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<br /> TUUE7'HER WiTH utt the improvements nasi or hemafter erected on U�e property.nnd�ll eauiuen s,a{nw x�znccg.
<br /> and fixtuce�now Ar here�fter a part of the property. Alt repfacemenu and uddltfons 6hat!also be wvere,�l by this Srcurity
<br /> ImuumtnL All of tfie fonegoing Is refotred to in thie Secarlcy Instcument us the"Praperty►."
<br /> aURROWER CUVBNAIdTS that Borrowcr is lawfully scised of the eswto I�enby conveyed and hus the rlght to grant
<br /> und convoy tho Properey ancl that t1►a PrnPerty ia uaencumbered,exsept for encumbrnnxs of�ecord. Barower wturants and
<br /> _ _- _ _______, ��lill defend g�neralty�t�ti�te to the Property ngainst aU clalms qnd demands,�ubject to any encumbruices of record
<br /> TH[S SEC[IRiTY 1NSTRUMENT con�binRa.w�iform covenants for nadonal��se uad non-untform covenants witb
<br /> limital�uladons by jurisdiction to const�tute A unfiorm�r,ecurity insaument coverin8 reul property.
<br /> UNiEORM COV8NAN7'S. Burrower audl.cadercovenant and ageee as fallows:
<br /> _ l. �Myetent af Prtndp�l�nd Intete�u Prei►aynaent And Late Charges. Boirowcr shall prompUy pay wden due the
<br />- principnf of and inui�est oa tha deAt evidenced�by tha Note and any p�payment und luta churges dae under the Not�c.
<br /> Z. Fl�nde for'hxea aad Irnur�na. Spbject to applicuble law or W a writtcn wuiver by i.ender.Bot[uwer shali pay to
<br />- - —� --� Lender on the day monthty paymeats une due,undee Q�e Note.undi thc Notc is paid in fuil,a sum("kLads")f�r.(n)YeariY `.-__
<br /> ta�tes et�d asssssments which may nttaln pdoriry mvar this Security Instnun�nt aa a 1[en on the PropeTty:(b)yearly leasehold
<br />-� paymenta or ground centa on the.Propert�+. if any: (c) Yeurly daznrd or pmperly Nsumnce premtums: (d) Yearly flood
<br /> insurartc�e premtums.if uny; (e) yeazly mortgage insuranca premiums,if a�ny; at►d(fl �y sums psYable by Bomnwer to
<br />�.,, Lender.ia accotdunce with the�rovieions of paragraph 8,in fleu of the puyment of mortffage insur.u►ce premiums. These
<br />-_i: Items ure called"F:scraw Items." Lender mr►y.at any tIme,collect und hold Flinds In an amount nni to exceed the maxln►um _
<br />,;;?+ omount u lender for a federnUy related mortgage loan muy require for Borrower's escmw accoau�c under the federnl Real
<br /> E§tate Senlement Procedutes Ast of 197�1 es ameaded from 8me to time,l�U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("ItESPA").unless another
<br /> law that applies co the I�nds sets a lesser anwun� If so.Lead�r may.ut any time.coAect and hold Funds in an au►ount not ta •
<br /> - eaceed the lcsser umount I.ender may estimate the .unount of Fwids due on the basia of current data and reasonuble
<br /> estimates of expenditums of future Escrow itema or othenvlse in stccoxdauce wlth applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shaU be held in un insdtuHon whose deposlts are insured by a federal a�ency. instnimentality,or entity ____
<br /> (including Lender.if Lender is such an instituaon)or tn s�ny Federal Hotnn.l,.oan Bank. Lender shall Apply the Fw►ds to pay 4--
<br /> p
<br /> the Escrow Items. l.ender muy not cha�e Horrower for holding and applying the Funds. unuu�lly unulyzing thc: escmw �y��
<br /> account.or verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Bomower interest on the Rundc and applicable law pern�its �-�_
<br /> '� Leuder to make such a charg�. However, I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chn�e for an independent real �=Y_
<br />' estate tsix reportins service used by Leader in co�ecdon wuh this loan.unless applicable luw provldes otherwise. Ualess an "��___
<br /> ogreement ls made or appllcabla law requires interest to be paid 1.ender shcill not be rcquired to pay Borrower a•r►y intec�est or F,:t::'�
<br /> eamings on tl►e Funds. Borcower and Leader mny agree in wriang,howcver.that interest shall be puid on the�nds. Lender
<br /> shaU give to Bomower,without chacge.an annual accoundn�of the Funds.showing credIts and debits to the E�nds and the �
<br /> - �pose far��ich�!s delsit sa she 4�sxls was tna�. The Funds are gled�ed su addiHonul security for aU sums secured by H`.
