. , x _
<br /> ..__ . ... _ ._____. . .. . .. _____. .___' ._ __ . _-.__-__-_ .- ^ .__ -
<br /> _, . _ � _� �,• i0'�3� --T�-
<br /> - _ _ � • - ° � . ,.
<br /> � •eub��ntidly equiw�tent mort�e inxunu�ce'coverx�a fa nctt xvallx�lc,&ittower ahall�uy u�(.cndrr eaCh rnnn�h k++�►1�equwl to ,
<br /> one-twrffth uf tie�yearly nwrtgagt i�ttiura�xe pr�u�ll�n�ttioiop paid h,y{ior��awer when tl�e insu�'ana:.;cc►�teraige la�ct�)i.LYItlC(�(R1
<br /> be in�tiecd.I.4iulcr,wil l accc�ft�usa.:t�x!�ctuy�tiec:s��tiapn�,ti�il:.a�'� n lo�•�j ��SCn�c in lic�a iif iu�srtj�u�;t� irt4�iru�i�:c. i�►sr�; r<��r►vc
<br /> puYiixnes moy n��tu���er t�rtyairec�.Rt thc u�iuiy��f L��i�lr.r, if njurgagc li»urunce En��tru�C liii the t�►�i��ttt�t u►x1 1<�r tlte{�rrii�f
<br /> thu t..cnder rcqulres)pmvidad by wt iniytea tp�m'vo�t hy� [,sndn*�8a�n lxti'ui►k�svallable xix�is ui�tufned.�icirr4+wcr►,tiuli�y
<br /> tho prcmiumA rcquiced u�mrirttdm m�ry,ya.inwattu�e In effeot,�ir ta pr.�vlAe u lass re�erve.unti{1bc requiremcnt fc�r irx+rtgrge
<br /> ine+n�rvre enda�n�ccordar►ce with�ny wntten a�r+v»x�nt betwcen f3arcawer w�d t cncter ar agpli�aDlo lAw.
<br /> !.I�peet�. t�nxkr or its a�ent muy..m�ika r�n�blo entr�es upon wxi Inspect(ons oi�ho Propeny. Lcnder�i�all give
<br /> F3orrower notice at the tirtte of os prinr to rr�in��oclian spetit�ring n:awnabie causo fot tl�e ittspectiun.
<br /> 10.Condemn�tbn. The proceed�af pny� aK�atd or ciamt fuy dujiwg�s.�7ifcry9i�.?�Y wtti.�c:quentlul. fn cuanes+tic+n 5yi�t�rny . .
<br /> mndemmttan or wher taking af any part of the Pmperty.or fe�r rn�weyance in IIl����tf�cu�xtemrwtioh,are hercby usgi�nai suut
<br /> shall 6e paid tu L.ender.
<br /> In the avent af a total tn�:ing of►I�o Praperty+tho praoecds FhuU be Qppilal ta dsa apnu�saci►rod by this Security in�irument.
<br /> wlxther ar aot tittn duc. with uny exces.9 pald to BamYwer. In the ovent of n�Ani7:1'tnkin�af�tho Fcopeny in which the fair
<br /> r�uuket valae of the Property immediatoly krefura tltv tnlcing i�equAl ta or gc�tar•ttt�n•thE umnunt of thc�ums sccumd bY this
<br /> Security InsUUment immediatcly beforo�he tuking,unless BarTOwer und Ixnder attt�r 3sa a�reo in►rrftin�,the sums secured by
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrument shall be redueod by tha�►mwnt of the{�roo�eds muitiqlla��by �IQ fpllb�Vlti$ TRiCt10A: (II� lI1L` tornl
<br /> amount uf the suins secured immedlatet;�•befnml tha taking.divided by (b)the+ fait.�r.xrket value uf the Aroperty innmedintely
<br /> before the taking. My balance shall bo pstid to Forrower. In the event af u partil�l,tn�ing of tt►a Property in which the fuir
<br /> mtuket value of the Property immediutt�ly l�ofo�ihu tnking is less thun the an�un3�of thu sums secured im►nedtately beTorc thc
<br /> taldng.unless Btorrower und Lendan�iheiwise�goco in wr�ting or unless oppilatatil�•t�iw othanvlso prn��ides. the pracce�s shall
<br /> be applieci tn tf►e sums secured,hy tlt1�Sacucity Instrument whether ar noi the surt��tre thEn due.
<br /> If the Property is abandanad�b�&�rrawor.or if.aftcr nottce by[.endar to Ba�a��,et t?tat•the cundemnor afferx to tnnlce an
<br /> ttwnrA or settle u cluim for dumagcs..��r�o�v�'fiul�to respond co Lender within aQ�duya uftar tho datu the nodce is given.
