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<br /> _ � l7.Tran.sfcr�t the I�roperty or e Benttictal [ntereat li�florrower.lff csl!or any pnrt af the Property or tiny interest in it
<br /> is sold or trttnsfcrnd(or lf a beneficiaf interest in Norrowcr is sold or tmnsfcrre+d and Borrower is not a uatural person)wlthaut
<br />- --- — Leitdcti's prior wrFttcn cain�ent, l.cnder may. at its option, requ�re lmmedlate payment in full af nll eums secnrod by this
<br /> —� Securlty Insttument.Howcver.this optton shull not be exercised by L.cndcr if ex.enise is prohibitai by federAl law as of the datc
<br /> - ot this Sccudty lnstntment.
<br /> If Lender eaercises this optian, Lender shall give Borrower notice of accelerntion.Tha notfce shali provido A per�od of not
<br /> Ies.9 thun 3A days from the date the r�otice is detivered or mailed within whlch Bonower raust pay aA sums secured by this
<br /> �,—_--_--_-- �eci�rity lnRtrument.If Bpr�nw�r.fRi�a�o(�ay these xuma prIor to the oxpimtIon of thia perlod.f.ender may invake any ren�erlies
<br /> perniltte4 by thls Secutity l�stn►w�at;withaut further naNce or demand on Borrower. � �
<br /> 18. Borrower's W�{ht t��RdAetBte. If Horcawer mcets certaln candltions. Borrower shell have the r�ght to have
<br /> _ � enforceme�r�of this Security InstTUment disconcinued ut any time prior to the etulier of: (a)S days (or such other period as
<br /> _ applicable law muy specffy for reinstatement) befom snte of the Property pumuant to any power of sale contairted in this
<br /> .:, Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judsmcnt enfotefng this 5ecudty Instrument.Those condItions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> - I.ender all �ams which lhen wauld be due under this Securlty Instrument and the Note us if no acceleration hafl occurrc�d;(b)
<br /> —_-- cu�any defnnit of any other covenants or agreemente; (c)pays ail expenses incurrai in enforcing this Sccudty Insuumant. __
<br /> �;' includlng, but not limited ta.reasonubl�attorne�rs' fees;and(d)takes such acdon as L.ender may rr�asanably tequire to assure
<br /> � th�t the lien of this Securlty Instrument, Lender s righta in the Property and Borrower's abligation tu pay thp stuns secui�ed by
<br /> thfs Security Instrument ehall wntinue unchanged Upon rcin�tatoment by Borrower, this Seourity Insttument and the
<br /> obligations secur�!hereby shall rema�n fully effective us if no aocelBmtion had occutred,However.thla d�ht to reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph l7. � -
<br /> � 19. Sale of Note= Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Nnto (ta�ether wIth this Sacutity
<br /> lnstrument)may be sold one or more ttmes without prior nodce w Borrower.A sale may result in A ahunge in the entity(known
<br /> �,�.,�ti..:. as the "Losn Servicer")thai coUects monthly payments d��e under the Note and this Security Inctrument.There alsa may 6e ane _- _
<br /> r,b4;''" { or more changes of the L.oatt Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Sesvioor,Horrowpr wl11�b�
<br /> ��-5� �iven written notice of the change!n accotdance wlth paragruph 14 above and appllcable law.The notloe will atatp the�name and
<br /> `'S address of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to whirh payments should be made. The notic�es will also contairt any other
<br /> �..�
<br /> '' information requiced by applicable law. '
<br />`���` 20. Hezardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use,dlsposai, storage.or release of uny
<br /> �' Ha�rdous Substances on or in the Property. Bonower shaU not do, nar allow anyone else to do� aaything affecting the
<br /> ; Praperry that is in violatlon of any Enviranmenta! Law. The preceding two sentences shall notapply to the ptesence, use.or
<br /> �':'% storage on the Praperry of smalt yuandties of Hazardous Substsnces that are generally reco�nize�i to be appropriate to norms�l
<br /> � `,1,.e residendul uses and to malntenance of ihe Pmperty. __—
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give L.end�r written notice of uny InvestigatIon,claim, demand, lawsutt ar ather act[on by siny
<br /> �. =�.� . :�;� governmentet or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Environmentttl Law _,.
<br /> �•t,�4�'�y�',�,.� of which Horcower has uctual knowled�c. If Horrower lenrns, or is notifled by any governmentaf or re�ulatory author�ty.that "'�'".
