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<br /> ..... . .. .. . ...__ .. - - -- ---- -:, - --�� --- � --- �- — _... _.. - -- ---
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<br /> ._ ------- ------ - - -� � -�•> - ,� . � A'� - `-�.-:..
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<br /> Borrower Rh�l! ,��*�hm}�tly qivc l.Ctd�lp.writtcn noticro af wny invssN��Ni�rr,ciwim. datwd, I�wwit"br othcr�cticra�' �
<br /> �ovr�r;meniri�:c rr��r!r�!vey n�.:ncy��r rn,�vatr.�AA�r invn(cin�the P�mprrty�nd Any Nar�nuK 5ubstxnce or Envimtu»cs�i Lw .
<br /> �f v�hich llnrreswer fy�K a�twl k,m►wlt►d�ra. T�'t�►nx�wer lau•nr, c�r la ax�tif►nd by au�y gourrmneotxl or regulatory uuttiuxity, tiwt
<br /> any tpnnv�i ar dit�e��t�'t�edi�t.tau nf ata3��.�f+1'tatrdottti Subtil�r4�facting fha Pr��gerty as neccssar,y.Borrvw�r shxll prumptl�r tAke
<br /> al!t�ry rtrt�adi�l�,lic��c�ns in acr+�n�jtlt�o wtth E?nvir+�lr.f[rw.
<br /> A,�°we�l.in th►r,�P�r�n�h 2Q. "b;iqrl��w�s Snbxuncea are�hase nubuurces de�nat u+t�xic or l�tzardous sub�tanre�by.
<br /> Bpvitantaaua! Y.rw.;� the tolluwin��,xllMit�ncas: �s�oiine•.�ker�Ce�� �t1�er flunm�b�t Qr toxic pecro�eum Qroductr►. taxic
<br /> pe�ticider�nd hdrbic��,vi�intlle�cal�rptttn.��r1A�v���to�ar fomnld�ydc.a�x!rndict+�tive mntanals.Aa used iq
<br /> t��i��+�}�,Y�20, '�;r.,�;cn..�-ntts! I.Y.i!'t" r.t�•na Fev�•�r�l lnwe end lAws of tho IwlsrilcUon whece the Propeny i� l�xutai thut .
<br /> ro1Ne ta heMitb,�afeR.y�ac envimnmemt(�.pr�ocectiun•
<br /> NQN-E1NIFd1��[COVENANTf�.&►rrower and 1.�ndes funher covan�nt ancf agroo a�fallowF:
<br /> Zl. AccaleraNR�ay Re�edks. L�iM�tr�bu�ll�ive notice ta Dorrower prior to accderad9n folbwtng Borrower'u M�aw�.ie .
<br /> ot�r c�we��w1,��irerwart ht.,K�hkt Secarity In�run�st (bu1 aat prbr to Aooelerntiou ander p�nyr�Pb 17 uNie�e
<br /> •ppfital�Ik.IMw p�ywkla�dM:rwiHe�K''�'ha nottoe alwd!bp�citys (�)tbe default; (b) tbe pctbn requtml eo co�re the de�auttL
<br /> (c)�1�,�wR It�s th�3s dxys tk�rrle�t�e ehte ti�e�sotke is�lren to Rorrawer,by whkh the t►�fault muet be cured:pnd
<br /> (d)tb�t t�ls+se Ya c�arr tht ckfa+el4:on:oa hd'ore tLe dRte spatne3 tn the notke may rewlt in ac�x�eratlon af the swn,s
<br /> secu��d byr tUi��dty It�trani+nti!;nd s�le ut tLe Froperty. The nocke e1�a�i�tther ieform Hor�ower of the rlg�f ta
<br /> rei�t�te�[ter u9c�e#t�r�tka An�l Ip►�t rigd+t ta drius a awd �ctio»to nasert tlk �wn-exi�ta�ce ot a dda�t or any other
<br /> detease ot BoM't'+trrer to pceelerntMtt�apd sde. It the det�Wl la rat cured ox�or betore ttre date spcciRai in the�atke,
<br /> I.eniRr� �t ils�,ti�.m�,1' �!�'�•immRdtpta p►ynxnt�n tu0 ot all swns se�re.rcd by tb�lv Security Iosavmeet witbout
<br /> t�u46er detb�;�d taw►y In�ok�e tT��p�swer ot sate and aay other remedtea permitted by s�icable law.Lender sb�l be
<br /> eelitkd ta edle��•s�l ex�incuYred i�puns�le�the rnaediea provided in tlils prragraph Zl,tnclnding,but not ti�nited
<br />' to.rauso�bla�Atc�s'7s'feei�w��tn o!tttle evidencc.
