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_ . . .. , .. ., <br /> ..< ..: : .. <br /> R. �.�. . ..,.•.': <br /> , i�/:1'�::'.��,1� .i .+.� .r _ _ ' ._. .'_— <br /> .. . .JS�,� val . .. ,. _ ... _ <br /> , ���:: ' � ��.n...M ' , -- _ - <br /> � ' . - ,' i .._ _ _ '._'_ .. <br /> .. __.:. • .. . .._ _.. <br /> ,. ., ,� <br /> .. .�.'___.__. <br /> �� . <br /> 2� <br /> � t'.�� <br /> . . __._ _'__.. _ . .:. <br /> �__ - iSJa7a�1 ' <br /> • - _ � __ _ . - --- ��� � <br /> . ��{xy,�qutv�{pnt tn���,o isquantre mver�lge!s not av�ilable,Bormwer stiall��►to lander a�:h monih a wna squ�l ta <br /> une•th•cLflh����1x yRarly mt��ins�nu�ce�mmium ixlnX petd by�orrowtc when tt�e insurance rove�a�e l�red os c.�d ta <br /> .----_---�— h^.:trat:�f�r.t,�l.esxfrr K�IIC c�.r�xt ase erx(retain dicsc payimnt�ns s lnsr, rcserva in lieu cef moct�gc lnsnrance. i,u�� reservs <br /> • paymCr�t9_4�1�y no Inngt!Dtroqairal. at thc�Exbn of[.ender.lf rnortgagc irnurance cover�ge(in the ai�ou�u e�xl fbr�It;a�cri��.t <br /> th�t I�tr.�r�i� roquit�i)pn�vidal by�n��insurer appmvcd by l.erKlrr ng�in beconxs sw�l�rbte ern1 ts�abtainod.Rarrawo�e;h�}���y <br /> the p�+rrr,,�ris cayuira!ta maintalm m��t�a�n imuramce ia ef[cr1,or to provide p laz�+te�erve,untU the requiretnent Por�tx�rt�G <br /> Innuxnm;rbetidr in rcx�rA�+�'►+Y with Any written nac+cement between Borrawu and l.ender or tppticnble Iaw. <br /> f���a�etlor�. I,e�ier or it�y�eMm�y m�ke rawn�bta entries upon iud inspoctiom of the Property. [.cnder Kh,ilb giv�r <br /> i3��rmwp�'.�x�tice at the timo of�r pripr to an inspcttlun specffying ressanable cauee fiv tho inspectic►n. <br /> --------- , np�.d�c:«;:«�:�:2l�a.T�,^,prnc:.:�s oY nny arlatd or ctaim for�sm±�Hew,direei e�t consesluetttlal. h�com�estian wlt#�ony <br /> co+ri�ttr.lrxrtion or dhei t�king of Yny put af the Property,or far comcyu►cc in licu of condemnation.arc Ixrcby assi���uxa <br /> sheLl b�.^.�.•�Cl to Lendcr. <br /> In�AY�r�cvent of a tau►l teklc�g of t[x Property.tho proccods shall be appited to the sums sccured by this Security inStntnYnb. <br /> whethec az�l�ot then dua,with any excesspafd to Bomower. In the event of a partial taking oP th�Property b whtch thc.fa�r <br /> rn�rh+.�t Halw�of tha Propezty immodiatoiy bcfbre the taking is equal to or grcater than the amouni of the sums sxural by ihis <br /> Socuxityr u�3tdument immodiacely before the ta�cing,unless Borrower and Lender otherwlse agtee in writing,�he sums�ecum�i t�y <br /> 66-------a�°��° th6s Scra�:�ry't;Insaum.-nt sh�ll be reduoecl by the aaiount of the pmceeds muittpliod by We foltowing Gaction: (ul the total _____ <br /> amou�nt�of,��te su�ns sacured immediately beforc tho tuking. djvided by(b)the foir rauket vatue of the Property imrnediatcAy <br /> bof�xsr tYm�lnkking. My bilanx s}�all be paid to Borrowcr. In the event of n partiat takiag of the Property ia whtch the fair <br /> m�rY,et vulain�flf thA Pr�perty irnmedtscely bef4re tho taking is less than the amount af th�sums secured immediately before ttt� <br /> taJ�n�, ps�atlt�Eorrower and l.ender atherwise agrce tn wdting or unless applic�ble law otherwise ptovides.the procecds shall <br /> be ap�de¢d.uct+tho sums sec�u+ed by thls Security Jnsuument whether or not the sums sue then duo. <br /> -��',�E��operty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nodce by I.ender to Borrovrer thnt the con�emmr offers to make an <br /> awcutl p.r.satdtle a claim for damages.Borrowu faila to respon+d to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notioe is givett. <br /> --- - ' � Lenda�is,nutlmri�ed tn aoiie�.