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:+�'ctiE� "('r: �, ' . i::: :'.4i. _. ... '..-�- <br /> ` <br /> � - . : ' , . Eltit� �:lt. ;.�c�" <br /> — {.:4 . . f . .. .— . <br /> '..� � �.�,,, ��{�;,'" <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> ..� .. Thr Funds �hdl bc hdd in an i�utitutia�wha�e &,�oiits iuie Iiuured by � !'edeTa! s�aenc�,i� .� ea�dty , <br /> u <br /> ------ (ir►c]wii�l.e�Klcr, ii�:r is st�fi xu i»�cituti��n)ar!n uny F�c�l�ral f�int�l.��a�►Aank.1 rn�cr sha!t a�►ply tiia Fu to�y 1fx <br /> Pxcmw ltemx.l.cndu nwy nat tltiargc&�rn�wr�r far�iding e�xl s�plying ihe Pund:.�m►wtl�inwitysir�Uie drnpw�codan�.ar <br /> verffyi�the.�+cmw fittasa,uttM��.a�der P�Ys gocrowas�iMere�t an tha�w�iatd ic�ble l�w purdt�C�anirr a nwF.�r�ch <br /> •cl�r�s. Ffi�wever.I�eadet m�aYroq�It�e 8�mwer ut pry a ane�time ch�r�e for�n r�aqa�e��t aow wc rt�oat+ler�bw <br /> uiedby � in ctt�ec�tlat witb thir 1ain. unless rp�licabte Isw provides atF�erwi�e. Un1ew an ��eanbrx ia m�da cx <br /> ,pplkabk law nqnira iwe�e�t w be p.ia.[.ender�bru aoc 6e requt�u+a to p.y�on�a.rer aay ia�ar+t cr�Nap ai tMr l+..a..., <br /> _�.�� �armwer and ltnder m�t qt+ec in writl�y�.hc�wever.thAt iMet+eat:�fiail be p�W,.on the Pwrl4.l�t�II�ive oo Brx��wre�r, <br /> _ _ -� a+f dte k�,�d,,ai�ow� cs�xliu►s�a3 wwri:.w ii;a ruc�f.,:.:,l,t�.:�t.�ZZ:rr.•r*,,�r•�!, .__.. <br /> witt�oukrt�e. sw�u�nu�t A000pcxl�K ��cudty fix�ll�um��ecurod by lhis Sw�tity ta�ttwn�t• <br /> drbit to the wds was mde.'rbe Fu�ds u�e P�/��� <br /> If the F�ctds hsld by i..nder excead tho utwunac�mfiuod�o bo�dd by�p�blicable law. lJatder riall�cva�uot w Bortowet <br /> for tho exau�unds in�ar�cx with the requli+anans oP ap�liabk law.If Ijb emauat o�tha Pund�held b}L.a�der N r�ry <br /> d►�i�not suC[icknt to.p�y the Esceow Ttems w�ia�due.l.�ckr m�y so ratity Bo�mwer in wr�tiry� wch c�ne 8cxrawer . <br /> att�l!pay to�.etdet the unount suy to m�ke;up the dr[iciency. Horrowtr shall nwke up thc 0eticiency in n�nwre lhra <br /> cwelve montt�ly�yment�,M I.�ixkr�so�o discntion. <br /> Upop paYaxM in ti�tt of alt suins savrod by thiy Saeuclty Iustrument, I.uWcr eh�!! pm�t�tly rtfsu�d ta Borro�xa'pnY <br /> Furrls betd by l.c�eder.If.under p�tagr�tpfi 2t. Leader shdl acquin or setl the ,i.ender.prbr to tMe�oquititiun ur aale <br /> of tlie Property.ahrdl apply�ny FuadA bald by[�ender at tho dme of xquisitlan o�e as a ctedit+�g�ln�t tho wma ao�uro�l by <br />_ this Secu{i!�y Insarurnent. ' <br /> 3.Ap�i{cation ot Prc�ymienta.Untass applicablo law pnnvides nthenvLse.all paymec►ts reaeived by T.aader under p�rn8ry�u <br /> !a�d 2 s6�U be a}r�►licd: t' any{mp�Yman chxrges due under the Nutc: seoo�.to�mount�pa,yabfe wwler pu�r�ph 2: <br /> third.Ro intet�est priucipd due:and l�st�W any i�te charges due under the Mate. <br />__ — 4.Ch��ai Lt�. Borrower sha11 pny all taxes,as.sessments.cbarges.fines aM imposidons attdbutabte ta the y <br /> which may attain priority over thts Sesurity Ittsttumnt. aa0 leasd�ald p�yments or gciwcrl mit�.�f�iny. Carrc�:.r alr�l �y _ <br /> these obli�oas in the manner provlded In pASUgc9ph 2.or lf not paid in that manner.Barrov►er shall pay tt►em an ttme dimt[y <br /> co the person uwed pnyment.Borrower shali pmmptly fiuntsh ta[.cndcr atl notices of amounts to be paid under thta paiagry�h. <br /> If Bormwer makes.thae gayments directly.Eorrower shall promptly fumish w Ixnder reaipts evldcrrcing the paymeats. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dlscharge any Ilen which has pnotiry over this SeCUrity Insuument unless Bamower.