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<br /> Yt��'Ei�.lt WITH�11 tht ismpxuvements r��w ot h.ere�8er crectrd an tl�o pn►pen�. �uxl dt e�t�i��nt��wti+�iit►t�:natsces, _---
<br /> Nnd fixturas auw ur fKre�fter�p�rt ut thc prc�Ky. �1 aplacrmerrts and edditluna►st�x11 alxo t+e ra�ve.ral Dy t��lE:Se��:ur�.ty
<br /> ta�au�n�x. All of thr fa�uia�i�ceierned w In tN�Sccudty In�twn�ent�n�+"Rc►�xny.»
<br /> � pf)RRt,�W�[t COYBt+lAl�7'5.th�t f�mwtr i�Irwfelly selsed of the�xtato Itere6y conveyeri atjci has tho ripht to�runt
<br /> u�!co�ve�,tbe �d Ihat die Progeetp i:unancumbened.except[ur m�:umbrancex ot racxd. Banrirec w�rra�UF rnd
<br /> wiU:klend�Utk ta ths Ptoperty�a1n�t�ll cl�lntis acxl ciemandy,subJes;t t�sny encumbrances c►f rnedrA. ,. -
<br /> �'H�S SECURtrY INSTItUMHNT combineri unifwm caven�rsts fcx naQonr] u� �i na►•uniflnm cQ��ananm with
<br /> limited v�rintians�y jurisdiction to cot�titute a uni[uim�ecurity instiumant covrring ad�rqxny.
<br /> U1V�IFI)RM COV�N/1NTS. Bormwer�td l.cndercov��uutt end a�z�ee as tbllows: when due the
<br /> l. h�tNeM at hhnt�l a�d Iatere�ti he�yMeiN�d Lape Clwr�. Barower shall prom�tiY paY
<br /> prim:l ot and inurcst mn the&M evidedced by tha Note und anY prepaYment and latc cttarySes duo urdcr t�a Nutv.
<br /> �bl�o�il�iar 71�cer a�Iawrascw Subjcet toappUcaDle law or�o o writan waiver Dy Lendn.9on'ntiv�r ehull pay to
<br /> l�taimr on the day montAlY ip�►Yi�►euts uce due undcr tho IVotc�uadl tke Naa is p�id in fuU.a sum l"FnmiR"1 fi�r:(u)Yea,Qly _`
<br /> axes md assessments whicb m�r uain priorlry over this 5ecurity Instrument as a licn on tAe Pr+�patty:(h1 Y=�ty teasehuld
<br /> p�►Yments os gnwnd reats aQ tlre Wvptrty. if any:(c) Yearly lu2ard or propetty it�,suraxe ptemsums: (dl Yearly ftood
<br /> inturance p�+emiums. if any:(e)Yearly mu�tgage msviance premiums.if any:and(4 any sum�,psayabta by Bairuwcz to
<br /> Lernier.in accordance wit)s tha provisIons of pamgiaph 8.in Iteu of the payQnent nf�ortgage inyuttu�a�Pm.Qeiums. 'R�ese
<br /> items ue calkd"Fscmw[teros." Lender may.�t any time.collect and hold Fugds in an amount not�ta excs�ed t1w maaimum —
<br /> amount s lender for a fedenliy nlated awrt�ge twn may mluin far Borrower's esctow acccount�undcr tho federal Reai
<br /> Estat,e S�tttlenoent f7ocedutes Act of 19?4 as amerded from time to timc.t 2 U.S.C.$26U 1 ct seq.('QiIISP.4").untess anott�er —
<br /> law that applies to the Ft�nds sets a lesser amount It so.l.eader may.nt any dme.collect mxi hoId Pumts iti uu iuito+utt n�t m �
<br /> �xccxd t6e lesser umount L.ender u�Y esNmate the°ma'u"t °S Wnds dut on the A3sIs af cumnt dato und reasoaable
<br /> estlmates of expenditutes of future Fscrow Items os ather�vise in uccordm►ce wlth upplicnble l�w.
<br /> 'R�e Wr,br7s�stiaU be held iu u»»in�titution whose depasits nre insured by v federal Ageac,y.Instiumenta{iry,or encity =_
<br /> (including i.a�er.ff ixnder is suc�an iasdtudon)or In aay Ftideral Nome Loan Bank. Lenckt sttnll apply Ute Funds to pay
<br /> ttg Escruw y:ems. I.eader may aot cknrge Bamower far holding and applyins the Funds.unm��liy nnalyzing the escrow
<br /> ara`ouu4 or verifging tb�e Escmw Items.unless Leadcr pays Botrower interest on tAe Fund��und u�plieable faw permits
<br /> � Q�aader to make such u ch�rge. However.Lender may require Bomower to pay u une-time ctt¢�ga fnr aa indepeadent a:al
<br /> . .estats t�t�eporting senrice used by Ixnder in rnnnecHon with this loan.unless applicable+luw�mvidas othen�rise. Unless un _!,_
<br /> agreement ts roade or applicuble law cequires interest to be paid.I.andcr shal!nat be cequuod ta p�y Bomower any intemst or =
<br /> eamings on the Fhnds. Bormwcr und Ixader may s�gree in wntinQ,ita�i�Yer,t!►nt interest sMc3liba�pa�d on the Funds. l.ender _
<br /> stu�ll give to Bormwer,w[thout charge.nn annual accounting of tite 1Fi:nds.showing credits nad debits to the Funds and the
<br /> �t'as��2s d�it so t!��Sls w�c�de- Ttre Funds nre piedged as addidonal�sccudty for aU sums secured by _
<br /> this Sec�uiry Iashuri�en�
<br /> If the Rsacls held by Lender exceed We amounts permitud tu bs held by appliaa.'hlq la�v, Lender shaU nccount m ---.
