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<br /> 7'I�c Funds sl�nll hc hr1a1 6t an inctiturfon whuse drpcMitR are In.rured by a Faderal agr.ncys instrnmsnu�i►Y. ar tntity
<br /> (I�luding I�ndet.if C,endec is cuch xn Enstitulinn)a�bti any Fe+deral tic�nx tai�n&u�k.l.euQer�1�u11 wp�ly tFe 1'���x�s tu p�ay�he
<br /> Brrrow It�ms.L,endec mpy nat chxr�e Beurov►tx fur tx�Win�nrni ugpl��inQ the Hunds,unnGuily nnalyr.3ng the e*rrow acawnt,cn
<br /> ve�ltyit�the&cmw Itemr�w�1ew Ixr�drr p�y�Barrowrr intere�t an the Fwnde xnd lc�la Iw�v pam�itr l.axkr to nwke wch .
<br /> f dEX «
<br /> a chrr�e,However,[.emkc mayroq ulre 8orrawer t�pey a cw�c•Ume clww�{o fex an i ndent te�l.e�t�e wc reportbn�reriria „
<br /> � wed bq Ira�dq�.,n coiu�oc�tion with thi� loan. unlau �pplicablo I�w pmvWa► athcrWi�n, Unlena u► ryseenxnt i�made nr
<br /> .�pplic�ble I�w rd�uica leKercet to be p�id,l.ender�II nd be roquirod ta p�y&�.;ro:,-:t r,a;!s!�.�t or antf�t un the Pwwu• .
<br /> liaxra:::r r.r.�!r_!w!-r nrayr r^� _.in wr�Rl�,�e, hnwever.�hHt interczt xhr11 be pald an tiw hu�xlF. l.cnclor ehnil�ivo ta&�rv+nwer. r.-
<br /> witlwut c}�r�e. Nn aruw�t rrcauntin=uP�he �unde, �winR cnpiiit�uid�kbit»ta tt�o Mtnd��t►d the purpoRe tirr wi�ki►�.+i
<br /> debis tl►the f�und�wu m�de.`t'ho Fundx�ro pled�tx�+d sddl�lanrl aa�urity f�r�II.�um��ecurod by thir Secudty In�trument.
<br /> If ti�o Funds lxld by l.e�xkr exeeod tl��tw�unty perndtt,al tu be held hy a Ilc+�blo law.l.otldac eh+�ll�cccwnt ta Nnrmwer .
<br /> s
<br /> for Ihe oxceR.t Fund�in accocd�nre with thoroc�uirtntent�of+�/pplfcablo Irw.If t u�x�unt ot tha Fund9 lxld by L.erider wt�ny
<br /> dme id not sufflcient ta p�►y the E�cmw ltems+when duo.I.ender mry r;�notify�rmwer in writlnB.wnd.ie such case Bormwcr
<br /> shall p�y to Lc�r the amount noceu�ry ta m�ice up tho dtficlency. Baerower nh�il makc up 9ha doiiciency in no morc than �
<br /> twelve snontbly payments.M�..��r'�sole diacnetton. __
<br /> Upon payma►1 in Po{l of all sums sxun�d by this Security [nstn�ment. I.ender ehslt promptiy refu�d tu Borrpwcr any
<br /> ' Funds txld by Le�xter.If.under rapl�21,Lender ahaq aoquirc or r,c1l the Property,Lendar, pdor to the acquisltion or sale
<br /> of tha Pmperty.shw{I apply�y urds held by Le�xfer at the time of acquisition or salo as s credlt aguinst the sums sccun:d bY
<br /> this Secndty Insnument. '
<br /> 3.A{y�lkaltae oi P�ymtats.UnfCSS applicable law provtdes atherwise,�ll payments reccivod by Lender'under garnEm�p2
<br /> 1 and 2 sh�ll be yplloa;first.to aay prepnymenc charges duo under the Note; seoond.co emaunt�payable undcr paragrap
<br /> thind.ta interast due:fourt�.to princlpal due;anci lost.to uny late charges duo under tho Nota.
<br /> 4.Ct�g��.6atmwer shall pay a!!taxes.essessments.cha*8es, tln�s and impaslt�ons utulbutnble ta the Property `
<br /> which may atta[n prlodty over this Secudty Iasmune�. and leasehald paymenta or gmund rertte, if any.Borrower sh�li pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner providod in paragrnph 2.or if not paid In that mann�r.Bormwer shul{pay them on time d�rectly
<br /> to the person owed payment. Bor++oiver shall pmmptly fumish to Lender ati notices of amouata to be ps�d under this paragraph•
<br /> IP Borrower nwlces these paymtnts directly.�otrower shaii prom tly famish to I.ender receipta evidenciag the paymetus.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dtscharBe any lien which has prionty over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower. (n)agnee.s in
<br /> wRilag w the paymea►t of the obligution•�ered by the lten in u manner axeptnble to Lcndor.(b)wniests 1n good fuid►tt►e lien
<br /> by. or defends agaiast enfo�+oement af the Ilen in, lega!pr�oocedings which in the Lendar's opinion opersite to prevent the
<br /> enfotxement of the lien;or(c)secutes from the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory w Lender subordinating the Ilen to
<br /> this Securiry Instiument. If i.ender de ecmines that any part of the Property Is subject to n Nen which may attain pdority over
<br /> this Securlty Instiutnent.Lender may ive Bormwer a notloe�denufying the lien.Borrower sha11 satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> taore of the actions set fotth above wi�n!O days of the giving of notice.
