��,�(tr _s # �.i'; ' �t4s�i<<:y .��`f{'Y�i � rw 1�M� � �,�IIki�131�4JFr t,k Y+� � ^ ._ ....�'S _ �..,--
<br /> �`` , ,_ttu�(�i �' /.l�a Y�aa.. _ .�. - 1� . 1,?�l
<br /> '� �,'r��� � ��r:,�.,. _ _ ,..;�s� -- ---- -- —
<br /> ..,
<br /> ,._- � , ��� ��a�1�
<br /> L.��tdev to prqt9Gt thn s2ourity o?the NOte;(c�)tha�ertarmt�nae a�1 all aovsn�nW o:nc9�atr�Finar+ts�f 7runtor aat torth herNrt�rnd(d)atl
<br /> �._ -_-_-__ prerent artd future Indebt�dnns and obligatipns at BorrowAr(at any oi th�m Jt mora tYsRrt one)to L�na�wheth�diractindirec�
<br /> �bsoiut�or ConUnp�n!and whethK arlWn�D�r not�,pu�r�nry,overdr�t4 ar athomtue.l���a Nnt�.�his De�d ot Ttwt and at�+and�11 -
<br /> oVNr doaueM�M�tweurs th�Notr or pfh�rw��e�xacu�ecf In conneotion thaav�!!h,lu�o6:ril�n�wilhout ilmltaUon pw�rd�,t�curl y
<br /> eQ�eements and assipnmente of lenees and rents,eheU bo reforred ta herein aa tt�m"0�ae�n Imtrumentf".
<br /> Tiuda aownanb md�pr�with L�nNr a�foilnwn:
<br /> 1. Pqnac�t M Ied�bN�nMS.AII indebtedne�e eeoured horeby ihatl be pald vrham dus.
<br /> �--L---_-- --- 2 4�.Tru�tor la tho otntcr af the P►aparfy,hns the�ripht end euthoqty ro aoa��rry tP�e Property,and wtrraM�that tho Ilen
<br /> _- - - �
<br /> cre�hd heret►y le s tirn and pNor Ilen on the Proparh+,axcept tor Itena sncl encu�r.R�tance�aWt forth by Trwtor tn wrl0np end �
<br /> dsUvermd to Lender betors execuUon of t�la Oeed o1 Tru61,anQ the exeoutlon end de�ItY¢�yo!th!s Desd oi Truat doea not vtolate+�ny
<br /> coc�traat ar other obllpaUon to which Trusto►Is su6Ject
<br /> " 3. Tnta,A�en�nM.To pay lratore dalf nquenoy all taxes,apeolai aaaatir�nen"a��nd atl athsr aharges epat��tthe Propaty
<br /> .�� now or hereatter levled.
<br />_--• 4. Irwuanc�.To keep the P�operty insured apainatdamt►ge by fire,hazdrds l�ela�3¢+atwithln ahe term"extended aovsrape",�nd
<br />'-`'� suaA olher haiarde as Lender may requlro.in amounts and with companiea acceptabbl�to Lender,naminp Lende►af an addidonai
<br /> :; namsd inwred,with loss payabla to the Lsn�er.In aas�tr oi laas under aucA poftcl��,l�ta Lender ta autherized to adJua�coltect and -
<br />=j• compromiae,all aiatms thereunderartd ohatl havethe opticn of apptying ali or paR of tla��nsuranaeprooeede(i)to anylndebtednsas
<br /> senurea hereby and in such order as Lertder may determine,(it)to the 7ruato�to�uS�il(or the repalr or reatoration.of the P►aperly
<br /> or(fiq for any other pu►pose or obJect saUstsotory to Lendar wlthout allocUng M�il0n oa Nfls D6ed of Trust tor the tu�l amountsecured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took p�aoe.Any appttuatlan of praceads to ind�t+Gt�inass ehsll not extend or posqwne the due
<br /> dBRe of eny paymente under the Note,or euta any detAUtt thoreunder or hereund�r.
