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. • :✓� ,�.� � � '�':. •.�' �.����'"� . ,�p•:.� rw.ynr �ji,, � ^ _ . .7.a.�� <br /> ., * <br /> . <br /> - .. . .. �, � ,,) _� <br /> /•'. -. • .. _� � i .7 u f�r',_ � jlrt,n ry.r. � . ¢4 r . <br /> ,� ' ' ' �'! <br />- -,.. . . : - „1 .,:^.!'il'�_'t}S��a�1t'__�^�.^_:!L`"'-. `�r � ._. � <br /> . <br /> ., - - <br /> . . - _ <br /> ...� . Pf � . - �.-,�ar - __ - �.-,_'-'-_' _ _ _ . ..� _ _ "'_'__ _ __. _�.-- <br /> . <br /> . ...�I i� �':3t�1 ,1 ... >.. ...�� '. �-. _.n.. _ <br /> - + ' � � 5�'.�T � . . i . : ._. �. . Y.. <br /> � _ <br /> _ '_. __ _�. ����.�� _ _ <br /> -`{'�9�fy�._].aly. ���l���� _ __"-.'_- _ <br /> --�lea-.R. . .__ . . _._ _._ _ .. .. --. _ . �__ <br /> ��surancspre�nluma,Qr»und ronb,end all otNe►ch�s!tvhataoever levled upon oi eaa�ased�plsced a mids apNmt tM Tnut <br /> prop�ry,Tarzfor furtl►e�a�r+ee�.upon w�Jtfen n�qu�st by 8snehc/ promptly dsNver to Beneflc/ary eq recNpta fbr tha paynr��t of <br />- ��,���.. �, • serch char�aa.Ihratar tlkewlse egnaes to pey elt�samanta and oJher charges levlsd upon a asseaaod.placed a mad� <br /> • e�nfnsf,o�messu�e�l by,thls(Jeed o1 rmst o�th9�eCO�Qailpn hareql. <br /> s'�'='��"�`�:,�.'L•'� g, AlppAoatlan of Paymonio.A►I paymenta rocelued by Bsrteflclery as to any tlebt,J/aW!!ry a obllgadun owed to Bsneflolary by T�astor ��:j�•��� <br /> m�y ba epplleil6y Benoticl�ry to tlre payment ol tho lndebtedrtesa o�to any such other doDL llabillry o�obllgeUan,ln arry orde�o� <br /> ,,�, � � mu►n�r of�ppJkailon whloh BeriRttolsry,In lte ebsduf�dlacrotlon,dNm�eppropdafe.Unless otha+wlss e/ectsd by B�rn�}icltry,�ny <br /> auoh paymsnt ahaq be deerned epplisd flrst b ths payment ol any debL Ilablllty or obllgadon oth�r than ttw Hot�. <br /> e. Ch�►��;Uma.Tivata wlll k�sp ths Truat Propsrry Irss h�am�!/ll�rts Rnd uiaumbrenaoa which In eny way may,!n th�/udpm�nt o! <br /> .,, . . _ , , <br /> • ' ' �, Benefklsry,havo prlodry ove�,o�ImpaU ths aec- u�lN of,thla Ored o1 Truat bLt TiusMr nsed not dlacharQs any aucb!!K►�o lo�np et <br /> . � �..._�„ . �. . <br /> � , - .. •r�.•, Trvsiw sf�elJ a�rc�,/n u�tdaD,ro pny tlrs obtl patlan sacurod by 4uch�len!n a menner eoceptebJe to Benal►cfery and ahap ln pood aU �___ __ <br /> _, ` � contsat auch Iten by appmp,lats Is�al p�xe�d inps e f tec dve ro proven t t hs en f o r c e m s n t o/t h o l l e n�n d t h s/o a s o f e n y/n�o n s t I n a - - - <br /> ° ,y �`.s �.,•��" part of the Tiust Properry. <br /> �� ��-'.;;. � °,:�r,�d� � 7. H a r a r d f n s u r a n c e.T i u s t o�s h n!!k e e p t h e b u l t di n g s and aMer lrrr provements now exJadn g o�hereafter e�ected on tha Trust Prope�ty -._,�- <br /> ` ��'°`"" lnsured by Insurence canlers eaUsfaotory ro 8erteflclary ege/nst foss Dy flre,harerda Incfuded!n the term"extendod coverags"and <br /> "•'` � such other ha=erds,casvalUes snd cont/nganola�es may be requlred by