<br /> L.ender is aut�oru.ed to callecY and apply tha pnaceeds,at its opUan.either to restafitIan ur tap�ir of ti►v Praperry or to tha sutm --
<br /> sccuced by this Security Instrument.whother ar nat then due.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Bormwei�othanvise agree in writing, tilly II�IICAtIQD 11r,pnoceeds w principul shali not extand or
<br /> pnstpn��e the due date of the manthly payments refemd to in parugraphs i and 2 ar chuaga the nmuunt of such pnymen�s.
<br /> tl.Borrower Not[tele�&ed;Farbearanco BY d.ender NoL a Wafiver.BxtenFtbmot thQ time for payment or madi6cution
<br /> of amortlwtion of the sums secu►�ed by B�is Secudty Instrument granted by I.endor.to imy successar in intercst of Boreowet shull
<br /> not operate to release the liability uf tha or6gina!Borrower or Bomower's suc�essor'a in Interest. I..ender shall not b�required to
<br /> commence pmceadinsa ugolnst.Any successa�r irn interest or refuse co ex[enai tim�far paym�nt or oihenvise modify tunorti�ation
<br /> nf the sums secured by this Sacurlty Instrument by reason of any demand msislo by the original Borro�ver or Bormwer's
<br /> sucxa&�ors tn interc�t.My forhearnnce by I.endar in exercising any ri�ht or rem�cly.shall nat ba u waiver of or preclude the _
<br /> exereise of any dght or remedy.
<br /> ' 12. Successars and Assst�es Bound=Joint and Severai Liability; Cu-sipnera• Tha covanants nnd agreemenu af this
<br /> crr�rcity [nscn�nwnt shall bind and benafit the successors and assigns of Ixnaiar and Born►wer, subject to the provisions oF
<br /> paragraph 17. Barrower's covenants and �greementx shull be Joint aa�d sevesmi. Any Bamnwcr wl�u �o-signs tt:�s �usit}
<br /> Instrument but daes noC,ez�cuto tha Noto: (a) is co-signing this Security Inxtnirr�ent only to martgage, grant and convay that
<br /> Barrower's lnterest in the Ptoperty undar the terms of this Secur�ty instrument:(b)•is not persanally obligated to pay tt►c sums
<br /> secured by t�us Security Insttument;and(c)ageees that Lender und any other Bam►weP may agree to extend. modify.forl�e,�u or
<br /> ' cnsik,o'any accomntpdation�wlth r�u+d to the term9 af thia 8�urity+ L�strument or the I�Tote�viti�out tl�at Borrower's wnsent.
<br /> ' � 13.I.oAp CHptges.If tho lnan secur+ed by this Secueiry Instrum..�mt i�r�ubject to�ta�v wbich ae[s mnximum loan charge.r•.
<br /> �14�tat law i� tinally intetpr�ted sa thut ehe jnure�t or other loan chnrga3 colttxted or co b$cu:6�czed in connectton with the
<br /> c
<br /> ,.;�n excesd the permitted IStnitu, thon: (u) uny such loan chatge shall be reduced bp ttae amoupc n��ssury to reJucc the churge
<br />� �td 1h�permitted Nmit;and•(t�)nny sums almady collected from Borrawer which exoeaded perniitted limits wiil be refundal to
<br /> Barrower. Lender may choase co make this r�efund by reducing the principa! oiv�i e►nder che Note or by making a direct
<br /> . , puyment to Borrower. If a �ofund reduces principal, the reduction wiil b� it�:stc�9 as u parti�l prepuyment without Any
<br /> pmpayment charge undor the Nate. •
<br /> 14.Notfots.Aay notice to Barro�ver provided for in this Securiry Instnunent shuil bc givan by delivering it or by malling
<br />�� � •� it by first class mail+unless applicnbla luw requires use of anodier mcthad. 'i'he natice shall ba dimrtcvi.ta the Property Address
<br /> � .or any other addruss Bomswer dESSignates by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to �.c:z�iler shttll ba given by first class mail to
<br /> ;�.endex's address smted horain ar any other address Lender designates by notioo tc►�onowcr. Any nnticc pmvided for in this
<br /> Serurlty Insttument�shull•be dt+emed to huve been given to Borrower or Lender whvn�'t�•en as pmvid�3 in th�s purugrnph.
<br /> � ' 15.GoveYming Lew; Severabitity. This Security [nstrument shall be g�varned by fedcral dn�v tvid,the iuw of tl�e
<br /> , jurisdict�on in whioh the Ptuperty is locuted, [n the event that any provision or cluuse of this Secc�rity anstcument or the Nate
<br /> �Canflicts wlth appliatble law,such conflict shall not affcct other provis�ons of thix Soourity Instmm��at or the Note which can be
<br /> �;iven effect without the contiicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16.Borro��er'H Copy.BoTaower shW(be given one conformed copy of tho Nato and of this Security Insrcumcnt.
