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<br /> ��.v��eacr.� -_-- -----W _ .. _ _ ..
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<br />, peri9da thtt Lendar rtquices. Thc insurance currier pcavtdini�thu int��aranc�shall t�:cito�n by[iorowrr eub3ect ta l.cndce's �
<br /> epprovd which shail not 6c.unreasanably withhcld. If Bont�u�e,r fiuil;t�,tc�m:tinteln covcrnge described abovc, Lendcr mny,at
<br /> � I,enderh aption,udbuin coveraga to protect l.erxkr i;rights inphu Pro�ra�ty ta nccor�wnce wtth par�graph 7-
<br /> All insusancc pollcios and renowula shall be aceeptnble po Lend��r�nd yhnll ii�clude n standard mortgago ciause. l.ender
<br /> shdl luiwe the right to ho{d t1►e polietes and eenowals. If l.en�r cecjuit�s,Iiixtower 9hY11 prompttY Kive tc�Le�der all r�:eipts
<br /> � of pxid premiums end rene�xal nbticts. In tha event of los�,Borro�az sh�ll give psomps ttotica to the insuruncc cerrler and
<br /> Le;xie;. LCii1�f;Y ti3ily piiiRA:j+�littEOf Ia:w'�1�IlOLl11�2 pI4IT1gtI��by Bmr�mv,�r. ,- -
<br /> Unless Lendcr and 8oaowu otheewlso agrra in wdtin�,insuran�p procceds c�leall be o�plied ta rc�;taation or repair of
<br /> the Prape�cy danagHd, i�the restorat�on or repair ia econtl�ically.fee�lble a�d Lender`.c secudty ia reot Irssened. If th.e
<br /> restt�nuioa or repair is nat economicaUy feasible or LendeY�s�:ecufity,wvald be lessened,the insumnce proceed4 shall be
<br /> npplied to th-sums secuned by this Secudty lnsttumen�w'hethcr at.rtai then due.with any excess paid to Boirower. if
<br /> Bomiwer abandons the Praperty.ar da:s not unswcr widu�n 30 dnKe,�u nadce ftam Lcnder that the�nsumnre carrier hav
<br /> offered to settle a cisum.then Lender may collect the lnsur�ptce pmce�d.w Lender may use ths proceeds to repair or resiore
<br /> the Pmperty arto pxy sums se�:ured by th'sa Securlty[nstturtx:n�wh�;the�rar not theu due. 77ie;(Wr+y pe�►'iud will 6egia when .._--
<br /> the naticc LS givcn.
<br /> Unlcss Lender aud Borrower otherwise agree in writiz�g.uny upplJ�tlon of proceeds to princiQal shall not excend or
<br /> postpone the doe dau of the monthly payments referred to in pa�mpt�pha� �d 2 or change the amount of tlie payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Propert}r is acquired by Lender.liarrowcrk ri�ht to uny insurnnce policies ar�d proceeds resuldng
<br /> from daznaAe to the Pmperty pnor to the acqt�s�tian sh�ll pn.ss to 1,.e�d�t�o the eatent of the sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> Insdument immediately prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> 6. Oc�upsncy. Prcservuttan. Meintawnce and P�+ottcUwR.of ttit ProPertY; Borrawer's l,oan Appltcat[on;
<br /> bp�sehoWs. Bomnwer shall occupy.establish,and use the!'ropGrty.a�.Aorrower's prie►cigal residnice within sixtg+days et'ter •
<br /> the eaccudon of this Security Instnurrrst and shWl oontinur ta.oamup,ry the PropertY s�BortoM'er�s Princlpal res(dence for at
<br /> least one year aRer the dute of acc�pancy. untetis L.eader otherwtsp agroes in writing. whlch consent sha8 not be
<br /> umeasonably withheld.or unless eatenunting circumstonces exist which nre beyond Borrower's control. Borrower sha11 rtot :
<br /> desmoy.damage ar impair the Property.allow the Property to detedarni�.or commit a�aste on the Property. Borrower shaU
<br /> be in default if any forfeitune action or pmceeding.whether clvit or cr�minal,is begun that in Leader�s goad faith judgment
<br /> could iesult in forfeiture af the Property or otherwtse m.�tarinlly impair the licn created by this Securiry Instiurnant.or
<br /> Lender's security interest. Bamowor may cuir such a defuult cuid�retna¢nte,a.g provided in paragraph 18,by rneising tha actlaa
<br /> or ptaceeding to be dlsmissed with a n►ling tha�in I.endetk�aad!':�ith determinatlon,preclad�s forfeitum o�'the Borrower's _
<br /> inte�est in the Pnoperty or other materiat impafrment of the licn created by thIs Security Insmiment vr Lender�security
