /> ;:.z t:i-_ <br />_;� � (12) If any of the restrictive covenants, restrictions or -. : <br /> -�--�µ ,� coaditions herein set forth are violated and declared vo3d by a �~ . <br /> aourt of compet�nt juxisdiction, the remaining restrictive <br />�;�� covel►ants, restrictions or cond3icions shall not be af feated but - <br />,,� `i; shali stay aad rema3.n in full force and effect. <br />..,.. ..;t{;, . _ <br /> ��• (13) This agreement and the faithful Berformaa�ce of ��e ���:;� <br /> -'� tertas therecaE shall be binding upon the he�.rs, ac'Iministrators, '-`�� <br /> executors, assigns, grantees and devisees og the to thia <br />_. -3- �. <br />,. � ':,;y <br /> w..X7. ,�",., `;-�;... <br /> ' - c%-'—•'w,. . ... � - , t .. _ ....t... :..�4 .. : ..� - - .. . _ . . <br /> . , <br /> ; . <br /> . . . . . . <br /> - ,. . -- .. . .. .. ... _ . <br /> , ..... , <br /> r 'i� . <br /> i.' <br /> , � 5�r,.: ., 1_ .. ,-•-- - . . � r�. ', � � <br /> _ --- ---� . ,.. . w. ..� .. ..��!�� <br /> -< --°- . T ,--- __ - - _--- <br />