<br /> IS � this Secnrlry Fnstrumen� e -
<br /> If the Punds held by Lender exceed the amounts permItted to be held by applicable Iaw. Lender shall account to F,_. -
<br /> Bosower for the excess Ft�nds in accordartca with the requirements of applicable law. If the uritount of the Fuuds held by ..;---
<br /> ! ' Lender at any time is not s�t't'ictent to pay�he�scrow Items when due,Lepder may so nodfy Bomower in writiag.and�n 4�^
<br /> suc6 case Botrower shaU pay to I.ender the+unount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shull meke up the '�M�,�
<br /> = defc3ency tn no more t4an twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon. �r�.;;.
<br /> ''i�' Upon payment In full of all sun�s secured bY this Security Instiumen�l.ender sfi�ll prompdy refund to Botrower any --
<br />- sale of the FmpeTty.shall aPP Y p�P� beld by 1.e der at�the ame af ncqu�is�idon or saleena uncredlt ugnin�st the sums `~�
<br /> �I secuced by this SECUrity IastzumenG !'�'�"'
<br />" �. Applteatlon of P�yments. Unless applicable law provtdas otherwise. all payments received by Leader under ,f _.
<br />_�: Ramgraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applled:first,to anY PrePayment charges due under the Note:second.to umounu payable under ;-:�.
<br /> -; paragraph 2;third,to iaterest due;fourth,to principal due:and last,to nny late char�es due under the Note. `,.y;:
<br /> 4, CLaiges; Lien4. Borrower shall pay all uuces, assessments, churges. fines and impositions aurlbumble to the A ak,
<br /> e ..
<br /> pmperty which may uttain prtority over this Security Inswmen�aad leasehuld paymenu or ground rents.if any Bm�caNer � „�
<br /> shali pay these obligutians ia the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on -
<br /> time dicectly to the person owed payment Bomower shall pmmptly futnish to Lender ull notices of umounts to be psid under
<br /> � j,� this p�rag�aph. If Borrower malces these payments di�ectly,Bormwer shall prompdy fumish to I.ender ceceipts evidencing ,�;�
<br /> � the paymeats. �`(`
<br /> � Barro�n,er shall pmmptly discbarge az►y l ien w hic h ha�priori ty over t h is S e c u r i ry I n s a v ment unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> in writing co the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner ncceptabie to Lender,(b)contests in good falth the �
<br />�';,;: lien by,or defends agc�inst eaforcement of the lien in,legal proc:eedings which ta the Lender's opinton opernte to prevent the
<br /> -.�— — ;:�,—F• enforcement of the Uen;or(c)secures f[om the holder of the lien an agccement satiafactory to Lender subordinadng the lien .,
<br /> " to this Security Ii►strument If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may nttoin priority
<br /> ;ai;,. ,' ��" over this Secar�Ity Instcument,Lender mny give Borrower a nodc�idendfying the lien. Borrower shall sattsfy the Iten vr take
<br />�;.":::, ' one or more of she actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noHce.
<br />..;;�•�•�• ''' 3. Hameti or Properly Iasuraeoe. Bomower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property fasuce8 aguinst loss by fire,ha�aads included witfiin the term"extended coverage"And etry rnhor hazttrda, including
<br /> . ��t�,+ � floods or flooding,for which Lender requires 3nsumnce. Thls insurance shall be maintAined in die amounts asad for the
<br /> .�•� ,
<br /> Fosm 3l1ffi 9190 (pr+R�2 016 pagesl '
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