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<br /> ��I�ST BANK N�BRASlU.ld�.UEED OF TRUST �4�
<br /> P.O.80X 340$ �.U��(�? �
<br /> . OMANA,NE 68103
<br /> — A7TN: tAURiE MARTtHEZ �
<br /> _-- _ _ THIS DEED OF TRUST("Security Instrumeat")is mAde on May 23. 1994 .Tl�o truswr is.
<br /> Richsrd T. St7�4�kland and Nina I. btrickland, hv,�b�riti�?�+�nd vi�e as �oint tenants �
<br /> ;. ("Bor�tn,vrx').The austce is Noxarest Bank Nebraska� 'Na'��.onal Aesoica���
<br /> , .. � , , . _
<br /> ' ("Ttust�e°).Tde ixneficiary is Norweat Bank Nebraska s Natiomal Assoc�.atd.ot►
<br /> . • .
<br /> „ , - -. �a�whose
<br /> whi�U is organtzed aad�xisdng ua�r tbc taws af T�c II��ited Ststss af A�ar3ca . _
<br /> • address is 202 West '1'hird Street, Gramd Island. Nebraeka 68801
<br />.. • ("L,eader").Bomower owes Ixnder the principal swn of '
<br /> - -_-= Tea•Thuusaad and no/100ths ---------------aoliars(U.S.$ 10.000.00�**** >•
<br /> , _ 'fhis �tit. is evidenccd by Borro�wtu's aote dated the satae dMe as this Securlty Insirument("Nlote"),which pmvides for _
<br /> month�y peyments.wlth the fuU detit,3f not patd earUer.due and �ayable on �Sr g3: 999 ' '
<br /> This Socurlty Instrument secun�w 1.ender.(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced 6y the�i�te.wtth insemst.mut.�ll�oneivals.
<br /> exttnsieps and modi�catloas of the Note: (b) the payment of aU other sums. with interest. advancerl under pat��raph 7 to
<br /> � protect�1�e security of this Security Instcun►ent: and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agiBements. For this
<br />. parpose; 36orrower imevacably grams and oonvsya to Tcustee,in uust, wtth power of sale. the following described property
<br /> located iti ' Hall County.N�brnska:
<br /> Late 4 snd 5, Biock 1, West Park Addition, City of Graad Island, flall -��--
<br /> County. Nebraska. , _-
<br /> — (Stree�CiryJ. -; ^'
<br /> which hus the uddress of I220 Noreh Custer Grand Isiand `._.,;
<br /> Nebraska 68803 ("PropectY Address"): .
<br />- - -- [Zip Code� .
<br /> � 'I 1'pC;fiTHFR WITH ull the improve�rtents now or hereafter erected on the pmperty, and all eassments,appurtenanoes,and �':���
<br /> ' ' ��'� fixtares now or hereafter a part of che prnperty. A11 replacemenu and add�tions shall also be rnvered by thts Security
<br /> Iostrument.AII nf the foregoing is ceferred to in this Security Instrument as the"Prope�ty." �
<br /> — ----� BORROWER�OVSNANTS that Bormwer is lawfuliy seised of the esutce hereby rnnveyed and has the right to grunt und
<br /> oonvey�t�e Progerty and that the Property is uaencumbered.excegt for encumbrartces of record. Borrower warrants nnd wil{
<br /> ,• ..�,.• ...,
<br /> defend �erally che tide to the Property e8niest ail clatms and demaccds.subje�:t to any encumbranocs of tecord.
<br /> '',L:.1;;- '�,�S�CURI1'y IIVS'I'ItUMENT combines uniform cov�nants for nat�onul use aznd non-uniform covenants witTn limited
<br /> - .. -��.."-.";
<br /> vurEatim�s�y juri�diction to oonstltute u unifoim security ins2nuaent covering real property.
<br /> �.� UNYFORM C4VENANTS.Borrower and Lendcr covenant and ugree os follows:
<br />. .���•��'``�y-•�� � � n�,.,...._•�p,�nrinat and Interesh �eD�ymeat and Lnte Cbarges. Burrower shall promptly pay when due thc
<br />.°.. _.__ .. a ..' �y� ..' _'" "
<br /> , ,;�, prirtcipal af and interat on tlie debt evidenved by tho Note und aay prepayment ana late crmr�es due under me ivoce.
<br /> 2. Funds for Texcs and Iasur�nce•Subject to applicuble law or to n written wniver by L.ender. Borrower shall pay to
<br /> � [.ender on the day monthly paymems are due under the Note.until the Notc is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br />�� und assessments which m�y attain prioriry over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yeurly leasehold payments
<br /> -y or�cwued rents on the Progetty.if any:(c)yeatly hazurd or p�operty insuranoe premiwns:(d)Yearly flood insucttnce pi+emiums.
<br />• i[any:(e)Yearly mortguge insurnnce premiums. if any:and t� any sums payabla by Borcower to I.ender. irt�cconfancx wtth
<br /> tha provisions of paragrapl�8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurunce premiums•'These items are called"Escmw Items."
<br /> � Lender may. at nny time. coliecs and hold Fu�xis in nn nmount not to exceed the mvcimum amount u lender for u federally
<br /> �+elated moRgage loan rcmy require for Borrower's escrow naouni under the Federal Reul Estute Settlement Pr+c�codures Act of
<br />: � 1g7�i ay amended from time to ume. !2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless enother law thnt upp{ics to thc Funds
<br />�, sets n lesser c�aiannt. If so. L.ender may.nt any dme. coltect und hold Fu�s in nn amcwnt not eo eKCeed the lesser amount.
<br /> L,e�u ier may es t i m II t e t hc nnw u n t uf funds due on the basls of current duw and reasonable estimates of expenditums nf futum
<br /> �u
<br /> Esrruw Items ot othetwise in�ccordance with appl[r.►ble luw.
<br /> �:;�;.•�:.�.,Y•� NEBRASKASingto Fomily-FemBs Maelkeddis Mac UNiFOAM lNST6iitMEN7' Form 302ti 9t80
<br /> N` "• c 4= �NI 1�7 MTO V�1P WlORT0A6E fQAA7S•iJ171t83•0100 800�321 tY91 rce,��+e Amended 8l91
<br /> 4��.�;ytiti�. ,
<br /> ,... . s :.
<br /> � ' _
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