<br /> Borrower far tti�ezcess Furtds in accorc�rtt�with the requiremenis af applicable I�w. ff tha�snount of the Funds held by ,
<br /> Ixuder at an�tfl�is not sufticlent to�ra,y ti�e Escrow Items when due,l.eader tuay sc� notify Bomo�vez in wridng,aad.in '_
<br /> such case Borrower shail pay ta[.endL�r tfle amount necessary to malce up tAe defi�. BalroHer shall mnke up the _._
<br /> d�Qciwc�+in no more than twr.t+re�nonthlY P�Y�ents.at L�zder's sole discretion. _.:.--
<br /> Upon paymeat in fulx cnff�11 sums secui+ed by tAts Sr��riry Inshumen� l.endr.�s shr�llµramptly cefuad to Borrower any _
<br /> iWmds held by Lender. If.�er paragrap6 21.Le�er sS�a11 aequire or saU the Prap�ty.4end�s,prior to the a+cquisldon or
<br /> sale of the Propeity.shalt upply any Pl�md�held by Leader ut the timr.of acquisitinn cn sole as u credit against the sums -'
<br /> sec�aal by this Sactrrlry Iusuument os��„�,
<br /> 3. Appikatbn ot Rymenta Unless appllc�blc law pmvides otherwise. aU'p�Ymsnt�rec¢ived by Leader uader _.._.
<br /> Qarag�aphs 1 and 2 shnll be opplied:fi�st.w anY P�B �t char�es due under the�not�:secomd.to amounts payable under „�N,,,._
<br /> patugmph 2:third.to iaterest due:fourth.w pcirtcipal dru:�e�nd las4 to nny late chargea d�a uader the Notc. ,�.-
<br /> 4. Charges; LEen4. Barrower shaU pay silI t�.�, axsessments. charges. lia� :�im,positions amibutable to tftc �£�;_.�,_
<br /> Pcoperty whkh may attain pr�oriry over thL�Security Inswmen�and[�asehold paytnt�t�or grous�d rents.if any. Borrower ���=r. -
<br /> shall pay these obHgations in the mantter�n�Ytded in pazagraPh 2.or if not paid i�e thtY�. Borrower shntl puy them an ���
<br /> H1F_�_.__.
<br /> ticne dic+ecdy to the pezson owed payment �ornnwer s[�,�ll pmmptlg futuish to Lecs�'te a91 ecotioes of amounts to be paid undet ::'':�.�
<br /> r�paregraph. If Boaower mukes these payments dice��ly.Boirower shall pmm�tl}�fttrnisd to Lendu c+eceipis evtdencing ��-•_�.�-
<br /> '•�.�C PdYments. ����::
<br /> Bormw�t ahall promp�3y disc6arge a�ny li�a�0as Paor�ry over this Secuai¢y ipr�tntmeat unl�ss Bornower.(a)agn.�es y
<br /> in wdtit►,�tsat'nE payment of the obligation s�.�c.vm�i Gy tae(ien in n manner axept�w S.et,rt�r;(b)contests in good faith the 1!�:'"_`_
<br /> lien by.or�iu�ds against enforcement of tite lien in.legul pmceedings whic�in dta L•e���'s opinion opertue to prevent ilte :
<br /> �forcem�m of the lien:or(c)secu�es fmm the hoider of the lien au agreement saaiafmr�ry to Leade;subordinnring the lien
<br /> t�S"m.is Security Iactiument If LeQder deteimines dtat a�v part of the Roperty is subj9st•to a lim which muy nttain priority �;=�:�:
<br /> ' �+�;:�r thls S�cxutity instrumen�L.eadet may give Bo��ra notice identifying the litm. �c�osirershual sntisfy the lien or take E _
<br /> one or a��'tbe actioas set fonh nbove wtthin 10 days of dte giving of cotice. $-•. -
<br /> 5, �'�rd or Properfy I�ranc� Sosower shall keep the ic�pmvemen3s�nmv ezisdug or hercafter crected oa the •
<br /> Pmpeny insuied against loss by fire.hazaids iacluded witbin the term"extended co��u�a"aad s�y otDer hazards.inclading �=
<br /> fioods ot fiooding, for which I.eAder nequires insutauce. 71us insueance shall b�t roatntaiattD [n thv amounts and for the ':••,.
<br /> ����i��
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