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<br /> �"+�1�tE ... "—'." _ . _ _._.
<br /> . ... .. . _... . ___._.'
<br /> _.....__-__"_. . -__._..
<br /> Deed of Tr�uat
<br /> &INKS �w��{Q�Zyjt
<br /> ��+ `�� .L i�1�a7
<br /> ,j.
<br /> .4�r ;"�7;+'n!°f�'� ..�o.�..,.�
<br /> *.�k'�.i• —
<br /> TH!$��E�D OF TRUSTls�ada thl�o is dsy of Juna_ ,f8�,by end between Willi� J� Thi••=�� ,
<br /> an tihia_A ��++a nnd y+f� whriMr ons a mors,(hers/ndh�c�lleal N►�"ilvtta'y�
<br /> - whoaematllrtpaddnasl�� W. Louis�. Gra�„��,dNE �;(^,..�:..� --- �
<br /> . }�(O�RWEST BANK » �t Tiw hoel►rnM�n�fa
<br /> �Q2 W•_����� (iY'aad. �°^�• u�'-."andNQAWESTBANK�J�a� w�iaaa�aaa����an ,( r--
<br /> .• :'�`�:�..::,.._.: . . Ot 1i. 3rd Sp,,, �er� jraland�.NS'�. f6�m0
<br /> � cW�d th�"BsrNNcluy•),whasr mafHnp�ddrou le x �
<br /> ,'•'-�;'""; .'4,.,; W1TNE5S�H:
<br /> � { ��•.• .,:,� ,
<br /> �` "'"'''`' " �� OESCRIBED HER�INBELOW.
<br /> � ,,; ��-�, ...r; .' ;s�. fl IJNDRSD TiWWf:NNTY�'HOU�4AND AND NO/100•...0��== 6--
<br /> WNEREA T I,(rtdebted to BeneBclary in th�pdRCipal.sum of� f� ��
<br /> / � � ' „ . � Doitare(S 7 ����" . —
<br /> � ,., . �).wh/ch/ndebtednoss la evfdenaed b}r 1'rustor s p e not4 datodl��.�15--� 18 2�L.(henelnnit�r
<br /> ; cetled the"Note"),payable to the o�der of Beneflclary and huvJng a matu�Jry ol u a t �
<br /> .. �• • NOW,THEREFORE,ta the puipose of seaudng:
<br /> - � •- (a) payment of the lYote.tagether wlth Interest►hemort,leM cha�ea,p�epayment penattles,any tutu�e advances,a►�d at!extenslons.
<br /> �; ^ modlNcadons,substltuNons snd renewala therool,
<br /> "' � (b)peyment al eq other sums,lees or charges,rogedre�wHh tnturasf:thereon.edvertced to profect ths secudry ol thls Deed ot Trust erid
<br /> � . ... , ., .�.
<br /> Me porlomrance of the covenants arrd egreement�of Fru�tor.�rh�t►har p�nat asi floRh h�rafn, -
<br /> �� (o) pelto�manCe,discharge of end compllanCe wfth every tvmt.c�vonAnA;Rtt�l9etlon ertd eg►eament ot Tiusto�confalned hereln or
<br /> � incofporated by�ele�ence or eny othe�secu�ttylnatrumont at anyUme B!►rcrn,M secv►e the Note,and
<br /> a � „ ,�, (d) the repeyment of all other sums o�h�ture advances,wlth Intr?rc�si 8iqroon�wh/ah rnay Iraretofare have besn or hereafter be efiranced
<br /> � ., by BeneNclary ro Trosbr a TiustoPs successwln tnterQSt o�r tltl�,
<br /> ,. , all of whfch Js herelnalte�collectivety csUed the"lndebtedrtess",Tausiar lnravdceblygrra�ts and trenslere to Trostea,in dus t,W I T H P O W E R
<br /> . • OF SALE,tAe followJng descdbed properry:
<br /> � .. Lot Tbirteen (13). Brentwood Third Subdivision i.�n th� City of Grand Ialando
<br /> � Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> �'�
<br /> togethe�with(I)all buJldinga.BWotures,addidons,enla►gementa,madqlaeaarts,repsirs,repiacemerrts,end imp�ovvir+eeis r�r,w tx iraraafFsr
<br /> t ,:. � ' /ocated thereon.(!1)al!equlpment mechlnery and fluturea(lnaludlnQ,.+vlthouc llmftadon, ali llghtlng,headng.ventlladng.cooJing,ab
<br /> � � �'.� co�rditloning,sP�lnklJng end plumbing Bxturas,wate�and pativersysn3ms.engirtes.bolle►s,ren8es.oveas,dlshweshers,mlmora and mantels.
