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<br /> 4.ll��dd,itloaal Mcudt7�nvrtor bt�eby stra�to�nd aonfaa upan B��&iary th� i,Potwr u►d autl�ortt,y�dudn�t1�aa►tfuu� —
<br /> — ot tbn.Tnua w eo1M�c!h��sna.tNws.ua�edfa a�id p.pRty,eww+int wnco�s�Wr t1»ei�hk vrkr to aay adamc e�at„ita
<br /> iap�nt d aq�r in�d�btdnw Nturd��j as ia p�etoeaunn�ot�qy t�e�e�nt huaunLr.to oolt�et ud ratda wrh nab,it�w�
<br /> ad u tbrq b�oom�dw�rrdpa�rabD.�Tpon Wy weA d�G�ult,.,&n�9cSary myr at aqy tiaW without notia��it6�r in ynewmu,b
<br /> �;A�a�tvar W b appolntod by a couei,�td wlthout eKard to the ad�quacy ot any Mcudty for t�ind�bt�dn�lwtsbY�
<br /> � ii�tate poaiwian ot�aid propeet,�l or W D�rt th�r�ot,ln Isi�own nam�nr�for or oth��wlM copeet wxh not��i�u��i
<br /> PtoRb,inoludlnY thow put da�u��nd any�l.�nd a�pl,y tM sua upon�Iadeb�t�dvw�eeured h�rab�.ud in n�ch ordn a�BaxSdass
<br /> -- �s s�d�o�i�t.„17�e m tr�i�u p o n aad�k i�o�p o�+�d o n at�aid D t�p�.tht oolLktion ot peh r�nta,iaru�and p r a db ami t1k applk+stion
<br /> �th�nota afa�eraid.aball mt eure or wdvm eqy daS�ltor not+io�otdeL�ul!hereunder ar inralidatA ar{r tct don�pnrwant�o�s l t notioQ.
<br /> b.�IOG�lflll��fty t�i'm�lIl�ID p�[Dt 0�tIIy�C�AEIY bl�CtlCOtl bO1'6�OP�tl�}l?�ir�r`n1G6C2 4t�it�C'�iG.�i ii.=TAII'�L."i��� .. .
<br />_ — aIl wms�e�vred henby aluIl itwmdiste�b�oome dw and p�y�ble st tl»optlon of the B�a�ticiary.Ia suoA evant and upoa�writben r�qoMt
<br />- -- d'H�Rdar7�4tituW sh�ll ee�l!he tna!Prapsi'b,ta ooeoe�d�na�h ths Nebraita 7�wt De�d�lkt.�f publla auefloq W tbe hisLrt
<br /> _ biddri.An�r peeron ezaep!Tt�,eetee may 61d a!1'ewtee'e eale.'llrwitea etull e�yply fhe p�vasds of the Mls as follan:ti)to th�es�nse
<br /> attb��dt,lnelndin�a ra�ru�bie 11n�etee'�t�e:(21 to fhe oblfgation eewt�d b}�thb Dad of 11w�t;t9)!he euspltit,itRnyr,�hall be dLteilxR.ea
<br /> W t7�pmtw�ntitled tb�nto.
<br /> &14wtse�6at1 delivet to,�O�e�purchaeer at the ule ite deed,witdwut aarPanty,whic2►ahall oonveq to the purchuer l3�e intereit in _=_
<br /> — �P��Y�rhfch Teustar hud.or had ths power to wavey mt xi�e Liwe aY his emcution of thfs Deed of Teu�f.aad w�a�+na�m�7 baw • _
<br /> �uir�d thereitter.14urtaes ded e1uU recite ttne facte ehvwlug th�qt tl�s eale wae aoaducted in compU�noe with all°tht requirennatr —
<br /> �lavr�ad of thL Deed of Twt,which e�acital shaU be prIma Atste evideaoe of such aompAu►oe aod ooaol�iw avidenae thereot in ti�vart, -
<br /> af boaa 63o gnrchuere ead encwnbrancers for value, � •
<br />-_ _- - - T.The power ot ale aonfen�ed bq tMs Deed of Tn�et fn not an e:chu�3ve remedq;Beneiictary m�y cause t]�is Deed of 7tust to 6e foreolor�t: _
<br /> � ,�� ai�motlgags. -
<br /> ���•? 8.fn the avent nf the deat6,iacBPsc[h'.dieabill!}r or eesixnation.of 4'ruitee.Beneficiary mAY aDAOiat Gs wetting a mxae0o:trautee, .
