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<br /> -- ' �: A�lClI�Wi.R�Ki1EM�N1'Of OE�D�11F TR6J�"t g�
<br /> _ —=e..��_ �RUSi'OR REAO 7FIIS CiEFOFI�61tiNiiVq: ,. � � .14.'-���'*.7��'�'
<br /> 7otrMOr und�n�hr�k M►et thl!cfoo�xn�nt ihN TnMlor U�bcutb�x�o+�M h�AI�6 of TruM�Me!��►'�aYr�iM a�d q�af tIMI�N�wrr
<br /> 01 MN pro+tlded for In 1h�Mrd ol TruK povid»�nti�Ny dillenM�iq►N��nd cbNOMI4ns b'tn�eor tMn w nattp�p�M.�t�rlt
<br /> — of�dN�uft ar brweh of t�bNq�fl�on urxNrtha DMd of T�ue�,Inoludl t nW Iknit�d W.lho L�rtdrr'�ripht to hav�ttN Pr�}1+M�y�ttld
<br /> by tfw T�u�Ni wfMfout�ny Judlol�l prpoe�dNtA.Trwlor r w�un ffMt�t sGNnowi�dp�n�t wM�qia��rl b�r
<br /> __ T�w1or bNar�th�tx�ouNon of th�Os�d of TYud. � �
<br /> _� � � �� , �_
<br /> D vi W. ias� T Hu�baad •
<br /> �,.. �u __.___�._
<br /> luron � Br�et, T�uetor Wt��
<br /> COMPLETE this poRlon ONLY If ths rNl ptopxrty dreat�Hed
<br /> consist6 0!tN01Y1DUALLY OWNED ACiR1CUl.tURAl.U1Np.
<br /> - - If�pp9aabts,complNr ONi.Y ONE slthu A,B,or C: ,
<br />-= -- m A.C�CLAIMER QF RlLiHT TO QESi�M.�►7E NOMEBT�EIID: -.-
<br /> Ttuatov acknowledpea that Truator ia about ta exeaute ttia tollowinp Deed of.TruRt upon the P�ope�l.Tru�or,u►A eeah�o!tha�
<br /> - it mors than ono.hersby diactalms TrustoPs dpht ta dealpnats a homestead pn aeid reat datate.No pan of Tiusiar'�homaa�d is
<br /> prosentry or witl�n the tuture be ettuated upon ea�d reat eatate.Trusto►underetnndp that If Trustor eatebllehss a homest9ad bn'any
<br /> = part oi sald rent ealate dudnp the tlme the Deed of Truat remaine uneatlaHed and a tlun u�on eald roaf eetate,there aha0 ba no�ipht ta
<br /> ' maka a deatpnntion of homeatead In the event of a forecioaure or truatee'a oalA w1f�rospect to eaid Ceed of TivaR
<br /> � Trustor acknowledQea that Trustor ia about to execute the tollowing Daed o4 Tn�ot upon the Property.Twator.and seat�ot thsm
<br /> If moro thnn one,hereby waivea Truatore right to dealgnate a homeatead on aatd real ealate.Tiustur underotande that Truetot has
<br /> __; ripM to make a destgnaUan ot homestend end that by executinp this welver,Truetor is walvinp rights othenrtse evaitable tor 1he
<br /> purpose of affordlnp them the opportunKy to retain Trueto�'s homestead in the event of a defautt upon the Deed of Truert.
<br />-� _= 0 C.DE31t3NAT10N OF HOME8TEAD:
<br />-' Pursaant to the Far�h Homestead Proteation Act(Section 78� t seq,Fteviaea t,'tetutes of the 8iate oi i�io�,3rni4or �
<br /> =, hereby de8lgnatea tho teai estete�descdbed in the"Ossignatl af F1om ad"e ched hereto and Incorporeted h ".tiby this
<br /> �eterence. -
<br /> _. .
<br /> � (D d Y. Hries, Truator �usDstad)
<br /> � �'� .