<br /> � at�':�. c.,:• �� _
<br /> ., - = ar.y r�maia!or other semed�stion of assy Hazardotts Sebstance eff�tino thP PmrPrty ia nece.c.�ry,A�rr�wer ch�ll p��m�+tly tnk.p
<br /> z�}����,�}�,, all necessary remedial actions in accordunce with Environmentnl Law. �,�,�
<br /> '�,f���,;;3���;:,A•:�s;k As used in this parngraph 20, "Hazardous Substancev" are those substances dafined as toxic ar hazardoua substances by �—==-
<br /> �;{` ?�,`�lg�s��;;;�:4�;Y,s. Environmental Law and the followin; substances: gasoliae, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts. toxic ���:
<br /> � ��"��.'��4 ,�=:,F, •:<. pesticides and hxrb3cides.volatile solvents,materisils rontuining asbestas or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenats. As used in g�=�
<br /> -.� ����''�;'�+. ti:�"�, this ara ra h 20, "Environmental I.aw" meuns federal faws und laws of the)urisdiction where the Pro rt �s lacated that �' •
<br /> . 1.+.��:.w�,�,c,'� P 8 P � Y . �'^-'
<br /> ���� ��.3�,•� 'i=..h��-.•. relute to heulth.safety or cnvironmental prateclion. �.��'-
<br /> ;,�,.r:�;m:;� t.r-» ��>;_
<br /> :, �, NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Barrower and L.ender further covenant and agrce us follows: >
<br /> ak,�"'�n:�r,
<br /> �_, 21.Acctsfert�tlon;RemedieR.I.ender ahall give notice to BorR+ower prior to acceleration foltowing Borrower's brrnch
<br /> .�''ri''Jt:;�,'`•.'"'""�'�.-'" ot any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratton under parugraph 17 unl�s •• �•
<br /> '"�''°T�"'w"'�� appltcable law pnovid�s oiherwise).The notice shall specify: (a) the default;(b)the action required to cure tho defaultz •
<br /> '"""i"�}:;:�'"`":�" (c)a date, not less than 3Q days from the dute the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> ' !•''�',��'��`"�'�' " (d)that failure ta cure the defnult on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in accelerc{tlon of the sums
<br /> *t+. v?`;?r, : er '
<br /> �.f�:�.�, secured by this Security Instrument and sale oF the Pcoperty. The notice shail further inform Borrower of tha Mght to
<br /> . .��'�y+'''�` retastute atter acceleratEon and the rlght to bring u court aMton to assert the non-existence of a default or any other '�
<br /> ' `"�`..,Y"",.r'�• defenSC oY Bot�nwer to accelerallon and sale. I[the dePanit !s not currd on or before the date specfffed in the notfoe.
<br /> i - �'.'�*`;,;5":`�"`�_�", Lendsr,at its optioa, may requirc immediate payment in f'utl of alt sums secured by this Security Instttiment without
<br /> �;;, ,�� fq:;`,;',''r + further demand und may invoke the power oP sale and any other remedtes permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be
<br /> �•� entttied to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing thc remedies provided in this paragraph 21.including,but not Itmited
<br /> , :�.;:;°:,«;:;�.�::;�,�r-.•,.
<br /> �r '�'`�s` '• tu,masonable attorne s'fe�uncl costs of title evidertce.
<br /> "`�;�-°'
<br /> ��<;�,:. ;. Y
<br /> ,:;. •, � Itthepower of safe is invoked, Trustee shull record a notice of default in�ch county in which any part of the
<br /> '�;�' • Propetty is located and shall mail cop�es of such nottre in the manner pmscribed by applicuble law to Borrower and to
<br /> ' �r=� . � . • the other persa��s prescribed by applicable I�w.After the time required by appliceble law,Tru�tee sl�all Rive publta nottee
<br /> ' o..� ' .
<br /> �}�•'• 1 uf sale to the pzrsons and in the manner prescribed by appltcable law.Trustee. without demand on Borrower.shull sell
<br /> '. a,�: the Pr�rperiy at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the not[ce of
<br /> ' �:: . sele in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of a!1 or a�y parcel of the
<br /> Property by pubttc announcement at the time and place of uny previously scheduled sale. I.ender or ita designee may
<br /> ,;�',• . •. ' ., � purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ;;.:` ��'-'0 4,��
<br /> ;,•�i '1•. .� . .. �
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