<br /> :•r:;. carpating,fumaces,o!f bumers,eJevato►s and motars,rehlge�an plants a uni►s, commuNcatlon systems,dynamas.ba►lsformere,eJeodicai
<br /> �'`"";:, � equipmant,storm and screon windows,doors,awnings and ahades)now or hereaRer atteched%or balUln,any bullding or/mprovement
<br /> ,.�•.., ,.
<br /> �,�^�.•:!• now or hereafter Jocated the�eo»,(Il�all easemenfa and nglrts of wey appuRenarii thereto,(!v),a!l/aasehvld estute,dghL dde and lnterest of
<br /> •";t��;�� trusior!»e►td to all/eases,whothe�now o�hereafter exlsdng a entered Jnto(irtcluding,without Iim(tatlon,all cash and seaudty deposlta,
<br /> � • ��';• edvance ienta/s and deposlts or paymenta ol a elmllar nature),pertalning thereto,(v)ell reMa,lssues,proiits and/ncome therelrom(sub�ect
<br /> � ' '�''� to the right of Tiusro�to collect snd appty such r�nts,lasues,proNts end Income as they became due end payable so long es no ever►t of =-
<br /> � � ,�,`" default exlsts horeunder),(vi)all royaltles,mJneral,o!!end gas dghts and proflts,weter,watei dghts,and water stock.(vU)ap tertementa, C_ _
<br /> �?r•`.';<;
<br /> =' �,,:-: ,.+� heredltaments,pdvileges and sppurte»ances balonging,used or en/oyed!n connectlon the�ewlth.end(viil)all proceeds ot converslon, �.._..
<br /> i '; ��, :1;::;,'3 .
<br /> r ,,;,,,;,,,,;;��., voluntary or lnvoluntery,of eny of the foregoing inro cash or!lquldated c!alms(!nclading,wNhout I/mlte8on,proceeds of tnsurance end �:,;,-
<br /> .� +; �•:�::�<�: condemnado»awards),aq of whlch!s herelnafter collecdvety called the"trust Property". °;;,
<br /> .;frrtti••.,'� • . ,.,:�:��s
<br /> . �`�°�� ` 1. 7lde.Tiustor coveaants,wa�rants and agrges wllh Benellclary.!ts seccesso�s end sssJgns,that Tiustor owns the Tiusf Properiy free ,_
<br /> ,�; ''::' ��'; �.�i�' i'„�;:_;. .
<br /> �• . : .,� . Irom eny pdor Nen or encambrance,that thls Oeed of Tiust!s snd wi!!rema/n a valid and enlorceab/e Brst llen on the Tivst Propeity,
<br /> � �� that Tiustor,at fts expenae,wJll preserve such Gde end wllt malntain this Oeed of Tiust as a Hrst and paremount Qen upmn!he Tiust ."�.;5�
<br /> ° '` ' �`� . Pinperty and w1N lorever warrant and defend the valldity and pdorlly of the!!en hereof agalnst the clslms ot sl!peramns end paAles ;'�•-:
<br /> �;,�, �,,..,.
<br /> whomsoever.Truator.stlfs expense, wllf ceuse thla Desd o!Trust,end each amendment orsuppfemeni hereb,to bs 1!!ed end •!�,�,,
<br /> : ,...
<br /> � .�.•,:_: , recorded as a mortgage o/the Truat Pra�serty!n sach manner and!n such place and wllf teke such ecUon as in the opinlon of Truatse
<br /> � `.'�'��� ,' may be required by eny preaent orlutun�law!n order ro per/ect,melnte/n and protect the/!en of this Deed ot Tiust,as tfro sama may
<br /> '� � be amended or supplemented from dme ro tlme.Tiusror wllf make auch lurther assurence or essurences ro pe�teof!ta U11e ro the Trust ^��.:;
<br /> ...�;;�,•:', Properry es may be requlred by BenelJclary. Trusror hereby rellnqufshes all dghi ot dower and hanestoadln end to the 7rost Properry. �"�I.:
<br /> ' £ _,�;�;i�:'�•� 2. Peyment ot Indebtedneas.Truator shall punctually pay the pNnclpal of end lnterest on ihe Indebtedness secwred hereby. ,,+..
<br /> ��•';:,:. �... 3. ConsUr�ctlon ollmprovemamar. Trostor shall complete In good end workmeNike menner any baNdings,improvements or r+epal�s�+elatlng .�.