�t rurl apply the its aption,cithcr to restotntion or repuir of tha Pmpecty or to tlze eunes <br /> securad by+t�ds Sa�urity Iasuument.whether or not then due. <br /> � Up1ea�.L.eadtr and Borrower otheswise agree in wrlting. any upplication of proceeds to princip�1 shal! riat exteM ar <br /> — pqsarore�s ttat�due date of the mantlily payments referred to ia paragraphs 1 tuid 2 ar change the amount ai such paym�nts. _.,._ <br /> iL.;Ht�ower Not Adease�];Forbearanx By I.eada�Not A Waiver.Extension of tbE tliae for payment or modificutIon - <br /> of armactiu+,�ian of tha 6ums secured by thls Seiurity Instzument granted by Lender to any suocessor io interest of Hormwer shat,l =_ <br /> �xat op�mtm!a release dte liabillty of the odgir�al Borrower or Borrowet's suocessors i n interest.I.end�r shatl not be required to = � <br /> c4mm�er�ce prna�ngs agatnst any successor in iaterest ot refuse to extend time for paym�at or othenvlse modify aarort�zution <br /> of•1he sua�a scxured by tdis Seturity Insuument by reason of any demand made by tht original Borro�ver or Bormwer'a <br /> -- succ¢s�aas�dn Interest. Any forbear.u�ce by L.ender in exercising aay right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or pceclude th0 _____- <br /> ext�is�o��any rtght or rem�dy. <br /> lZ,��utx�asors and Assigns Boun�Jotnt and Severel Lisbility; Co-slgners. The covenants and agrcements of this <br /> Secu�ityt.Ir�stiument sdali bind and benefit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of -- <br /> - - paeagrei�o„i7. Bornowei s covennat�,unt nj;�zc.,iznts shaii ir� jairtt aad se�crat. Aap $atsv�:�r �:•!ta casi�sss stsis S�ur�i+; -- <br /> In55tnur,�erm�but dces not execute the iVote:(a)is castgning thas Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and mnvey tfeut ==v <br /> _— - - Bariayr�ec's iataest in ttte Praperty wder the terms of this Sec�nr�ty Instrumenr.(b)is not peasonally obltgated to p2yy the sums <br /> "�-- sucwr�cS�y this Secudty Insuument;And(c)agreeS that Lender and any other Borrower may Agree to extend.modjfy.forbear or �� <br /> cr�k,�ar�n�coa�unodations wtth mgard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br /> ___ l�.'I.o��n�Char�es.If the loan secured by t�is S<x.urtty Insmiment is subject to a law which seu maximum loan chnrges. P,�.:: <br /> -- -- aad tMx�law is finaUy interpreted so that the intei�.ct or other loan churges rnllected or to be collected in eonnectlon with the �"'=> <br /> �� loan¢�ceed th�pemutted limtts,then:(a)any such loan c e shall be reduaal by the �mount necessacy to roduca the r�:azge "';�•- <br /> �S S«�- <br /> -----�- ta th�permitted Ilmit:and(b)any sums already collected fmm Bamower which eaceeded permitted limits wtp be refundr�d ta �•.,_. <br /> = Btirtav+er, l�en�ier may choose w make this refund by re�lucing the principal owed under the Note or by m3klag a diroct ���•� <br /> �-°�- p�y�aeru�to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a part➢al prepayment withacse any ��"" <br /> _ pampay�ant chaarge w�der the Note. '���. ' <br /> - • 1G.'Notiee�.Any nodce to Bcirrower prov�ded for in thia Security Insnument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing ;;„ <br /> ' it byr fia'et class mail unless applic�ie!aw requires use of another method. The notioe ahall be dtrected to the Property Address ';S'<. <br /> ------- o:�r�aCher address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nottce to i.erxler stia3l be gtven by ficst cl�.cs maif co ��.' : <br /> - — • I�nd�r's qddress stated herei�or any other address Lender desi�ates by notice to Borro�ver. Aay notice pmvided for in this ,: <br /> ------�.a� ' Secuaity��meat sha8 be deemed to have been siven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this parag�uph: �;i:: <br /> - - - 1�3.�Govemit� Law; Severabflity. This �ecurlty Insmiment shall be governad by fecterel law and th� l�w of the • • <br /> e <br /> _ __ _ jucisdSCticm!n whc'd��tha Property ts located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrurr�nt ar the Note ��,�: <br /> — ___ ����-�rith appltqble law,su�fi►'cqnfltct shall not affect other pmvisions of this Securnry Instwnent or the No2e which can be ,r <br /> -"-_= givcneffect without th�conflicting proviston.To this end the provisions of this SecuriIIy lnsm�ment artd the Note aro declared <br /> ta b�a•seviceab3e. '���- <br /> � 16�.