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<br /> `tf� I�mxts �Gnll I�t hcld in wn i��sdtulion whase ds}x�sfty acc insurexl by u fEdctal ugemy, insticumcntxfity, nr eneity
<br /> ----- `-� li�xluding t.�yxicr.I`L,Ci1L1CP�S ftllCli AtZ Illti��IUlI!?il�OT�ii A11y 17EStIC1".!�IIU11tC�.lJilll Aai�lc.l�ndr.r tihal�agply tlie Fiandq tn pny thn
<br /> �.�raw Itrms�.I..endcr nwy aat�ch�argr 8�mower for hu1J9►��arx�upplying thc Fu�x1s, annualty analyzing thc escraw acrnunt,ar
<br /> � v�rifyir►�fhe�t+�w ltems,unlesx Lerxlcr pnys�orrawer�ntertsi an the Punds��xl spplintble t�w pennite t,endcr ta nwlce such
<br /> �char�e. Hcrwover,L.ender maproyutno Sr�rtower to pqy a onc-�1me ciurge f�r an iMeperxknt real estate t�ue nparting aervicC
<br /> - used by I.endec in connectlun wtth thi� loan. unless applicablo luw provldes athx�wise. Unlr.ss un agreement is mede ur
<br /> �ppik�bte taw roqulre.s ineereat to be p�id, i.endec ehell not be ra�uired ta pay&xrower any intereat or r,+rningY an the Fund�.
<br /> �:--�.—
<br /> Wirrower and 1 cnder¢ney agrec In wrIting.hawever. thet Interest shntl ba patd un the Fands. I.e�xler shell give ta Bannwer�
<br /> _ wlthouc cfierge. an anrtuai aoo4uming ot che Fwids.shawing credits�uxl debftti tu ij�e i'und�ur+tl 1i►C pu�u.�fa1'cJhlt,h e'�s �
<br /> - �' deblt to tf�e Funds was m�de.'q'he Fun�d�are pledged�xdditianAl becurity far�fl sums securai by thls Secudty instrument.
<br /> 1f tho Funds hcld by I..endcr exceed the a�nountx permitust to b�held by applicabto Imw,Lender shap eccou»t to Borrowea
<br /> fo�the excess Funds in aecordance with the requircments of appllaable law. IP the amoant of the Cun�ls hela by Lende,r at w�y
<br /> time is nat sufFicIent to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender mey so notiFy Borrower in wriNng.and.in Fush case Bprrower
<br /> ehaU p�y to I.et�der the amount to muke up tho doficiency.Horrower shall maka up the deficien¢y in no more than
<br /> two{uu mnnthly payments.at Ixr�der'�e discredon.
<br /> �"`�`°T°`-='� Upon paymeat in fi:lt of ali surns so�vrod by this 8audty Instrtu��et.l.,ender shatl promptiy cetluid to }3arrower any ___
<br /> Funds heid by 1.endcr.If.undtxpnragreph 21.J,�der shull ucquire or sell the Propertyr.t.cndor.prlar tu the acquisition or sole
<br /> of th�Pmperty.shnll 2y�ply any l�unds held by l,cader at thc time of acqulsitton or sale us a credit agai�st the sums sc�ured by
<br /> this Securlty Iavtruaaent.
<br /> - — , 3.Appiicwtlpa oi 1'aymetttg.Unless appllcable law provides othcrwtso.all pay�nents received by I.ender under parnBraphe
<br /> 1 atx!2 shall be applial: first� w Any prepayment cherges dua utder the Note;second,to awounts payAble under parn�raph 2;
<br /> thirrl.to intetost duot fourth.to principul due:and last.to any lute char�es due under the Note.