<br /> . �. F.�arow.lJpo�l wdtten demand by Lender,Trumtpr ahall pay to Lender,in suo4 rnanner aa lender may desipnete.suiHCient
<br /> swma to enabta Lsnder M pay aa they become due ona or mare of the fottowing(q at1 tpn�ro,aaaesaments and othar cl�args�apntnat
<br /> th�F�operty.pp the premiums on Ma propedy insu►anae required hereunder,and(�i�►the premtuma an any mortgaga irrourenc� �
<br /> "��` rec�ulred by�.onder.
<br /> �'` ,;, ,�.�,�;. 5 MaMtninana.R�paln�nd Complianca wHh t,�ws.Truetor shoU keap t��Pvoperty in good aondirion artd repair,�ahelt
<br /> a'�'•"'-�'• pPOmptty capafr,or repiace sny improvement which msy be damaged or dostroq�cF;sheit n�.!commit or permft any waste or �-
<br /> detedaratlo»of the PrapeKy;ahail not remove.demMlsh ot eubstantlalty alter�ny o!the Improvemente on the Property;shali not �
<br /> : .,.L=��•,.�-.`� 's� aammiL au�for or permitany act to bedone in or upon che Properry in viotatlon of anyl,erw ordinance,or reguiatlon;andshail payand t„:
<br /> �'%'� ppmrynly di�aharge at Trustor's cost and expense ail.11ane,encumbrances and ch�ge�levied.impoaed or assessed againet the ra'--
<br /> ..?�.. ,,•5.,: Property or a�y paR thereot _-
<br /> : �• ,i:+,h�t;r;••` 7,�F�nJtHmt�Domain.Lender is hereby asslgned ail compeneatfon,awarda,de�c�es and other payments or rellef(hereinaftBr •-
<br /> ' �; �: "Proceeds"�.io connecUon with condomnatlon or athet taking of tho Property a part thereot, or br conveyance U Ileu o4 ===
<br /> '�;_ • '"�;��'��t�;�� ca�demnatfon. Lender sha14 ba enUtted a1 its optfon to commence,appoar in ctnd prosecute In ita own name any action or =-
<br /> , �... ,•'',..c,;•,.:r. �ocat�din Y P 8 8 i�:,�-
<br /> �; �;;:,. p gs,and shall alsa be enUUed to make an cam romi�e or settlart�ont in ooaneation with suah takin or dama e.in the
<br /> �'���• ; ever�t any pordon of the Prppariy ia so takan or dampged,Lender shali have tho oDt�mn.in its sote and abaolute discretion,to apply 4-__
<br /> ` ,�:rrk;.�na ,~�`.:,; . ° aii euch Prvi�s,aitar�a.iuci�ng iharetcam aSt ca�aad azpcn�;s�:rras!D�!!!,�connec24art s�e4ih sa�h Prxesda.up�r►eny
<br /> � � •�-: indebtedness sacured hereby and in ouch order ae l.ender may dotor^�r.o,or to appt��ali euch Proceeds,after sueA deduations,to
<br /> `� .,p�-��•. ,'•. ..� . �:, the reatara8qn of the Pro
<br /> periy upon auch conditiono as Londar may determtno.Any�RppllcaUon ot Proceeds W indebtedness ehatl
<br /> �;f,;r3 A..,,.:;.� :;,•: '' not ext�end or poatpone thp due date of any paymento undor the Note,or ouro any dmtault thereunder or hereunder.My unepp�led ,�
<br /> , « Y �,.. , ,, tue�da ehalt be paid to Tru�tor. � ---
<br /> r,�ti�l'�.' ^ 8. Pertonnana�by Landtr.Upon tAe oocurrence of art Event of Dofaut4 horoc�a�Ger,or it any aot Is taken or legal proceeding
<br />�::� S.�;�.: commeneed which matedat�y attects Lendera interest in the Proporty,Ler.dCr may im iis own dlscretfon,but without o6►igadon to do ��-
<br /> � ��.��� � `:''?;'i eo,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releastr.g Truator frorn Any obllgedon,do any aat which T�ustor has =
<br /> ��°'�}�'�""-^;'�"°"'� agreed but talis to do and may also do any other aat It deema naceseary to protmct the aecudty hereof.Truator ahall,immediately °-
<br /> ="�r--:t`-�•:.�,'•;�. •�•� upan demartd Meretor by Lender,pay to Lender a11 coste and expensea incurrod a�r�i sums expe�ded by lender In connecUon with -._.
