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<br /> r;B s�ule,utxl tha r+stle�irxludlrc�the fu►y��enY af thc 51Yuste�'s fr.e.9�chixlly fetcurxed,nM to excecd 3�p nb ot .
<br /> th�pri�cipsl ernonnt ot tha notc Kt the Alme of thr desbr�tion oidefault,and rnnun�bl�attorneys'fees�pern►ltt�d
<br /> �1�wi Ib)ta�fl�meured by tl�le SecuHty IaRtrumentt atwl(c)�ny excese to t1�per�or perioes k�lly endtlal
<br /> 22. Recaarer�nce. Upan payment of t�ll suma r,ecured by this Securtty Insuument.Lendor ahall nquest'Iivsta to
<br /> rocanvay tM Prupeny snd shall sarnnder this Securiry Insuument u�d all nates evider,ciag deb4 aecural by this Securiqr
<br /> Instiument w 7tusteo. '��tee s1w11 rcec�nvay tbe Pmperty wlthout wcurnnty nnd without chnrgd to the penson or persons
<br /> , kQ�lly endtled w it. Such pereon or persoas RhW pAy Any rtcordation casts. , `
<br /> 23. Subeqh�h�ee. l.ender,m ita option,may fcom tlme to tlnx remove'[htstee aad appoint a successor austee t�
<br /> an�r'Itusteo appui�ted hercunder by an inswment rccorded in the county in whlch this Sesurity Instrument la recorded.
<br /> W�thout conveyanco of tho Pruperiy,the suece.4sor trustee sball succeed to nll ehe dde,pawer and duties confernd upon
<br /> 'Itu�tce hcnin and by applicablo law. �
<br /> ?,4. Requat tor Plulta�. Barrower requests thut copies of the aodces of defsult and sale be sent to Borrower's nddress
<br /> whtch id tho P►+nperty Addc+ess.
<br /> ZS. RWen to thie Becurity Instrumen� If oac or more dders are eaecuted by Botrower nnd c�ecorded togcther wIth
<br /> this Secudty Iasuument,tho covenants und agraments of each such dder shaU be incorpordted into and shali amend und
<br /> supplement the covenunts and pgtetments af this Securlty Insnument ns if the ddes(s)werc a part of tLis 3ecurlty Instiumen�
<br /> (Chcck appllcabie box(es)] .
<br /> �Adjustable Rate RIder �Condominium Rtder •��1-4 Family Rider �
<br /> �Ciraduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Dsvzlopment�R2der �Biweekly�'ayment Rlder �
<br /> �Bsilloon Itider �Rate Impcovement Rider D Second Home RIder
<br /> a Other(s)(apectfy] ASSIGNmENT OF RENTS RI�ER �
<br /> BY SIaNIN�SEIAW,Bonn�ver aocepts uttd u to the terms uad covenants contained in this 5ecurlty Instrument
<br /> und M any ddens)ezecuted by Bomower end reco with iG
<br /> �pt�: Wimess:
<br /> -Ho�« CARL�S G GtlERRERO ���>
<br /> -�birowa
<br /> (Seel) ' (Seul�
<br /> •somnwer DIANA JOYCE UE RERO •��a'a
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss: �m
<br /> �
<br /> On thi� 15TH day of JUNE, 19 4 ,before me.the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> dWy comm�ssioned and qualified for suid counry,person�y came CARLOS G GUERR�RO AND DIANA JOYCE _
<br /> GUERRERO, HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me knowa to be the
<br /> tdentical persons(s)whose neme(s) are subscrlbed to the faregoing instrument end ackaowledged the exeaution thereof to "!���
<br /> be THEIR voluntary act and deed. -`"`
<br /> Wimess my hand and notariai seai at GRAND ISLAND. NEBRA5KA In said countyr,the =-_
<br /> date nforesatd /� ""�
<br /> l - IA�-�
<br /> ��iIt�111�d � �+v�.� M-_.
<br /> v Notety PubUc �_
<br /> �,'Ti
<br /> The undersigacd is the holder af the note or notes secured by this Deed of'Ilvst. Said note or notes,together with ull .�
<br /> " other indebtedness secured by tl�is Deed of'Itust,have been paid in fult. You are hcreby dicPCted to cancel said note oa motes ��?.�'�:�
<br /> and di{s Dead of 7}ust,which nte delivered hereby.and to reconvey,withoat wamanty.all tfle estate now held by yau uader
<br /> this Deed of ltust to dxs peraon or persons legaliy enHtIed thereto. ,r�
<br /> ,.,
<br /> � .'1
<br /> D3iC: �.."s;
<br /> i�tm 3028 919D (pu8e 6 oJ6 pagrs) ,
<br /> ; �::
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