<br /> g� H�ra�1 ur proputy Iusut�nce. Borrower shall keep the im�mvements now existing or hereafter erected on che
<br /> �onuriy insuic�against!u�hy �rc. tsszs3's� isxl� wishi�the tern► extended�°veraAa"und aa►y other hauuds, including =
<br /> floods or floading,for whloh•[.ender requises insurante•'lia�g 3msurance shall be maintainad in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> thal,3.gnder requims.The insutanoe crurier pmvldln8 tke im.gurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to i.cnstEr's upPmval
<br /> whtcu shall nat,be nnreasunablY witttheld. If Borrower fpi9s to maintain coverage described above. Lender ma�, at Lender's
<br /> opBon.obtain cave�qe to protact Lender's dghts in the Pmpe�ty in accordaace wlth parngrnPh�. �—
<br /> � AIl insursnoe policies and renewals 8�►t�l be uxeptable to Lendzr and shpll include n standnrd moRgage clause. Lender
<br />- shall have th0 rlght to hold�tho�olicies anE4 reaewals.If I.eader requires,Bomower shell promptly gevc to i.ender all receipts of
<br /> pa�d prem;upiq.and c�enewal nohoes.In the c;vent of loss.�orrower shalI give prompt notice ta the msurnace carrier and Lende*.
<br /> �l.ender may malce proof of loss tf not made pTOmptly by Borrower. •
<br /> Unless Lender end Bornower othenvis�agree in wrmng.insurance pmce�da shall ba applIed to resteretion or sepair of tli� �
<br /> •� property damuged,if the mstort►tion or re�ir as economically feasible and Lender's security is not lesserted.If the iestoratlon or
<br /> � repatr Is not ecanomlcaUY feasible or Lender s security would be lessened,the insurnnae praoeeds shall be agplied to the sums �_
<br />- secured by this Security Insuument. whet3►er or not tlt�n due, with uny excess paid to 8oaower. Df Borrower abar�dons the
<br /> �` property,or does not answer within 30 dnys a notice frp�n I.ender that the insurnnce carriar has ofFemd to set O7 a�claia.�g �.
<br /> I:ender may collect the insunuece proc.eeds. Ixnder muy�•use the proce�s to re�air or cestore the Proparty � P Y
<br /> secuced by this Security Insttument,whetheror not then dut�.'Che 30-day period w��l begin when the notice is given. �
<br />- �J�le�► Lende�r and Bnrrower otlienvise agree in•writin8• anY application of prviceeds to principai shalt not extend or .'.,_
<br />� postpono the�due dute of the monthly paymenta referred ta in paragcapt�s 1 and 2 ur chnngc the arnount of the payments. �f �'.'�v
<br /> under paragmph 21 the Property is acqwr�d 4ry Lender. 8orrrower's right to any insumnce poltcies t►nd prooeeds resultIng from �-,._;
<br /> s�mage to the Property prior to the acquisitiom�shull puss ta 1.ender to the extent of tha sums secured by this Secunty Instrumc�m �,��
<br /> immed�ately pr�or to the ucquisitian. •�ion of the Property Borro�er's Loan AppllcaEfon;Lepseholds. �"
<br /> 6.Occupancy.Presecvattoa,Muintenaixe aed�ao. ,
<br /> �On+nwer s1�a11 occupy�establish,and use tl�e�ropefij^�.v�Bvrrower's principal residenoe withtn sixty days after the execudon of _
<br /> - this Secudty Insuument and shatl mntinue to occugy tt�.�Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the date of oocupancy.unless T.�nder otherwise agiees en wridng,whuh oonsent shall not be unreasonably withheld.or un9ess
<br /> T. � :
<br /> � � extenuating cinomstenees extst which a�beyond�-viuwer's rnntrol. Horrower shall rtot destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> pmpetty, allow the Pnoperty to deteriorate, or commit,woste on the Property.Borrower shQll be in defuult 9f any forfeitute ',,,,�
<br /> acdon or pmoeeding, whMher cjvil or crisnicwl. is begun that jn I.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfe�ture oi the '�.:;.'
<br /> propetty or oth�twise materially imPair tl��lien creatad by this Securlty Instcumrnt or LendOr's serurity interest.Borroaer may .
<br /> curo such a dafuult end reinstato.as pmvided in puragcaph d 8,by cansmg the 3�ion ar pmcceding to be dismissed�vith a ra�ing
<br /> � that. in Lender's goad faith determinadon, pr¢cludea fozfeiture of the Borrower's intcemst in the Property or other material
<br /> impaimient of the lien creuted by this Securiry Inssnonwnt or Lectder's securiry[nterust Borrower shall atso be in default if
<br /> Butrower.during the toan application pmcess,�uva m$wrialiy fulse or lnaocuruto infocmatlon or statemencs to i.ender(or failed
<br />_- to pmvtde 1�ender wlth any materiW inforn�ation)�n cc►tuueetion wtth the loan evidenoad by the Note.including,but not ltmited
<br /> to.reprosentations concem�ng Anmower's aocupunay af the Property as A principal rosidence.If this Securtty Instcument is on a
<br /> A
<br /> leasehold. Botmwer shall comply with all tha.provis[ons of G'�e lease. If Borrower aoquiss fee tide to the Property. the
<br />- leasehold and the fee tide shall not mErge unluas E.�:mier ugrees to the merger in wdting.
<br />