(a)agroas in <br /> writing co the gayment of the obligaUon sewr�d by the lien in a a�anner occepteble to Lender:(b1 oontests in good faith the!Irn <br />- by.or dcfends agatnst eafoirement of tbe bien in. legal Fra+eedin8s whicb in the Lendor's opinioa operate to prevrm the <br /> enforament of the lien:or(c)sccures from the holder of tne lien an ag�cement satisfacwry to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> - this Saurity Inshument. If Lender deum�ines that any Part of the Fcuperty ia subject to a Iita wfilch may aunin pdority over <br />- �s�d�y InstnuMnt, Lender may give Borrower a nosice identifying the lien.Sorrower shall sasisfy the lien or take one or <br /> mon of the Actions set forth above withtn�0 daga of the giving of notice. <br />_ , g. H�rd or pnupaty Iasuranee. Borrower shall keEp the impm�ements aow existing or hereafter erected on the <br />-_ - . : ,,. : ' p�,�.,r.�t� insured e�ainst loss bY fire, hozards iacludod withtn[he term"extendcd ooverage"and u►y other h�zards. IncludIng <br />- � ftoods or tloadin8,for which Lender�equires insuranoe. '['tiis insurance shaii be maintainat iu t��c�s aad�CSr th$�ttx3c� _ <br />- _ �t���r te�uires,'Ihe;nsurance carrler pmvlding the insntance shal!be chosen by Bomower subje�x to Ixnder's approval <br /> which shall not be unreasonably withfield. If 13orrower fails to maintain ooverage described above. L.ender L.ernier's <br /> ogtion.obtain aoverage to protect Lender's righu in the Praperty in aceoidance wIth paragraph 7. <br /> pp E�rance polIcies and renewals shall be aaoeptable to Lender a�xl shall irtcluda a standard mortgage clatese. I.ender <br />"'" shall liavc the rt�kt to hold the policies an3 remewals.If II..ender requirc�.Borrower shall prompdy give to Lender all receipts of <br /> aid premiums c�d tenewal noflces.In the edrt;ut.of Ioss.Bomowcr shall�ive prompt notice to the icasvrance carricr and I�eneica.. <br />- ��r may ma�e pmof of loss if not anade pro�qpt3y by�.icirrower. <br /> Ualess Lender end Bomawer otheiwise agae xn Wr�Cz�,insurance prooeeds shall be nppliad to reswratio.n vr repair of thc <br /> property damagod,if the cestoration or repair is ecanomiat�ly feusible and Lender's security is not lessened.If iha reswration or <br /> repalr is aot eoonomlcaltY feasible or I.ender's securiry woutd be lessened.the insurance p�ds shall be applted to the sums _ <br /> �c�ured by this Sectuity Insuument. whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the <br /> p�,epe�ty,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insurence carrler has offered to seule a claim.then <br /> - Lender may roUec� d►e insurance proceacls. Lendcr may use the praxeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secvrod by dus Sdcudty Inst�nt.whether or not then due.The 30-duy period wilt begin when the nottce is given. __ <br /> - Un(ess L,emt�r and Borzower othervvise ag�+ee in writing. any appltcation of proceeds to principal shal! not extend or � � _ _ <br /> postpone the due da;e of the monthly payments referred w in paragraphs ( and 2 or chan�e the amount of the paymenu.3Y _ _ <br /> undet•paragmpb 21 the Ptoperty is acquired fiy Lender. Borrower s nght to any insurance polic[es and prooeeds resulting from <br /> dc�m�ge w.the ptpperty prior to the acquisition 6ha11 pass to Lender to tha extent of the sums securmcl by this Securlty Instnureent • <br /> ia�roslistely prior to tke acquisIdon. ' g��wer's Loan A [cation;Leaseholdg. a.'�° <br /> �,pccup�ncy,Preservadon,Ma[ntenance and p�o4ection of the Property; pFl �r�'•= <br /> �z Borrotver shall oocupy.establish.and use the Propeccy as�orrower's principal residence within sisty days after the eaecut�on of _ <br />- this Security Insuument aad shall condnue to occupy the Property us Borrower's pdncipa! residence for at teast one ycar aRer ;-:: <br /> ,:3,u�r��, : the date of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not 6e unreasonably withheld.or untess ,r,;, <br /> .`�y ,, eacc,nuattng circunnstanoes exist whtch are beyond BorrowePs control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the ,y <br /> s� p.roperty, allow the Pro�Y to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Property. 8arrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> r,'° ,3:: �ction or pmceadin8.whether civil or criminal,is begun thut fn I.ender's good f�iah judgment could result in forPeiture of the ��r� <br /> a ptoperty or otherwise mdterial�Y►mPair the lien created by this Secudry Inswmet�3 or Lender's security interest.Borrower may 't?!'!^' <br /> --:,w,:�r�r, • cure such a default and pmvided in parugraph 18,by caus�n�the actlon or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> � '�° that, in Lender's gaod fuith detemtinatlon, precludes forfelture of�e Bomower's interest in �s Property or other material <br /> �., ,.•�,' impaiitnent of the lien created by this Securdty Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> ��?�.1;, H�imower.during the Ioan appliration ptooess.gave maierially false or inaccurate infomiation or statemenu to Lender(or fai�ed <br /> ,;;..�° '�, to pmvide Lender with any maceri u l in forma tion)in wion e c t i o n w i t h t h e l o an e v t d e a�o e d b y t h c N o t e.i n c l udin g,but not limited ;:., <br /> ��'��j_ ta,r�presentadons wnoem�ng Boirow�er's occupancy of etae Property as a prirtcipal msidence.If this Security I�strucr�nt is on a <br /> w �,,J,,��v ��Id� gocro�ver sl�atl comply with all the provisions of the lease. Tf Bon+oa•er acquires fee title to t he Y r opercy. the <br /> • w^ �:�., leasehold and the fee dtle shall not merge ur.Crss Ixnder agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> -"--',�=`�.� • 7,protectton ot Leader's Rights in 4he Property. If Borrower 4ails tn perform the covenants and agreements contained in <br /> - -- �-��%=��' this Security In4uument.or there is a legai pmcredtng that may signifirandy affect I.ender's righb in the Property(such as a ; <br /> � pr000eding in bankmptcy,probate.for rnndemnntion or fodeituoe or to cnForce laws or regulations).then Lender ms�y do w�d <br /> _�_..�-=-----aa.���.,e�nr.ver� �he vnlue of the Pronercv and I.emlcr's rights in the Property. Lender's uctions muy <br />.�;: _ -�•=-_ � , 4ra� ..,. ...�..... _ , -- � n in coun. paying -__ <br /> '�•' ' = • �nclude paying ttny snms secuc� bY n lien which has prioriry over this Secuciry Inswment. appean & <br />= �r�``' '� �~`�".�'� reasonable attoineys'fcxs and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although l.ender may take action under this parsgrsph <br /> "•`-"^" 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> . t�•.��•.�;:• . <br /> .�`x,'�,'",�•"'�''�"' , Auy amounis disburssd by Lender under this pamgrnph 7 shail b000me additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> . ,r M`:*���••�. � ���y�c�ument,Unless gorrower und I.ender agree to o�her temu of payment,these amounts shall bear intcrest from the <br /> .::�t�•��: a": �, <br /> � F��;•;r�;;. ,. date of disbwrsement at the Note cate und shall be paynble, with interest, upon notice from Lender tu Borrower rcyuesting <br /> �,.: .:, .. .-.� Pal'm�ent. •., <br /> ` �� ;�'�'- $.Mo�tgpge Imvrance.If Leader required mortgage insurnnce as a mndition of making the toan secured by thts Securiry <br /> ���;� ' f. <br /> �y:tr,�:;;t.•:�,�t, Ir�trument, Borrawer shall pay the premiwns tequired to maintain the mortgage insurance m effect. If, [or any r�uon, the <br /> ,� .•,�,;.ti: :.�: s � <br /> .�•,. mortgage insur.uice coveruge c�►ul�+ed by Ixnder tapses or ceases to be in et'Fect. Borrower shall Qay ehe pmmiums rcqui to <br /> apse: <br /> ���'�'� obtain coverage substantinlly equivnlent to the mortguge insurance previously in a rnst substantialty equivalent to the <br />� cost to Borrower af the mortgssge iasumnoe pnevtously �n effect. from an altemate mortgnge insurer approved by Lender. if <br /> . ,;, <br /> -a�...::. .... . <br /> . oego t a o fotm 3028 9190 <br /> . .; ' . . <br /> ,.':" . <br /> � .. <br /> � .. <br />