Benefiotary.ln such amaunta and lo�such pe�lods as may be =�---- <br /> a <br /> ��z�-.:� -�; �� . Q� �equtred by Beneflc/ary.fie poNoy o!tnau�er►�e shel!ba In/orm eccepfaWe ro Beneflclsry,pravtde that the same may rwt De ���""°R =— <br /> cancellad a mod/f/ad t»ttmur fifteen�►6i)days pdor wrltten notice to eneflcl �`�� <br /> •M�,. y 1". ., '. B ary,and aha/J have foss Aayable provlslons!n tavor ot end ,.,...w. <br /> ���_�� <br /> �; - .• !n fam ac�cepteble ro Benafiatary.AR premiums on lnsureace palldes shall be pa/d!n tha manner provided under peregraph�Irereol ,�'�"---- - --- - <br /> �� r;:- � � _ �� or,ll not psld/n such m�nno�,by Trrlsror meking payment etleast flteen(iS)deys pNor to the due date,dlrectry ro the lnsurance �� <br /> °� oamier.8eneflclary�shAl!hava tha d8ht ro hold tha po!!ales end rertewels Mereoi and Tir�stor s h e l f promp t l y f um is h ro 8 e n efl c!ery aJf ��r�=z`-= <br /> r ' " `'"�� renewaf notices and all p�td premlum recetpta receJved by!t In ao event shaU BeneNalery or Tiustee be held responslble tor falluro ta _ - _-�s�° <br /> � ' .. ' pay lnsurence premlu�na or tar any toss or damage arising o�t o/a defecNn anyRallcy or arlsing out o1 any 1a11ure of any lrtsu�ance �~ ���`•�`i .:v��;.:._ <br /> �_, , � company ro pay for sny foss ar damage insu�ed agalnsi or br feiture by Tnrstor b effeat tha/nsurance requfred hereande�ln Ure everrt '�;;�;;`��;_;;�:,n <br /> � ofloss,Tiusto�shatf gtve pnompt notice by mal!to tha ln,surance aarder and 8enaflclary.BeneficJery may make prool of Mss(l not �,� : . <br /> . +, ..:., ...-� -- <br /> �;.�� , . made piomptty or!n pneper torm by TrUSta.AIJ policles of Jnsuiance and any and sll refunds o1 uneamed Pramlums are hereby '-� <br /> � ess)gned to Bensflc!ary as addlUonal securily for 1ha payment of the lndebtedness.ln the event of Beneflctary s exercise oi the power ����_=____'� <br /> � '•.;.. ot sale contalaed hereln,or M the event of forectostire,all right.tlde and interest o1 Tnrsta In sad to eny Insurance pollay tNen!n lace '•'� <br /> sha!/pess ro the purchase�at ri►e bustee's sale or foreclosure sale.!n case of any loss,the insurerrce pmceeds the opUon cf '' ;�--�-- <br /> t � 8eaeflclary,be spp!!ed by BeneNo�ary upon tha Indebiedness,o�any pa►t thareol,end in such order and smount es Beneflclary may ����'�'..': <br /> ° • detemrJne�or sald/nsurence procseds,at the opUon o f Bene He lary,may e l t her b e us e d!n r e p l�c i n g a re s t o�f n g t h e Trtrst Pro p e r t y � ,,;���.:'=��� <br /> � , partlafty or totalty destroyed ro a condt�an sat/siacmry to 8eneticlery;or asld lnswsnce proceads. or any patlon thereol.may be �� ;,[,;,,i•.,'r;ti;r;cj�,;.. <br /> �lessed to Tiustor.Un/esa Beneflclary and Tiustorotherwise agr�e!n wifdng,arry sucb apptkedon ofinsurance proceeds shall noi � •' ' <br /> •���.:�;':i ti-';�� <br /> extend a posfpone the due dafe of the Note,or eny Instal►ments called br thereln,or change the amount of such lnstellme�rts.H the ' �':�Ef},:;.;;` ''" <br /> ,, '� � Tirisi piopeRy Is ecqulred by Beneflclary pursuant to the exercise oltlre power of sa/e o�othe�MrE+alosare.atf�lgbt,tltle and inte►estof �� �'S� .