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<br /> 4�•��".'�� Amount otFiert�nkalmcaE�:- Amount�OW�r Inatalmenb� � �t
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<br /> ,.'`"�� 38700.OQ Ju1v a4 192�t
<br /> , ,�.. 9.:.:, 1bte1 otPe�rmente i Fint Instalwe�Da�s Date � ,/'
<br /> �i`,j'.�:?� Number of Monthl��a�almenb 60 F�al Inst�lmsnt A�ae Date..a1��4..=,19�. �
<br /> ! f�e,��.`�'s• '' ' �
<br /> �yt'x,}c::rs`f� ' Ji ne �
<br /> x' THL4 DEED OF 9',Fi'U9P.made ihie?�:dq�at �- •la q--4-+
<br /> %�,�,7���:;1�;,�
<br /> , ;►�,;�-,,•:;i��; • ��, Doaald R. Jeliqek and Roxana L Jel�nek, hueband and wife ae , oint�t�nante_ ,
<br /> ' �"'��`� "°'`�"'�� 1504 S. $vlva,a Grand ?sland NE 68801
<br /> , � �;;: . �� whosa xc►a�ting sdttrasa b �
<br /> ��'�*�`°��;�••;�7;•` �•:�� �"Ftr Title Insurance Comvan
<br /> _ �.�.;:i.� u Y�tm�Cors, � Y
<br /> � " °� pgo� ��,�� 680Q Colle�a Blvd Overland Park I{3 66211 • � ,
<br /> :,; "' '�`�'' a Tiustee, and Noraeet Fia�ncW PIebeuln.Inc..whae mailtag addnw Is 2319 N Webb Rd. ,
<br /> �`.�r " ' P.O. Box 1373 Grand Island � 68802 ,as&ns�ciar�, ,`'. •:.,
<br /> ` W[TNEBSEIH,44uaWra henby ienevxably.grant�bargein,aeil,aud ooavey to Trustee in.truat,aith yo�ver oi eale.the fqU�wla�da �� •
<br /> eeribod pmperey in , A�l�i . , —Cout►ty,Ne�a14; ,. ,
<br /> •_ • _ __ The North 46.68 feet of the East � of the North � of Block 13. P3eaeant '�. .'" `
<br /> ` Home Subdivieioa. located oa part of the East } of the Southea�� } oi • • , "
<br /> Section 21; Townohip 11. Range 9 Westt of the 6th P.M., Hall Cot►aCy. • � -
<br /> • „ Nebraeka. '
<br /> r �.'
<br />- � TageLher vdth tenemenM�herediwaentc.and aPPurtenanoes therauaW bekngh�g or in anywtoe appe�fainia8 and f2ro oent+r.iia�t�ad
<br /> , pmSb fhe�
<br />- � ThU acnveyanoe is inteaded for the pnrpae of eecusing the p�yment to &aeSdary of Teuatord promhwry note ct even dat�in th�
<br /> � � amount stated a6o�e as'9bta1 of Pqymeatd'.&id"1bta1 af PsymenSa"ie�ep�yabk in the nnmbes ot moatlily iast�Im�nb�tat�d�t.
<br /> The emount ot tAs inatalment paymenta due on eaid lwn fe atated above.94►o flrat aad final ine�almeat due da0es on said lo�ss ar��tat+d
<br /> above.Paymeat m4y bo mads in�dvanoe ia nt�q amount st anq time.Default in makin8�lY P4Y�nt shaU.at th�Bendld�r'�q�tioo
<br /> , ead wkhout notfce or demsnd,render the entire uagti�balanoe of enid loan at onoe due and payable.leae aay requircd rebate of clut�w.
<br /> - , 7b pmteat the�ecuetLy of this Deed of Tnu6��r oovenanta�nd egroex
<br /> }• , 1.1b keep th�propsrty in good mnditlon end e+epair,to pe�att ao vraate thereof;to oumpleto eny buitding,elrudu:+e os impiovemcnt
<br /> • ° � ° ,' beSas built or about Lo be built thereon:to reetore promptlyr eay bnilding. etnecture or impiovement thereuu aDtch aW be dam�d or
<br /> ��o dosL[oyed;and to aomp�y�vIth all Iswe.oidimna0.s�gulatfone.covenaats.aonditlons aad er.ateictiaae atte�8!he propeeb�• .
