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;:� .'�; ,: ;:. , ...•,r,�;,:5; .�,,�,;;,,;,• ;,;��.__, <br /> _ :�,; -.-__-. _ <br /> — ; .. . `:�,_• -� <br /> ���►..�..; - --�_ - - - <br /> �_- <br /> - � — - - ♦ __ ___ --., y .� � � <br /> � <br /> Yvtffl �OillP�11�DE QOM��f'1101 tYt���tl.��7bMa�� ki�E�C�1 IOO�1 M1D���1�' , <br /> fY��Y� �C Wf1Ry!�IIMIC4�M'A 0(IIKl�O�DI'�M! . <br /> � one-twdRh of tF�yaurfy moctgr�t insaranoe pr�niwn b�tpR 1L��►Y�� <br /> - --_--= i�!n efC�c¢.I.e�t4er wilf aet�c�t,ntie a�i rxlgin the�se parymente�+► a!�t f�nervt in lieu of maRt�c im�urairra.* rewr'd . <br /> paymrnt�m�y nu lon�cr be�equired,�t the Aplicxi of i.ender.if mnrtpge f�uunu'rCe covrxage(in the wru�u�rt wd fur tiad�rxi�cl <br /> Qr�t[,a�ciec nequira)Provided lsy�n►nurer appcoved by l.snda apdn bocoma avdl{�t,le�nd ie nbUinod. &�Srower ytw1S pry <br /> tht pruniw�a raWlrbd sA r►�i�►tain mort�e imuraaoe in e(tect.or eo pcavide�lass reaervev until d�e raqui�na�t ior martp� <br /> inwr�upa a�in�cccnda�x'e with�ny wd�n+�naemait lKtwoen�wer uxf l�ender or appUc�ble I�w. ��mfer shdl Ylvq .. <br /> f. 1�irs.Lendet or it��entc�y cwike reo�onrbb e�trie�upon snd lnn�eCtia�oi t4e Fcopr+tY• . <br /> Bomtwer rnStia at ihe tlme utor prior�to an ln�pection specifYin�ra�saaitAe rausc forthe lrrpecdon. <br /> - —_� i�'v. �,'izuµ;.:.�:.�f�n*;�^:,rd cn el�tt*t fnr d,mRgn,dlsrct or co�,�en�ueMial. in conmct�tn,+�ntl�x�+� �_-- <br /> oonderoewIo�nr dl�Wt1nQ af any p�t af tbe Prop�ty.OP fdk COfiVCJ�it100 III I�dl Qf QO�pilOM�0i1,art henb�a�i�+ii�tmd <br /> 6h�11 be pdd ta Latder. shwll be a lled to the surt��ecured by this Sacurity�a.uFUZr�ent, - <br /> In tho tvent of A toW ts�ing of the Qroperty.the praceoda PA <br /> whdheT or rat thrn d�e. with tny��paW to Botrower. In the event of a paRW takin�of the Property in whkh the fur <br /> rtu�t�cet v�lue of tfMe P�+nperty immodiatel bsfore the uking is a�wi to or gtnuter than We amount of the sums Secured by diia <br /> Sxuriry i�ufntme�immedLuely befom�taking,unless Borrower ard Lender olfierivise writing, the sums s�ut+a!hy <br /> �---� tt�ia Socadty Uui�umcnt st�ll bc tedt:ced by tt�entos�nt os tlte pmoeeds multiplial by the followIng frpction: (�D�thR wuil <br /> a�qoun of the sunts secured immcdiately before t6e taYtng,divlded by (b)tbo fiir merk�t asluo of tl�e E'ln�erty imtt�cdi,etely <br /> befon thc taking. My balapoe sh�lE be p�ld w Borrower. In tho event of a putial Wktng of the Propeity in wbfch.thc f�ir <br /> m�rkes value of the Propetty immediatcly befo»e the taldag is less than the amount of the sumz sxund imrnedintely.AeFare the <br /> t�lciqg,unless Borrower ard Lcnder otriarwise agree in wndag or unless applicable law ott►trwise pmvides.the pnxccde�shsll <br /> be appliod to the su�secuned by this Security Inmument whether or not the suays�re ttxn due. <br /> it the pc+nperty Is abandoned by Bomnwer.or if.after notia by 4ender to Borrowet thit tfie condemvor offer3 da.mdc�au <br /> ewud or settte a claun for d�mages. Borrower fails to nspoid to i�oder wlthin 30 days after the d�avs tbe nott�e �p.given, .. . <br /> �"` �' �.ender�s w�tho�to coltaet aod ry�iy tde it�agtion,e1sl�r w ratosetion oi rep3�r of thc Pra�rty�.un tLc sums.,s` ---- <br /> securai 6y this Security Instn+ment.whether or oot then due. <br /> Urdess Lender and Borrower othe:wise agree in writing,anY aPPlicatlon of pracecda to prirxtipa! shull aac�a�:r�d or , <br /> post�one the due datC of the monthl payments refe►sed W inpcuagrapbs 1 tmd 2 or chan�a t1ro amount of suth ppymaak��� <br /> il.Borrawrr Not Relased;�o�ba�ana BY I�der N«�wa��a'•Fxtension of ttro Wae for p�ymentor cuadAt?..