�ortower's Cn�y.Bor[ower shall t�e�iven one mnformed copy of the Note and of this Secur�ty I�trumetu. '=`-: <br /> -- 17:Trander ot the Property or a Baeeftcial Intemst tn Horrower.If a!I or any pact of the Property or uny inierest in it " <br /> -- -- is sa9c4�tr transferned(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bormwer ts not a natural person)without �, <br /> �� � !.'� Ltnduh?b prior written consent. Lender may, stt its option, require imme�liate paymemt in full of�II surns ssecured by chis , <br /> �� Seu�it��Instnunent.Howaver. this option shall nat be exenisez3 by I.ender if exercise is prohibited by federat law as of ths date ; <br /> --- of¢hua�Uecurity Instnirttent. �� <br /> — ---= 1�I.ender exercises this oprion.I.ender sU�]�give Borrower notice of acceleration The notioe sh�ll provid�a period of no� <br /> _� less�t1'�lu�30 days from the date the notice is deltvered or miiiled within wh�ch Borrower must pay ull qums stcured by this : <br /> Se��u+ity irtstsument.If Borrower ffaila to pay thesQ sums prior to the expiration of ihia period.Lender may invok¢any renaedies <br /> pqrm�iUtad by this Security Instrume►u without fucther norice or demnnd on Borrower. <br /> �18. Borrower's Rfpbt to ReS��tate. If Borrawer meets ce�tain condid4ns. �3orrower shali have th.. right to have �i <br /> en6:t��ement of this Secunty[nsttument disoontinued ut any time priar to the rarlier of: (a)5 day�:(or such cither peciad as <br /> applicable l�r m�y specify for refastatement) before sale of the Property pucsuant to nny po�ver of sale rontained in this <br /> SeCunty Instrumeat:or(b)entry of cs Judgmemt enforcing this Securiry instniment.Those conditIons em that Bt�rrower:(a)pays : <br /> ��.�,... _ ����I ��vhich then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Nate as if no ucceiersstion had nccumed:(b) <br /> � % • cuces any defitult of any oiher covenants or ngroements;(e)pays all expenses incurred in enforcin�this Security Instniment. <br /> irtcluding.but rtot limitod to,.reasonable nttomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may rasonnbiy rec�uir�to a�sure <br /> � �� tbat the li.n of this Security Insuument. Lender's rights in the Property und Borrower s obli�ation to pay the sumv securat by <br />- this Srcuriry Instiument shull oontiaue unchanged. Upnn reinstatemem oy esorrower, mts secariry imicum�� nmi i7R - _ <br /> obligatIons secured hereby shall rc�n�n Polly effective ns if no acceleaetion had occurred.Ho�vever, this righc to minstate shall <br /> �ot upply in the case of na:eleration under p�r�graph 17. <br /> 19. Sate of Notr;Ct�tnge of Loan Servtcer. The Note ar u partial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br />:a Inshumxut)msy be sold one or moro times without prior noiioe to Borrower.A sale�mny result in a change in ths entity(known ' <br />= as the ^Ldan Servicer")thttt collects crt�nttJy payments due under the Note and this Seauiry instrurttent.Theie alan may be une <br /> or mot+e changes of the Laan Senicer unrelated to a sale of ths Note.If the�is a ch•�a�ge of the laan Serviccsr,Horrower wiil be <br /> given written ncrtice of d�e d►ange in aa:ordunce with psun�raph 14 above en�d app�mable law.'fhe notice will atute thE name und <br /> oddress of the new Lotu►Servicer and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The natice will ulsn cantc�fn nny other <br /> - infom�ation cequir�cf by npplicuble law. <br /> -� Z0. Hazardous Subsipne�s. Borcnwer shall not puse or pernrit the presence.�rse,disposal. stora�;e. or releuscs of any <br /> '•�� Ha�u+daus Substances on ot in the Property. Boirower shall not do, nor allow anyone eise to do, :u�ythin� at�'eating the <br />- pmpeny th�t is fn violation of uny Environm�ntal Law.The pt+eceiiing two sentences slwll not ap�+Cy to the prn�ttr�. use. or <br />- storage on the Property of small quantities of N:�zurdous Substances tliat are generally recogniud to be appropriate to nom�al <br /> ' restdential uses and to maintenanae of the Property. ! �., <br /> Pogo 3 of 4 FOMI 3�88 9/$� � � - <br /> . y ; . <br /> ..� ., <br /> • ...xi. b'���,. <br /> � .u • y� ,. �---- -. ._. . <br />