<br /> -, '� 8.1b pqy De[o�s delinquent a!I laafW t�es�nd aieee�mente upon the propee4Y:to keep the pioperty fi+ee aad clear ot all olher ehargN,
<br /> •� liene or enenmbsaaoea impaidag tbe eeeurity of this Deed of 1Yvat.
<br /> � � :�; 3.1b keep aU buildiagn aow or hereatter ereeta.d on the pmpeiey dexribcd henin oontinuoway fasured agetnst loes by fire or olher
<br /> � °.,.� hesarde ta an amouat nnt les�Wa the total debL eecurcd by thia Deed of'hvak All poltdea nhail be held by the Benetidtry.�ad be
<br /> �"�'���� .j in euch armpnutee as the BeneScia*Y�Y ePP�vo end have losa payable 8rat to the Benefidery aa ita inSxn�t mnY aPP�and f�m
<br /> � :!.ti to the Tevator.The amount oollacted under eay inauranoe pol[ey m�y be eypUed upon as1Y indebtadnese hereby secuad in eueh osda te
<br /> the BeaeRdnry ehaq detc�ine.Such applicat[on by the BeneBcfery ehall not ceuee diecondnuaaoe of any praoeedin8o w foreelo�e t6ft
<br /> � • � Deed of'hvst or cuie or�vaive any'defauit or aotioe oi default or invalfdate aqY nct done pueeuaat oo auch notfoe.In t�e eveat af foreeloeuro,
<br /> ; sli eighte of the Tivator ia iaauranoe polfefee lEee ie foree ehaliFape tq�he purehaner at the fo�eloeure eale. :
<br /> ' ';:.' 4.'lb obtain the we[tten aonsent of&aeSetae�i.before eelling�convbying orothetw[se tnnefeiring the pmPet�y or any part thereof an�
<br /> �, . eny euch eale.conveyanoe or teunsfer wdthout tbr;8qaefyiaiY'rk�Wn'wlaei►tahall aonatituto a default under thn tesme henof.
<br /> �i " :'�,
<br /> 5,1b defend ae�,y actfnn or Prooeeding putporKng to at[l�itAa t�xnrity Rereoto�the dghts os powere of 8enefidary or Teu�ee.
<br /> ' � ' � • : • � �.Should'1lvator feil to pay when due any tasea.asmsenente,iaen�ranoe premiums,Ifene,enaunbrnnae or ot�►er eharges�8ainet!he
<br /> . ,�. , p�operty kereinebove deecribed.BeaeIIeiary maY PeY the eatne�ead the amount eo paid.with intorest a!Lhe eete eet forth in the note
<br />" : ' �� eecwed heieby.eheU be added bo and beoome e part ot the debs eeeured in thle Deed of 4Yust ns permitted by Inw.
<br /> �� '`` IT 18 MUTUALLY AtiREED THAT:
<br /> . !f,�.�y
<br /> �°� � . , ,` 1.In the evenL anyr postion of the property fe taken or dama�ed in en eminent domein prooeedinB, the eaflre amount of the nward
<br /> ;;:�:,; or euch portton thei+eof ns may be necessary to fu11y eatiafy the oblEgst[oa se�ured hereby.ehell be pafd w HeneReiaey W be appHed to
<br /> .� :�.,• enfdobifgatiom
<br /> ,:� �:
<br /> �.. , .
<br /> . .• ,
<br /> � ' �- ` _ 2.S�y nccepting psyment of aqy sum secumd hemby after ite due date.BeneRciary dceo no!wnivo ite d t to eeQ ro piompt Pa�yntm
<br /> ___.____ _ '�"��_.�___'_'"_____'_J__�_J__�_�J�!.�1�G��tL.rM�ww� �
<br /> _. __ i ARCO QYQ Vl N�{IVIQ[Oitttt0 OY ORYtN N W 4R1WC YGiO�u��v��av�w�w��J•
<br /> ` � 9.Tho'14uatee shall remnvey all or a�y part ot the praperty covered by this Deed of Tnu;t W tho pereoa entitled thereto.on weittan
<br /> n
<br /> � '� .= :7 rcquest of the'huatar aad the Benelic{ery.or upon eatiefaetfod of the oDligallon seeueed und writtea request for reeonveyance mads bp
<br /> �, ; !..t . tho Beneficiery or the pe�on enLitled thereto.
<br /> !
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