<br /> �:�«�r�?e►•�•• :•:i..s. theexercise by Lender ot the toregoing rlghts,tagether with Intorestthoreon et thm d�t�uit�ete provided in fhe IVote,which shali be a, ;�
<br /> '�`*�_'~' -�',"��-�'"` addBQ to the indebtedness secured hereby. I.snder shall not incur any Ilabllfty� poo8use of anything it may do or amit to do
<br /> �.�:�.� � �,,•'� � hereunder. •
<br />;_; � ,a::,�;;.:;�;��::; :„. �. 9. Nazardow Matulati.Trustor shaH keep tha Property In comptlance vrlM+R�f apptloable tawa,ordlnances and reguladona
<br /> - ���*��`=��'•'G;• �^��� reletlng to irtduatrial hygierte or environmental prot�ctlon(coliectivety�e".orrod t4 herein as"Et�vlronmental Lawa'9�T�uator shall
<br /> � •a��� ��� •� keep th�P�operly free trom all subatances deemecl to be hazardoue or toxlc undmr t�ny En�itonmen4at lswa(aolleodvely referred to ,
<br /> -f.� • •��• �• -"-'�� � herein es"Hezerdous Matedals'�.Trustor hereby warrents and represent�to 4ond�r that there aro no Hazardous Meterlals on or "`
<br /> . ,���?";fjrr . . i under the Properly.Trustor hereby agrees to fndomnity and hotd ha►m�oas Londor,i�directore,oi�cera,empiayees and agents,and � .
<br /> ' '�"� � � • any successors to Lender's Interesf.from and a g�inst an y and ell claims,damagos.losaes and iiahitities arlsing In connecUon with �`
<br /> '`�� •� � ��"�� the preaertce,use,dtapoaal or transport ot�any Hazardous Materlalg on, undmr,trom or about the Properry.THH FORECa0IN0
<br />-'�;;t. �'. �' . ...,l:i��;::,:
<br /> `. '� 10.Assipam�nt oi R�nb.Trustor hereby asslgns to Lender the rents,iosiams e�nd profits of the Property;provided that Truator �
<br /> ' sAa�I,unUl the occurrenee olan Event ot Detautthereunder,have the rightto cdlroat and retein auch renta,lasues and proflts as they
<br /> � become due and payab►e.Upon the occurrenca of an Event of Defauit,Lendor tiimy,either In person or by agent,wlth or without
<br /> , brirtgirtg any aetion or proceeding,or by a receiver appolnted by a oourt and rrit�'�out repard to the adequecy of ita seaurity,�Mer
<br /> - upon and ffiko posseasion of the Property,or any part thereot,in Ita ow�r.a:no qr In the name of the Trusteo,and do any acts which it
<br /> - �j�:,=�•`;" . • deems necessary or desirable to proseno tha vaiuo,marketability or ror.4aJi{1ty ot titie Property,or any part thereof o�intereat therein,
<br /> � i�creaae the Income therefrom or protect tAe socuriry hereot and,wltM pr wttApc,t taking posseasion ot the Properly.sue for or
<br /> • " ��� otherwiae co�ieat the renbs,iasues�and proflts tAoreot,tncluding those pnst duo�nd unpaid,and appiy the same,leas costs and "
<br /> , exper�ses of operaUor►and colic3ctlon including 8tt4rnsys'tees,upon any Indobtodness aecured hereby,all in such order as Lender
<br /> r� � • �<<, may determine.The entering upon and taking possesston of the t'roperly,tYto colteotton ot such renta,lssuea and proflts and the
