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<br /> caickmn�ticm ar uthrr t�{cic�g of+�fy p{�n of thr Prtr�vrrtty��sr,f cx cui�vey�.rne in I{eu of cnnclemnrtlix�,are htteby axzl�ncd arxf
<br /> �hxli bc p�d to l.ender. ,
<br /> In tfie Gvrnt of a tMd taking�fl8 ths !'m}KRdi��th��m►reodt•xhtil ho �pplied to thc suma nerurcd by thir Se�urity
<br /> Inwy�.wf�ether or not tM;n duo,with�ny ex�p�nid to B�+rrower. '1n tha event of a putlW uicin�uf thepn�perty ln
<br /> whkh tho fai�m�rket value of the Pnapeny lmro�x�dirxcly btfrxa thea takina i�eciwi to a�r than tlw�mowx ot lfie w�tn
<br /> -�____ ,. ,_ �-r��rr+1 hy thi�Crc�Fd�y inMrrvment:imr�!�4istcl�hc�1't�scs tha taktn�Y uaJe�Sarourcr an�d l�ender athemtse agrea in wrl�in�,
<br /> the auri��securod by this Socurity dru+uument�F��A1ibo c�uoed by�the�nwunt of the tx�oeeair muilipikd bX ti�fdtwvin� `
<br /> fractirnn: (a)the ta�l wnaunt�f thlt sums secureu�.itt�ttmraixtaly btfm+e Ux taking��ivtdat by(b)the fai�muke�wlue of the
<br /> P�vparty fmmedintoly beforc the tuking. Anp b�0.tr�pa shadl b�+paid to Hmmwer. in the eYent of u partisl takirtg oi the
<br /> Pioperty fn which the feir ma�ct�,�aluo of thp Pmyjy�rq►•immadtwtaly hefore the uking is less th�e the umaunt of the sums
<br /> secured tmmaliatoly befon thB tttking.u�nl�s�►B��n�K�ar aad Lensier dheswise agree in writing or unless eppltcable Iaw
<br /> othecwise pruvides,tho praceeds at�ull be a�+liod ta•el(to sums secwecl by this Secudty Instrument whether or nw the sums sue
<br /> thsn dne.
<br /> [f thc Property Is abando�ett�R►y Bormwwr,ar�Ef,iaftqr natioe by Lender to Bomuwer that the condemnor oflFera to malce
<br /> un awnrd or settl��cla�m for duntnges.8urrosrw:f:�1fi tq respend w I.eader wlthin 30 dYys atter the dute the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is aud►orized to collect cnd apply th2+prc�'u'fc�1s,.ut ita opdon.either to testoratIan or oepair of the Pcoptrty or to the
<br /> sums secured by thia Secwity 1nr�trume,nt,whrahp�or�►nat4hcn due.
<br /> Unless Lender aad HorroW�er otherwise�i�1 a�riting,any appUcatian af pmceeds to principal shall rtot exund ar
<br /> postpone the due dnto of the marithlY payrtxnts mfsrrrtd to in puragrnphs 1 und 2 or change tho amount of such payments.
<br /> li. Borrower Not ReleaseA; �orb�atnue•l�y�•�Lenda� Nat a N►airer. ExtensIon of the dme for paymcnt or
<br /> —� _-__ — modihcaflon of amartizo�tion of Aics:�umY secwa�J b}�ahls�Seautity insavm�nt gr.u�ted by Leeider to anp seccesss�r in inses+est �.
<br /> of Hrrno�uer shall not opemte su reles+se ttra IiaNUigt•of�the orlgins►! Bormwer or Bortourrt successo�s in �nterest.L.ender
<br /> shail not be rcquired to comrnnnce praceedings a��s¢•any suooassor in inteirst or refuse m extend dme for payment or
<br /> otherwise modify aznortizudomaf tha sums sarurad b��thts Securiry Insuument by�eason of any d�.�a►and made by the origlnal
<br /> Borrower or Bormwerh successois in interas4 An�r��'orbearanoa by L.ender in exe�ising�ry right or remedy shaA not be a .
<br /> _— — waiver of or pceclade the eaercise of any ri}Sht or rau�dy.