<br /> �t tir�{w�eiw��o�s�ie ts fFr;aEtrt�'fe�fee�!1 m�s►rd e�tke ot�lAUlt in each couuty in whfch anY Pact oi the
<br /> prupRrty(s krta4ad sund sUsl!mAfF��copies ot such notice in t6e mAnaer�*�bed by appltcable !uw to Borrower and to
<br /> the otlkr pertw�s P�c�iAal i�'aq�lli�ble(aw. Ahrr the tL�e requtred by applkabk law,Trustee sGal1 give publk notice
<br /> o�ss�le to thE+P���irt tl�a iftAnrter prc�scribed by applicable law.Tn�steq without demand on Borrower,shall seQ
<br /> tlye Prnpert�!,aA�(wbik auctiae ta�t•61g6est bidder at the time stnd place aud under the ternis designated in the nattce ot
<br /> snk i4 one,�bs mww pa�celg�ud�t�A stny order Tnutee determines.Tnutee mAy poslpone sale of all or any perael ot thc
<br /> prop�n,y b;y p�r,dllc announcem�tt�J.ob tRee time and�lstce of any prcvipusiy scheduled sule. Lender or its desigaee mAy
<br /> purchu�tt+ea P�rapeity stt arxy sAbt.
<br /> Upou�,r�eipt oi prymcnt,itJP Ws prke btd, Trustce shall deliver to the pw�c6aser Trustee's deed conveying the !
<br /> Pcapecty.Ttee r�xd!e!s [n tRtQ•'�rt�t�ee'�d!�n!��'r p�.�s[acie evfdetice oP the truth oi the statements rattd�e lhereis.
<br /> TruSOee s�11 app��t1►e pmcecdsi:nf tlhs sa�+e 1n ttte tollowing arder.(u>to al!ca�ts and expeuses of exereising tb�e power of
<br />' s�le.and'the sole,i�ladtng t80.pny4nent of tbe ltvstee's fees aNualiy incurred,aot to exceed ehe�of $5Q c�r,�� °�
<br /> �,�����Qp���t the t[me oi tLe declarettan of def�ult, and rnasonable attomeys'fees as perm[tted "
<br /> by�aw;(�tp a��sw��y secu,c+ed�yy tbps�Seatr3ty Instrument;and(c)any excess to the person or persvns I�lly entitl�d ta
<br /> [t.
<br /> 2Z.;lim�veyance. Upc►q..paymant of. i1l sums secured by this Security Insmim�nt. Lender shall request'fn�stee to
<br /> rtconvey�.tt� Fropetty and sh�11. sarender tIl�is Securiry insxcuinent ttnd a11 nou�s evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> InsWmot'i¢to Tmttee.Tcustect si�nlL r�canveY thz Pr°Per1Y w'ithout wrirranry and without chazge to the person or p�ersons legally
<br /> ent[ded no nt.Sush prrsun or paF�ns stu�l.��v�,y auY recordation costs.
<br /> 2�.Sub�stitut�Trustc�cee.�.�d:er►st its optton. muy from time to time cemove Tcustee and appoint a successor uustee to
<br /> any TYltivte+e appointed hereund,ov by 3n instrument recorded in the county in which this 5ecurity Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> mn�e}r;vxe of the Property, thtt s:�ccessor nustee shall succeed to�ll ttce tide,power and dut�es conferred upc�n Tnrstee herejn
<br /> ar.d by�• licabio law.
<br /> 2�$.Ise�ttest for NaUCC�s. Bortawer requests thut copies of the notices of default sind sate be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> which ia the Fmperty Address.
<br /> 25,Rldera ta thts Seenrlt�Y In.gtrumeat.lf une ur more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Secu�it��Ic�strument,the covanants and agreements qf each such rider shall be inrnrporated into and shall amend and suppl..ment
<br /> the coranan�s and�greements of thia Securiry Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Insuument.
<br /> [Chech;applicabie box(es)J
<br /> . �Adjustuble d{.ate Ridcsr� Condominium Rider [] 1-4 Fwnily Rider
<br /> ; 7 Gradt:s�ad Pt�yment Rider Plunned Unit Development�tider [�Biweekl�Priyment Rider
<br /> ' 8tilloazs i�ider Rate Impn�vement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> � V.A;Rrder Other(s>Ispecify] NOTICB OP DEFAIILT
<br /> �BY SI(31V1NG BELOWr�Borrower accepts:�nd ngrees to the terms and oovenants rnntained in this Security insuument and
<br /> in an}r,�ridzr(s)e�eruced by Barrower and reoorded with it.
<br /> Witneasca:
<br /> (Scal)
<br /> . MAiIY J. -Bonuwcr
<br /> (Sestp
<br /> ROS s . L E -Bucn�wer
<br /> (Seail) lscaq
<br /> ' •8urrowcr -Bm'rowcr
<br /> STA'�OF N�HRA�SKA, � County ss:
<br /> T7ie foregoing instmment was acknowledged beYorc me thls 19th day of May . 1994 ,
<br /> by ROBERT S LBB AND I�1ARY J. LEB � .•d ty,the date aforesaid.
<br /> N�itncas my hand and nowrial seal nt GRAND ISLAND
<br /> My C".o�cimilsston Expires: ��1�� �
<br /> ���R Nomry I'ubi�C
<br /> . • w�4.���
<br /> Vogo 4 010 Form 3028 8/80
<br />