�.'.- <br /> ;�:.,� Tivsto�i�end to any Jnsurence proceeds paye6le es a resuft of damege m the Tiust Property pdo�to the sale or ecqulsJtion shall pass - , <br /> • to BeneNclary and ahal!he applled firat to dre costs and exper�sea,inclading sttnmsy lees,incmred!n collectlng such proceeds.then . �� �.� �� <br /> ' � •� ln tho menne�and!n the onder provlded hereln. � � <br /> g, ��esgn�et�r�rd Ma�nAanance of Tiust Fioperty.Tinsta will keep the buildings and otl►er improvements now o�hereaite►erected on �, , - <br /> i i` . the Trost Prope►iy in gdod repel►and condltlon and w1!!not commit a pemrit wsate,wllf not stte�the desfgn or sUUCtura�cnaracter �r� <br /> : , ,,� <br /> ,,. consddrting any bullding naw or herealter ereoted on and constltutltvtlng the Trusi Piope►ry wkhvut the pdor v►�ltten consent ot �,r, 4 ,., <br /> ,,s ••,. ', • �. Beneflclary,will nof da any act or th/ng whlch would unduly lmpalr a depreclate fhe value o/the Tiust Properry and wil!not ebandon °, r ,Y!; : <br /> .;;;.��:: d►e Tiust Property.7►usta►w!U nat remove sny Nxtures cons8tudng die Tiust Prope�ty unlesa the same a►e lmmedlatety repfaced wfih '����+ � ' <br /> ���,;;:-:.�;.';``; , �)�1 <br /> Iike pmper1y subJect to�he Ilen and aecuiUy lnterest o/thls Osed o/Tiust snd o!at least equal value end utl!lty. Trosto�wi!!comply wiGt� •�����dy��'��''y4 ;' �� ;,� <br /> . - �..��. ..,...; �. �.�.�C+;f,�!`l . <br /> •i. .:,<:,;;.�;<«s el!present end future adinancea,ragulaUona and re ulrements of eny govemmenta!body whloh a►e appllceb/e ro the Tiust Property ;,�;i},`'�, ; <br /> a q <br /> ��:�� '"�':• ' and ro tha occupancy en d e s e t h e r e o t.l f t h i a D e e d o i 7�u s t I s on a unit!n a condominlum or a planned anit development,Truafor 8ha!! � , , <br /> pe►Mm.�s!1 of�iustor's obligatlona under dr�declareUona or covenaMa creaUng a govem!»g the condominlum or the planned untt •!•": • � , <br /> ' ' development.dre bylaws end regula8ons ol d�e condominium or p)anned unit development,and the constKuent documenta. � ' ' ` ' • <br /> `{• '� �• 8. lnspeodon Benefldary or fts egente may,at a!!ressonable tlmes,enter vpon the Trust Piopeny lor the purpose ol tnspectlan. , �14�.��� ��� <br /> � , � BeneNclary shall have rto dury to make such lnspecUon and shaN nct be Ilable to Tiustor or to eny person in possesslon It it mekes or • ,�,,,.•�' <br /> � ��•;�:�. . 1afls ta meke any such lnspecdon. . ,.;;',,..h : ,�'� <br /> �: ' � `�'�:i:��' f0. Proteotlon of Secu�ity.H Truato►lails to peitorm eny of the covenanta end agraementa contalned In thls Deed of Trust,or H any actlon , �,,.-..�, � - <br /> • :Rs,;,�i.,f.'.