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<br /> �� Owr►er +�tipulatee a�nd aqrees fihat �ny and n].l ].ot• in Abr�ingalde
<br /> Acre� Thf.xd Subdivie�on in the� +City og axand irl+and, Hal� Gountiy� �
<br /> Hebraska, tha�t as�s sold, tranesferxed ou �onvwyed, e�ha1L he �ifid
<br /> �--___ ._ : _, RX'P lRMI{�1jP_t!1; �() ��ta.4 ���.�CfE��.E�� X''!'1:2!'i,�!{��.t1,P. -tlP1VP.1�1�R1�tPlQ !,'A4!18:�"�,l'•'tf.f}YA9 .. ,-
<br /> _ a�nd conditions except a�s grovided h�xein. Al1 reatrictiv�
<br /> covenante, reatriatians and aonditions ebsil run wi�h the lan8
<br /> and a�re as fc�llowc�:
<br /> (1) All lot.s in the subd�.viaion sha2i be lrnowu and described
<br />��,� ae rQS�dent:lal. lots. All lots �fl �he �aubdtv��sion may i,�tal.ude
<br />�"� duplexes, triplexes, coa�ominiuma or other strnatu�es. No
<br /> ° basement house may be built on any lot. No �lwelling coneisting
<br />'�' of one level shall be construated with lesa than 1,400 square
<br />�J'` f��t og livinq arerr►, not includinq the gaxage. Na dwo�;�iag
<br /> 1'' consieting of a two-story design ehall have less thaA 1,000
<br /> - squa�e fee� of living area on the ground floor, not in�cluding the
<br />_, q��cage. Ho srxuetu�e shali be erec�ed, . altered, plac�8 ar --
<br />_ p�rmitted to remain on any lat other thatt one dwelling and a
<br /> . psivate g�rage for not less than two (2) n�r more than three l3)
<br /> - cars, for each private dwelling and other secandary buildings
<br />- inaidental to the x�sidential use x�f the plot. No dwellinq she11�
<br /> . be erected fox occupancy for mor� than one family, nor ahall any
<br /> dwelling be used for occn�xancy eaf more thaa one fainily. No
<br /> commera�ial or buainess e�t�xpriaes shall be canductsd or aperated
<br /> ia said addition. No lot or lo� shall be divided or split to
<br /> create smaller buat3.di�xq areas, �x�t lots may be combit�ed, or
<br />�? �,,:��
<br /> combined and divii�ed, to establish larger building areas.
<br /> - - - .. - .
<br /> (2) .Any de�.�ched garaqe or aay other out-buildinq shall be
<br /> • : {,,,, of the saine qual��y and materials of construction as the outside
<br /> �` ,� ��M"��', finish and roof o� �he resideatial structure. No buildfags shs.l.�•�.
<br /> � '��" ���j be constructed of unaiqhtly materials, boxes, or similar lumber. ,
<br /> ��+�{ �}�
<br /> .lt/1Y�Y 4�•J 1%V�I7
<br /> ���,._�r�,�ti,� .
<br /> r ��:�, �. ��r � (3) All buildinqs s3na11 be placed back from the ceta�r�r of
<br /> �� �• ��'��'�'' �- the front line of the ivt the followinq distances s at least
<br />;.. . .:�.,,��-
<br /> `'"ri�,y twenty-f3.ve (25) feet or more on all lots.
<br />- �.�.....,a;�
<br /> '` ' , .�`_.F.,�=. (4) No pre-fab, modular or mobile home sha11 be plaaed upon
<br /> 9;: �h`, _� a lot. N� buildinq or dwelling house shall be moved into said
<br /> �� �� • �� subdivisf.on and placed upon a lot. No trailer, tent, qaraq�,
<br /> � � ""°'°-�"��.'°"�°' shack or othor uas5iqhtly out-building s�►all bo used in said
<br />- �������"- subdivision as a c�urelling at any time, aar shall any structure of
<br /> .`��-�`�'`-"���'�=�' ° a temporary character be used as a residence. No barns, chicken
<br /> �`.;�'.��:: -; .�+
<br /> �� ... houses, house trailers, com�aercial work or sales shops, ar other
<br /> - ' "�-��`'� . huildinqs for the care arsd housing of fowl, rabbits or liVestock,
<br /> .,�,,,,,; ., � shall be placed, maintained or used on any lot, nor shall any
<br /> °'f-` fowl, rabbits or animals other than household pets be kept upon :
<br /> :'�� ..�'� ^ � ' aay lot, and household pets shall not be kept, bred or maintaiaed �._
<br /> . �':;,�i�� for any comnnercial purposes. �
<br /> ..► .. ����.�. �_:
<br /> '�`�'� (5) No sod, earth, eand, gravel ar trees shall be removed
<br /> ' �h�� to the injury of the va�ue of or appearance of any lot, and no �
<br />_ �,...:-�. ,
<br /> - . unuaed build3ng material, junk or rubbish shall be left exposed
<br /> • on aay 1ot except durinq actual buildinq operations. No sign of
<br /> ;, , any kind shall be displayed to public view on any lot except one
<br /> �'� .. -2-
<br /> , �= �;;.;•; �
<br /> �
<br /> � �.,r._..__,�._.__..._-----_.----...-- -----..�.,---
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<br /> r.±+�.• rrl.:' �.{e�,.,.,',�;r. ' .
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