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<br /> - -- �-= �eri�xl�;ihat i,rudcc•r�quln:�. 'i'he lusu��ain:c car�lec pruvldli2g the Insurcu�co ht�:�ll�ciw���riuti��we�r r�,���."�.t�R.�t�deYlr
<br /> a�1jIt0YA�WhtLEI NhIlII lillt I%7 qlll'�lltifllltYh�y'NIlh�IP.�(�. (f��orr��wcr faily tn�ii�l���ri��bnvc�ugn dew.�ihr�1�►ve,t,c»�kr ii�ay,at
<br /> � l,.�rnderb opt{un,d►iNin cnve�NXe to rmNtcl l,enskr4�rlghtA In tha�rty inµ:cail�nca with pxrNgrnph 7. '
<br /> Ap In�uran�:o�licfes xrnl rennwda nh�ll be�ec�+t�hM to l.e� er arK!nhe�il itxl�xW a hpuxinnl mnrtgo�o cl�a�e, l.etxkt
<br /> ehall h�eve tha sl�{ht ta tatid ihu pt�liciey�nd ret�ewwl�,rP I.c�Kkr.cac�uirr.r.Uiirr+�wcr xhall pnm�ptly givo tu I�c�xter a()rectlpts
<br /> oi p�id{�rmtum�und rcswwri nMire�. In�ho orent nf ias�.i3cr,nnwer nh�il�ivo prampt natice tu the ineuntnc�d caMcr anQ
<br /> _ ,.�.- -- ,=_-____ --, ' Lendcr. Lcttd�:r muy malcc pc�wP�P I�riK If nut mcKla pnttnptly bi�ll��rmwcr.
<br /> Unles.v L.ender and Horcower cahenvi:+u ugm. !n writhig,lnaurnnca prncreda Hhutl be appUe4 to nestaraUon cx rcpatr aY `"—
<br /> the Property dameged.if the restornti�n.c+F.r�,�1;.1s cconoml�:aUy feawibla ctnd l.enderl�eecudty is not IeaSened. If the
<br /> rc�toratlon ar npair ix aot econumic�lly F��aiMlat e7n�ettdor�sccurity would Ix: Iesxcned,the Insurance praceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums recured by this SCCUrIty�.��f�Sut�m�+nt�whttl�er ar nat then duo,with any excess pufd to Bo�rower. !f -
<br /> Boirowcv abnridons thc Pmperry.oy�d�'reg na9�c�4rs��ec•within�3Q duys a notice from Lender thut tho insumncs carder has
<br /> _. offeral ro settle n�luim.then l.unc4x�•r�ta,}��rslQ�as:t�n iasumt�cQ proceeds. Lender may uae the proceeda to rcpair or restora
<br /> �._ _�____ the Property or topay sums secured.�rthis�Se�erit}►lnst�ument.whether or nat then due. 'R�e 30�duy poriod wip begln whan ___
<br /> the notia is siven.
<br /> ,y Unless Lender und Borrower otha�►�bsr��+n��vriting,any applicatlon of pcoceedR to pdncipnl�hall not extend or
<br /> postponc the due dute of the month1y p��r,�temss�tai'dr�rod to in pnmgmph� I und 2 ar chunge the nmount af thQ puyrttenbs. If
<br /> urtder pa�agraph 21 the Property ie mc�qu�Tad�b�•1��tder.Borrowerk dsht to any inswnnce policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from dam3ge to the Property priar td�ttt�a,�quisidan shap puss to l.ender to tha extent of the sums secured by this Secudty
<br /> Insuument immedlately prior to theaaqqisiNtita,.
