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<br /> . -- peri�od9 tiiat l..ender requlres. Thc insuruncc c�rrlcr pmviding tRc insuruncc shcill ba chosr y orrowcr su � t l.cnderb
<br /> agpmval w6kh 6ha11 not be unreawnably wtthhtici. If 8orrower failn to maintain wvcrege descdbeci nbovc.L.cnder may.at
<br /> -- Lendcrk optfon,obtain covenge tn prntcct Lender�ri�hu in tho PmpcAy in accorduico with parugr.tph 7.
<br /> ' All insurancc polfcies utx!renewals ahell�e accnptuble to l.cjidcr and shnli include a�tandard moAgagc clauso. I.cn�.fcr
<br /> shaU lu�ve the dght to hold the polic[es nnd n;newals. If l.endet reyuirce.Bomowerehall prwnptly givo ta Lertder nll receipta
<br /> _ of paid prrmiums nnd rcnewul nadces. In thc event of loss,Borrowcr shnll givc prampt noticc to tNo insurancs catticr und
<br /> -�----------- _-�
<br /> - ' L.ender. L.ender may mnkc proof of toss if not made promptly by Hormwer.
<br /> Untess Lender and Boirower otherwise ag�+ee in writing,insumnce proceeds shali Ne applleA to rcstoration or tcpair nf
<br /> - — the Pmperty damaged,itF the restrnudon or repair is econo�iicully fca.gibie and I.�ndcr's scrudty is not tes�ened. If thc
<br /> _- restoration or repair la not economically feasiblo or L.ender�securlty would be kssened.the insurunce praceeds shul[ ba
<br /> applicd to the sums stcureA by this Securiry Inst�ument, whethet or not then due, wlth any oxcess puid to 8orrower. If
<br /> ;.. Born►wer abandoas the Property.or doc.w not answer wlthin 30 dnya u notice fmrri Lender that tho insumnce rnrrier has
<br />- - offered to Settle a cluim,then Lender may coliect the insurance prncceds. Le�der m�+y use the praceeds to nepair or cessone
<br />- the Propercy or to pay sums secured by this S+xurity Instiumen�whether ar not then clue. 'i1�e 30�duy per�a!+vlll l�egin wt►en
<br />- tho nottce is�Iven.
<br /> = Unlesa Lender and Borruwer othenvlse age�ee in writing,any applicatton of procoeds to principal sh�ll not extend ar
<br /> � � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragr►ph.g 1 nnd 2 a change the amount of the pnyments. If
<br /> under paragaph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender,Bocrower�dght to riny insurnnce policirs and proceed.q resWting
<br /> from damatge to the Property prIar to the aoquisidan shall pas.s to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> � Insuument immediately prior to the acquisitfon.
<br /> �- 6. t?cee�pa2cy. Preservetion, Maintenence �nA Protectia� at the Property; Borrower's l.oan Application; . _
<br /> LRasebdds. Bortower shall occupy.estnbGsh.und ase the Ptaperty as Bomower�s principal rc�tdence within sixry dnys after
<br /> � •he execution of thys Securiry Insttument and shall continue to occupy ttte Propen�as Banower's pdncipal residenre for�t
<br /> '��'r least one year efter the date of occupuncy. unless L,ereder othenv(se ag�ees m writing. which consent shull not be
<br /> unmasonably withheld.or unless exteuuating circumswnces exist whtch are beyond Bomnwer s control. Borrowcr shnll not --
<br /> destroy.d3mage or impair tlte Aroperty.allow the Ptoperty to deteriomte.or commii waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> be in default if ony forfeiture actlon or proceeding,whether civil or crimInal.is begun tliat in I.ender�s�ood fuith judgment —
<br /> . coutd result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise muterially impair the lien created by thls Security Instrument or
<br /> l.ender�s securlry Interes� Borrower may cure such u default nnd r�instate.ns provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action �
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed wiili u n�ling that,in Lender�s good foith detem►inatbn.pnecludes forfeiture of the Borrower�s �-k.