<br /> 17.Trans�or of tho Fnoperty or u Beneftdel Intemst in Borro�ver. lf al1 or uny pxrt of the Property or any lnterest in ie
<br /> is sold or ttnnsfamed(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or cr<.nsf�rrod and Borro�vur is not a nuturaf pen+an)without _
<br /> I.ender's prior wdtton conseM, Lender muy. ut tts option. requirr �rn:�ediutv payment in full izf a21 sums secured by this
<br /> S,ecurlty Instrument. Howevar.this optfon shul!nut be exercisat by Wnder if cxvrcise!s prohibited by federal law us of the date
<br /> tiCthis Secudty instrument:
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lznder shnll give Borrower notice of accelorati�in.The natice s1a11 provide a period of nnt
<br /> less thun 30 d:�ys from th�dut� th�e natice is deliverod or maifed within which 8orrowor muae pay ul!sum. se�:ured by this
<br /> Security Instrument.If Barrower fuils tn pay these sums prior to the expiratfon of this period. Lender may invoke any mmedies
<br /> permittc:d by this Secudty Instrument withuut further notice or demund on Borrowor.
<br /> 18. Bore+ower's K��ltt to Relnstnte. If Borrowcr meets certtjdn conditlons. Sorrower vhall have the right to huve
<br /> enforc�ment of this Secuniy (nstrum�nt d(srnntinued at any ttme priar co th��ier`�f_�1 SoW�yof sale com inod inxthis
<br /> appl�cable law may specify far rvinstatesment)before sale of the Property p Y P
<br /> � Security InstcumBnt�or(b)entry of a jud�nent enforcing th�s Security Instrument:'f#�use cortdittons are that Borrower:(u)pays
<br />-� i.euder ali snn�s which ihen woa�ld bt�dac under this Security Instn�mtent and tha Note os if nv av�lcration Nad uccurred: (b)
<br /> ' cures nny default uf any othor covonants or c�gceements;(c)p�ys ali expenses inaurnd in enfun-ir��lhis Security [nstrument.
<br /> ' including.6ut not limital t�,m.u�onrahlu attornoys' fe�;:u►d(d) takes such astion cis l..ender m:►y arasunably rcquirc to assure
<br /> .,.._..�,:r._c.�.,�co..,..:�.,tn�,��,.�n�. [r�uinr•c riQhts in the Pronertv um1 Botro�vor's obli�utiun to pay ithe sums secu[ed by
<br />.- itWl{ttV itMY v�wa�t�w�w�.�� ���.-�—. ---' -- -
<br /> this Socuriry Instrumr.nt shtill' canttnuo unchunge�. Upon reinsintement by Boirou•ar, this Security tnstrument and i6e
<br /> abli�ations secured hereby sR�t[ remain fully effeceive as if no arceteration hxd o�cumed. Howe�•er.this ri�ht tu reinstate shnll
<br /> not apply in the casc of nocclomstun undar pamgraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Mote; C�langa oY Lottn Servicea Thc Note or u partiat iMerat in tho IdolQ (together with this Scc:uriry
<br /> Instn�ment)muy be sold oao ur moro timos withnut prior notice to Borro�ser. A�s+lo may rault in a ch:�n�c in the entity lknown
<br /> as the"Loan�ervtrer")that•cuilects monthly payments due under the Notv nr�al thia Security instrument.There uiso may be onc
<br /> or moie changes of the Loun Senrioer unn�luted to a sate of the Nnte. If th�ro ia a c�hango uf thm I.nan S$rvicer. Borrower�viil be
<br /> given written notice of the chun�o in accn�r.a wtth pamgruph 14 aboYe and appl#cable luw.Th�notice will titate the n;utte:u�J
<br /> uddress of the new Loan Servlcer and tlto address to whirh payments should be madc. 7'he notire�vill c►Iso�timtsin uny other
<br /> int'ormation requircd by applicable law.
<br /> ZQ. H�rdot�5ubstnm�es.Bor�uwor shall nut �nusc or T►ermit the p�a�en¢e. usr.dispowl. +torage, ur rcle;�,e uf any
<br /> Harardous Substuttres on or in the Pmperty. Sonower shall not do, nor ulloo�• unyune etse to do, unythin� aff�Ytin�; the
<br /> p�+nperty that is in vluladon of uny Envimnmenwl Luw.The preccding two sentenres shall not upply to thc pn�ctt��e. use. ur
<br /> � stom�e on the Property of smatl quuntit[c�s uf Huzanious Substances that�re �enersilly rc��ngnizcxi to bc appn�priat�tu�rormul
<br /> residential uses and to matntenancc uf thc Pmperty.
<br /> . v,po 3 0�� form 30Z8 9180
<br />