� <br /> Y�« ' '• - or proceedMg!s commenced whlch does or may edversely aNect the Troat Piopeny or the interest of Tiusior or BeneRclary thereln or �; ;� . ��� ,:r,•,.� ..,,•. <br /> "•=•� ••�~�'� ' the dde o/Tiustor fhereto,then Boneflda ,at lta opda»,may perlorm saah convens»ts and agresments,�oske such appesrences. ;.• ; � � • <br /> ,. . ,,•.�ii:: �Y , �,�,:>,,:,; <br /> �;°:.•' ,_. :::r.;,,. defend agalnst end InvesBgate auch sctlon a proceeding and tske auch other actlor►as BeneHclary deems necessary to protect IPS �•�:�.r• .. .•.,,;, " . <br /> • ;:..--.,,� � " lntereatlrtcluding.but rtot 1lmlted to,dlsbursemeni of reasonabla attomey fees and enby apon the Trust Properry ro meke repelrs.Any :� ; ,_ � " <br /> � amounta d(sbursed by BeneNclary parausnt to thls paregraph 10,wltl►lnterest thereon,shall constlwte/ndebtedness of Ti�stor ����;:.._�. :, ;.�, , <br /> ' ' securad by thls Deed of Ti�st.Unlesa Tiustor end 8ene�clary egree to othe►terms o/payment,such amounts shall be payable upon �• •���. �� •�� <br /> ' , noLlce from 8eneflalary to Trrrstor requesdng payment thereof, end sha!!be�r Mterest ho�n the date o/dlabursement at the default rete, �� '. � <br /> N any.sei Mnh!rt the l�ote.or otherwlse at the highest rete permltted by IAw.Nothing contslned In tl�ls paragraph shal!require �`'�.�-�,. <br /> �'�, � . �• BeneNclary to Jncur any expense or teke eny acBon hereunder.Tiustor inevoCebly aufhodzes end empowers Berteflclary to enterupon • , <br /> Me Tiust Prope�ry as Tiasto/s agent end,!n Trostor's name or othenviso to perfom�any and ell covenants and agreementa to be �:;'':"'�,. <br /> . � . performed by Tiy.stor as hereln prov/ded.BeneNclary shell,at Jis opdon,be sub�ogefed to any enaumbrence,Ilen,clalm or demsnd i� , <br /> ' arrd ro all dghts and 8ocudtles lo�dre payment thereof pald or discharged by Benaliclary unde�the provislons hereat and a»y such <br /> � sub�ogatlo»dgMs shall be additlonal end cumulaNve secudy lo�thls Deeal of Trust �� • . <br /> � 11. Coademnatlon.The pmceeds of any award or clalm for damages,dl►ect o�conseqaentlal,ln connec�on wlth eny condemnsUon or � �. . . _ <br /> • , , othertaldng of the lrust Propelty,a s»y peR theieo%or br conveyesce!n lleu ot or Jn enticlpaBon of condemnatlon,are hereby � <br /> • asstgned to end shall be pald to BeneBciary.Trosto�wi11 Rle and prosecute,!n good laJth and wJth due diligence,!ts clatm for any such ,;1�� ,_ . <br /> � .7;;``�,.'.:� awAM a paymeni,and wfil ceuse dte sama to De collected e►id psfd to BeneNclery,and.shou/d!t lal!to afo so.Tiustor Jmevocebly <br /> '"'�'���` auModzes and empowers Beneftclary,!n the name ol Tiusto►or otherwise, to Nle,proseaut�i,setde cr compromise arry such clslm end �.: .' <br /> b collect,rocelpt for and rets/n the proceeds.!1 the Trust Properiy Is abandoned by�iustor,or,efter notice by Beneficlery ro Trusta �. <br /> , � i � Mat the condemnor ofte�s to make an