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�`' ��, � �,;;f .,.�� �bl�•• .•.) - _. . 1 .`ll•� // � .... ..- .. <br /> . . � <br /> ; � � <br /> � . <br /> . <br /> .� � .� ..' _—_ __��� �� � . _ �.. _ .. .__ <br /> � • <br /> s.� - _a� ..�. � <br /> .___' _. . l . <br /> �� .��l --- --- --= —_— _..--- _--- --- — <br /> . 94-i�s3�s <br /> � � uppiienble lnw mny apecify for reinstatement)befora entc af the Progerty pureuant to any pawer af ealc cantainecl in this <br /> ��m�"=�"� Secnriry Instrument;os(b)cnuy af a Judgment enfurcing this Sccurity Insuument. Thnse cond[Uuns ure w'�at 6ofrow:r: (o) °"°' <br /> �"� pays L.ervder c�ll Fuma which thsn would be due under tMs Sccurfty Ipsuument and the Note as if na nrrcicrutlun fiud <br /> � occurnd;(b)cures tu►y deFautt of uny other covenunta or ogr�eements;(c)puys aU expenscs irtcurred in entoning this Secudty <br /> = — Insuumcnt,inctuding,but not lirnited tu,reasonuble uttorncys'feea;nnd(ci)wkes su�h action ns Lendcr may �asonubly <br /> require ta essure that thc lien of tbis Security Inawment,l.enderts dghts ia the Property nnd Bortawer'a obUgadan to pAy�ho <br /> sums secured by chls Ser.urity Instrument shall contlnus unchsngal. Upoa relnstatement Dy Bocrower. this Secur[ty <br /> -�====--�--=_� Ittstrument and the obltgadans secumi hereE+y flhall remaln fuily effective as if no nccelerntlon hnd accuRed, Kowever,thle � ___ <br /> rIght to reinstate ahall not apply,in the cnse af acrelereticn uader paragraph 17. <br /> I9. 3�o!Nute;Change af Laan Servloer. The Note or a partiut interest in the Nocc(together wlth this Secur[ty <br /> � Insttvtnentl may 6e solB ont or aaorES tlmea wtthout prior notice to Bormwer. A sale muy result!n a chnnge In tho ent�ry <br /> (known as tha"i,oan Servlcer")shat coUects moathly payments due under the Note and this Security Instcument. There nlso <br /> ` �'� may be one or more edaing�s of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If the�is a change of the Loan Servicer� <br /> ',e:•. Borrawer wUl be given wrltten aotice of the change in accondance wlth parnsreph 14 ubove aad applicable luw. The natice <br />_�°'• wW statc ttio nnme aad address of the aev�Loan Servtcer and the eddress W which payarents should be made. The notice wil! -- <br /> �.,.. __ <br /> •; also contain any other infomnaHon requined by applicable law. <br /> `�•�,�' ZO HazArdous 3ubstances. Horrower shall aot cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,stQnge.or release of any _ <br /> -�.'' Hazatdous Substanc�s on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, aor allow anyone else tu do. anytlilng nffecdng tho <br /> � Property that is in violadon of any Eavironmental Law. Ttee preceding two senteaces sball not apply to the pnesence,use,or =_ <br /> sWrnge oa the Pmperty of small quantIHes of Hazardous Substances tdat sue generaUy recognized w be eppmp�iate to notmal _�_ <br />_ residential uses and to maiaten3nce of the Propsrty. <br /> ' Bomnwer shalA pn�mptly give I.eader writtea aoHce of aay L►vestigadon,claim,demand.lawsult or otber uction by aay -- <br /> ' govema►ental or regulatory ageacy or private party involvipg the Property and aay Hazandous Substance ar Environmentai `-=° <br /> • Luw of whlch Botrower has actual knowledge. If Born�wer learas. or is notified by any governmental or regulatory " - <br /> authority.that any rea�oval or otder remediadon of any Hazardous 5ubstance affecdng the Property is necessary.Bonnwer ��: <br /> � '�• shuU promptly take aU necessary remedial acHons in accordance with Envlronmental Law. ���.' <br /> As nsed ia dus paragraph 20."Hazardous Substauces"are those substauces defiaed as tox[c or ha�ardous substances by -��- <br /> �;�� Eavironmental LK1�v and We following substaaces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum pmducts,toxic ���, <br /> pesticides end teQrbictdes.voladle solvents, materiels cantaining asbestac or formaldehyde.and tadioactive matedals. As === <br /> used ia this paragruph 20."Env�roniaentat Law"means federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdicHon where�the Property ls lacated �,- <br /> ���• that�elate to or envlronmentel pmtection. <br /> 'r�.