<br />_ s 4.Charges;I.lens.Borrawar ahall pay afl taxes.assessments.charg�.w. flnes and fmposiHons attributable to tl�e Praperty
<br /> which may attai�.priadty avcr tttls Security Insttum�nt, and teasehold payments or grouml cent�. iP au}�. f3orrawcr shall gay _
<br />'� • , these obligationa in the maaner provided tn pnragtaph 2.or if not paid in that matu�er.Borrower shall pay them on t�rne directly
<br /> to tha person owed payment.Bomower shall prompQy fumish tu Lender ell nodces of amounts to bo paid under this paragraph•
<br /> — If Hormwer makes these payments directly,Borrower shell promptly furnish to Lender recelpts evidencing the payments.
<br /> - Bocrower shaU promptly dIschnrge any lien which hns�dority o��er this Security Iastrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> — writing w the payment af the obligatton secured by the lien�n a manner ucceptable to l.ender; (b)oontests In good falth the lien
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings whlch in the Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent the --
<br /> enforcement of the iien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an s�reement sadsfactory to Ixnder subordiaating che lien to
<br /> this Security tnstn�ment. If Leader detemunES that any part of th�Property js subject to a Ilen which may nttain prlority over
<br />, tttis Security Instrument. I.ender may give Borrower a�x►tice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the Iten or take one ar ��
<br /> --- more of tAe uctions set forth aitove within 10 days af the giving of notice.
<br /> S. �urd or Prop�a4y dnsnranee. Borrower shnl! keep the improvemenu now ezistin� or hemsfter erected on the _
<br /> --— Progerty fnsured aSa[nst loss by fire, hazards included withia the tertn"extended caverage" and any other haTards. including
<br /> — floods or floodiq�,'for�vhlch I:eader requires insusvnce.This insutance shail be maintained m ihe cwcuu�zts aad for i6a gcriod.° •
<br /> that Leader req��fires,Tt�e insurance�ei providing the insurance shall be chosen by Bomower sa►bject to Lender's apprawAl
<br /> which sl�all aot be�unreasonably wlthheid. If Borrower fails to matntain coverage described above. [.ender may. at I.ender's �
<br /> ' option,obtaii�coverage to protoct i.ender's r�ghts in the Property in acca�dance with PurnS�aPh?• ' � m;�y;;>
<br /> All insurance polfcies nnd renewels shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage claush. Yxqder _
<br />= m;�,;;:, shall have tha right to hold thB�oltcies and renewals. If L.ender requir+es,Borrow6r shail promptly give to i.ender all receipts oY ___
<br />� "�n paid premiwns�and cenewal nouces.In the event of loss,Borrower shall gtve prompt nodcc to the insurance currier and I.en@er. �
<br /> I,endet pwy mnke proof of loss if not taade prom{fily by Borrower. _
<br /> Unlass I.ertder and Borrower othenvjse astee in writing.Insurance proceads shall be npplied to restoradon or repair of tlte __
<br /> proparty danuged,if the resiaration or rep�ir is�conomically feasible and Lender's security�s not[essened.If the�+estorat�on ar �
<br /> r+epAir is not ecoaomisally fensible or I.ender's security would be lersened. the Insurance procceds shall be applied tp the sums �.�
<br /> secured by this Secuelty Instrument. whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the �,
<br /> -= Prnperty,or dc�s not enswer wtthin 30 days a rtotice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim.then �,�
<br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceecls. Lender muy use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property.or to pay sums �
<br />- secured by tMs Securlty Instnunent,whether or not then due.The 3Q�day period will begin when the notice is�rven. �.�__
<br /> Unless I.ender and Sonower otherwise agree in wr�t�ng,any appltcadon of proceeds to principal shnll not extend or
<br /> �ostpone the due date of the monthly payneents referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the tunount ot the paymenu. If :•:r'
<br /> :�,' under para�raph 21 the Pmp�rty is acquired by C.ender,Borrower's ri�ht to any insurnnce policies and procceds resulting from ��__
<br /> - -'�' damage to tde�':rmperty prior to the aaquieidon shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudry Instn►ment :3�r.