<br /> --- 1Z. Suoassors aad Ass�$�.v Bs�und;,Iaint an�i 8nvera)Lis�btiity;Casigner,�. 1he�venancs and a�cemencc of rhIs
<br />. ----'v Seciirity Inssiument shall bIn�'�uud benefit th�sur,�esor�nnd assigns of Lender and Bo�rower,subject to the pmvisioas of
<br /> - paragr,iph 17.Bomower�s covenants and ugraem�ntii shall ba joint and seveml.My Bomower who casigns this Security
<br /> --- Instnt�teat but dees not eaecuts tles 1�4ote: ta?te co-�gning this Seruriry Insnument only to moRSage.g�r►t and convey thut
<br /> - - Botrower's interest in the Proparty under th�tams of Utls Security Tnsuument; (b)is not personaUy obfigated to pay the sums
<br /> - _ secured by this Securiry Insmun�ent;and(c)a�s tF�ttt�Lender und Any other Bomnwer may agee to extend.mo�ify.foebear
<br /> - _,___--—�—= or make any accommodadona with reg�ard ta tha ta�rtns of this 5ecuriry Instnrment or the Note without that Bonuwer�s
<br /> consenG ,
<br /> - _- 13. Loan Ch�ges. IY the loan secured by��is Secwiry Inswment is subject to a Iaw which sets ma�dmum loan
<br />- - chnrges.and that taw ds finaliy interpi+etod so that thh inte�st or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connectian
<br /> with the loan eaceed the pemrtitted limiu.than: (u)�uny such lasn charge shal!k�e reduced by the amount n�essary W reduce
<br /> - the charge to the pemutted t'un3�c{nd(b)any sum�aitUxdy collected from Bomower which excxe�led pemritted IimIu wiU be
<br />- nefunded to Bomower. I.ender maq chaose ta ma,lr.�ahis refund by reducing the principal o�ced under the Note or by making a _
<br /> direct payment to Homower:: If a arfimd mduoes prinapal,the raduction will be treated as a partiat pre�ayment without any -
<br /> pnpaymeat churge under this Note.
<br /> 14. Notioes. Any nod�a to Borrotir�r pmv5de�for in this Securiry [nstnunent shaU be given by delivering it or by ���
<br /> � m�iling it by first class mai6 unless applicahle I��rn mquiros use of another method.7fee ootice shall be directed to the Property E �'
<br /> Addt+ess or any othe�addt�ess Borrower d�a�tttt�by nodce to Lender. My notEce to Lender shall be givea by first class ���
<br /> f IY'_'
<br /> mail to Lender's uddress statad hen:in or any othtrr uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvidad for F,__=
<br /> in this Security Inswment,shal) be deems�d ta hpvo been given to Borrower or Lertder when given as provtded in chis ;',�
<br /> - — p��ph ;{�
<br /> iS. GovcrnlnB Law;Severnbility. 'Rils Socutity instwnent sl�all be govemed by federal taw and the law of the -�,,:.
<br /> jwisdiction in which the Pnaperty is locatad. In t1et�event that wny provisIon or clause of this Security Insttument or the Note �_,__
<br /> conflicts with oppltcabla tnw.such conflfet sha11 rt•nt affact other provisions of this Security Instntment or the Note which can �
<br /> be given effoct without tha cvnt�ioting pzoviaiom. 'Ib this end the pmvlsions of this S�nrity Insuument and the Note are �
<br />- declared to be sevemble. �'v
<br /> 16 Borrowrr's Copy. Borrower shall br�'a��en om confoaned copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrumen� ' �
<br /> 17. 7lransfer of the Propertq or e Braorl�?ri�ul�Intcrest in Borrower. If all or any pnrt of the Property or any inte�st in
<br /> it is sold or trunsfemed(oc if u beneficial init�i:in Homnwet is sold or transferrect and Bomower�s not a nadual person) -_
<br /> wi�out Lendor?s prior writicn consent,Len�er m�y,ut its opt�on,requIre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by � "
<br /> - - this Security Instrument. However.this op23on sl�hll not be exc�ised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal�aw As of , _
<br /> the daIIe of this Secwiry Instrsemen� .
<br /> , If Lender eaercises thts oprion.Lendrr shalt give Bormwer nottce of acceleration. 'Ihe notice shatl�rovide a periorl or
<br /> not less than 30 days from the date thc notloe is detlivered or mailed within which Bomower must pay all sums secured by this ;�
<br /> -" Security Msmimeit� [f Bmmower fails tn pay tfteao sums prior to the expiraHon of this period,Lender may invoke any '
<br /> �" ' remedies permiued by this Security Instrum¢an u�ezhaut Porther rtorice or demand on Bor�ower. �i
<br /> 18. Bormwer's RixihE W Reit�►4e. If Bumower meets cerwin conditions. Botmwer shall huve the right to have � 1
<br /> enforcement af this Secucity Iasteument discortinu�nt uny time prior to the earlier of: (n)5 days(or such other period as ":
<br /> ;
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