<br /> interest. Bomowei shnll also be in default if Bomowe�. duriarg tha loan a�plication process, guve �ialiy false ur
<br /> tnaccurute informadon or suuements to Lender tor fniled to provida L.tnder witEa c+ny material Infortnapon)in.�onnection with
<br /> � !��� ��. � [y.�. ��!��g� tuu nai lim�ed ta,.repr�esentatinns concernin� 13orrower�occupancy of the
<br /> P�operty as n principal�sidecxe. If t�is Security Instrument is a�rn•n let►�ehold,Bo�rower sba�.A�mply with ull the provisiqus
<br /> of tLe lease. If Borrower acquims fee dde to the Prapeny.tha lcuw�old nnd�e��tide s�i�ctt merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectlon uf Lender's Rigltts io the Properfb• If.�Arrawer fiu:s to perfonn the covenants and :►�g�eeemeats
<br /> conmined in this SecurIty Instrument, or thc� is a tegqct prm�d:ing that may significandy affect Lender�s rights in the
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in�ptcy.probate.fart condurr.ration or fodeitune or to enforce laws or regulalions),tl�n
<br /> Lender muy do and pay for whateves is necessary ro pratcxt t�se walue of the Property suid Lender's righm in tha Property.
<br /> I.ender�s actlona may include paying any suma secured by u liun which has prioriry over this Security Insaurnent,appearing
<br /> in court,paying reasonable attoneeys'fees and entering on tha,Property to make repairs.Although Lender rnay tnke actian ,
<br /> ander this pazagaph 7.Lender does not have to do so. ._.
<br /> My amouncs disbursed by L.ender undcr this paragmpb�7,hull berome additional debt of Boroower secwed by this _
<br /> Securiry lnsuvmenG Unless Hortrn��v tutd Lender a�ee to athar cerms of paymen�thesc amounts shall bsar intcrest from the =
<br /> date of dlsbucsement ut the Note rate and shull be payt►bte.with interes� upon nodce from Lender to Bomower requestin� �-
<br /> paymen� �=--=
<br /> 8. Morfg�tge Ur,.�urence. If I.ender required martgagu insuranco as n condition of making the loan secured by this �.._,
<br /> Security Inswmem, iiurrower shall pay the premium:�requined eo maintain the mortgage insurance in effecG if. for any -__
<br /> �esisa�. the mortgage insumnce covemge requimd by I.em{cr lapses or ceases to be in effec� Borrower shall pay the ;=
<br /> premiums tequlred to obtain rnvetage subsWntlaqy eyuiv�letti to the mongu�e insurance pteviously in effec�at a cost {._,
<br /> substantially equivnlent to the cast to Borrower o f t ho mo r t�a�e rnsurance previousl y in effec:�from an altemate mortgage ;_=
<br /> insuier appraved by Leneter. If su6stantiully equivuleru mo�iEc�e insurance covemge is not available.Borrower shall pay to i_'
<br /> i.ender each month a sum equal to ons-twelfth of the yenrly.�ongage insw�ance premium bein�pald by Borcower when the �_�,
<br /> insurance rnverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiU uccept.u�ond retuin these payments as u loss trserve in lieu ! -:
<br /> of mortgage ins►uance. Loss reserva payrttents may no longer be requined.nt the aption of lxnder,if mortga$e insurance
<br /> c�vem e(in the amount and for the riod that Lendcr re uices)provided b an insurer oved b Lender a mn becomes ! ��
<br /> 8 [R 9 9; �PPr Y B �
<br /> availab2e und is obtained.Boirower sh�ll pay the pmmiums mquired to mninta�n mortgage msurnnce in effec�or co provide a
<br /> loss teserve.until the[equirement for mortga�o insw�rtce ends in uccordance wtth any written agreement between Borrower -.
<br /> und Lender or applicuble tow.
<br /> 9. Iospe�ttan. Lender or iu ugent muy make reasonf►bte entries upon:u�d inspections of the Prvperty. Lender shall
<br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspectian��pecifyin6 reasonabte cause Cor ttie inspecdon.
<br /> 10. Condemnat.fon. The proceeds of nny award or cluim For damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any
<br /> ginglc FntttUy–pamie Di�e/iYeddb lldnc 11NIFOItM INSTRUMENT•-Unifom►Corcaams 9f90 fpaRe 3 oj6 pagcs�
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