<br /> ,�:����.�.,.�,-. aad upon the reqotdinB of�uch�ppointmenc ia!ke moetg�ge eeaorde oLthe oouaty ia which tlde Aeed ot Tnut is eaaor8al.the n►ca�rar
<br /> ;::�,.� ��"'� triahe 7 �e1t�d wit�ell powere of the originil tewtee.Tho traasao ia not oDliged to no2ity e�4g Aert9 Lerato ot pendins wb aud�r
<br /> 1.,�..�e� r'i"';�" �qy ��utfiiwt o?of aqy actton or proceoding in ahich'lYvsitor.'l�uetee or Bene$oia►y eh,ali be a parky uolees auch action or
<br /> lYv
<br /> �-� ` p r a o a i n g is hrattght�y the 7'ruutee.
<br /> r. ,
<br /> S,71�ie Deed of 1Ywt e�pines to,inurea to the benefiL of,and ie biodirg not only oa the partice heroLO.but on their hefea,deviae�, _
<br /> tegaLeee,admiaiebatore,aecutom. euooeeeore aad esei8ae. 14u►tetm BunefiMary e h e l l meen t h e holdcr ead owner oP the aote ee�u�+ed -
<br /> hereby.whet.�er or not aamed ei BeaeB^tnry herein. �'�_-
<br /> 10.Rquest for Notioe ot Defiult or Notioe of Sale.It fareqnestod eh�tt•a aopq ot er�y Nottoe of Default or Notice ot 8ale be mailed W
<br /> aach peros►�vho is aamed ia this7lwt Decd at the maiiing sddreas of�uah�Peieon as eet out above. s-
<br /> NOTICE TO CONSM+�EA: l.Do not el�n lhis paper before you read ik 2.You are entitled to s co�sy � ;:_
<br /> ot lhis paper.8. Yon aasy prepay the anpaid bal�nom a4 aay 13me without penalty aad m�y be entit�ed 3-
<br />_ to receive a nfund oi unesrnod chargea in�ccordano�wlt6law. ���_:.
<br /> �igned this 20 day of June A.D.18_� �`4
<br /> �,� � �
<br /> , � ►:::_
<br /> STATE OF NEBRNSRA ) X .,, ''
<br /> :q;,:,'
<br /> 8a11 C�UNTY )� X �;:,c
<br /> �;�w��
<br /> � �t. }�'� On t]�is 20 day of June �,�18...9.�, before me.the uadereigned,a Notary Public,duly .
<br /> �--• commfeefoaed and qusli6e21 for and residing 1n said ootutty� pereonallY came AQna�d R. .Te7 inek S Ro nnn L. Jeliaek.,:� "
<br />-- ��"�f; husba�nd,b wife �sT„�Joip�t tea�t�e knowa to be che idotttical pereoa e_wbase namo s_a�'viced to the foregoing .
<br /> �•?.'��r
<br /> .�.�''' inattumenx�+a•�uato�•8 ` .end nc}uiowledged the eame to be their vol-
<br /> `�`'`�''� untsry act and''r1�1. �
<br /> ;�,�`�"
<br /> � .;��:t• Wituese my b�na.and Notarlal Seal the dny end year ,
<br /> �, My Commfseion�agiiea tEli� 8 c�y i�Ml�TAIY,SCMI mi�flf�bl r�,;
<br /> .,:Yi:.�.�.: oY F.ebruszS► , 18�_. $FIERRI Y.{t�f►150N �� :i��"'
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<br /> - `'='�"^ Entered ia Numerical Index a:ed filed for e+eaord ia 4he ofiice of the Regist�r of Deeds of eaid cnunty.tho �''�''
<br /> __ R..• . �oF . 19�� at o'clock nnd
<br /> , ""`" minutea M., and duly reoorded in Baok of •
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