awaM or setNe a clalm for demsges, Tivatar lelts to respond to Benehclery wi0htn thirty(30)days <br /> .. sRer tlre d&te suoh noifce!s maffed,8er►eflclary ls authodzed to col/ect and epply the p►oceeds In tlre manner Jndlcated hereln. The �• <br /> proaeeds of am awerd o�o/alm may,elter dedaa8ng al!reesonab/e coste end expenses,lRClu d ing ettomey f ees,w h tc h may have <br /> �. been Inoemed by 8ene�dery in Me collectlon thereol,at the sole dJscredon of Beneflclary,be released ro Trustor,epplled to ' <br /> , i rostoratlan of Tivst Properry,or epplled to the Rayment ot the/ndebtedrtess.lJnless 8er►eNc/ery and Trustor otherwise agree!n writlng, i �� • <br /> s any auah eppllasUon of proceeds ro lndebtednesa shall not extend o►postpone the due date o/the Note or Me peyment o/sny � <br /> _ � ' lnsfallmer►ts aelled for theroundor. <br /> � _ � 12. 7rustor Not Releesed.Extenslon ol the dme for payment o�modiNr.etlon o�sny emoniretlon o�the Indebtednass grented by BeneHdary � <br /> �• . to sny successor in lnte�est of Tiustor shalf not operate to release,!n any menner,tna�rac�irry or riusror ana i�srors successas�n �' --_• - • <br /> ° lnterest 8snefldary shs1l nat be iequlred to cornmence p►ocaedings egalnst such successor or re/use to extend dme for payment or ; <br /> ' � , otherwlse modlfy smort/zeLlon ot the Indebtedness by reason ol any demend mede by Tiasta and Trostoi s successors � <br /> Inlnteres� I <br /> i3. flnanclal lnfannatlon.Upon toquest o/8enefldary,Trostor wlll provlds to Beneficlary,widdn n/nery(90)days o/the c/ose o!esch Nscal , <br /> 1 " year M Trusivr,d►e consolldated Delance sfreet ertd stxtement o/eamfngs of Trostor artd any ond sH guarentora o!the Indebfodaass i <br /> seCUred hereby,(t eny,and wi!!provlde and deliver ro Benafldary such other flnarrclaf informa8on and In such manner as BeneNcfary ; <br /> may reasonabry request Irom tlme to dme. r <br /> t4. Flnanctal Covenanta.!n addlNon ro any odrer Nnartclal covenant�of Trusta made!n eny olhor egr�eement,tnsdument or document, � <br /> Trustor shsll compJy with end shalf cause eny and ell guarantors of 1he lndehtedness secered hereby to contply r�ith,or be Irt � <br /> compllance wlth,the tollowing Nnandat covenants:(Thls paregraph shall not appty N covenants and►equlrements are not set � <br /> '�''' lortlt herefn.) � <br /> ;� ,,��'�;� tb. Sc1►edufe of Leases.Wlthln ten(f0)deys alter deraand,Tiustnr ahall/umish to Benenc(ary a schedule,ceRiNed to by Tiustor,serofng ; <br /> �•_�.::. forlh ep feases of the Tiust Properry,or any poAlon thereof,lnclud/ng In esch case,the name of the tenants or occupants,a descNpdon � . <br /> � ol the sp8ce occupled by suCh tenent or occupant the rents/payabfe lor such space,end suCh otAS►iMormaBon and documerns widr <br /> . �•. . <br /> respect to such/eases and tenancfes as Berteflclary may roasonably reqvest I <br /> -• --- I _ _ _ -- <br />