<br /> ,�� . ., ��'��� d►ereto whlch may be begun on the Tiust Property o►contemplated by the loan evldenced by the Note secured hereby,to pay w�an •�•
<br /> , due a0 costs and!labititles incu�red theretore,and not to permlt any consUuctlon I(en agalnst such Tiust Properry.In the event
<br />��� ' '. , ,�`���` . constrocdon ot buildings,tmprovements o�repelrs are contemplated,Tiusforelso agrees,anything ln thls Deed of Trust to the conbery
<br /> • ;� ..�� notwithstanding;(a)to prompdy commence any such work and to comp/ete the proposed lmprovements promptty. (b)to compfete the
<br /> �'" '� seme!n accordanoe wlth tha plans and speclflcatlons es epproved by 8ene�c/ary,(c)to comply wlth alf Me tenns ot a batlding/oan
<br /> � agrsement,ll aay,beriveen Trustor and Berreftciary,the te�ms ot whlch are Inco�porafed heretn by relerence end made e pan hereol, '-
<br /> �a (d)to aflow BeneNalery to Inspect the Tnist Property et al!dmes dudng constnrcibn,end(e)to►ep/ace any wo�k o�materlals
<br /> urtseBs/acrory to Bvnof(otary wlthlo Nfteen(15)days aRer wAtton no8ce hom BenoHclary of such fact. :
<br /> ; � , 4. Funds lor Peyme►+f at Charges.Sub(ect to spplfcabfe larr or to o written welver 6y BerteNc/ary,Trusror shal!pay ro BenaNr,�ary on the ,���-
<br /> � ' 1lrst dey o!esoh month,or such other date each month as may be speclfied by Benef/clery,until the Indebiednt�ss!s pa(d fn full,a sum
<br /> (herelnefter called ihe"Funds')equst to t�12th of the yearty texes and assessmants whlch may attaln pNOdy over thfs Deed oi Tiust
<br /> ' end ground rents on the Tiust Property.!1 sny,plus 11l2th ot Me yeady ptemlum(nstellments fo�hazard lnsurenCe,p►us 1it2th ol the
<br /> yearty preminm instellments br mortgage Insurence,!1 any,all as reasonebly estlmated initiafly and!ror»t(me fo nme by BeneNclary o»
<br /> ` , �' the basla ol assessments and b!!Is and reasonable estlmates thereat The Funds sha!/be held!n an lnstitatlon,the deposits or
<br /> �rrre�mrs o�wh/eh aro lnsu�ed or euaranteed bv s/ederel or stafe agencY induding Beneflclary.8enef►clary shaU apply Me Funds to �_ _�
<br /> � � �. pay ssld texes,assessments,insurance prernlums and ground rents.BeneNdery shaf!not 6e requlred to pay Tiustor any►nterest or r—
<br /> � . ' � eam(ngs on the Fends.Beneliclary shap glve to Tiustor,wUhout charge,an annael accountlng ol the Funds showing credits and �
<br /> deblts to the Funds and the purposa tor which each deb(t to the Funds wes made.The Funds are pledged as eddltlonal securiry lor I
<br />-.. �� � tha Indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Tiast.If Me antonnt of Me Funds held by BeneNclary,together w�th the/uture monthry �
<br /> � Instellments o/fands payeble prlor to the due dates of taxes,assessments,lnsurance premlums end grourtd rents,shall exceed the i
<br /> emount requlred to pay seld texes,sssess►nents,lnsurance piem/ums and ground rents es rirey fe!!due,such excess sha�l be,et �
<br /> ` � ,� •� TiustoYS optlon,elther prompNy repsld to Tiustor or credlted to Tir�sror agslnsi/uture monMy lnstel/ments ol Funds.!I the amount ot i'
<br /> ;k � the Funds held by BeneNclary shall not be saHlclent to pay texes,essessments,lnsursnce prErmlums and ground rents as they lall due.
<br /> ;� Tiusto�shaN pey ro BeneNclary eny emount necessary N make up the de/iclertcy wlthln th/rry dsys/rom the date noNce Js ma1led by
<br /> ;f, � " BBrteNc/ary to Tiusto�requesting payment the►eof.Upon payment!rt lull of ell fndebtedness,Hene�lc(ery shall promptly►elund ro ;
<br /> Tivato►sny funds held by 8enellclary.!I the Trust PropeRy!s soJd under the power of safe or the Tiust Property rs otherwise ecqulred
<br /> ' by BeneNciary.BeneNcfary shall eppty,immedlstefy prtor to tRe sale ol the Trust Properry or its acqulsitlon by Ben�liclary,any Funds �
<br /> �� �� held by Beneticlary at the Ume ot appllcaaon es e credlt agafnst the Indebtedness.(/Benellclary executes e wntton wefver of Tiusroi s i
<br /> �, obligatlons under Mls pa►egraph 4,Tiusta covenants and agrees to pay,before the same become dellnquani,al►texes,assessments,
<br /> , . ac�t�e�uro�.esrnen�aswo0rvri
<br /> � . �
<br /> �.. �_
<br />