�on <br /> of amortlmtion of the sums sxurad by this Stx�naiay ins�umem 8tnnted by Lender to any sucoessor in imer�st of H�rncsww¢t staU -- <br />- nat operate to retease the liability of the origiaat�ilrrower or Bomuwer's s�oxssors in iaterest. Ixnder�ll nat be c�c(qir�d to <br /> oommence pruoe�ljngs against atry suocts.sor in mterest or refi�se w eatend time for paym�ttt o:otheraria�modiCy ama�'�fic�u , . <br /> of the sums sxut+ed by tLis Sc�vrity Insuument by r�ason of any dem�nd made by tt�e original Bormwec or �+or�arct's <br /> suooessors In inurest. Any forbea�anoe by ixnder in eaenisi�any nSt►t or�dy shall nvt be a waiver of or�uda the <br /> eaercise of any right or rernedy. <br /> 12.Suooesso�s and Asstgn�Boun�1:Jotut and Several LiabiUty.Costgnae. 7he covenants and agreca�aaw�£�ehiu. <br /> � Socudty Instnmaant s1�aU bind and benefit ttee s�aoxssons and hssf8ns of Leader nnd Bosrower. subject W the proviaiaan o� <br /> - _ _ <br /> puagtJptt i7. �oimwer's oove�tis atxi ax.�cnic,�i =1ta!! ls:,jssin!astt! x�usl. At:y &tttu3v�r tvh�rn.�imtv tbFa SecttriN , _ <br /> imtrume�but does not exaute the Note:(u)is ao-sigaing this Secvrity Instiument only to mortgage.�rant nnd ca�nv¢y ti�at <br /> Borrowet's inurest ia thc P[opeity under the terms of thls Socudty IaSUUment:(b)is rwt Pc�sonailY obligated to psry.tAn sums <br /> se�vred by this Sxurlt}r insuument;and(c)agrees chat Lender and any other Bomower awy ug�+ee to eatend,modify,fdrbcat or <br /> _ make any aroomn�odu�ons with�gard to the temss of this Securicy[nsuument or the IJote withaut tliat�xffowcr's cw�ant. _ <br />- 13.La�n Clnrgts.3f the loan socured by thLg Seruriry iruuument is subj ect to a luw wbioh srk����ummwn loaa cbnrg�ta... <br /> smd that law is finatty interpreted so that the lnten�st or other loan charges oolle+cted or to be coUectad in connecaoa�widl�ii�u <br /> loan esaeed the p�mitted limits.then:(a)siny such loan charge shall be reduaed by the amoum n sary to reduce tha cdbrgc�� <br /> n <br /> W the petmitted lim{t:sind(b)any sumc already collected from Borrower which exaeedod permitted�timtts will ba n.tbnd��pa� <br /> Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this nefiu�d by reducing the principa! owed under the Note ar ��dit�M <br />- paYment to Borrovrer. if a refund reduas prirtcipal, the r�educHon will 6e treated es a patcinl P�rpaY g <br /> pTepaymeat chargc under the Note. <br /> 14.Notias.My t�otia+w Bosower Pmvided for in this Security Insmiment shall be given by delivering it or by malling <br />- it by fust class mail wiless epplicable luw requires use af aaother method.'E4�e notioe shall be dlrected to thc:Pro�rerty Addtess Y <br /> or any other add�+ess Borrower designates by notice to i.ender. Any noSce to Lender sh�ll be given by first cluas mtub�to �_W_ <br /> L,ender's address s[eted hereia or any other address Lender desfgnates by rtodce to Horrower. Any rtotice pt+ovided for'i�titfs �1�.,, <br /> S�cudty Iastiumem sball be deemod to have been given to Bornnwcr or�der when given s�provided fn thts pardgrap!►. __ <br /> 1S.Gova��; Lw; Se�erabiUty. This '��tity Insctument shaU bt govem�ed by fodecai la�y and tha luw of diu _ <br /> .,# judsdirtion in whtch the Property is lorated,ln�e�ent that any pmvisIon or clause of this Secwity Umfuvmcnt or tIv¢ N�u¢ _.-u� <br /> ,,�:i� oonfllct��with applirable law.such conflict shall noi ctffect other provisionq of this Securiry Instnunent or�Dse Nore which can b� ��_. <br /> • { ' ��'�' given eflFe�t wtthout the oontlistiag pmv�sion.To this end the provisfions of this Security insuument end the Note are d�:cldr�xd - <br /> e t a,.. <br /> �" to be severable. E'�`�' <br /> 16.Boimvrer's Copy.Borrower shap be given oae canfomr�l copy of the Note and of this Security Enstrument. ,•;;s <br /> - .