<br /> interest in the Propeny or other muteriul impnim►ent of the lien created by thia Security Insqument or l.enderb securiry �-_
<br /> interesG Bormwea•shnll also be in defnult if Bomower. during the loan application process, �uve matcriully false or �
<br /> .,, , inaccuiate infartaation or statements to Lender(or fa�led to provide Lendcr with any meterial infortteation)in connection with ��
<br /> _ � ii�c ivun c�idcm�i by iltc Nute,uxfuding, but aui lim�icd ia. �'°Ci1S�SiOttS CQ3k'E23lillg HOt'!�UlYCf!i tt[��u(fanCY of II1C �-
<br /> I �i Ptopetty as a principal residence. tff vhis Security Inshvment is on a leasehold,Batrower shall oomply with all the provisions py�;,
<br /> of the lease. If Borm�rer acquires 6�e dtte to the Prope�ty,the leusehold and the fee title shall nat merge unless Lender agrees °=-N
<br /> to 4he merger in writing. �
<br /> 7. protectton ot l.eader's Rlghta in the Propert�. If Borrower fails to perfarn► the covenanw and asreements
<br /> , contained in this Security Ins�umen� or there is n legnl proceeding that may sigmficantly nffect Lender's rights in the . �:�
<br /> � �: R�aposty(such ag a ptoceeding in brinkrupuy.probute.for con<lemnation or forfeimre or to enfomx laws or reguladons).then ,;:
<br /> n �.,._.
<br /> � Lendea�nay do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender�rights in the Property. ,�;,
<br /> I.enderb ac[ions may taclude paying any sums secumd by a lien which has priority over this Security Insuument,Appeanng '^�
<br /> - in couct,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and e�tering on the Property to makc repairs.Althou�h Lender may tuke uction
<br />: urtder this Qaragraph 7.Lender does not hnve to do so.
<br /> . �F Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrsph 7 shull become addicionaf debt of Bomower secured by this
<br /> - ��`� Security Insaumen� Unless Borrower and Lender n�ree to other temis of paymenG tt�ese�unount�shall beur interest from thc
<br />'�` '���'` daze of dlsbwsement nt the Note rate nnd shall be a uble,with interest,u n notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> a�r�i�'�r P Y P�
<br /> - ��t�.$i� �t;'.� Payment. . .
<br /> 8. Mortgege Insuraace. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condltion of msilcin�the loan necnred by this
<br /> `-� ' Security Lnsnument,Borrowet shnll pay the premiums requiied to mnintanrn nhe mortgu�e insurance in effecG If,for any �'"
<br /> � :; reason. the mongage insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lnpses or cear�es to be in effect, Bo¢v�ower shull pay the
<br /> ,. : ..,. ,.� ptemiums tequircd to obutin coversge substanUally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost •
<br /> . �= �`^�.'�� ..::�:' substazttially equivalent ro the cost to Bomower of the mn�¢gage insurunce pmviously in effect,f'rom an altemate mort�age
<br /> � °Y�"�`=�;����-�'� inswer a�proved by Lender. If substentinlly equivnlent mortga�e insurnnce cove�age is not available,Bomower shall pay to �.,
<br /> ��'� �''�'-'� Lender each montL�n sum equal to one-twelfth af the yearly mortgu�e insurnnce premium bein�paid by Borrower when the
<br /> �� ' .�s.,.;,�;;� =� insurance covemge lapsed or ceased to be In effect. L.ender will accept,ase and retain the�e payments as a loss reserve In lieu
<br /> ;t of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no tonger be required, at the vption of Lender,if mortga�e insurance
<br /> , � �r:- ,, � coverege(in the arnount and for the period that Lender►�equires)provided by an insurcr Upproved by Lender again becomes
<br /> �� ` �r avtiilable and is obtalned.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintAin mor-tgage insurance in cffect,or to provide a
<br /> ..,_t�`��.��'. � loss resetve,until the requiremeat for mongage insuractce ends in accordance�vith any written agreement between Bomower '
<br /> �:
<br /> �:.-;1. . . and L,ender or applicable law. .
<br /> • 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent mny makc reosonable enuies upon und inspections of the Aroperty. Lender shnll
<br /> ' � ` °� � give 8omower notice at the dme of or prior to an inspecdon specifying reasonnbte cause for the inspecKion.
<br /> �:'=� "'�'r 10. Condemnntion. '1'�e proceeds of nny awnrd or claim for dnmages,direct orconsequential,in connection with any
<br /> .'::�: ;. •
<br /> _ ?�-' ` Single Wmily-Fhnnfe MndEYcddk Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM6NT-Uniform Covcn�nts 9I90 lpuRa.f uJe paRP�l
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