<br /> " �,;;^�? eppticaUon thereof as aforesald,ehall not cure or walve ar�y defeuit or noUev of defauit hereunder o�invalidate any act dona in �
<br /> +�y-" " , v � `'� reaponse to sucA default or pursuant to such nmUCa of default end,notwtthamrtdtng the continuance In poesession of the Property or
<br /> .�-,: n .` t4►e cotteadon,reeelpt and appticadon ot�ent�s,issuos or proflta,and 1'ruah:o and Lender shalt be entltled to exerclse every Nght '
<br /> :s;, , .,�, , , �rovided tor in eny of the Loan tnstruments or bpl�w upo�occurrence otany Erent of Oefeulf,including without limftation the right
<br /> �•�,;�• � to exoreise the power of ea�e.Further,Lender's rtghts and remodfes unddr thiu poragraph shail be cumuleHve wlth,end in no way a
<br /> ' . 8miffition on,LendePs dghta artd romedfes undorany assignment of�eaae8 artd ronffi recorded agelnst the Properry.Lender,Truatee
<br /> � ° and the rece:vur shail bo Ifabte to account on{y 1or tAose renffi actualiy recAived.
<br /> •�; � " ' 11. Ersr�ot D�faut�Tho toltowing shatl consdtuLe an Event ot�effiuIt urtdor this Oeed ot Trust
<br /> ° . (a) Failure to pay any tnstatimant of prinalpat or Intoreat ot eny othmr aum seaured horeby when due; �
<br /> ��� •�.y.J..J....We.d�.�wile•nwu ti�ur:elnw wnnfnindi�n fhn11L1tp llUm f]me1 n}Yn�u' anv n}!}101 nolt IffAhufl'Rii11}A.A�ARV 1- �
<br /> �v� ......o............�.M..�..�.�..��.�..�.�..�_...�...__..._'�"�—•_^_—___'. ..__�_..�_.--"--- -� - - -. .
<br /> - • � other Ilon or enaumbrance upae�the Properry;
<br /> � �� (o) A writ o4 executlon or ottc{ehmeAt or an�eimliar process shall ba enterod agatnstT�ustor whtch shatt become a Ilen on I '
<br /> the Property or any poRion thereof or Intorest Merein; I
<br /> ' ° ' " (d) TAere shall be titod by or agafnst Truator or Borrower an aadon under eny present or tuture federat,atate or other
<br /> ' , etatute,tew or�egutatlon�elaUng to Oankruptcy.Insolvenay or other r�ll�st tor debtors:or tt�ere shali be appotnted any truotee, ;
<br /> : ' • receiver or Ilqutdator of Ttustor or 8orrowe►or of all or any pan ct the Properiy,or tha rente.lssuea or profits thereof,or TNator ( '�
<br /> • o►Borrower ahail make a�y general osetgnmont tor the�unotit of credit�+rs: �
<br /> , ' ' � . •�� (e)Tho sete,Van9ter.�ease aleignment Convoyance or turQher encumbrance ot all ar nny part ot or any interest In the � ,
<br /> Properiy,either voluntartiy or involun�rity,witfiout the expreos w�ithtn consent of Lender, providod that Truator shaU be
<br /> " �• +�'=' ,� permit�to oxacuto a Iease ot Me Property tAat does not cont�ln en oprion to purchase end the term ot which does not exceed ,
<br /> �' "" ••'�. ' orto yesr.
<br /> ��
<br /> ,'-�.:; (f� Abandonment ot the Property:or ' " '
<br /> �'...
<br /> :�.; :�;�,�,• '
<br /> i .
<br /> ., I
<br /> . ��., ° _ �,
<br />