�• 17.11�s�star of tht Property or a Beneti�tal Interest In Borrower.if all or any part of the Proper¢y or any interest in it . L Vy <br /> is sold or transferr+ad(ur if a lseneficial intemst in Bomower is sold or trancfetred and Bomnwer is not a Ratural person)witkout <br /> �,.F,` Lender's prior wriuen consent. Lender may. at its opuon. require immedIate paymeut ia full of ail sums secured by this �`:i <br /> '�'Y f: Securily lnstwnent.However.this option shalt not be exenised by i.ender if racetcise is pmhibitod by federal luw as of d�e dnte � <br /> . "� of this 5�curity Instiument. �'�"� <br /> �F-• If Lemier exenlses this option.Lender shali give Bomower notice of accelerution.The notiae shnit provide a par+od�S ncso ,C� <br /> '�-�C1• less than 30 d»ys from the date the norice is delivered or m�iled within which Borrotiver must pay ait sums secur�eid by ti�le � <br /> �1 Security Insuument.If Barcower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration af Nis periad, c.��er may inYOt��ny�e�e <br /> ,',rfic�{�' rtnitted by this Security Iastcument without funher rtorice or dem3nd on Bomowet. <br /> j "��``''`'�� � 18. Boreov�cr's Rig6t to Il��utstxte. If Borrower meets certuin condiHons. Bornowcr shall have the ripht t4 fwve <br /> r�l�dajr;!.�•'., <br /> eaforcement of this Seca►rity[�sav�t discontinued ai any time prior to the earlier af: (a) S days (or such ott�¢r peried a5 <br /> Q I <br /> , appiicable luw may spacify for reinstatement) before salc uf the Property pursuarii to any power esf sale contancd in titia <br /> �„� Secudty Instcumem:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Insm�ment.'ff�ose oondidons a�+e thnt Borrowcr:la)Puys <br /> ' Lender all sums�vhich then would be dae under thts Securiry instrument aa�d the Note as if no�cceleration hud occurn:d�;(.�) <br /> ;�;;,;:�:;i...,,4,�. cures any default oF any other rnvenanu or a�raements: (c) pays all expen�es incumed in enforcing this Security Instrum�rnt. <br /> Inctading,but nat limitod to. �nable attome�rs' fees:and (d)takes such action us Len�er may rcasonably requin:t�s assuios <br /> � �+ � _ , � thai t6c lien of this 5o�vrity Insuument. Lender s rights in th¢Property�utd Homotiyer's obligation to pay the sums secursd tsy <br /> °---� ._ ...• ...� �n., <br />-_. •``_ �. ._��::,;�::�:;• f�lls Secvrity Insttument S�L3�l COIUIIl1[B UItCR8I1$0l1. Up0I1 fCIRSW[CfItCI[[ uy aumrRt[. inii .x�aa nj a..�..:....... ::.... ..... <br /> obligatFons secu�d hereby shall mma3n fully efFecdve as if no acreleration had oc��umd. However.this right to eYinstunt shull <br /> -�::':�;;��": ' not appiy�n the rase of acceter•►rion under Paragr�Ph 17. �-- <br /> _ ,�;;,�i�,' 19. Sttle ot Note: Change oT Y.oan ServQrer. The Note or u pa�tls+l interest in tha �lote (to�ether with thi� �ecurity <br /> ��;';.+ Insaumcat)may be sold one or more timcs without prior notice to Borcower.A sale ma��nsult in a changc in thc entity tknown ; <br /> "'"�' ns the "Loan Servicer`)that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Se��urity[nstniment.Thare ul�o nu►y be nne � ; <br /> �j�. � or more changes of the Lflan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.if there ia a chan e of the Loan Servi��er.�uurnowrr will he <br /> �� �; given written rtoticc of the change in uccardunce�vith paragrn�ah 14 nMve an�d applirab�e la�v.The notire will swt�Utet numr and <br />� t ,� address of the rtew I.nan Sc�vircr nnd the�rldress to which payments�houtd be m3dr.The noticP wiU also comi►in any other � <br /> + • _�:o-Y:•; ' infnm�atlon re�uired by applicable luw. <br /> . a Z0. Har�rdous Substrnoes. Borto�ver shall nut cnuse ur permit the prescmr. uu,dispos:il, storagc,��r ret�tuse of any <br /> H�anlous Substanoes on or in the PropertY• Borrower shall not du, nur ullow an��une etse ta do, anytl�tn� attccung thc <br /> Property that is in violation of any Environn�ental Th�preccding t�vo r�nten�ti�s shall not apply to thu pnesencc. use.��r <br /> • stomge on the Pr+npeny of small quantities of HQtnrdous Substonces that are genersil}•n�cugnized to be appmpreut�tu mirm;il <br /> , - � rcsidential uscs and to m3intenance af the Prope�ty. <br />. , rc;,o a o+e . Form 8028 �Jl80 � <br /> r. . _. _ <br />