<br /> = Sh�ron A. Frie , Trustor Wife
<br /> t THt3 OEED OF TRUST,ta made as of the__lb—day ot M��c.. ,19.4�..by:an�amonp �
<br /> , theT►ustor, °""'w `• °`'°° °°" c�'-� on A Fries. Huaband S� Wife , ,�
<br /> � whose maH�ng addresa is �Q4 S. Suez Stree� Ceiro, iJ� 68824-9999 �here�n"7rustaY•,wh�thor one or moro), ----
<br /> r ,:�::�!` - Me Truatee. $�vs Pointe Hank, A Nebras s Cosooxatl.an —, —
<br />- "`•"���a�# P. O Box 1507, Gsand Island, I3L 68802-1507 �
<br />_ _ ',���z whoae maiNng address 18 • (herein 'Trustee'�,and �� __
<br /> �.,L
<br /> .�°• y:�"`�'. Five Points Hattk rt---
<br /> _ `� �.,� ,w, the Beneflciary, � ���
<br /> � , �b-��::�:
<br /> �`'.`
<br /> r-.��,�T� whose7natiMg address is P O &►x 1507a Gran ielamel*_�j$._�fl80 —1507 �herein"lender'�. �r:�
<br /> tt=�,�.� " c'
<br /> �i��?�•; David N. Bripa and Shason ��^
<br /> ,��- ; FOR VALUABLE CON3iDERATiON,fnoluding Lertder's extenefon ot crodit tdenUfled herein to , .
<br /> C:M�� �- '
<br /> Y"'n`�nf`��" A. Bries, Hueband b iJ1fe (hereln"Borro►+►er,"whether ane or more)and tha truat herein oreated, i;;
<br /> +...fxC�1.:�Y.�,:..�w w+: .
<br /> � the recetp!ot w�ich la hereby ocknowledged,Truator hereby irrevocabfy gmnta,tranate�s,conveys ertd aesfgna to Trustee,IN
<br /> � •��'�� ��,� TRUST.WITHPOWEROFSALE,forthebenetitandseau�ttyoiLender,underandsubjeettolhetermsandcondlNonaherelnaiterset �;. `
<br /> ��:�.��',f_t�'`" torth,Me►eal property,described os 4olbwa
<br /> ,.����.
<br /> See Attached Bxhibit "A" hereto
<br /> .�..
<br /> ' '`_'.:e:�.���, �. ..
<br /> • r:._, .
<br /> ��, �;;.::t;� .,. To�gEthOr wfth all buildings,improvemente,ffxWre3,stteete,aileys,pasGegeways,oauementa,dghta,pr(vileges and appuRe-
<br /> °t.ss .�' -=--r nancea located thereon or In anywlse pertaining thereto,and Me renta,lss�es and pratft�,rovorelona and remainders tharoot,nrtd
<br /> : ; .:r.':.' � �«�`.� such personal properly that is attaahed to Me improvementa so as to constltute a fixturo,including,but not timlted to,heating and
<br /> ',_. �,;,���• coolfng equipmer�ArtA togetNer wit�t1►9 home8t8a0 or mantat intereste,iT eny,wnian irtcarvai8 are rterei�r reieased e�ci s�reivau;a�i - -
<br /> ��,;�,,��,,;a„�;f,� of which,fnciudirtg repincements and addfUons thereto,fs hereby dealared W be a part ot the real eatato secured by the Uen ottMa
<br /> � .�. :'•.. . . �.."� Oeed of 7rost and ail of the toregoing belrig reterred to hereln as th0"Properly".
<br /> t�'e�:;:^5:�,i,:,
<br /> �•���.*!i{rn�s'r�:
<br /> �`t"�•�'�"�,�N�,���� ThW Qeed oi Truat ehell secure(a)the payment ot the prinoipal eum end interast svtdertced by e promiesory notg or aredit
<br /> -. '�wv�i'.�w
<br /> ��.;�?��� agreement dat�d P1ap 16� 1994 ,having e maturlty date ot unon demand ,
<br /> ,-a a.f�w.
<br /> T ��' in the orlpinal p►inolpat smount of a 25.010.50 ,end a�y and alt modNiaaHone,extensiona an�renowala
<br /> " � ����-*� thereof or thereto snd eny artd atl tuture advancea and rendvancea to�orcnwer(or any ot them It mora than onal hereunder
<br /> ' �tor..::lc%�FR:, ..
<br /> :,�; � , purauantto one or mare promtaoory notes or eredlt npreements(herein calted Note'7:(b)�the payment of other numa acJvt�nced by
<br /> IMC�Ii��dOw�R�v.tOiM Qj . •�: �
<br /> O twNr�awfriadcanmMaTniM.rowmro.uaeuua►un�otn.�herau
<br /> . .
<br /> � • _
<br />