<br />-- b. Occup�ncy, PreservsUan� MniNt�aat�r�nnd PtoteMion o! the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicadon;
<br /> L�asehafds. Borrowcr shal!otcupy.�ti,hlj3h;�use the Propecty us Sorro�ver's pcincipul residense��hhin sixty duys ufter •
<br /> the execudon of this Securlty lnstnime�nt�tu��shill�eontinue to occupy the Propecty us Bomower`s pdneipal residence for ut
<br /> least one year after the dato aS�.nccupy�y; unless Lender othenvjse agrees in wridn$, whlcd consent shall not be
<br /> 5i..•;, unreasanably withheld,or unless c+��tesatati�8 citcumstances exist wh(ch are beyond Bocrower�contml. Bortower shall not �•�
<br /> ��r:• destroy,damage or impair the Ptop�tRy;okldvr.tha Propeety to cteteriarate.or commit waste on the Property. Bortower shall
<br /> � f a.�!���!" be in def¢ult tf any fo;€e�tute acNon ar p,,�+eding,whether civi!or cdminal.is bBgun that in Leader�s good faith judgment
<br /> �;j's:.;�,;� •,;
<br /> «pr?;+;'•.�' ,.;''�v;�: could msult in fotfel4ue of the Prop,°tty rn otheawise materially impair the Iten creaced by this Securiry Inswment or --
<br /> `"��' ��, ��1;1�� I.ender's szcurity interes� Bomnwer m�y cure such adefnult und teinstate.as pmvided in paragra ph 18.by causing the astlon =
<br /> `;%> or p�eedins to be diamissed with u tulln�that,In Lenderis gqad fuith deteRninution.pmcludes forfeiture of the Borrowar'�
<br /> ��•`' intereau nn ttte Property or o�her mu*.�rial impuirment of the i�en created by this Securiry Instrument or l.enderx secbrity --
<br /> interag2. Homower sl�nl� also be in default if Bortower, durin� the loan application process. gave matertally fnlse or
<br /> inaccurute information or statements to Lender(or failed to provida L.ender�vlth any material infom�edonl in connecHon with
<br /> �k:�, the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but na limited to, representations concemin� Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> �S Yroperty as a principal residence. If this Securiry i�auument is on a ieasehold.$otrower satui comply witi�aii the pr�visions `
<br /> ,t ;e'''+� of the Ira�su. if BorroWer ucquires fee citle ta the Roperty,the leaaehold and the fee title shall no1 merge unless i.ender agrees
<br /> ,�t rli::,
<br /> ;;j�;s1;;{;t to the riierger In writing.
<br /> � � ' 7. Protection ot Lender's Rights in the �Praperty. [f Borrower fails ta perfarm tho covenc►nts und agceements
<br /> - contained in this Sccurity Inswment. or there is a legul proceeding that may significan4ly affect Lenderk rights in the _
<br /> P�+npeety(snch us a proceedtng In bunkruptcy.probate,for condemnuaon or forFeiture or to enfarce laws or regulapons),then —
<br /> Lender may do and puy for whutaver is necessury to pmtect the value of the Property cutd ➢.ender's ri�hts in the Property.
<br /> Lender's uctions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Insuument.uppe.aring
<br />` in court,payin�masonnble nttomeyg'fees and entedn�on the Prope�ty to make repairs.Although Lertder may take action --
<br /> under thfs purngrnph 7,Lender dces not hnve to do tio. �y�'-=
<br /> Any amonnts disbucsed by Lender under this parngrnph 7 sh�ll become additionai debt of Bomower secured by this �.,•,
<br /> " Security Instrument. Unless Bocrower and l.ender ugree to other terms of payment.these amount�shall beur interest from the `
<br /> - dnte of disbursement ut the Nate rnte nnd shaQ be payuble.wfth interest.upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesdng �,�'�_
<br /> Paymen� �...;
<br /> 8. Mortg�a Insurasce. If Lender requined m4rtsuge insurance ac A condition of making the loun secured by this �-_��-
<br /> �' Security Inst:ument,Borrower shall pay the pmmiums requircd to maintain the mortgpge insuranoe in effect. if, for nny �--•
<br /> ri resuon. tho mortguge insulnnce covemge reyuiced by Lender lupses or ceases to bo in effect. Bornower shnll pay the ��4r-`
<br />� temiums utrat to obtatn coverci ., substantiall uivatent to the mort e insurunce reviousl in effect,at u cost �`A`
<br />;, P re9 8' Y� �nB P Y � �
<br /> substantiutly equivalent to the cost to Bomower of the mortguge insurnnce previously in effecG from un ultemate mortgage ��a:
<br /> insurer npproved by Lender. if substantially equtvalent mortguge insurnnce coversige is not avniluble,Borrower shnll pay to "�••�•
<br /> Lender each month a sum equn!ta onx-tweltth of tha yearly mortgage insurunce pr+emium bein�paid by Borrower when the ����.�;:
<br />= insurance rnverage lupsed or ceased to 6e in effect. Lender wiU uccept,use und retuin these ps►yments as a loss reserve in lieu �'`�
<br /> � of mortgage insurnnce. Loss resenre payments muy no longer be requimd,ut the option of L.ender,if mongage insurnnce `< ,'.
<br /> covernge(in the amount and for the period that Lender requir�s�provided by an insurer npproved by Lender�ain becomes
<br /> availabte sutd is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premtums required to mnintain mort�age insurnnce in effecG or ta provide a .
<br /> loss reserve.unt�l the requirement for moKgage insurance ereds in accordance with any written agreement benveen Borrower
<br />_±, and Lender or appiicable Inw. ,
<br /> 9. Inspecttan. l.ender or its agent may make reusonable entries upon and inspecdons of the Property. Lender shall
<br />- give Bomower nodre ut the rime of or prior to nn inspecdon specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. •
<br /> 10. CondemnaHon. The prooeeds of any award or claim for damuges,dicect or consequential,in connection with any
<br /> ti;;. ,
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