<br /> �'�Y imneediately prior to che acquisiHon. �"
<br /> 6.pocapswcy,Pt�.serv�tion,Mafatenence and Protedion of the Property;Borroww''s Loan ApplIcation;Leaseholdg. _
<br /> Borrowet shall occupy,estubliah,and use the Property as Bomower's pr3ncipal residence wtthin sixty days after the execution of ;
<br />_ this Securlty Instrument and shell conttaue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after �.;:
<br /> ----- the date of occupancy.unless Lender otheruvise agrees in wdting. wtuch consent shaii not be unreasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> - ���� , extenuatiA� ci�cumstances exlst wh�ch are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not desuoy. ciamage or impair the
<br /> - � Property. allow the Pnoperty to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> action or pnxeecting,wheiher civll or criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise mutetially impair the lien created by this Security Instcument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may '�<>�'
<br /> cune such c►defiuilt and reinstate,as pmvtdcd in p�ragraph 18 by awsing the nctton or proceeding to be dismissed wlth a ruling ,
<br /> that. In Lender's good faith detemunation, ptecludes forfeiturc of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other matcdal
<br /> ��$' imp�irmeat of the [ten created by this Socurlty Instrument or Lender's secu��iry interest.Borrower shnll also be in default if
<br /> Borrower. during the loan upplicarion procc�s.gave mater�ally false or inuccurate inform�tion or statements to i.ender(or falled
<br /> m pmvide ixnder with any material information)in connectiam with�he loan evidenced by the Note.including.but not limited ,,�.?
<br />- to. repnsentaldons concernit�Borrower's occupancy of the Proparty as a princlpal msidence. If this Security Insuument is on a �t:,:,�;
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shall uomply with ell the provistons of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property. the �;',:•
<br />- • lesscha9d and tfie fee dde shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the�n.rger in writtng. ��:�
<br /> ' '4�"'" ' 7.Protes4ion oi Lcnder's Rtg6ts in th�Property. If Borrower Fails to perform the covenants end agreements rnntained in
<br /> �:��'�.�.�,t�:,��,,,.
<br /> ,� this Security lnsuument.or there is n legal pmceeding that may sigcni�icantly affect I.ender's ri�hts in the Property(such as a
<br /> - ,. `;'� proceafin in banktuptcy.pr�abato, for rnndemnution or fodeiture or to enforce i�ws or re�uluttons). then Lendor may do und
<br /> ���'+�- ..e.. r,...��0}AVOf;���.,.t�nriverc �he vnlue of fhe Pmnertv and L.euder's rlRht� in the Property. I.ender's actions may
<br /> �.j ...� ..�.�.� � „__'—� --.
<br /> �aclude paying t�ny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this 5ecurity Inswment, appeanng in coun. payin�
<br /> _ _ reasonable nttomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althoagh L.ender may take action under this pura�raph .
<br />°� '��� 7.I.ender doas noi have to do so.
<br />-� , � I I ' Any emounts d(sbursed by L�nder under this paragraph 7 shall become addttional debt of Bomower secured by this
<br />:.�3 Security Insttument. Unless Borrower end Lender a�ree to other tetms uf paymenx,these amounts shali bear interest from the
<br /> dutc of disbursemem at the Noic r.ite and�hall be payable. �vith interest.upon nottce from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> � 8.Diortgpge Ituurance.If I.ender required mortgnge insurance c�u condition of making the l�an securod by this Security
<br /> • Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums requlred to maintain the mortgage insurance in efFect. If, for any ccuson, the
<br /> �+'• I mottgnge insur.u►ce covera�e requit+ed by Lertder tupses or ceases to be in effcxt,Borrower shult pay the premiums rcquired to
<br />_,��, nbtnln rnverage substnntially equlvalent to the mortgage insurmtce previonsly tn effect. ut n cost substnntially equivulent to the o
<br />-=�°, cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurnme prevtously in effect.from an alternute mortgc�e insurer approved by Lendcr. [f
<br /> �" 'w.t � , .. pavs�o�< Form 3028 819D
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