�r��` '' NOI�T-UI�TIFORM COVENAIVTS. Borrower and Lender fiuther coveneat and ag�+ee�.s followa ��`_ <br /> _ �'�"' 21. AcoeleraUon;Remedtea. Lender shaU give natice to Borrower prtor to accaleration Sollowfag Borrower's — <br />°°y �'�' �'`�;', breac6 04 eny rovrnant or agreeraent tn tWs Securlty Instrument(fiut Aot prtor w aeceleratton under pnr�grapb 17 �� <br /> , :.3��:�'��� . unlesv np�UCable iaw Qrovides oWer�visel. The�eotice sheU spectf�: (a)the detanit:(b)the actton re4uired to cure the =°- <br /> � � .. detaWt;(c)a date,n'si less tlsnn 30 days Eirom Wc date t�e aotice ts givea to Bortv�sver,by whlch the defaWt must be <br /> � t fi� ' cured;aad(d)t6at fatlw+c to aure We detanit on or before We datc specifted In th$moflcc mey rnsult ia aooeierntlon of = <br /> Y �';f�'A,',' '; the sums secwred 6y ttds Sea�rlty Instn�ment and sele of the Pcoperty. The aoti�sAall further inform Bon+ower of — <br /> �' �� • the dgdt W retnstate etter aoceleration ee►d the rtght w brta�a court action w essert the non��istenue ot n detault or <br /> �` � ="�= aay other detense of Borrovrer to nooelenai3on and sale. It the ddaull Ls not cured on or before t6e date spedRed In <br /> ;' +er�., ���•' the natioe,Lender at its optlon may require Immcdiate payment In t�uf�m?ail sums secured by ttai�a Security Instrameat - �� <br /> ' ��'`".•''� w�SR�out tiurther demand aad anay invoke the power of sale and aay oWer remedies permiKed by appqcuble law �'"' <br /> i , ��s�� I.ender ehaU be entifled w��lect all expenses incurred in pu�sWng the rer►tediea prnvlded in this paragrnph 21, 4 �' <br /> f ,,�r�,_ , . iar7udtng,but�eot 1lmtted to,rrasonable attomeys'fees and costs of tttle evtdence. �c�•� <br /> � U the puwer�of eaDe is Invoked,'hvstee shaU n�cord a aotice of defeult in each county in wAkL auy part ot the '` <br />� Properiy is locatsd!and ahall maU cap9es of such notice in the manner prescribed by appltcable law to Borrower and to <br />��.� ' the other persons�ncscrlbed by appUcable law After the time reqait+ed by appllcable taw,7'ras¢ee ahall give public <br />-- notice of s�le to the pe�so�na�in the manner psescd6ed by applica6le Iaw 1lreistee,witdout demand oa Borrower, ; �, <br /> shaU seU the Property at p�b�is aucttoa to We hlg6est bfdder at We ttme end place und under W�terms desl�aated[n •� <br /> �� We aottce oi sele in one or ma�par��ets and in any order'hvstee determines. 'ttustce may postpone sate of aA or any '�• <br /> � � , �`:. � v. paroe!ot tbe Propstty by pnmHc annoutuxment at the tlme and plece af�uty prevtously schedWed sale. Lender or its .' <br /> . '_ desl�ee may pnnsbase the Ptoperty at a�y ssule. �; <br />- ' :,�'. :�' IJpon receipt ot paymrat oi the prIce bid,ltustee ahaU dellver qo the purchaser ltustee*s decd conveylu�the •�� <br /> ,.„ , ';`'"`''^ Properiy. Thc recitals in th€'dlrustee's deed ahall be prlma fade evidence of the truth of t6e statemente made theretn. <br /> � .�•:'`';�`` 'hustee sliall apply the prooecds of the sale in the follow�a�order. (a)to aU cosfs and expeases of exerctsing the power j� <br /> �� � ���`C � <br /> �"� . _� ��F� <br /> �:I:" �. .a e . <br /> ;,,: ��''y;4h, � <br />�I'�,,`� ���N � �_r. 1f�, . <br /> ' �y` ��� . <br /> . .� o.-s.,.� <br /> c. •'!�. �.. Y� <br /> -'".�•:•i .:�.�„''s.;,� <br /> _ �'��' �a,"i"�.."'. <br /> � - <br /> ''��{t�;*?�'3`�.� <br /> _ :�;;•ryi;��:�:�k'ri <br /> � <br />_, " r.(�.'r���: . . - .b.. . s vn.._�^ : . - .. , wa�w.��.w.�...�...�.-.-�..-�.. <br /> �,f;: ,��_ _ . _ . . . -_ � � ' ' , .. ��' � �.� _ .-'�. ytrnl.•�,��.i. _� . <br /> .'., . , o �.� „ . •, � _��. 3"�.. , . _ ._. <br /> . . . _ <br /> r ...... :.. _ . .. ,- <br /> rt . �� •, . . - . <br /> ,. . . fl <br /> �•Z.. _..- � �• .. . ,. � . ., � •. . '. .r". • <br /> ' _ � _- __—- __ _ � -- _ ---_ —_ _ - _ __ -_ <br /> .:..-- .,�. . ,.. ...a . . . _'.__. .__.___ _- —_--. _ _ _-'._ ..- __._ -__ __ --r� ,z. - r .-_ _. ___..-_ _ . r ___ _-___.. <br /> ` ' ' t J .�. � � i'�. • <br /> t�_ ._„ a , • , . .. . �.,�,.f....,�-�. '•, . <br /> ,��,.i�..^,y�;,-t �t:p . • ' . '. ' •,�. , e ' •� <br /> _ .�e 1. ` � .. � .. . � .° .. . , � •ii' . <br /> -{ �:�,� ,��-� - (.' 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